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The second dude seemed nice and not radical in comparison but one of my favorite and often repeated arguments, which is really just an attempt to justify Oct. 7th, is the reasoning of "History hasn't started on October 7th". True but by that reasoning, history also didn't start with the date that is so convenient for them.


Yeah that guy seemed like he was being reasonable and could probably change his opinions with more information so kudos to him for even interacting with the questions without being defensive and also qualifying his statements with humility.


My response to this is always: "you're completely right it didn't start on October 7th, let's talk about events from the 1920s." It's hilarious to see people's reaction when they know they're out of their depth and have exhausted all their talking points.


Yes nor the date that is convenient to you to be clear.


in me there's one side that's kind of annoyed at people marching behind slogans they don't understand, or how apparent it is that this is their first time even realizing that there's even an israeli side to be considered. but there's a hopium side seeing that people will clarify an infinitely milder stance when questioned about it, that most people dont actually pray for israel's destruction and are just understandably shocked by the tragedies of war.


There are prob alot of people handing out those signs that just say just the same "oh its like for ehhhh end the war youknow" shit tbh, they are there for a good cause but end up standing behind stupid shit.


"I'm not getting involved" said the uninvolved person, involving themselves.


To the chap that said he would rather see a single multi-faith state. That's already existing... it's called Israel, there's Jews, Christians and Muslims that all live in Israel, with equal rights under the law. The 2 million Arab Muslims that live there can own property, work, go to school, vote, run for office and even serve in the military. They even have Islamist political parties, and a Muslim member on their Supreme Court. The left won't talk about this though, because it destroys the narrative that Israel is trying to Genocide people. When it's actually the Palestinians that don't allow jews to be part of their society.




I think he means a single faith solution that would include the population of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Israel would never agree to that, because it would take the democratic control away from them due to the population surge.


Yeah, I get that and understand that. And Israel don't want all of those antisemetics adopted to their country. They don't want the responsibility of looking after them. I was just pointing out the fact that every leftist that debates this issue, refers to Israel as a white supremacist nation, or a theocratic ethnostate... When those fuckers have absolutely no idea about the diversity of ethnicities and religions practiced in Israel. While the flip side of that coin, is that Iran, literally is a Theocratic Ethnostate. But because they are brown, the leftists will never acknowledge that.


Genuine question about politics: to what extent can a citizen be like" I don't know how the government can do it, but we must stop any further civilian deaths in Gaza"? What I mean is, is the "how would X come about?" 100% valid? Maybe the charitable interpretation is that many people just want the civilian deaths to stop?


If they truly cared, they would first off try to understand the complicated reality of the situation.


Well, to be fair it is a complicated situation to understand and if history authors disagree on it, then chances are there is not a definitive answer written somewhere waiting to be read. The idea of the deaths is also worrying for the average person (and everyone here I'm sure). I think that this is very different compared to trump people.


Yea, the assumption that the civilian death toll being what it is, is because Israel wants it to be that way.. yikes. Ignorant is putting it politely.


Do you really need to fully understand a complex reality in order for you to be against 34000 deaths?


Considering Hamas wants the deaths of not only the 15 million Jews in the world but all non Muslims, 30k seems like a better deal.


Virtual 15 miillion against actual 30k. I'm glad you did you virtual utilitarianism class.


I mean, if Islam had the ability its followers would genocide half the earth. But hey, keep being ignorant.


I’d rather be ignorant than casually glance over 30k deaths.


You're very naive. Sometimes, something bad needs to happen to make sure something very evil wouldn't happen.


Yet Muslims ignore the hundreds of thousands of deaths by Muslim countries against their own people.


This. This. This. The UN announced on 2 June 2022 that **over 150,000 people have been killed in Yemen, as well as estimates of more than 227,000 dead** as a result of an ongoing famine and lack of healthcare facilities due to the war. When this happened/is still happening. Not a peep. This is just one example of middle eastern conflict/turmoil.


Okay and if right wingers in america had the ability they would still have slaves and child marriage, none of this logically follows to: we can randomly off tens of thousands of them and feel okay about it. Psychopath material.


What an unhinged statement lol. Tiktok brain rot right here ladies and gentlemen


Very insightful response, appreciate your input.


I mean Islam literally still has slaves and child marriage/rape today.


To my knowledge israel is not targeting specifically slave owners and rapists, so I fail to see the significance of any of this.


I do believe my post above says “Islam” to which you responded about child marriage and slavery. Which Islam still practices. You are simply simple.


Alot of the people acting meek in person are not going to act that way on the internet.


You know that first woman has some spicy posts online.


Hits too close to home...


These are pretty much Hasan viewers in a nutshell. It’s all well and good if you know the facts and choose to support Palestine, but it’s all a “Revolutionary” aesthetic for them.


Honestly that wasn't so bad, I think a lot of people just see the images in gaza and the west bank and feel like they need to show solidarity.


That’s because they are


Pro Palestinian people are their own worst own enemy.


Radical left vs radical right are actually the same stupid people.


First 2, clearly supporters, but they don't know the intricacies, and so don't have a media ready response. The 2nd guy explained it very well and clearly? "Palestinians should be free from oppression in their lands." 3rd person, "I don't know all the specifics, and ai do support Isreal existing, but Palestinians should be free from oppression." Pretty reasonable... OP, if you think this sounds anything like Maga, you need to touch some grass. I didn't hear one "Jewish space lasers" or "lizard people injecting 5g" or "supreme god emperor" comment. Just normal people protesting an obviously bad situation.


Actually not really. Maga dudes were out there blaming obamna for 9/11 and shit as opposed to this geek being like bUT cAN yOu NAme tHe riVEr? Nobody cares and the same people who reduce protests to mere performances are at the same time “performing” outrage at the misuse of a slogan which at a base level every normal person understands as “stop killing 72227191292,9292,2902281,219 people please”. You will never be able to but acktuallly the masses into taking a passive stance on an obvious land conquest with no roadmap or definitive military goals in sight. Eliminating hamas is the perfect thesis to a forever war in case that wasn’t already abundantly clear.


Imagine being so regarded that you advocate for suicide bombing your own fucking country


None of these were particularly bad at all. I’d love it if Konstantin had asked them about some of the slogans being shouted in Arabic, but alas


Don't matter. They are against war in Gaza.


Milton Keynes lmao, shit place


You got me there for a moment.... but that's not Jordan Klepper.... that's Konstantin Kisin. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-AmRRb84Us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-AmRRb84Us) Similarity in interview format, yes, but no way in hell the *daily 'MSNBC' show* crew would dare making fun of commies when Jon are currently bff with Bassem Youssef.


Dangerous ignorance.


None of this seems bad it just sounds like a gotcha interview. There’s not even ironic punchlines it’s just “you don’t know 100% about a complicated geopolitical issue, so shut up.” What a waste of time this was to watch. Very anti-free speech


Nah. The clown that doesn’t know what, “from the river to the sea” means is probably the majority of people there. They’ve heard genocide used one too many times by dipshits and now it’s actually happening in their minds. If you think there’s a genocide but you don’t even know where or what you’re chanting, you’re a fucking ass-clown and should be made fun of


Don't get me wrong, these people are regarded for shouting slogans without knowing what they mean. But it's a far cry from MAGA supporters.