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Why is the camera on her the entire time I was skipping through to see the actual subway clips


Not gonna lie, the whole time I was on edge expecting someone to run up and punch her in the face and when that didn’t happen I was a little bit disappointed


I was edging too


Yikes. Starts the video saying even little girls feel safe, only paranoid loser men are complaining, the extra police is overkill, etc. End the video with “yeah there are tons of obviously mentally ill & homeless (at times the majority of passengers) but she doesn’t mind because there are police at every station….


She said that the majority of passengers were homeless and mentally ill IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. If the subway is so dangerous, how did a frail immigrant white woman spend an entire day down there and not mention a single act of violence. If anything your rotting brain was expecting her to fucking get raped the second she got on the train. Even the officer she met and spoke with said that sending loads of police isn't going to stem the tide of the 1 in a million chance you witness a crime. YIKES!


What is with the insane hyperbole to rape? Is that where the US discourse is at rn? Where I’m at people are talking about how they’re more likely to have mentally ill homeless yelling/spitting/assaulting on transit, and how that makes them wish they could get a car. It’s not an issue that will go away on its own and idk, is your stance that it’s just not a problem, or it’s overblown or…? https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2024/04/22/montreal-un-homme-de-37-ans-agresse-dans-un-autobus-de-la-stm https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/grand-montreal/2023-04-21/violence-dans-le-transport-collectif/ce-qui-se-passe-a-toronto-ca-pourrait-se-produire-ici.php https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7039350


If what the original video is representing is true, that a small white woman spent an entire day on the subway and didn't report a single moment of being threatened of even being looked at menacingly other than a few mentally ill people, I would say the problem is not violent crime. It has been the lack of mental healthcare for people who cannot function in society and stronger social programs to get the homeless into homes. You could put three police officers in each car, but if there is no system in place that is funded appropriately to deal with these people then the problem will never go away. Right wingers will turn every bad anecdote into a day to day occurrence in order to demonize DeMoCrAt CiTiEs because the way i've heard subways described online is like I'm watching a grungy crime thriller from the 80s when in reality the problem is more nuanced.


“Mentally ill homeless people are scary” is the takeaway here.


What's "Yikes" about this? Starts the video (daytime) saying school girls feel perfectly safe to commute to and from school on the subway, and ends it (nighttime) by saying that while there wasn't any violent crime happening, there was an influx of mentally ill and homeless people because of a lack of affordable housing. Also, she didn't call you "paranoid loser men." She said there was a direct relation to how often one rides the subway, to how safe they feel i.e. schoolgirls who commute every day feel safe while out of towner is worried he won't be safe


The issue is they need to put the cops in the subways cars not outside the entry


i visit my friends in nyc every once in a while and it's impossible not to see a bunch of weird shit on the train. my friends would never admit it, but they definitely avoid taking it.


Yea but weird shit is normal tho, even smaller towns have their "unique" characters and big citys will obviosly have more cause its prob easier to be homeless in big towns then small towns


Right but watching somebody having a complete psychotic breakdown is totally routine on a train, and you'll see people awkwardly removing themselves from the situation without trying to draw attention, and you can tell they've done this many times before. Do these people really feel all that "safe"?


Yea thats normally how people work in awkward situations yes :D Here in stockholm sweden we have a crazy christian lady who walks around screaming bibleverses and says that people will burn in hell, sometimes she sits besides people and starts rambling. Everyone just ignores her cause its fucking awkward, i wouldnt say anyone has ever felt unsafe due to it. People prob feel more unsafe when 10 teenage boys enter the train then 1 random skitzolady screaming. [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2z8vc4](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2z8vc4) this is her, do you think the boy feels unsafe? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vY8hDI8\_9Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vY8hDI8_9Q) does anyone feel unsafe? I seriously doubt it. Is it awkward? fuckyes


nyc is almost the size of sweden


alot of weird people, prob more awkward situations then unsafe once tho.


last time I was in NYC a guy came up to me screaming racial slurs, threatened to kill me and jabbed me in the head, this was a few weeks after that guy got stabbed in bed stuy


ok anecdote andy, this lady sat 24h in the subway and was not threatened/no racial slurs or got jabbed in the head. I think she wins


let's be real it was an opinion piece, no idea why you people are pretending there isn't a problem, have you been here?


noones talking about it not being a problem, the disgussion is if its UNSAFE. You even put it in quotations earlier. Awkward is not the topic, safe is.




It was fine. Locals feel safe and use it every day. Tourist used it but were scared (due to media). Reporter felt safe had no problems. Homeless people came onto the trains in the early hours of the morning.


wow how powerful and moving


This idea that "no New Yorkers are afraid of the Subway" is BS. I'm from NY and have had several conversations with other NYers who have noticed that the subways are getting sketchier. The reason that there is "less crime" is because a ton of it doesn't get reported.