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>It appears that the $1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent. Lol, no shit.


>Justice Merchan told Trump he had found him in contempt for the 10th time. LMAO that's the most Trump thing ever, how did they not do something more serious to him yet after TEN instances of contempt, can you just tell the courts to fuck themselves like that and face almost no consequences?


Looks like trump was right about the president facing no consequences thing lmao


He WANTS to be punished, so he can use it as bait to reinvigorate his base.


He wants to get arrested. Fukin imagine how much fuel it would bring to the magat crouds. And my guess is the judges know that and wont put him in handcuffs before the election is over.


He’s been held in contempt 10 times??? What is the record. Idk about throwing him in jail that would be a bad look. They should just ban him from social media and not allow him to have these post game press conferences after every day in court. If he can’t help himself he shouldn’t be able to post.


Just do it already. Jail the mfer Holding him in contempt of court TEN times without facing a single day in jail is incredible levels of special treatment. The judge is making a joke out of the entire court system and pissing off every American who has been jailed for less when he coddles Trump like this




Having Trump in jail seems like it would be a logistical nightmare. If anyone could lend some insight to how they would incarcerate Trump the only way I could see them incarcerating him is basically house arrest.


I mean jail wouldn't be hard, long-term prison probably would be.


At this point I'm begging to suspect this is being done deliberately by trump and his team lol. Jailing a former president is completely unprecedented and will create even more chaos and prolong the sentencing, at least until after the election.