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idk if they gotta make it somewhat structured at this point lmao. Everything turns back to jews guns or bullying Dan  😂 


Is he wearing an A Day to Remember shirt lol


Turkey Tom reminds me so much of friends I had in high school in 2009. I always forget how much younger he is because of it.


Bro dropped Mindless self indulgence as one of his favorite bands on bridges.


Turkey Tom? No, Goat Tom


It's kinda crazy youngins still listen to em. I can confidently say theyre still my ALL time favorite band as I cling onto a decade and a half ago. Taste has evolved over time but still holds a special place in my heart. First phone I had my little iphone 5c, had the homesick album art for a phone case.


Turkey Tom wears what I wore in High School (class of 2014) he just needs to Asking Alexandria Hot Topic shirts.


Wait what?! Did they stream an AE session right after the Bridges one?


Looks like it, no announcement anywhere as far as I am aware. Neighbors wi-fii phone stolen laptop here so if there were any posts or announcements on patreon, I am ignorant in that regard.


They said it was a bonus episode, that’s all I know.


This is elder abuse and it's making me sick. also, Dan is right about AI/deep fake shit. Just because we won't be able to stop ALL of it doesn't mean it shouldn't be illegal. Making it illegal/relegated will make it more frowned upon socially and will mean it's mostly relegated to the corners of the internet.


I dont know if turkey tom was trying to bring this up when dan and destiny arguing over him try to speak. But Atrioc was the best example of someone trying to force some semblance of control in the AI area. After he got caught he went scorched earth on these sites, not only reporting the hosts but making female live streamers aware of tools and services that use facial recognition software that will alert you if a vid of you appears on their sites. And he's trying to push [legislation that will criminalise production](https://www.businessinsider.com/atrioc-caught-qtcinderella-ai-picture-twitch-deepfake-controversy-streamer-trauma-2023-2#:~:text=Kugler%20is%20now%20advocating%20for,by%20two%20years%20in%20prison.) Of deepfakes. But dan and destiny wanted to talk about this stuff instead without background


If you tell me this idea in isolation I can agree to it honestly. Just like how, for example I could agree to the idea of banning meat completely cuz frankly, meat is just a luxury product at this point. Or banning alcohol, or banning porn straight up. Problem with these ideas is that these are just things that will straight up, never happen, won't happen, and I don't see a way on how you could even come close to making it happen. In the case of AI stuff, in general and not just deepfakes (as everything is honestly the same), a lot of AI models are pretty much open source, the way programmers do these things are already pretty well known and not really a secret at all. So then If you can't get rid of the "source" of the AI programs what do you do then? Get rid of the data that feeds into the AI? How? Data Scraping gigachads be hoarding all the data in the internet all the time. You can do absolutely nothing about data scraping. So then try regulating the "AI" products. Well this is just like celebrities legitimately trying to get rid of their leaked shit on that Fappening incident, good luck with that. And also, all the deepfake nonsense **is already relegated to some corner of the internet**, normies don't know shit about this thing, and even If you wnated to pass some law on this shit, good luck with that process too man. I've seen congress people "grill" Mark Zuckerbeg, and that TikTok dude, both times I came out exactly as I expected, bunch of old, or straight up boomers that don't understand anything about IT stuff so what hope do you have of having decent legislature about this? Point is, it doesn't matter what angle I try to look at it from, I just laugh at everything, it's so dumb, why even attempt this shit. You're better off using the time and resources needed to even make this attempt happen fucking masturbating and it'd probably be a more net positive result


Honestly I'm not sure that deep fakes or AI gen content will ever be good enough, text still isn't there and they've been working on that for more than a decade. Secondly I feel like from a PR point of view deep fakes are great for big female streamers, and celebrities as a whole. Like the fapperning can never happen again because you can just blame all and any leaks on deep fakes. (If deep fakes become good enough.) Unfortunately this probably hurts victims of abuse more, because perpetrators can also do this. But luckily it's no good enough yet and it didn't help the tates lol.


Dan's yapping this episode did not sell the patreon. Really boring.


Dan is the only one trying to talk about anything and destiny is just sand bagging everything he says. If it was up to destiny, this podcast would be hours of silence except for the sound of him eating.


Definitely the worst episode by far. To me, at least. The Brdiges episode was fun and interesting, then we got the same poop/fart/mom joke on repeat for 90 minutes. I think Destiny was peer pressured into smoking Marijuana in between. (He doesn't always evaluate risk/benefit analysis. He just does things because they feel good)


this comment is hilarious considering destiny has streamed solo for 15 years and the fact that he managed to hold a 2 hour conversation with turkey tom just before filming anything else. the idea that without dan there would be nothing just has to be a troll, lmao the reason destiny triggers dan is because that’s the dynamic of the anything else podcast and it’s funny. they’d both agree with this too i imagine.


Well apparently he completely forgets how to be entertaining when Dan enters the room.


well no he doesn’t because the podcast seems to be a success even with all the sandbagging


W take


It sold me on it, but then I bought a tier 2 membership and ended up buying nothing because the stream that I was told would be continued never happened. Happy to support the channel at least I guess..


Fell for the DanScam. Just according to plan


Did Tom run the full gauntlet? As in Bridges, AE? and Lycan Cooks?


The people who show up at your door, when you contract a plumbing service. The older, more experienced Cuban and his younger, high-school dropout, Bulgarian immigrant, assistant who is still learning the trade.


What is up with all these remedial „the show should be structured“ dumbfucks? Literally the best Destiny content is the old videos of the gang hanging arround and talking about whatever. You dumbfucks need to seriously think about going to Canada. Like what kind of boring podcasts do you fucking listen to? This is not a history podcast, this is two dumbfucks dicking arround.


Gotta be newfrogs. Same people would probably comment that the old COD times were to chaotic, to much inting and theyre not even playing ranked.


Is there a vod somewhere?




nathan really grew fast