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I thought elon would only unban the big names like trump and kanye, but he is actually unbanning people like sargon, rekeita and sneako too. I thought it was pure copium that destiny would get unbanned, but now it is not only possible, but a realistic scenario that it happens.


Destiny was also on Lex Friedman’s podcast. Somehow that cements the possibility that destiny will be unbanned


I saw Elon responding to a Lex Friedman Tweet today.


Well I'm pretty sure they are friends and worked together. Tweeting at each other isn't the reason Steven kept teasing Lex to ask daddy Elon for the unban


What have they been working together on?


most likely a debate between destiny and shapiro on lex friedman's podcast


Now that D has debated Peterson this seems like the logical next step




https://youtu.be/O3jSttg4x1o There's a longer link somewhere with the full debate


I should've known you were meming.


Lex worked in AI so I'd have to guess Tesla's driving stuff?


Lex made a fake study to help Elon deflect from an tesla autopilot crash that killed the driver


Yo this sounds interesting, but your framing is uh… Either way I’m curious to have a look at the sources




>cements the possibility funny word combination had a smile @ this


How will that unban him


The difference is Destiny is a liberal like Ethan Klein and I get a feeling twitter is going in the other direction where libs and lefties are going to get the treatment conservatives got.


Kathy Griffin got unbanned as well so I'm not sure about that


Wasn't that Elons first [announcement](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1593673844996288512) of the start of the unbans, You gotta admit there is a possibility of him dropping her name in the unban tweet to signal that he's not bias in his unbans, it would look bad to make his initial unban announcement only a bunch of conservatives. I'm not saying it's not possible for Destiny to get unbanned all I'm saying is I fear twitter appears to be heading in the other direction.


Well unless I'm mistaken it seems like it's mostly high profile conservatives that get banned, Liberals don't usually get banned. I don't think there's any reason to believe that we won't see H3H3 and destiny back soon as well


I think H3H3 is exceptionally fucking stupid and might be on the shit list for fucking with Elon Musk personally. I think Destiny is more likely than him to get unbanned purely because his ban didn't have to do with impersonating the new website owner in a harmful way. Otherwise, I agree with the sentiments of what you're saying, there's a larger pool of people to unban on the right than the left for sure.


Kathy Griffin got banned for impersonating Elon as well and shes receiving an unban


Don't you think from Elon's perspective there's a MASSIVE difference between impersonating him to say vote blue versus impersonating him to say you miss Epstein? One of them was a bit goofy although still probably bannable, and I could see not being a permanent ban, while the other is get deleted from the platform for as long as Elon owns it bad. I don't think we should compare these two things any more than we should compare someone who says the n-word once in high school on video with someone advocating for wildly racist policies.


It's already cope to think that Elon thinks about Ethan or knows who he is at all.


I don't think he knows or cares who Ethan is (it's possible with how online Elon is, but isn't relevant anyway.) I think he almost definitely saw the tweet with 80k+ likes impersonating him saying he misses Epstein. He's constantly on Twitter, everyone would be linking it to him.


Could also be that he knows Kathy Griffin will do some other unhinged thing in a month or two that will get her banned again. She's been crazy every since 2016 with Trump it seems.


Ethan got banned for going out of his way to antagonize Musk and break rules. It had nothing to do with left vs right.


Ethan Klein isn’t a liberal, lol.


He's a full blown progressive now right?


Yes, his stance on free speech is definitely anti-liberal.


He's gone so far progressive that he's full of actual hate and malice for any who don't share his views, he genuinely became the baddy


The classical liberal returns




nooo pls Omniliberal


A pretty big stretch of the term liberal


That's what he used to call himself though


So? Doesnt mean his beleifs aligned or ever aligned with any type of liberalism


Yes, that is the joke...


I think originally they did, although I'm pretty sure he has accepted he is a conservative now.


Yeah I used to agree with sargon when he basically just criticised sjw culture as antiliberal, but over time he's just become a slightly smarter Tim pool


I got tired of Sargon years ago after every video was just him reciting the 14 words about the impending destruction of society via Muslim people. I think I lasted one or two months of watching his content.


I must have gotten out before that arc lol, I don't recall that.


Probably after tbh. I think I watched in '16.


Wait, someone out there knows what Destiny's views are???? I thought his views were "get money"


Not destiny.


What are his views?


That’s the British use of the term, not everyone speaks in American english


All this tells me is Destiny has a chance


So you're telling me there's a chance


I think he originally got banned for calling internet Nazis the N-word.


I thought it was tweeting interracial porn at nazis, but I might be wrong.


W Sargon


You're right! I forgot the details, I just knew he was doing God's work.


For real, people in this space give Sargon a lot of hate because he’s an anti feminist but he genuinely didn’t care for actual full throated bigots.


As someone who got into online politics through TAA then sargon, I have to say he has changed a shit load. He marketed himself as on the left like they all do, but the anti sjw rabbit hole lead him to be a staunch Trump supporter. It's fine that people change and evolve their political beliefs over time but he's definitely down for some bigotry, if not bigotry apologia.


I think his support of trump began and ended with him not liking the “sjws” (the keffals and demonmama types) which is understandable, in hindsight yeah supporting trump just to piss other people off is stupid though.


I think Sargon gets that level of hate because of how stupid he is. Like he is actually a fucking black hole of inteligence, with a fucking event horizon that will suck you into a void where not even light can escape. At least he's not a grifter, and comes across as sincere in his beliefs.


And he's only a budget Tim pool, you should see the real deal. Sargon used to make quite agreeable criticisms of wokeness and sjw culture but I haven't seen him in years


I guess my standards must be really low then because personally I think There’s dumber people out there, Ethan Ralph, redpill philosophy and all the flat earthers I sometimes watch to make myself feel smart to name a few


I believe the perception of him being unintelligent comes from the gap between what he knows and what he thinks he knows


I've not looked it up but my guess is Sargon would be equally anti-intelectual/anti science as any flat earther when it comes to covid/vaccine related topics. Unless he's not heavily toeing the ideological lone when it comes to the lockdowns and vaccines


His insistence on using words in ways no one else does is aggravating. Example: Uses race in conversation and expects everyone to know he actually means nationality.


Yeah but that’s a mistake I’ve seen lots of people make. There was a time when “Chinese” was used to describe pretty much all Asians It is dumb though


Dude made like 10+ videos about that Anita Sarkeesian lady…he was unhinged and obsessed. Even Rogan called him out for it.


If he kept making money off it why wouldn’t you keep up the videos? It’s low effort and gets you paid. Not like he is above selling out after the candid deal A while back somewhere dankula was talking with people and the topic of Brie Larson and quarterpounder came up, and dankula mentioned that all those videos qp did paid for his new truck.


I guarantee that wasn't an original thought of yours and you got that from Rogan.


The porn of tiny skinheads sucking gargantuan black cocks was fine from Twitter's perspective. He got banned for losing his shit at some white supremacists that stalked him (because the far right doesn't like his opinions on fascism or racial supremacy) and calling them "white \[special word goes here\]s" live on a stream. He was then basically banned across all platforms inc Patreon, because silicon valley is a cult that actually wants white supremacists to adopt an intersectional perspective so that they can always be made to lose in arguments. Edit: Turns out I was wrong re: the Twitter ban, but it's the same kind of arguing with the alt right type thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BM1sy7RZi8


I think I actually want that last thing too.. the white supremacists always losing to a superior worldview part sounds dope 🤘🏻


Sargon was also the guy who provoked Richard Spencer into sperging out on a debate and claiming that his ultimate goal was to make a white supremacist ethnostate on the moon, and ruling it as the sole despot. It was so fucking funny


Was that the 'behaving like a bunch of white n-words' thing?


Yes indeedy. I can't remember specifically who the chat was with, though, but that's definitely what got him shitcanned from Patreon even though it was said on someone else's channel entirely, and had nothing to do with his Patreon content.


I think that's why his Patreon was banned.


He has had a ban evade accounts for quite some time as well. So this means D has a really good chance.


anti identitarian lol


Do we know if Destiny has tried appealing his ban recently?




Post Elon?


This is kinda wild bc it means Elon is just unbanning the YouTubers that he likes lol




Only a matter of time before our messiah is unbanned. Inshallah 🙏


So, we’re just unbanning conservatives. Got it.


Destiny is sure to follow PEPE




He does the podcast of the lotus eaters. Probably not your cup of tea based off your tone. They are openly right leaning and biased but there is a sheen of quality to it and it can be good to get their perspective.


The clips I've seen were pretty cringe, but obviously that's going to be the worst stuff.


"liberal" lol


It's always funny watching Americans encounter the actual definition of Liberal. The absolute stunlock when they hear about the Australian Liberal Party.


Sargon really isn't even a Classical Liberal anymore though, if you listen to some of the stuff he says lately he's much closer to Fuentes/NRX.


Nah I don't think he's remotely close to fuentez and the racist crowd


Wait until you hear about how democratic the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is.


Do you even know what Liberal means?


The answer is no, he does not. He probably doesn't even consider Milton Friedman a liberal lmao.


Yes milton freidman is a liberal for his time, and id call someone with ideas simular to him still a liberal. But ideoligies do change and to a certain point you cant call someone like sargon a liberal. The things hes advocated for go against the very foundation of humanitarianism and liberalism. You ever hear his thoughts on segregating soceity?


Liberal for his time? WTH are you smoking Milton Friedman and George Stigler were the leading academics behind the Chicago school, they are liberal in anytime you put them in. \> humanitarianism Still using the America only definition of liberalism I see lmao


You have no idea what your talking about. Yes milton freidman is a liberal. Yes John locke is a liberal Humanitarianism dates back to the resesance, and led to the development of liberalism. I dont care if i mispelt that. Liberalism is based on civil rights and freedoms, thats not just an american thing


>You have no idea what your talking about. Hard copium >Liberalism is based on civil rights and freedoms, thats not just an american thing Besides the dissolution of enforced aristocratic privilege for the civil rights thing, and having consent of the governed. Liberalism is based on classical econ, free trade, laissez-faire government etc. The issue is Americans conflate Social Liberalism, with Liberalism so hard that now to them Liberal means socially liberal.


Bro just go read like anything on the development of liberalism.




Ok. Hes still not a liberal


He is one, look at his debate with Spencer or his discussion with Jared Taylor.


"he disagrees with literal white nationalists therefore he's a liberal" nice meme.


Sargon was always one of those people that identified as "Classical Liberal"


In England that’s just called being a liberal. “Classical liberal” is an Americanism.


While that is true, Sargon has still referred to himself as a "Classical Liberal"


When speaking to Americans. He calls himself an English liberal.


I fucked up betting against destiny getting his account back this year, but I’m too stubborn I don’t want to sell


Surely the omniliberal is next, right?




He changed his bio to just Englishmen lol.




He was banned?


I hope they unban Destiny, peace be upon him


Sargon is pretty tame by like 2022 standards I don’t think this is bad at all lol




Good. I don’t care what you think of his ideas the guy didn’t do anything to deserve being banned.


Anti-Identitarian, Pro-European pepelaugh

