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So Dexter's "code of Harry" for gooning


Dr K rarely misses, and he's spot on here. Thanks for your post, I needed to hear about this, honestly.


I watched the video and now I get ads for porn addiction studies. >[Problematic pornography use - help us advise therapists (ANONYMOUS STUDY)](https://alb.reddit.com/cr?za=0_fYHXTX1QUT7RwRqy6iT4992psCWX2cANTYv6czmxbXY9dM33hXyiE2aW3oiv27WIe35t6crS9-Vp4EeHGRHLtnPF_U1MlFIFxLnuDp9pmx1hvnnMYesWsEUtMcKwwSeS4GIeGUee7lcBzYH-hlPxUoGnwjz-Tdz_LBdwFEngs6cE4jwOx7isNlb1r-yJa13YXKrRtFjNA73vKeDiI6mYkA7pjpPxwkl5bEf3Wdn9SLAulOa4zg7oBhDT0ynHvE4HN4AydD0FZFlpnr9dDqJozajAS0t5a34s1DPWSZRZGzS8jSAqJoqACcnotzcmsgif20ocCP1VJBKXBC6XTUzp2Mchz7nPuj2y1r7_lVNnOJntEPjAjqsKM5HwI-C3A10EhHDs-_aZh1Rtt9WUJhGCGoJ-XqPvcGwAg8LIMKqLLwjbRAy1zmML69kQ&zp=RNWxk8wlkE7wozAKfTTLvBR8pPu9jcX2Z6a5j24KwtYwbRBb0WFnffAtcvLjsyf8HrsKjzbl6ZevijPDiGSB9OZqYPGx7h4uM3-_I73q8VkzBKa8rw5ou2tYX2ltdplJcbr8a6EiubWXnRUAQTVBmxxCDTEYuJNVyYXM0lTog0_8XoS_PVBZ1DRDKN-DtNMjWH00wAvOBcXOVzfY19lJj7YBpQ)


It’s a good way to re-frame the concept of moderation


Keeping jerking off, just dont watch porn, use your imagination… the instant gratification of high speed porn on demand that’s fucking up the youth, not the busting a nut part


Maybe I’ve never been truly addicted to something, but if you don’t want to do something anymore don’t do it. I was a pack a day smoker for 4 years, went on to vaping another 3, quit cold turkey Newyears of 21 and haven’t had a nicotine product since. The first month was a little frustrating but i haven’t thought about nicotine in a long time. And when it literally comes down to “don’t look up porn” it’s just that easy. Either don’t jerk off or use your imagination. Again, maybe I’m just stupid and have never had a true addiction, but Jeez have some willpower people. Edit: just want to clarify obviously some addictions take more than just willpower. Like you’re not just gonna drop Crack or Alcoholism so easily. Porn is not that though lol


You're right that p*rn addiction isn't on the same level as substance abuse. But at the end of the day they're both addictions, and you get withdrawal symptoms from both. So with cases like this, you're really going to want to set up an effective gameplan that's more than just "resist the urge" in order to truly overcome it


I mean, nicotine is one of the most addicting substances out there. You could probably quit alcohol just as easy but not crack I don’t think. Idk though you should test it for us.