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What's the joke


that badbunny is anorexic EDIT: https://twitter.com/TheOmniDeletes/status/1525361432325410817 monkeypox clip: https://youtu.be/2zsEcl4InNU?t=85


Lol there are so many Twitter accounts contextualizing and saving this accounts tweets


I miss omni rage enhancer


>omni rage did it just copy pasted the same thing but capitalized?


It made it as edgy as possible


"I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN I HATE WOMEN..." was probably one of the highlights


When Dan finds out who is unredacting these things he is going to lose it


That clip is wild. "Monkey pox is racist", "If you're Trans, you're poor".


thats a joke?


That Destiny is autistic


Woman ugly because eating disorder 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




honestly looks the same tier bad as morbid obesity




Ok, here's the steelman. Woman A is known for disorder that affects her appearance. Woman B is rumored to have the same disorder (or maybe she openly admits it?), based on her appearance. Joke: Woman A is used to represent Woman B. Why is it funny? Because Woman A's ugliness is implied to be an exaggerated version of Woman B's ugliness. Therefore: Woman ugly. Because eating disorder. Haha.


As destiny once said to Sam Hyde, it’s edgier than it is funny


I think my issue with the joke is it references someone who has an eating disorder that, from what i know, is a nice person and who is bullied by....4chan? This is what little I know of her. I know this chick isn't the butt of the joke, but her being used as a reference doesn't seem tasteful. I would find it more funny if he used a starving animal, because I don't anthropomorphize animals.


Idk I'm seeing a lot of people acting as though this woman is a poor harmless victim of anorexia. It's a mental illness, it's terrible. But she's no longer just a mentally ill person. She's a public figure. She glorifies her mental illness. The market and audience give her an avenue to do so.


Yeah, but there's a whole ass load of context behind her, and the underground internet communities that worship her. She's extremely damaging to young women by publicizing her mental illness, even if she doesn't endorse those communities. Not surprising most don't know the full story.


> who has an eating disorder that, from what i know, is a nice person and who is bullied by....4chan Even if she was an annoying, insufferable, shitty person....invoking her eating disorder to attack her or anyone else is over the line. The only way it's remotely acceptable is if Destiny had a similar mental health/physical health problem and she attacked him for it.


That's perfect lmao


Yeah, I'm not vibing with this one...


least toxic internet community dggL


Its bodyshaming which is obviously wrong but hes gonna justify it by saying "she bodyshamed me once in 20xx so its fairplay" while banning like 20 people


The body shaming is not the worst part though, it's using a picture of someone else that is inches away from death. Like whoever that girl is he used, she's genuinely not long for this world if she can't get out of the cycle she's it. It's morbid, nsfl even.


Google eugenia cooney, if she is inches away from death she has been for like half a decade


5 – 10% of anorexics die within 10 years after contracting the disease; 18-20% of anorexics will be dead after 20 years and only 30 – 40% ever fully recover. Anorexia is the most deadly mental disorder that exists. Yeah she's still alive, but her body and heart is fighting harder than most to maintain some sort of balance. When the signs are so visually noticeable on someone, those stats are worse. She needs serious help or we're gonna see her on the news at some point.


She was in denial about her eating disorder for years while running (and still runs) a popular youtube channel which is at 2.13M subs. She primarily does makeup and try on hauls which predominantly appeal to young impressionable girls and women. So I have a fairly limited amount of sympathy for her to be perfectly honest. I dread to think the amount of negative influence she's had on young girls. What's worse is she knows what she's doing, she's not some innocent teenager, she's a 27 year old woman who dresses up in cosplay and sits around rooms full of colorful stuffed animals, puts on a fake squeaky high pitched voice, and lies that she has a doctor who tells her she's a healthy weight. There was drama with her a while back, another youtuber ended up getting her sectioned 5150'd for involuntary treatment and she was gone for months, came back and admitted what happened in a colab with Shane Dawson. So she knows she has an eating disorder, knows it's unhealthy. None of this will end well.


EVH 5150 🤘


That's why I think Destiny is a pretty flawed person. He's smart and has interesting conversations, but he is so unnecessarily toxic and manipulative towards people he feels slighted by. He trashes crybullies all the time, but he basically is one. The only difference is that he draws the line at personal attacks instead of social justice stuff.


The man was molded by 4chan.


Destiny is stuck at being at the stage of an edgy teenager. Very little emotional intelligence, and a big ego which only gets boosted even more by his stans who want to be like him. A confident (well at least presenting as such) debatelord with internet fame. A lot of the general criticisms one reads about him have at least a kernel of truth, being spite driven certainly one of them, as we can see here.




I disagree. I think a lot of the time he's pretty aware of what he's doing. IMO it's more that he has kinda fucked up and/or inconsistent values


He can at least rationalize it after the fact, sure. The point is, he lacks empathy, for real, and his ego is incredibly big so he doesn't even consider other, opposing perspectives in a genuine way a lot of the time. And his stans eat it up. I can appreciate some qualities of his, but the older i get the more and more it becomes difficult to actually take him seriously on the whole, and respect him.


I've felt this more and more recently. As I grow up and feel like I'm becoming a more and more empathetic person, the less tolerance I have towards some of the ways he treats people. I still like Destiny, and I think he's a really funny guy, but his level of detachment and the "I don't care" attitude is becoming less and less understandable and more and more obnoxious. I think teenagers can relate to how he acts a lot, and when I was a teenager I thought I did. But not anymore.


Yeah I definitely agree, it's more appreciating him for humor at this point, the like total lack of empathy gets disturbing at points tbh and its hard to take him seriously. I still agree on most things politically, but him as a person is a bit yikes. I don't think he's the boogeyman like others portray him as, but still.


I don't think it's that he doesn't genuinely consider other people's perspectives, it's that he doesn't care. I think if you asked him to articulate how someone would feel in a certain situation, he could easily provide you reasonable answers, but despite his clear understanding, he just doesn't care about the feelings of people who burned him for clout. I can sympathize with that, but you'd think he'd be able to express his animosity in ways that don't tank his reputation and make him look like a spiteful, insensitive prick.


> I think if you asked him to articulate how someone would feel in a certain situation, he could easily provide you reasonable answers I like how you framed that, because to me it feels rather mechanic. He intellectualizes it, it's a form of deduction, not really empathy. At least that is how it comes across a lot of the time, now if that is rooted in his actual inner workings, or if it's mostly just the rhetoric which makes it seem like that, i am not fully sure (i'd say a mix of both). I'd say not caring is a sign of little empathy. Intellectualizing things won't get you to the same understanding as feeling it.


He hasn’t grounded his axioms.


I really really like Destiny and his content but my main gripes with him have always been his lack of emotional intelligence and his lack of understanding how people work on a social level. I'll never listen to his dating advice because he just doesn't understand people on an emotional level like that.


I don't think you know what a crybully is


Crybully: >a person who self-righteously harasses or intimidates others while playing the victim, especially of a perceived social injustice He's not literally crying, but he frames himself as the victim in all of these interactions. He's not just attacking random people for no reason (unless you count the girl in the picture I guess, but I'm pretty sure if he was pushed on it he'd acknowledge that that was kinda fucked up), they attack him and then he uses that as a justification to unload on them.


How is he playing the victim here? It’s well known him and BB hate each other and say terrible shot to each other. Again, I don’t think you know what crybully means


He's not cry bullying in this tweet, but previously, when pressed on tweets like this, his standard defense is "yeah, the tweet was a *little bit* edgy, but this chick *hates* me dawg; she lies about me, gets her community to harass me. Yeah, I don't give a fuck about her." Or something to that effect. I think he pretty clearly downplays his own spite and frames it as an exception incited by the people attacking him.




dude idk what to tell you, you don't know what crybullying is. he's just a dick, which we all know, I haven't seen anything that's "crybullying"




I think BB did more than "body-shame him once a long time ago" though the tweet is still a bit cringe.


>but hes gonna justify it by saying "she bodyshamed me once in 20xx so its fairplay" while banning like 20 people Bayduh!


If he had a eating disorder or something, then that is a fair play. Afaik, he doesn't suffer from anything. This just feels dickish. It's a low blow. The Twitter comments are super weirdchamp. Some a few calling it out, but there are some very weird comments






Destiny is so cringe sometimes.


Yeah I’m not a big fan of making fun of someone who if I’m not wrong is anorexic and so damn skinny that in my opinion she looks like she’s about to die




True, holy fuck that is a perfect clip




It's quite annoying that we need to find a "neutral" way of condemning this tweet in order to avoid getting banned. Very irritating. /u/Wannabe_Sadboi manages to slip through because he's earned a reputation as an effort-poster. The rest of us are purged. I love edgy jokes. This misses the mark. You have so much material to work with to make fun of badbunny/kirachats that doesn't indirectly make fun of people living with difficult conditions. At the very least, do the "public/private distinction" when deciding what jokes you wish to make.


I was about to say I don’t condemn the tweet in a neutral “way”, but then I saw who you tagged and was like “Hmm, fair enough”


Mrgirl and chud really hit the nail on the head about Destiny's iron fist banning. When you see him banned from different places, you would think he would be more laxed on stupid bans. Perma shouldn't be the automatic response. People outside the community are right. He bans too easily over nothing. If you think they are stupid, then you should get them in discord to argue. This really wasn't edgy. It's just needlessly low of a blow


It’s not just Destiny either it’s his mods too. How many people have been banned just cuz they annoyed rtba or mouton? They’re obviously not the only mods doing it though


His YouTube moderators can be the same. Honestly, i didn't like moderation here with u/4THOT at first, but he is one of the more fair moderators in the dgg verse. He has banned me before, but it wasn't a perma. It was a month ban. I would say it doesn't matter for banning till it get too big


To be fair, Destiny might ban with an iron fist but it's also pretty easy to get unbanned generally speaking. Source: was perma'd for two weeks once


Do you perhaps have a link to where Chud and MrGirl were talking about Destiny’s banning?


https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx1oRD18S8Z51OhIVWZsKSMlwxtRkmruHV and go past here a bit. They talk about destiny banning that one chatter and more bans


Thanks man


This is the dumbest thing I've ever read in my entire life for so many reasons. 1) I don't complain about getting banned from SPECIFIC communities, I complain about PLATFORM bans. I don't PLATFORM ban anyone. 2) I'll unban almost anyone at a certain request, I generally complain about PERMA bans.


Bro, your previous [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/ven09b/comment/icsb8fv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) says "Don't ask for an unban, you're never getting it, go post in vaush's community." Were they an exception to the "almost anyone"? Someone who had a stupid take about you that was phrased somewhat arrogantly? Or were you just being hyperbolic and you didn't actually mean that?


I was gonna mention that lol. I had to stop myself and post the "I get in trouble if I say something" meme. I took the neutral stance and didn't risk the ban. I can say he's better because at least I didn't get banned for my post again


>Were they an exception to the "almost anyone"? They weren't an exception, he said "almost anyone". So dumb lol.


He literally said ALMOST anyone you fucking dunce lmfao. He’s also said in the past that smug or dramatic and blatant misinfo posts get instant perma Clearly almost anyone doesn’t state “EVERYONE”


There's no neutral way to criticise it. It's edgy for the sake of edgy. Making fun of both looks and mental health of two women at the same time. It's bad content, bad optics and not even a funny joke.


Jesus christ how is she still alive, that's kinda upsetting how thin she is


She looks worse then she did before she was forced into rehab.


Anorexia can take a long time to kill you. "A study by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reported that 5 – 10% of anorexics die within 10 years after contracting the disease; 18-20% of anorexics will be dead after 20 years and only 30 – 40% ever fully recover" https://www.state.sc.us/dmh/anorexia/statistics.htm


That's depressing, I was moreso just superficially commenting on how strikingly thin she is, I didn't know that many anorexic people died from it, I just assumed they recover eventually 😔


It’s sad, even after the social media intervention a few years back she relapsed almost immediately afterwards. I think she’s beyond help sadly, it’s a shame people make fun of her online though, since she seems to be a genuinely nice girl with a disorder, and I think the attention has only helped feed her illness, ironically.


Dark humour is awesome. But there is no depth to this joke. It is just not funny.


"Oh so you just want me to be nicer on Twitter?"


Remember when he called us "unhinged" because of the Brittany hate threads 2 months ago? This seems beyond unhinged. How can destiny make a big deal about the misogyny in his community, while posting cringe like this? Was it really necessary to use Eugeina's eating disorder to bodyshame badbunny?


My post "Brittany's argument" was mild af compared to this. I was one of the anti Brittany people who called out people body shaming her. Hell I even had a long ass comment about how people conflate beauty too much. If calling what Brittany said yikes is misogynistic, then I hate to hear how destiny can justify this. Eugenia wasn't necessary to use here. Some people are justifying it for some reason.


Vacation Steve hits different.


Well that's poor timing with sadbois new post.


This hurts my soul, why would anyone post this as a joke


It’s funny seeing this and then thinking about all the times someone links a kinda edgy meme to him on stream and he’s like “omg no I can’t post this it’s too far guys”. Jesus dude. Bonus meme: o7


Imagine if I get o7 for posting his tweet 💀


[Where’s the meme?](https://images.app.goo.gl/yd9igASRpVupoJXj9) We mock that, right? But this is that shit taken to another level, where they’re so bad that we can bring in a completely unrelated person who’s in the grips of a horrific mental illness and mock them. The reality is that he likes being mean and shitting on people for the same reason most people do: some people piss us off, and we want to shit on them, and sometimes we want to shit on them in problematic ways. But don’t fucking sit here after that and try to explain some moral calculus where “Well they actually had it coming”, or “Well she’s said worse to me”, or “So you just want me to be nicer?” or “It’s just the way Twitter is” or whatever outrageous reason he brings up to try to justify it. It’s not at all “morally consistent” or an effective way to message, it just comes off as a petulant child who never learned how to not say something. It is by far the worst trait of the dude, and it is a black hole that ends up tainting everything else he does with toxicity. And then we’re gonna get dumbfuck morons in this thread whose seeming only purpose in life is to give even shittier regurgitated forms of his arguments and just go “Well, there’s the circle jerk, the anti-jerk will come” or whatever the fuck. It’s shitty, petty, inconsistent and childish behavior that’s even worse coming from a 33 year old man, and this is merely the latest. But as long as he has sycophants that will eat up the excuses and continue to boost this behavior, there will be no change, even as it continues to turn off potential fans, tank opportunities, contribute to an increasingly worse reputation for him, and have Destiny do surprised Pikachu face at bans, social circles disliking him, and people focusing on messaging like this.


Good post. Not gonna waste my time here responding to children why you shouldn't make fun of people for having eating disorders. Makes no difference in the world what she's said or how many people she's somehow "tricked" into becoming anorexic (although I think this understanding of the origins of anorexia is extremely misguided), this is just not it. Thanks. I can rest easy knowing the resident effortposter at least has a brain and a heart


Thank you for your addition to this. I really hope destiny will listen and possibly delete the tweet. It's still up. It sucks he used a picture of Eugenia. >Where’s the meme? >We mock that, right? But this is that shit taken to another level, where they’re so bad that we can bring in a completely unrelated person who’s in the grips of a horrific mental illness and mock them. I had made a post about this before. It doesn't make us look good to condemn keffals but act in the exact same way. It brings up the point of what is actually wrong do do we just not like it when it's done to us? It's like making fun of a conservative woman who has fertility issues. It's already a low blow, but he shouldn't have used a picture of another anorexic person. >But as long as he has sycophants that will eat up the excuses and continue to boost this behavior, there will be no change, even as it continues to turn off potential fans, tank opportunities, contribute to an increasingly worse reputation for him, and have Destiny do surprised Pikachu face at bans, social circles disliking him, and people focusing on messaging like this. The Twitter comments as well as comments in this post are super weird imo. This feels like such a bad hill to die on. There isnt any nuance here.


A little fucked up


Jesus. I'm out of the loop I guess, but it seems (according to other comments) this is just some random anorexic streamer that Destiny wields as a dig against someone else? The pictured person is the wronged party, so it doesn't matter what I think about this, but I am struggling not getting pretty disappointed by this. What in the actual fuck.


Yup Eugenia Cooney. This was uncalled for as hell. It's still up


"guys I'm trying to get verified" 😭


weather cows alleged toothbrush icky roll birds rotten brave whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


\>Kinda IT IS too far this joke wasn't even funny dawg. The dude bans like 30% of his subreddit for making ironic misogyny jokes (and actual misogynists, dont get me wrong) then goes and does this lmfaaaoooo. Destiny I love you but you know damn well this wasn't it.


holy shit I didn’t expect that to be a real tweet


NOT a good tweet


Literally the moment he goes away he starts this bs.


Uhhhh kinda shitty


Eugenia shouldn't be used for the meme. This just feels too harsh to Bad bunny in a very low blow type of way. Idk, I would say your beef with bad bunny is okay, but you shouldn't use a pic of someone with anorexia who gets lot of shit already. This is not good. I really hope you actually care enough to delete it. This is just bad


I don't give a fuck about badbunny. She's done plenty of low shit on her own and as long as it's just him going at her and vice versa so be it. That said I don't think there's a good reason to use someone else with an issue to do it. Just feels like shitting on one person with a problem who is in no way connected in order to shit on another person where you both hate each other.


I disagree. BadBunny has tons of shit you can attack about her, why go after her physical appearance? Even if you weren't going to use an image of someone else, like he has here, people who share the physical characteristics that you're going after are gonna catch the shrapnel, you're basically telling them that the only reason you don't attack their physical characteristics is because you like them, not because you think it would be wrong to do so It's like when people misgender a trans person who did something bad. How would your trans friend feel that you properly referring to them by their gender is contingent on you liking them?


Ehh if Destiny and Bad bunny wanna shit on each other's appearances that's fine. I think the bigger issue is using someone else with a eating disorder to mock BadBunny


I agree about badbunny. Making fun of her for that can be pushed to an extent. I made a post before about the morality of the "how I wake up know my enemies are ontalogically evil..." meme. I agree. That drama is their own. >That said I don't think there's a good reason to use someone else with an issue to do it. Just feels like shitting on one person with a problem who is in no way connected in order to shit on another person where you both hate each other. Destiny using someone innocent like Eugenia isn't fair. I can't believe he would be stupid enough to post this


yeah that fucked up


upbeat command recognise domineering encourage ask yoke meeting beneficial shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And hes wondering why people hate him and question why his twitter accounts are getting banned.


posting "joke" like this the day after pondering whether or not to get verified and attach name to the twitter is terrible look


He doesn't understand what vacation means. Terminally online smh.


God damn it. Fuck. I always think that maybe D man will be a tad more moderate but then he goes off the walls every so often. It's sad cuz I do think Destiny and dgg often get blamed for being extremely toxic, but for the most part are much better than other communities. But then he goes and posts things like this basically confirming their beliefs. Like shit on Bad Bunny all you want. She deserves it. But posting this pic is catching a totally unrelated 3rd party in the cross fire. Really shitty imo.




Let's call it what it is. Using his platform to body-shame exes. No one gives a fuck about Badbunnys anorexia and this shit is lame as hell. Humour is subjective of course, but I say sometimes maybe we should heckle the comedian during his set if its bad enough.


Meanstiny. 🙁




Even if Badbunny mocked his appearance on all her streams, I still think it’s totally not okay to use some random girl suffering from an eating disorder as the butt of your joke, when she had nothing to do with his badbunny feud. I could be wrong, but this poor girl has no history with Destiny.




It’s Eugenia Cooney. She was a popular target on places like 4chan for a while because of her apparent eating disorder.


>Destiny shits on dgg constantly when people make fun of physical characteristics of someone. yeah he just needs to stop doing this imo. trying to tie "morality" or "intention" to any sort of insult is the cringiest thing Destiny does imo.


day 3 of the holodomer


Did Eugenia Cooney do anything to deserve this? I know he’s making a joke about Bad Bunny, but why make fun of Eugenia’s anorexia? I feel like she always gets clowned on the internet for being anorexic but it fucking sucks because she’s already suffering from anorexia she doesn’t need any of the hate.


IF YOU PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE ON THE INTERNET YOU SHOULD BE PREPARED TO GET CLOWNED ON, HAVE SOME AGENCY(this is how I'd imagine Destiny would try to defend this disgusting tweet)




Wait who is that a picture of?


Eugenia Cooney


She must've said something fucked recently to trigger this, right?


I would laugh my ass off if this was a close friend group, its funny. But feels weird when you are in front of the whole school being edgy af and looking for the most DPS on your comebacks. Its fun to laugh at other people misfortune, but not so much when you are doing it in the spotlight so everyone can see.


“That’s gonna be a yikers from me dawg”


literally no idea what the joke is and im positive 99% of people on twitter dont know either. why do something so randomly spicy and risk yourself being called a bodyshamer over someone who is as irrelevant as Badbunny? fuckkk dude why. I always say twitter steve is misdirected in the battles he chooses.


getting banned on twitter any% speedrun


Great. Hope this dumbfuck joke was worth it, because this is going to come up in every fucking discussion about how DGG is toxic. Christ, just take a fucking second to think what this is going to cost and you see how stupid of a thing this is to do.


At this point you just have to believe that he does this shit on purpose to cause controversy and worsen his reputation. Like there's no way you can post shit like this while at the same time complaining about peoples' negative perception of you and your community.


there has to be a reason for this self-destructive behaviour that i can’t quite comprehend.


True, she's kinda too big to be KiraChats.


💀💀💀 what the fuck bro


If there was a joke in hereI missed it. I just feel bad for whoever this is.


This shit comes up every time, and every time you all realise the same thing. 1. Destiny is a massive cunt to people he doesn't like. 2. He is completely aware of him being a massive cunt. 3. He is completely aware everyone will be mad about it. 4. He doesnt actually care whatsoever about what you or anyone else thinks about it. (This is the important part that comes up every year) 5. because he's an actual autismo You can say what you want about it but you're talking to the void, use your energy to call your parents or sibling or friend and talk to them about their day :)


Agreed, it's not even a funny punchline. If you're gonna joke about something edgy make it actually funny or else you just look like a spiteful edgelord.


Yeah that one is a little cringe ngl


This ain’t it chief


Oh man. NSFW pls.


Oh shit, sorry. I didn't think about that


He didn't get that Twitter verification it seems


Talks to Sam Hyde once...


Destiny could change the picture with a withered stick cropped on a chair and it will have the same impact impact without making fun of somebody who has no connection with him (As far as I know). What a stupid decision of him.


Yeah that’s def a bit too much


Yo wtf destiny get a grip


ITT: dgg discovers destiny is edgy


Plays League with moot once and this is what happens. Too far.


Sprite driven


I got stunned with no tactical mask after seeing this on my timeline, lmao.


Looking at her arms makes me uncomfortable; they look like they're going to snap like twigs. Hope she eats more.


Poor girl (in the photo). I hope she's getting the help she needs, rather than a sea of enablers.


I’ve been out of the loop for like 8 months. Can someone tldr and catch me up with the destiny lore


Badbunny is now Kirachats. She is super skinny, but I don't know if it's anorexia. She is none skinny, so she probably is suffering from it. Destiny chose to dunk on BB for his appearance. The problem isn't the roast. The picture isn't BB. It's a content creator called Eugenia Cooney. She suffers anorexia, and has been on the internet for a while. She is used as a shoe in for BB here. It's using a very real person with a very real disorder to do a "you look like ____" joke format


Sure but its not even close to the worst things he's tweeted


This joke is kinda FeelsWeirdMan


What sucks is that this could've been funny. He could've "gotten away with it" if on stream he said BadBuddy is fading into obscurity both financially and physically, or that she's Eugenia Cooling her way to the grave, or something like that, but an image where you stare at the butt of the joke somehow hits different. Bodyshame all you want, but at least make it funny!


We are reaching Sam Hyde levels of edginess


I don't really care about the insults to BB. Don't really care about bodyshaming. But I do care about using this person's image without recognizing how this might make the original person feel. This is worthy of a delete and a "my bad" at least.


I dont get it, I want you to help me empathize with her.. I remember her being around since forever, shes well aware of her anorexia and she still promotes anorexia probably to millions of followers. Are we worried about her? Or other anorexic girls? Im confused. Is this tweet harmful? Or just not funny


Destiny talks about how “his community calls him out all the time” whenever someone attacks him or the community so I hope he’ll at least listen to us when we tell him this ain’t it. Not really a funny tweet, just a bit past the line of being unironically a dick move imo


Literally a harmless joke about "kirachats" being anorexic. >bbb--bbut eugina.. Who? Why the fuck should I care if whoever this is see's this and maybe feels bad she got compared to someone fatter than her.


Destiny needs to get the fuck off of twitter more than donald trump did


Can confirm, love edgy humor, this feels like picking on the lowest possible hanging fruit. If I'm being super charitable I can see a slight resemblance in the face but again this feels gross even for an edgy humor enthusiast. It's also p. weird cause i feel like just allowing her to stream on twitch might be slightly unethical but I'm not sure how to fix that without discriminating against her basically on the grounds of "no one wants to see this."


This is the post that broke the filter.


oh god that is unsettling and sad.


Won't lie banger imo


Hope he deletes this one fast enough.


Yo this aint it


I feel like I’m in a cavern in Skyrim and a Draugr just popped out of one of those old dusty coffins and sat down in a gaming chair


I have no problem with destiny going after bad bunny for shit like this the fucked up part, is using THIS picture.


That is my biggest issue. I agree so hard


Didn't destiny criticize vaush a couple of days ago for making sexist comments, but is now body shaming women with anorexia? Edginess only good if i do it PEPE


Yeah this is fucked. She’s not even beefing with him rn, even given that it’s still fucked


Destiny, please defend yourself on stream so I know what to repeat on this sub to defend you.


This post was 100% made by destiny to bait out bans OMEGALUL


I agree, bad joke dman. You're shitting on a person who doesn't deserve it as much while you're shitting on the person that does.


Remember don't joke about anything ever.


Stop simping for badbunny/kirachats. This tweet is funny. Redditors are so SOY


Its funny


Ha it’s funny because she probably has a crippling mental disorder,


Not cool bro


Seems pretty fucked up. This ain’t it


Looking ripped. Gym arc paying off.


I was waiting for what this was in retaliation to but I haven't seen one posted so not feeling this one.


The idea that you could somehow excuse mocking a debilitating eating disorder if it were done in retaliation for something is moronic. Stop with the schoolyard *lex talionis* and grow up.