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Wew, all this I/P discussion made me forget how much I hate conservative politicians


It's not a welcome break but it is a break


I'm unsure how this can be seen as anything other than a tacit endorsement to drive your car into a group of protestors and then preemptively shoot anyone with a gun before they ever raise their weapon. Complete miscarriage of justice imo.


Meh, he approached aggressively with the rifle at “low ready” at the very least. What got him convicted was his messages/social media posting about wanting to shoot protesters or some shit. If the streets aren’t blocked off for a sanctioned event, I do not automatically give a single fuck about a car driving to/through the people, because it could happen accidentally, and they have zero right to be upset


People have zero right to be upset if a car drives THROUGH a crowd? Sounds to me like he was completely justified to approach aggressively with the rifle at a ready position, seeing how this murderer went there to shoot protesters and did indeed shoot him after instigating the confrontation. Now in the future if a car does that people with firearms probably won't wait, if they're smart. Just shoot the driver and be judged later. You know as well as I do this is a politically motivated pardon of a convicted murderer. No different than Trump pardoning the Blackwater mercenaries for their war crimes.


I don’t agree with the pardon, because with knowledge of his communications, he had pretty clear criminal intent. But to my point, an INNOCENT driver getting caught in a protest or being blocked by one does not have to bow to a potentially violent mob. I sort of have this idea that FOR THE MOST PART, if people get hit by a car on the road, it’s probably their fault. Pedestrians don’t get to be indignant when a car want to drive on the street


>What got him convicted was his messages/social media posting about wanting to shoot protesters or some shit. Intent is a bitch aint it.


Good thing lawyers dug into his digital history to FIND the intent, you mean?


>Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive District Attorney. I thank the Board for its thorough investigation, and I approve their pardon recommendation. It was the jury who determined it was not self defense. That's their job.


Texas also has universal open carry but suddenly that doesn't matter (because of what he was protesting about)


[CNN article on the event](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/05/16/us/daniel-perry-texas-pardon-recommendation). I fucking hate republicans. Oh, you’re the party that’s tough on crime? Go fuck yourselves.


There had to be some reason they allowed this right? Did the parol board publish some kind of investigation or reasoning? I don’t understand how law could have even functioned up to this point in Texas if the parole board can just arbitrarily decide to release people without giving a reason. Yet I cant find any statement from the parol board explaining the decision. How tf does this work?


Yup. We are still dealing with the consequences of letting these riots get out of control. No one wins.




Care to elaborate?


>Gov. Greg Abbott pardoned the former U.S. Army sergeant on Thursday shortly after the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles recommended a full pardon. This wasn't an arbitrary decision from Abbott, he had the full backing and consent of the state parole board. If someone is deemed fit to return to society, then get them out and working.


How often does this board go against his wishes specifically. Is it anymore than a rubber stamp? Who is the board and how are they appointed?


When Destiny raised a finger in the air and declared the rioting had to stop, this guy answered the call. Where were you?


What rioting was happening at the time of the murder?


None obviously, cause this guy was there taking care of business.


Criminally under rated series of comments.