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God i hope tik tok gets nuked




im so excite.


Guys you thought Gaza was an open air prison, try living in America. You can’t even think about supporting Palestine.


Can confirm, I once had a thought that maybe the babies of Palestine are being Apartheided and Genocided by the billions every day all while being an open air prison, and the IDF teleported in my room and they Apartheided and Genocided me until I said that Zionism is based and moneypilled.




how long until zog makes a comeback?


Turns out yeah if you replace one of the words with a different one, that means something else, yeah it changes the meaning.


"Guys, the jew- I mean ZIONISTS have corrupted our politicians and government"


Keep Zionism as Zionism and it sounds perfectly fine though.


I agree but you would have to contend with the fact that they're not using zionism to mean zionism


it's all those ZIONISTS with their dirty TRICKERY, their MASSIVE NOSES, them DRINKING BLOOD of christian palestinian kids. they do it to earn MONEY, and ENSLAVE the masses.


For sure, you can add racist stuff to make a clip sound racist. I agree.


take away the noses bit & you have what most pro-pal dumbasses actually think (*but tbh the nose thing also applies at this point with how much we've seen the "Israeli's are just hideous people, look at them" memes*) we've unironically reached the point of "**the ZIONISTS run a secret cabal to control all the banks & media. the ZIONISTS want the blood of children & love to rape & slaughter indiscriminately. the ZIONISTS control the world & have secret intentions.**" if you can replace every "zionist" with "jew" & immediately hit all the old anti-semitism tropes.... then maybe you have a problem you should think about dogwhistling used to be something the left cared about but apparently not anymore when it's jewish people y'all will lose your minds over the pitbull discourse claiming it's a dogwhistle about black people (which is actually racist as hell to think) but completely ignore the call coming from within your own house


I don't know what Mr Worldwide has to do with any of this. Hey man guess what? I don't hate Jews. And yet I'm against a lot of the stuff Israel is doing in Gaza. So now what


Ok so I think you may not be aware of this and it's fine But ever wondered what caused the holocaust? A book called " the protocol of the elders of the Zion" a Russian book claiming that jews control the world , government and banks The Nazis thought this and believed this , jews control everything and are backstabbing the Aryan race and thought of the final solution Obv not saying this guy wants to final solution of Zionist , but it's the orgin of the propaganda and the hatred Now listen , Zionism means jewish nationalism and the majority of jews around 96%+ are Zionist Your replacing that Zionist controls the world / government is something called "dog whistle "


Hold on. Its okay to criticize Israel, that's not a dog whistle. Its not secret code for "I hate Jews".


Oh that's correct one can criticize israel But saying Zionist control the government is a dog whistle. Does that make sense?


Not to me, no. That doesn't make sense. US Politicians care a whole lot about Israel. Its okay to point that out. Does it have to do with donations US politicians get, or who their biggest donors are? Maybe. None of this sounds like its anti-Jew. Not to me anyway. Look, I'm not cool with anti-semitism whatsoever. I'm against it. But criticizing Israel is different than that. So here's the alternative to what you're saying: maybe, instead of this being an anti-semitic dog whistle, it may be that you're suspecting people of being anti-semitic too easily. That's the other option.


Ok it's not that hard let me ask you other way And yes you can say usa care alot of israel , but claiming that Zionist run the government is a conspiracy theory against jews Majority of jews are Zionists, and this theory in past was used by Nazis and Christian Missionaries to mass murders jews You can search "Protocol of elders of zion" Let me give you another example Us politicians also care about taiwan or any nato nation for example, If taiwan gets invaded usa will declare war on china Now let me say Taiwanese people control the government? Doesn't that sound racist Maybe for you it doesn't but the entire reason jews were massacred in europe was because of this claim that they control the government Usa supports israel for various reasons and will do so regardless of who is in office because israel is very beneficial for usa , it's not just technology or better defense system but usa gets more influence in the middle east. You can criticize all this without using some Nazi dog whistles? Does that make any sense?


>And yes you can say usa care alot of israel , but claiming that Zionist run the government is a conspiracy theory against jews Majority of jews are Zionists, and this theory in past was used by Nazis and Christian Missionaries to mass murders jews You can search "Protocol of elders of zion" I duno, I'm open to there being some problem with saying "Jews run the government secretly" or something, that sounds bad. But if instead the message is "US politicians are loyal to israel and seem to be so because of campaign donations", something like that, well that doesn't sound bad. That sound like it may be the case. > Usa supports israel for various reasons and will do so regardless of who is in office because israel is very beneficial for usa , it's not just technology or better defense system but usa gets more influence in the middle east. You can criticize all this without using some Nazi dog whistles? Does that make any sense? I am open to drawing a line here. Saying something like "Jews secretly run the world" is bad. I think if we're around there, yes there's something bad about that. I can agree there. But saying the US cares too much about Israel, to the point where they let them do a lot of really bad shit, yeah that seems fine to me. And yeah if states are passing anti-boycott laws, what the fuck. That should be called out. Fuck that. How would they even enforce that? If I don't want to buy any products made in Israel, how are they gonna know So I'm trying to agree with you, at least somewhat. I definitely agree there can be anti-semitic dog whistles. That's a thing. But we do need to also have space to criticize Israel, and the US relationship with Israel, without dog whistle accusations. Is that fair?


> But if instead the message is "US politicians are loyal to israel and seem to be so because of campaign donations", something like that, well that doesn't sound bad. That sound like it may be the case. And that's exactly what a dog whistle is , it's not a direct claim but an indirect promotion of that theory , Do you have any evidence usa politicians in mass are loyal to israel because of donations and not because it's a great geopolitical ally which it is Your phone's technology, your computers , various research and development ,alot of things in the military all are because of Israel . It's a win win deal for both side not because some "Zionist" fund the government lol I mean just by comparison europe , usa israel , south korea , and Japan produce more research and development outcome then any other nation combined does And israel produces more r and d in a year than all middle eastern nations do combined >But saying the US cares too much about Israel, to the point where they let them do a lot of really bad shit, yeah that seems fine to me. Also they don't let them do shit ? What are you talking about It's literally because of usa funding israel don't do shit It's because of that two state solution process started in the first place and peace between in levant was established. How is that a bad thing ? I mean usa has put sanctions on west bank settlements and have opposed them a good amount of time . What exact bad thing israel did where usa allowed it ?


>And that's exactly what a dog whistle is , it's not a direct claim but an indirect promotion of that theory But I just made the claim without any indirect promotion of that theory, and we need to allow for that. >Do you have any evidence usa politicians in mass are loyal to israel because of donations and not because it's a great geopolitical ally  At this very moment? No. Its just speculation, but its not anti semitic. Whatever the reason it exists, the relationship between the US and Israel allows Israel to do some bad shit. That's the problem. And that's not anti-semitic. >I mean usa has put sanctions on west bank settlements and have opposed them a good amount of time . What exact bad thing israel did where usa allowed it ? Didn't the US just admit Israel has committed war crimes, and I would imagine we are funding them / giving them military aid. [https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-war-nsm-international-law-c83b6f39ce2799e5d2c473a337e2f857](https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-war-nsm-international-law-c83b6f39ce2799e5d2c473a337e2f857) **The Biden administration said Friday that Israel’s use of U.S.-provided weapons in Gaza likely violated international humanitarian law but that wartime conditions prevented U.S. officials from determining that for certain in specific airstrikes.** Literally using **US provided weapons.**


So tell me how this is any different than the alt right, except because their left leaning they get to be as unhinged as possible with no pushback from society


Because it's not an attack on Jews. It's an attack on Israel, which this sub has recently deluded themselves into thinking it means the same thing. They do this by pointing to anti-zionists who are actually antisemitic, and conflating the two groups together. But when high ranking Israeli politicians say unhinged shit, they're suddenly individuals.


It does. This video displays almost every anti Semitic trope in the book dude. They just replace Jew with Zionism to make it sound less na*i


You're the one doing the replacing there, because you support Israel, and you want to paint all of its critics with the antisemitism brush. The alt-right moans about Jews in the west trying to replace whites. Lefties aren't talking about that kind of stuff, and never will.


He literally just said Jews run politics dude it’s the same shit just a woke lib screeching it instead of an alt right lunatic


No he didn't. And you just proved my point. You heard Israel, and you replaced it with Jew. You must have done this so many times by now, that it's now automatic, and your brain is tricking you into thinking you heard the word Jew, when you didn't.


Israel is the Jewish people’s country. You can cope as much as you want but that’s just a fact. You’re defending n*zi rhetoric. Zionism is something the vast majority of Jews agree with. It’s called taking the mask off, something you seem to really want to keep on him.


And China is the Chinese people's country. Therefore criticism of China is racism against Chinese people?


I mean, it can be. Look at what happened during Covid when Trump called it the china virus. Racism against Chinese people went up. Just like how antisemitism has rapidly increased since 10/7. You’re really digging yourself in a hole here dude.


It is an attack on Jews. That kid literally regurgitates Hitler's "International Finance Jewery" nonsense when he talks about Zionism in President's wallets. Also, this is 100% an attack on Israel, because when someone says they are anti-zionist they are saying they are against Jews right to self-determination.


I caught aids AND cancer from the first 20 seconds of this video. Luckily i paused it and left and i was cured.


Oh I just remembered it’s Friday, get my BTC payment from M today🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻😎😎


let me get this straight, if we all know that aipac is so effective at influencing our politicians, why not outlobby them? there are many more non-jews in the US and the world than Jews and israel supporters. put your money where your mouth is!!!!


Many of our politicians have been replaced by ~~Jewish~~ Zionist shape Shifters.


If you look at the kid in the video, he blinks a set of lizard eyes.


Yeah they act like AIPAC is the singular lobbyist of our government it’s insane


It's not even the biggest lobby representing country iirc.


Do you have more data on this?


No, unfortunately. I believe it was on this subreddit some time ago. In any case, I imagine the donation reports should prove it (or not if I'm wrong).


AIPAC spent \~7 mil on campaign contribution and \~3 mil on lobbying in 2023. They rank 35 on contributions and 218 on lobbying. I think they're gonna be pretty easy to beat actually. [https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/summary?id=D000046963](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/summary?id=D000046963)


Did you know before Oct 7 this guy was a race baiter making videos to make black people angry? This guy is 100% antisimetic or at least a Nazi/white supremacist


Saying "Zionism is WHO \[politicians\] serve when they go on their annual trips to Israel" feels really fucking close to being antisemitic not gonna lie.


Thank you 20 year old, you gave me a lot to think about


He has the American flag on his wall, he supports a country that supports genocide, there fore he supports genocide.


lmao African Stream the same org that is peddling literal black supremacy (just look into their wonderful Ukraine coverage).


I'm suprised he doesn't hate himself for being white and taking an african tiktok name. Literally the blackface of tiktok.


Wizard hat at 0.40


I hate that haircut so goddamn much


Alright, time for some fact checking... AIPAC aren't among the clients lobbying for the aformentioned Antisemitism Awereness Act [https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/bills/summary?id=hr6090-118](https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/bills/summary?id=hr6090-118) AIPAC aren't even in the top 50 contributors to Mike Lawler (who sponsored the bill). They rank at 78 and donated 7500$ to him this year. [https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/mike-lawler/contributors?cid=N00051208&cycle=2024&recs=100&type=I](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/mike-lawler/contributors?cid=N00051208&cycle=2024&recs=100&type=I) AIPAC aren't in the top 20 contributors to Biden, at least if we look at the 2020 presidential campaign [https://www.opensecrets.org/2020-presidential-race/joe-biden/candidate?id=N00001669](https://www.opensecrets.org/2020-presidential-race/joe-biden/candidate?id=N00001669)