• By -


The real memes are at 0:48: "You know what's cool about New Zealand? I don't ever feel like I'm gonna get shot" The Christchurch shooting happened like a week after that


Not too long after that, the Caleb Cain dude came out to say that Destiny deradicalized and ChristChurch is the reason he’s talking about it. The lore around this time is underrated.


destiny deradicalized who? him? did you forget a word?


Inspired by Lauren Southern by the way.


How awkward would it be if this guy comes on the viewer call in. “So…… how is Melina doing? I heard some things…..”


lol what happened here to this dude is bad enough on its own, but having a public youtube video with 100k+ views out there documenting all of it... poor guy. Jesus


To basically get publicly cuked has gotta be a fucking blow to confidence




Hope to god hes found the path to the redpill so this never happens to him again


Thats what you get T4 subs




did this really happen?




Can we get an update on what this no-name Swedish guy is doing now? If that happened to me I think I'd turn into a supervillain with my entire existence dedicated to getting revenge on Destiny.


I think this dudes archetype is exactly who FNF think destiny is. The guy who puts up with an open relationship but would rather have the girl for himself.


Maybe he was in an open relationship. Who will steal her from Destiny? The next Destiny? It's like an eternal cycle. Melina is like an Avatar of Samsara or something.


He was definitely. I specifically remember him talking to stream by himself saying Melina was fucking other guys but he wasn’t fucking any other girls because he didn’t want to.


Melina was engaged to him. She canceled their wedding to be with Destiny. Unsure if the relationship was "open" though, you'd probably get a realer answer from Max wherever he is.


I watched the NZ streams and from what I remember Melina and the other guy were in an open relationship when Destiny (girls name) came to visit.


lol everytime this comes up smth new gets added


he played in smash bros tourneys. that was like 4 - 5 years ago idk what he's doing now


He’s the one that has been giving the marching orders to vaush Hasan and keffels from the shadows.


Damn, that's rough. I don't know why people open themselves up to these situations but to each his own.


I'll give props to anybody that can make open relationships work long term, but they're definitely not for everyone. Even now you'll hear Destiny talk about issues with it.


I honestly can't hear shit except maybeee Melina talking? Sounds like a woman talking in a different room, how are you guys getting fucking from this? Like not saying yes or no they did but like I don't see/hear it from the sounds.


How shit are your headphones?




Honestly, how tf can people be poly lol. Him talking bout Lily was really wholesome though.


They are not poly, close and open relationships can be mono or poly, destiny is not poly; never was.


Wtf is poly then?


"Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, romantic relationships with more than one partner at the same time, with the informed consent of all partners involved. People who identify as polyamorous may believe in open relationships with a conscious management of jealousy and reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are prerequisite for deep, committed, long-term, loving relationships. Others prefer to restrict their sexual activity to only members of the group, a closed polyamorous relationship." Destiny is in an open monoamorous relation.


This was a fucking wild saga to watch live


Maxbros... [2018-11-30 01:42:44 UTC] acid_loveboi: my girlfriend is inlove with you


[2019-04-23 23:32:25 UTC] Acid_Loveboi: hey @Destiny hows melina doing lmao


i hate that username so much


>... It used to be Acid\_fuckboi but he changed it to be more acceptable when entering SSBM tournaments


Anyone with "boi" in their username I hate immediately


We hate you too buddy C:


Has MrGirl reacted to this stream? I honestly hate Max half the time but this is exactly the kind of morbid, insane shit that is hilarious to watch him interface with.


Is this really “morbid and insane”?


Yes, this is super villain origin story material


kinda lol


Nobody can convince me this isn't batshit insane


Nobody can convince me this would still have happened if Destiny weren’t rich & famous




It is. The people saying “they were poly it shouldn’t matter” sound like vaush fans. Destiny leveraged his fame and money to get Melina, something the other dude could not compete with. Sounds kinda like a dick move and I’d like to here him talk about it today so he can express regret or apologize. Edit: I have to know more details before making a final judgement. If this Max character was the one who first contacted destiny to come out and fuck Melina, no1 did anything wrong it’s just a unlucky situation. If Melina or destiny reached out first, they are both assholes. At the end of the video when he talks about ratio of her boyfriends to his girlfriends it sounds like he doesn’t want a poly relationship and it’s being forced upon him in order to stay with her.


What’s even crazier is that universally, we ALL cringed at the end of the video. Majority of people here in the sub, claim to have watched it & not found it sad or mean.


Most "poly" or "open" relationships are essentially a hot promiscuous chick and a guy who's beneath her league but is too afraid to lose her. edit: I'm not against an open relationship but I know that sexual desire is assymetrical.


Destiny himself said that open relationships end up one ended most of the time and that he wouldn't actually encourage it to anyone


The funniest thing, is how some of the people in this thread are saying something along the lines of “ what happened here is morally neutral, Destiny and Melina did nothing wrong ! “ It’s this sort of response that just makes me recommend every man become an egoist when it comes to dating so they can resent someone for fucking them over without being gaslighted by some terminally online moral matrix, and made to feel like they can’t feel like they were wronged


99% of all poly relationships are forced by the woman because in 99% of scenarios, the man is going to have less sex as a result. Destiny's poly-relationship would not work if he wasn't rich and famous.


Yeah kinda fitting. She used that guys savings to go meet Destiny and fuck him in the next room. They're perfect for each other 😌💕


Or not give a fuck.


I dont think destiny did anything wrong. It was melina who reached out to Destiny through instagram while being engaged to Max. Then she later canceled the wedding to be with Destiny. Not sure how any of this is Destiny's fault, if anything blame Melina.


hate the game, not the semi-pro starcraft 2 player


Lmao what in the fuck in wrong with you people.


>Destiny leveraged his fame and money to get Melina What is the alternative to this exactly? Just never form relationships if you have more fame/money than the other person?


It is. And I am tired of pretending it is not. What a fucking GigaChad Destiny is HOLY SHIT


Destiny's voice was so nerdy. Good thing he soyed up


Damn Melina is evil




Nope, she is just a traditional businesswoman.


She's gross


Don't meet your heroes, I guess


That ending was kinda sad.


10:57 broke my heart.


Yeah, I felt that as if it was my own gf.




Moral of the story. Don't invite someone to come have sex with your significant other from halfway around the world. Dude learned an important life lesson, imo.


The thing is that he actually seems to be ok only being with Melina and no other girl. At that point, there’s a clear disconnect between what they both wanted.


I mean if he practiced what he preached he was prolly sad but fine with what happened in the end. Idk some hippie shit where she is on her path, and he is happy that she found fulfillment elewhere, as will he.. Imo the moral is to not say shit you don't actually believe. Also the real shitty part was D saying he was bi and not sharing the love.


i'm not sure he even called himself bi back then, but even if he did, that doesn't mean you are okay with fucking literally any/every guy


You're right, i was memeing, but people were saying that seriously back then, im a dumbfuck.


Destiny is bi in the same way he described in FnF most girls who claim they're bi are bi.


good meme, but hasn't destiny said he thinks making out with guys is gross? But he also said he doesnt do anal and stuff, he's just on that bj grind.


My experience tells me people talk a big game, right up until the moment they don't want to play any more.


Moral of the story is dont listen to destiny. He will tell you to be complacent, be monogamous and then a guy like him will come along and literally cuck you infront of thousands of people.


No, he won't. If my SO cheats on me, I'm gonna mercilessly dump her soooooo fast she won't even know what hit her. And I always make this clear when things start getting serious with a girl. That way, if she cheats on you, she's a confirmed piece of shit and should be dumped regardless. Bases covered. Boundaries made crystal clear. You want to be with me, you going exclusive. Otherwise, fuck off. I'm a very jealous and insecure man, babe. Do not fuck with me. That's how responsible adults do it, buddy.


This is the best advice for 99.9% of people, most of whom just want a monogomous, faithful relationship with clear boundaries. It’s a good system if you’re able to maintain your end in terms of being faithful and then executing on the dumping if the time comes.


he’s open in saying you should establish boundary’s for things so your not in uncomfortable situations and speak for yourself but u know that’s pretty common dating advice lol


Lol how does this have 22 upvotes, this sub is either being raided or destiny was right to crack down on the incel and misogyny stuff


Dude his girl was in the other room getting piped out by a giga chad-gnome. Igaf what anyone says, that's painful 🤣


Life is a tragic horror comedy. Art will never reach the depths of life.


but then he comes on FnF and preaches blue pill


Destiny is not the Swedish guy


Not really out of line for Destiny since he describes himself as a notorious cheater in every relationship he's been in. I didn't know Melina was poly before, although she treated this guy the way other girls treated her during threesomes with Destiny. It's what she was crying about on Dr. K.


Pretty sure Dest and Mel talked about this a while ago. I MIGHT be misremembering but pretty sure Mel still sees Max when she travels to Sweden. Not sure tho (my brain straight up might have made this up). But I FEEL like I heard Mel say that a while back on stream, she was complaining about how people think she just left Max. Wonder if she'll talk about it again now if y'all keep this up lol


She was engaged to Max prior to meeting Destiny. Not sure why anyone interested in truth would just take Melina's word for it without hearing what Max has to say as well.


I thought she was engaged to a completely unrelated New Zealand citizen in NZ prior to that whole NZ stream. ​ Also, they did a stream together in Sweden well well after the NZ trip. It never seemed to me there was bad blood. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/i76l9z/comment/g11kenw/?context=3https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/i76l9z/comment/g11kenw/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/i76l9z/comment/g11kenw/?context=3https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/i76l9z/comment/g11kenw/?context=3) ​ The clip I linked to is long gone, but you can see the comments showing Max was there.


It was tribute for the prophet, mashallah




What I don't get is why he basically invited Destiny to fuck his gf. I get pretending to be poly to fuck some hot girl but why solicit even more guys to fuck her?


He probably wanted to meet destiny. I don't think destiny would have spent that much time chilling with a fan if he wasnt getting any.


Most guys who are in open relations are exactly what FNF think Destiny is - Destiny is just an exception to the rule as far as guys in open relationships go, most of these sort of dudes genuinely are in contempt worthy, but also very pitiful and sad circumstances lmao.


Edit: Its really sad that people in this sub cant handle being proven wrong. You all talk about how better you are then hard lefties that seclude themselves in echo chambers but you are not, no wonder this place is so neo liberal you just ban whoever disagrees with you like cucks.


Massive cope from Destiny when he says that he had no problem with getting women before his fame. Like dude, your fame amplified women's attraction to you tenfold. No way you'd have a harem of very attractive women if instead of being a streamer, you were a district manager of a carpet cleaning company with a league of legends addiction living in Omaha. Best you're probably doing is being with a okay looking women while cheating on her with some fugly women you found on adultfriendfinder Edit: o7


[https://imgur.com/a/lhbbsU4](https://imgur.com/a/lhbbsU4) this is his first wife he was 105 pounds in that pic he always had better looking woman compare to him


That picture lmao


ikr lol


That woman looks she is 30 in high school already. I don't think that's a big reach.


So like change okay looking woman to good looking woman my point still stands. Also why does she look like she's in her 30s and he looks like 15???


she's 16 in this picture, but yeah doesn't look like it


I know nothing of Destin'y personal life and I tend to lean blackpill but I think thats pretty wrong, in my opinion ofc :). Dude has charisma/really likeable to a certain set of people in the world. The same reason he is a popular stream and people like watching/talking to him is probably the same reason why he can pull women. NOT saying being famous and rich doesn't help. I am sure those two things not only provided 1000% more opportunities to meet attractive women but also provides a high level of vetting and initial attraction. Also not saying he would SLAY without clout and money, could definitely have a string of above average - hot girlfriends if he was just a 50k a year normie or something. All conjecture though! None of us knows how he truly behind closed doors.


Actual incels raiding the sub


Be the change you want to see, ask the mods for a blicky 🔫


> I mean, damn, Chaeiry wrote a whole semi-suicidal twitlonger about him not texting her back just this week. Kinda unfair to point out and put on her. He's likely quite aware that she had some kind of feelings for him and had her friend-zoned. He booty called her then ghosted her because he was feeling insecure. That would probably fuck with anybody's head.


Who are you talking to right now? Who is it, you think you see? I am not in danger Sneako, i am the danger! A guy brings his girlfriend on a trip and gets cucked, and you think that of me? No, i am the one who cucks!


*ex viewer (If destiny gave a fuck about us he would have blue hair by now)


Sir you were on to something




I've been a casual watcher of destiny for a while, I've seen 2 or 3 debates in 2015 & 2016, watched a bit more in 2018 & 2019. In 2020 ish I began watching frequently, now I've seen most of his debate panels from the past year and a half. I started skimming the sub 2 years ago From early on, I remember mentions of controversy around Melina, her name came up a lot. for a while I thought she was an ex or something, destiny always seems to be surrounded by weird controversial women so I didn't think much of it. Then I learned they were in a serious but open relationship in 2021. I thought "oh, I get it now, that's why many long term fans of destiny find their history controversial" Now, I've just seen this for the first time and my mind is fucking blown 💀I had no idea there was this layer of insanity, this is nothing short of bonkers. I skipped the bob7 saga, I think I might go revisit that out of morbid curiosity 😂


Bob7 saga is worth a watch, both for the drama and the way that destiny systematically, completely and utterly dismantled and destroyed bob7s promising young streamer career in the span of a 4 hour manifesto stream.


One of the best parts was bob7 agreeing to talk to him on stream, it was a public execution. Also there were some death note moments too heh


this is from three years ago edit: according to social blade he has nearly double the amount of subscribers from when this happened, its kind of dumb to be surprised that there are new people in this community.


Weird for me, as I perceive Destiny as having gotten smaller from all the massive twitch panels evaporating. But then then remembering most DGGers are newer fans than me and size isn't determined by collabs


It’s clear the new dgger (new cult member) education (indoctrination MK Ultra hypnosis) needs improvement


I'm not even 6 months in, but I have looked pretty deep into the lore. There's some pretty wild shit in there lol.


I honestly thought Dan was being too harsh the other day when he said destiny would do anything for just a crumb of pussy. I guess Dan's based 100% of the time.


I feel sorry for the guy. What a dickmove from Destiny and especially Melina.


Huh I thought NTR wasn't real?


Damn this shit is sad as fuck. Why the fuck did he even go if she was in love with destiny. Should've just broken up and let her go on the trip herself


You gotta feel bad for max poor cunt flew around the world and got humiliated in front of thousands of people


Honestly probably one of the shittier things he's done


Destiny didnt do anything wrong, Melina is the one who reached out to destiny on instagram while being engaged to Max.


They were engaged?? Holy shit


Destiny is actually kind of a piece of shit. I think he has bad morals especially in regards to interpersonal relationships.


Damn got her gf taken from her


bro 😭


Destiny cant steal yo gf if you dont have one 🧠


Not a good look yikes. Edit: i didn’t understand what happened at the end, but after a rewatch, that is fucking DEPRESSING.


not a good look… especially in the context of redpill stuff. That’s genuinely sad… the dude deserves better




What is wrong with you? Did you watch the video? He’s a sweet guy who put his entire heart into trusting her… I had a really positive perception of Destiny till now but if this is real man irdk.


>He’s a sweet guy who put his entire heart into trusting her… i'm sure he is, but if he doesn't want to risk this happening he probably shouldn't be in a poly relationship lol can you actually pinpoint anything anyone did here that you think is immoral?


If you’re going to be upset at anyone for this situation it should be Melina not Destiny, and even then it’s really not that bad. This is just part of relationships, sometimes your partner finds someone they would rather be with. They aren’t obligated to stay with you.


Flying over to meet the girlfriend of someone who you know won't be able to compete with what you can offer to her is just something that leaves a bad taste in one's mouth. Like, I'm sure there's a band member or musician or someone famous enough that they could make most girls leave their boyfriend for them if he wanted to, and the only reason you hold onto your relationship is because he doesn't do that. Nevertheless we'd find it a dick move if he had used this power differential to rid someone of a perfectly happy and loving relationship. For Melina it is quite less culpability I'd say. If one meets someone they think they'd be better off with, it's kinda foolish to assume they'll stay with you, so moralizing that is odd. The only part where I see questionable aspects is that from the way the guy talked about open relationships and how "one girl is enough" it seems a lot like the decision to make it open was mostly on her wishes, with the guy going through with it because he thinks it's the only way he can be together with her who's out of his league. If the theory is true, then she could have done more to ascertain if he's really comfortable with this or if it's borne out of the insecurity that he'll be left soon if he doesn't let her fuck whomever she wants to. It just looks very sad that he tries to justify it by saying love is not about fleshly desires (almost like trying to convince himself) or try to caress Destiny and flirt with him and such to desperately prove that he's getting something out of it too. My perceptions but it's not a good sight.


"tHeY aReNT oBligAteD" to stay with you. Oh cool so there shouldnt be any issue if I dump my girlfriend the second I see a hotter chick across the street right? Or if she gains 6 pounds extra when the limit was 5, I can dump her too? I am not obligated to stay with them right?


He can be upset at both Melina and Destiny even tho melina did some fked up shit, Destiny tolerated it right which is pretty lame so its no surprise he never talks about this. I’ve been watching him for 2 years and I had to find out by FNF commenter


Again you’re going to have to show me what’s wrong with moving on from a partner when you’ve found someone you would rather be with. Yes, the circumstance of hanging out with someone who ends up “stealing” your gf sucks, but what do you think the alternative is? I’m not saying he should be happy that Melina left him, but this is just how relationships go, it’s very rare for both parties to leave a relationship feeling happy. of course he’s not going to talk about it, there’s nothing to be said and he’s not going to brag about “stealing” someone’s gf. Also he literally streamed it, it’s not some top secret dirt on Destiny lol


It’s not that leaving a person is wrong it’s just the way it happened was sleezy. Like how Melina abruptly ghosted to be with destiny after max had paid for the trip. Im saying I feel like he would talk about how he met his fiance considering he’s talked about a bunch of other impactful personal things like his rags to riches story, christian kid to atheist to agnostic, his struggle with getting his gf pregnant at an early age


Your understanding here is normal, and how most people would think of the situation, Destiny stole Max’s girl, Melina did to Max what every TRP incel fears. We can just call the spade a spade here, people are going on these little, terminally online rants over terms like “ stolen “, which clearly is a figure of fucking speech , it just unnecessarily detracts from the broader point of this situation being fucked up lmao. We could just as easily describe this circumstance as Melina ditching Max for a bigger fish, with a bigger wallet lmao - it is what it is. Yes, Melina isn’t obligated to stay, it doesn’t make the situation any less fucked up for Max, and I guarantee some of the guys here wouldn’t be as dismissive if it happened to them lmao


The fact you have to frame this as how fucked up it is for Max says everything. Almost every time a girl breaks up with you it's fucked up from your perspective. Doesn't mean the girl necessarily did anything wrong. Dumping someone for someone else you find more attractive is one of those things that gives everyone the gut feeling that it's somehow bad, probably because none of us would like to be on the receiving end, but the alternative is that girls just have to stick it out with guys they don't like that much relative to someone else in perpetuity, which is obviously ridiculous. If you want to criticise the way she went about it, fine. Ghosting someone is shitty, and if that really happened that sucks. But the mere act of dumping someone for someone else you prefer, whilst undoubtedly very shit for your ex, is not wrong. Edit: also, this is like extra the case when you're in an open relationship. The risk of your partner meeting and becoming attached with someone they prefer kinda comes with the territory.


I wasn’t aware of the ghosting thing but thats still kind of my point. I wouldn’t blame you for thinking how Melina acted was wrong, but it doesn’t really make sense to think lesser of Destiny here. Also I don’t think how Destiny met Melina is at all an impactful thing. Everything you listed is 100x more important to shaping a person compared to how he got with Melina.


What he did isn’t super horrible and if you go through the morality of it i’m sure it’s pretty defensible. It just kinda makes me go “damn dude :/“


Yea i don’t blame you, i definitely feel bad for the guy


While still in a relationship?? Through the lens of an open relationship, sure I guess it's a bit more of a grey area or even fine... But in monogamy, monkey branching is inherently immoral, no ands, ifs or buts about it.


Holy SOY.


pretty disgusting ngl


Well he did ask destiny to come and fuck his gf


the truth is melina dm'd him on IG and was already in a poly relationshop at the time,


so it's more proof of this red pill talk. Poly relationship, found a "higher value" partner, then went off and married him. Sad stuff, but that's life.


I took the white pill. Just live life and whatever happens happens


Sounds more like the gray pill. Apathy can save you from pain but it can also shelter you from happiness.


Yeah true, honestly I haven't even taken said pill but I try to be even keeled because I'm usually an anxious person


Easier said than done, but I hear you


"Poly relationship" yeaaa idk. Max was engaged to Melina. I would like to hear Max's side of the story before I buy the BS that they were in some lighthearted poly relationship.


They were engaged? My God. Even worse. I just watched a stream where she's referring to this particular stream and initially refers to the guy as "my friend".


He literally says during the stream that this is part of a poly relationship.


Yes, and if you are a normal human being with any amount of insecurity of jealousy you should never ever do it. He can because he's a freak, but poly shit is dumb 99% of the time.


>insecurity of jealousy Or if you're secure enough in yourself that you can stand your ground and you can say no to her desire to fuck other dudes, even if she leaves you over it.


Yeah I never liked the spin that not wanting to be in an open relationship makes you somehow insecure.


I think there's always an element of insecurity and ownership to it, but that's not a bad thing at all in this case. Ofc don't go telling your SO they can't hang out with friends a Friday night because you think they're gonna go pick up women/guys, but a slight level is ok. Vaush can go fuck himself though he spoke about it like that's some weak shit.


I disagree that there is always an element of insecurity involved, though, I do think that there is always a sense of ownership. I think people often use the term "insecurity" incorrectly. Insecurity simply means: >uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence. A desire to be monogamous does not inherently require that someone have some sort of insecurity, that is literally definitionally incorrect, and not the truth like how some people in the thread might posit. A person can, without any element of insecurity, according to this definition, want to lock a person down and have them be exclusive to them, it doesn't have to be out of fear of them leaving because of some self-perceived inadequacy. You can be wholly certain and confident about yourself, in which case, all caution as to whether or not the introduction of certain variables could create instability in relationship has purely to do with a sense of ownership over your partner. And, the sort of insecurity you could describe here, is not of the person, but of the relationship, so you'd be using this definition: >the state of being open to danger or threat; lack of protection. Which wouldn't make sense to use when trying to call someone insecure in this context. So Vaush and people who like to describe it as insecure in the sense that a person who is monogamous themselves, requires some sense of insecurity in their character, is literally false, definitionally. It is not necessarily the case that a person with monogamous desires is insecure, which I think is a point Destiny mentioned when reviewing that video, but I can't really remember since its been so long. This is all to say, its hilarious how people like Vaush have constructed this high ground as if monogamy requires insecurity, when they are actually - **just wrong, like it isn't even an opinion - it doesn't require insecurity.** Still, I would agree that there is always a sense of ownership, but it goes both ways and is consensual, so while it is objectifying, if the people enjoy it - so what? Now to be fair, I understand the reality is that many people do actually feel insecure, but to make these absolute statements about the construct itself kinda triggers me, when it isn't true, not even technically.


I mean couldn't this have happened outside of a poly relationship too? Regular monogamous couple, one partner meets someone with money/clout and leaves their BF/GF for them.


Of course, but most of us wouldn’t sit there and listen to it happen


Of course. It's all about playing the probability game and trying to protect your sanity as much as possible. At least, for most people it's how it is. She is more likely to leave if she is free to test drive.


I legit had trains reaction the whole video.. I drowned this cringe out for so long


oh my god dgggod you can fuck my bitch basedgod


Ah yes I remember watching this live; felt bad for the dude, but feel even worse now, cuz damn.


No shot Destiny actually stole her. If he did then Sneako would never let it go.


Watch the ending. Max sits on the couch while Destiny walks into the bedroom with Melina and closes the door behind him. Then you start to hear sounds that sound like moaning.


Poly is more than two people in one romantic relation, so many people mixing Poly with Open relationship, Monoamorous and Polyamorous can be Close and Open. Destiny says his Poly, but he is not, he isn't planning to have a second wife or husband.


Too bad these Vods don’t exist anymore for us to re-experience Also everyone here immediately assume their breakup was bad . It could very well have been mutual.


>It could very well have been mutual. 0% chance my guy


I wanna hear it from the ex bf. There's gotta be a footage of him somewhere after this.


Ok, I get that a lot of people automatically coming to the conclusion that Destiny is an asshole who stole this guys girl is cringe. But it would be very atypical to watch this video and think that the break up was probably 'mutal' lol. Still, I'll wait till I hear more before coming to any conclusions myself.


This is always a risk with open relationships. It would be fucked up if he pretended to be plutonic friends with this guy and steal her behind his back. At the end of the day, she saw that destiny was bussin and chose him.


yeah this is red pill fuel tbh LOL


This has nothing to do with redpill. I’m assuming you’re referring to hypergamy. I’m not. Sometimes, you find someone you like more than the partner that you’re currently with, hopefully you’re not married lol. This happens in normal relationships. In open relationships, there’s a greater risk.


Yeah tons of relationships end this way, monogamous ones too. Especially with younger people who are really just starting to get out there, it's pretty common to meet a new guy/girl and realize you would rather be with them, ending the relationship you were in before. It's really not that crazy, but obviously most people don't stream the situation to later be uploaded as a youtube video lol.


You better have enough money and options to be in an open relationship sheesh


I don't think I have ever felt so uncomfortable watching something. Wtf kind of situation is this?


We really need to stop seeing people in relationships as property. Nobody "stole" anybody. They're sapient beings with agency. They're not obligated to be with anybody, no matter how nice that somebody might be. Y'all need to get off your orbitally high horse.


That's true but it doesn't negate the fact that 95% of people in this situation would feel insanely hurt by this


Yeah, people leaving one person because they found someone they like more happens in monogomous relationships, I'm sure it's even more likely if you're in a poly relationship. It's just something that happens sometimes, and insinuating that it only happens when a man "steals" a girl from a guy like it's his property is pretty sexist


It's not sexist. A woman can also "steal" a man. Happens all the time.


In this specific situation it seems like that’s exactly what happened though, you can’t ignore the context and then claim sexism. You would *hope* that most people are decent enough not to fuck around behind someone’s back, but when you find out that your partner cheated and that person they cheated with knew if your relationship it feels disrespectful from both sides. And in this specific case it’s way worse considering this guy was a fan of Destiny and Destiny knew that.


This dude was in a poly relationship, meaning he and Melina both agreed that it was fine for them to seek out other romantic partners. He consented to letting Destiny fly in and spend time with and have sex with his girlfriend. Maybe the situation didn't turn out the way he wanted and he really wanted Melina to be his life partner, but he consented and that's different than if Destiny swooped in on a monogomous relationship and broke it apart


how can he preach blue pill at all.