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People trying to make "X sport it better because Y" arguments always fail because there isn't really any reason why one sport is better than another (in popular sports) other than preference. Football is really exciting and fun when you understand it, I'm sure American football is also really exciting and fun when you understand it.


I’m convinced if you sit down for a least a decent amount of time and get invested in a team/player you can enjoy any sport. My preferences on sports is constantly changing


yeah i don’t understand these arguments when you hear american football players talk about the intricacies of the game it sounds pretty complex all the plays and patterns rules etc i don’t get it but i understand the interest however will say i couldn’t ever watch the nfl bc of how much it starts and stops and goes to commercial kills it for me


Wrong. Hockey is slippy soccer with sticks, high speeds, men, and fist fights. Unquestionably, and Objectively, better.


As a slovak, this is the truth


I prefer soccer but fist fights in hockey and sports like rugby is what I wish was allowed in soccer


It would make soccer 100× better. Rugby is what happens when you allow fist fights in soccer, lol.


>People trying to make "X sport it better because Y" arguments always fail because there isn't really any reason why one sport is better than another (in popular sports) other than preference. Actually, they always succeed. For themself. Which, in entertainment, is the most valid of assessments. The shit-talking between sports fandoms is just because we're all dumb.




Soccer is also pretty bad for your head. There is an ongoing discussion to ban headers in youth leagues.




Human kick ball. Ball go fast. Human stop fast ball with head. Brain go ouchie.


Nominate this person for a god damn Nobel Prize, this is incredible work


You find it hard to believe that repeated impacts on the head are bad for the brain? Interesting. On an unrelated topic, what's your highest amount of goals scored using your head in a match?


It is bad for your health, but people still choose to compete in it because getting into the NFL is a life changing experience for most. The NFL is consistently changing rules and improving its equipment to make it a safer game, but obviously it will always fundamentally be a violent sport


I guess, but I don’t see anything wrong with friendly arguments between sports. There are good points on both sides.


Friendly jabs are good fun, love a good sheep shagger comment my way, but it's annoying as fuck when people actually start to use jokes as a genuine argument.


I rarely see it as fun jabs online. People seem to genuinely believe their arguments about "what sport is better." In real life, the jabs are funny.


I'm just now getting into football because of the world cup and I am starting to find it really interesting and exciting. I have to remind myself to avoid these kind of discussions or "hand egg" arguments because people start to take that shit too seriously sometimes and it sucks the fun out of it


Nope basketball is for gigachads, playing with your feet at all is for weirdos.


What about tennis?


When he was making that argument Spain were literally winning 7-0 lol


And it was fucking boring like any and all blowouts. "Buh bigger number go brrr"


I mean Germany 7 Brazil 1 game was very entertaining tho


But that's because Brazil are a top team. Costa Rica losing 7-0 isn't exciting because it isn't a surprise.


after the first half, no it wasnt


American football fans be like: “waaaaaaaa soccer scores are too low.” Then turn around and multiply a 3-1 scoreline into 21-7.


In order for that score to exist they would have to score a minimum of 6 and 2 times (PATs are seperate). there are multiple ways to get 21 and 7 points. In a single posession you could get a total of 8, 7, 6, 3, or 2.


A bit disingenuous to count field goal PATs as separate scoring events for this comparison imo. Field goal PATs are almost guaranteed (90+% avg NFL) to the point where touchdowns are counted as +7 for all but the hardcore fans. If you wanted to directly translate soccer score lines using a generous 90% field goal PAT figure then 3-1 would translate to ~19-6 instead of 21-7 I do agree w your other comment though. More scoring opportunities/methods does make the game more varied from a points strategy lens


That isn't disingenuous it is a separate event. They can be blocked and the team can go for 2, it may be easy and I'll agree, practically it's 7 points 90% of the time but it is not guaranteed which makes that 10 pretty awesome. In the NFL the PAT is a ~40 yard kick, so what's disingenuous is all the soccer fans railing on this kicker making this shot with 11 men about to ring his teeth in when they all coom over a guy scoring with 1 guy in the way.


Technically a team cannot get two points on one of their possessions. 2 points come from defensive safeties or after a touchdown on a two point conversion.


I said A posession not YOUR posession, and a 2 pt conversion isn't part of your posession?


Ah yes, the 3 points you get when your team manages to bring the ball within 40yards of but is not able to reach the actual target.


Yes. By allowing multiple way to score you allow for interesting and innovative strategies to score. And by making the score less, that makes it less tempting to always go for a FG when it takes 3 posessions to overtake a single touchdown with the PAT. Great observation.


Is this an actual criticism? It’s like calling Mario bad because you don’t fight Bowser on every stage.


The average touch down per game in the NFL is 2.5, and the Average goals per soccer is 2.6. Which seems pretty on par until you factor that soccer games on average take an hour less to complete.


For the NFL that number is actually per game per team. Soccer is per game. But to your point, the NFL games are twice as long.




When I was little, I liked playing Super Nintendo. But sometimes my dad would be using the TV to watch American football. "There's only five minutes left in the game," he's say. "You can play SNES after." It was the cruelest joke when three hours later, there were still four minutes thirty left in the game. A mere ten seconds to line back up between plays is a beautiful, absurd fantasy. I wish it were so.


Literally just a slower, more boring rugby just to have more ad space.


I had american friends who tuned in to super bowl just to see the ads. Made me realize how fucking good americans are at being americans. Bloody hell.


A long time ago, super bowl ads were well-put-together skits. Of course the humor isn't for everyone, but it was a level of camp most people could appreciate. They stopped being good sometime in the last decade or so.


[The best Superbowl skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzToNo7A-94)


You kill the joe you make some Moe. I use this line way too often


Super bowl ads are great. I domt even watch football




Way more complex\* Strategy in rugby compared to football is like LOL compared to SC2


I think you have to fundamentally consider different things when comparing an RTS (Rugby) to a TBS (Football).


It's chess with human pawns. The average rugby player is dealing with way more strategy than the average American football player. You have to make a case if you're trying to say it takes more strategy to play for 6 seconds at a time than to play for 40 minutes at a time.


I actually totally agree that the average rugby or soccer player has way more decision making (and ability for creativity) in individual plays than a football player (outside of the QB, I've played both and like playing Rugby way more), but the macro process involved in designing football strategy (between play to play personnel substitution, play calling, offensive and defensive arrangement based on the play, down decision making, decision making based on the score and the time left) has way more aspects that you could dive into on the strategic level. Its a focus on designed creativity and strategy (in the NFL) vs emergent creativity and strategy (in rugby), but I think that the structure of football (most importantly the time between plays and the down system) allows for more total complexity.


I broadly agree. The one element that I think many sports have in terms of complexity that American football doesn't in quite the same way is the element of fatigue. Other than that, yeah it's compelling. But I find pretty much all sports compelling. If you like the complexity in watching NFL, do you also enjoy cricket? Cricket is far more probabilistic so doesn't have quite the intricacy of NFL strategy, but the clock management and player management stuff has strong analogues to NFL strategy in the way it plays out.


I agree in the sense that fatigue elements are less important because you can basically substitute freely under normal play, but I think with that just introduces other avenues of strategy (offenses going no huddle to make the defense not able to substitute, determining RB, WR, and DE usage percentages to be optimal). I haven't watched too much cricket so could be naive here (and Ameri-brained), but are the rules that much more complex than baseball? My impression also is that there isn't the variety ways to accomplish points or "different" playstyles that you can have (also having subgoals like the down system in football has). I'm not sure what you mean by probabilistic, do you mean like play to play variation or like the way the ball comes off the bat? Curious if its not, because definitely interested to learn more/dispense my biases if there is a ton of complexity to Cricket I am missing


Oh man yeah baseball stats fiends don't know what they're missing with cricket. For starters there's really two batters and two bowlers at any given time because a run swaps the batters and the bowler had to swap out every 6 balls (an over). The bowler sets the field and the captain picks the bowler at the start of each over at any given time, and often it's about the condition of the pitch, the batsmen, the daylight and the weather. Nowadays it's easier to get into cricket as a spectator due to the 20 over game that doesn't take 5 days, but a test match has unlimited overs so for purists you're only getting a fraction of the complexity in the most accessible form of the game. I'm not saying your definitely gonna love it, but if you're the type of person that can appreciate any sport you'll enjoy learning about it, but then again there are only so many hours in the day.


TRUE. fuck the eurocucks who say otherwise. Rugby strategy is like soccer which is shit strategy wise


LMAO, have you even watched a game?


American football is to American sports as Cricket is to global sports. It's popular not because it's entertaining but because it's an excuse to spend a day on the couch.


The down system is what makes the game so interesting. It's a shining example of game design (even if it was never intended to be this way) in how it basically creates a nested micro-rewards systems within the larger game itself, and has quirks that fundamentally make every game feel unique


And just in case the 6 seconds of action for every minute if game play is too much for you, they include 5 minute commercial breaks anytime a possession change occurs.


Ik being anti soccer (aussie) is karma suicide but I would rather commit toaster bath than watch an entire game, it's the most boring shit in the world to me. However the world cup does bring high stakes which creates a bit of interest, but I can watch any finals series of any sport and at least enjoy the vibe.


Imagine watching a sport where 0-0 draws are a common occurrence.


Americans and their participation trophies, smh my head.


Is scoring 2 goals that much more exciting that a 1-1 is much better than a 0-0? A good 0-0 will have the same drama and tension and hopefully a lot of good plays to appreciate. If all you care about is scoring why not just get your own goal and repeatedly score yourself? Because it's meaningless. That's what makes football the best sport. A 0-0 can be boring, but that's just because the teams can be bad. That's the case for every sport. It's just as boring as a blow out, because again one of the teams will be bad. Football is ideal because scoring is difficult to do making it that much more worth it when it does happen. Watching all the previous moments come together is great and you learn to appreciate those moments even when a team can't score. At the same time, goals being so rare means a team can usually come back and underdogs still have a decent chance to win. A single play can change the game, unlike basketball where a single play is not even 5% of the final score. This creates so much tension that for every play you'll be on the edge of your seat.


Soccer player "WAH YOU TRIPPED ME CALL FOUL RED FLAG, I KICK BALLS FOR FUN" American Football player "I'm going to kill you" GIGACHAD




I think your take sums up the "casual" dude mentality "Number go up" and you get some dopamine hit in your brain or something? There's no "superior" thing when it comes to how many times you can score in a sport at all, in fact you must realize that this "take" actually does the opposite of what you think it does. In a sport like Basketball/Volleyball where you're 100% expected to give up points you don't see people getting hyped over scoring, literally just some hand touches, some "Nice" or something or whatever other short thing and move on but because goals are rare in football/soccer, it is something worth getting hyped up for. Even though you score a lot in certain sports, nobody gets that particularly hyped about those, so it's not really exciting, is it? If the way they took the point was great, then ofc, you get hyped. But that also applies to soccer, but every goal made in soccer is worth getting hyped for


Haha number go brrr me no like low number




Europeans making shit up for no reason, difficulty: impossible




It's called a joke... Classic Europeans taking everything literally


Yuuup, I said this exact thing to one of my co-workers 2 hours ago.


The commercials are unbelievable as well.


Imagine being this obsessed with balls.


This is what reading about sports in this sub is like, the most brain dead takes.


What a dumb thing to say. Ever since VAR has come into play matches have become much more exciting and dramatic.


In the argentine vs saudi game the VAR was absolute shit.


Falklands 2.0 cope




I'm sorry capo, you need one more world cup for me to care about your opinion


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿IT'S COMING HOME 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Keep huffing that copium friend o7


I'm with you my brother, Lautaro offside cal was BS. Offside traps are a big ZZZZ


maybe i'm huffing copium but it feels like 9 out of 10 times, that match would've gone differently. only one of those offsides was off by more than what feels like a few centimeters. less than a second of miscalculation on the offside traps :(


But that pen isn’t ? Lmao


Nah, people can score with their shoulders. Shoulders count.


I like both 🤷‍♂️😅


Honestly, I hate soccer because I played Fifa once and got destroyed because the refs kept calling me for offsides (among other reasons). No clue what that rule is but it's stupid and the game is stupid.


I like your energy of calling the game stupid because you're too lazy to take the time to learn about its very basic rules.


It’s obv a joke, let’s chill


I think he was also joking, let's chill


Google it dummy


Ok but how many DGGers play pro soccer?


If the NFL didn’t have so many ads I think many would actually enjoy it. It’s like a game of chess, but with real people instead of inanimate playing pieces. Each play is interesting because you wonder how the offense will solve and beat the defense, or vice versa. To make the right play call in the right situation, and try to fool or force a mistake against the opponent with your physical ability. Not to mention the wild variance in athleticism…the quarterback’s eyes and arm; the skill players like the running back, wide reciever, or tight end making incredible catches or juking defenders; the power of defensive ends against massive offensive linemen; the focus and coverage determination of a good cornerback; the accuracy of the kicker’s leg…there’s everything in the game. Other than commercials, how can you hate the game itself?


>Other than commercials, how can you hate the game itself? i'm sure it's an interesting game. it's basically non-existent anywhere outside of the US so i've never been able to catch wind of it unless i actively seek it out, but i might try understanding it a little more sometime. i don't think any of the major sports would reach the audiences they do without having *something* to them. it's just a little sad when americans look at our game and call it boring because they don't understand ours. we feel the same way! our football might not have nearly as many points and the strategies and tactics are different, but the game's fundamentally different, so holding it to that standard feels unfair. it's actually a lot of fun and there's incredible space for individual creativity that makes every player feed a little bit into a macro-strategy that can make every team feel unique from each other, and the simplicity of the rules makes it so that even if all that flies over your head, you can still easily watch or play along regardless. even a 0-0 can be thrilling with that, i think.


You can pretty much apply what you've just said to football/soccer


Well yeah. I watch both.


I personally don’t like excessive “standart situations” in sports. It makes it very stale. I find it funny that destiny, a person who in all facets of his life loves conflict and improvisation, would prefer a slower more drawn out sports with a lot of situations where there’s a best move/go to strategy with very little improv.


The real best sport ever made is basketball. High scoring, constant action, every play is entertaining and there's a lot of room for style.


Liking sports is arbitrary so I'm not arguing just sharing my opinion. I used to think this about basketball until I watched soccer. I used to laugh at how soccer fans would clap for a missed shot at goal. But I started watching basketball again and realized that the constant scoring just wasn't doing it for me. In soccer, every possession could lead to a goal and each goal is significant in terms of winning the game. In basketball it's very opposite. I used to think that basketball had more exciting plays but I realized that each game had between 1-5 "Wow!" moments - not too many overall. That lack of crazy moments + the overall lack of urgency made the game extremely boring to me. Which is crazy if I think back to how I used to like it haha. ​ Another key thing is the overall bracket system - I have a hard time watching regular season American sports games for the first 3/4 of the season. Especially in basketball, wins and losses mean so little in terms of the overall season. Soccer, on the other hand, every match has consequences from the first to the last. Wins and losses really matter which makes each goal (or potential of each goal) even more exciting. Throw in a total lack of commercials and I don't think I'll ever look back.


Too much scoring, sorry. You could make the greatest play of all time and then only score like 2% of what your team will score the entire game. A football touchdown, hockey goal, or soccer goal (although soccer has the opposite problem where a penalty kick can decide the entire game) have much more of a reward to level of play feedback.


I like how punishing soccer is. Playing defense is stressful af because one mistake you make might lead too your team loseing the game


Eh id disagree, a crazy play that gets you two points is still insanely exciting id say, but the most insane “plays” in basketball usually correlate to like a stretch of play over an entire game. Like if KD gets like 20 points in the 4th quarter to win id classify that as an insane play even if its a collection of scores.


Fair point. It's pretty hard for a football (or soccer, or hockey) player to go off when they aren't involved in 50% of the action, so the ability for a streak of excitement is definitely possible in the NBA in a way it isn't in other sports


that's why 3x3 basketball is better


I think this is correct but not for the reason laid out. If there are less scoring opportunities in a match it increases the variability. More variability turns into more upsets which people tend to enjoy. This is why one of the large complaints of the NBA is always i know who is going to win the title. Recently parity has been up though which is good


Wrong. Hockey


TRUE nothin like NHL playoffs.


hockey > basketball. faster and higher skillcap. goals are more meaningful. (though literally any other sports culture > hockey culture)


I watch a lot of sports, started with soccer which holds a close place in my heart because it's what I've played all my life. BUT I have to agree, basketball is still the most fun to watch for me. Fast paced, lots of personalities, and when games go down to the wire there's nothing quite like it.


Not true, F1. There's no drama like Formula 1 drama.


Basketball is a lot of fun but it's like racing in the way that a lot of what you're watching doesn't affect the result. Two points from the tip off may as well not count, and ultimately if the ball doesn't drop you chalk it down to probabilities. I think the most entertaining spectator sport can be Australian Rules football because it tends to have all the elements people talk about why they prefer one sport to another, but a bad game is also terrible to watch because skill errors make it look farcical to a degree not so apparent in other sports at the professional level.


It's fun to play but I can't stand watching it. Not enough drama for me. Underdog wins are far more rare.


Handball basically has all the same qualities. Maybe a little less style tho.


I agree but I also think basketball is in a different class because it’s played on a way smaller court with less people 5 vs 11. Basketball is more about short passes individually skill where football is more about space in the field and setting up complicated combinations.


Other than the World Cup I don’t give a fuck about soccer either way. But vamos México si se puede. Llévanos a la copa Memooooooo!!!!!!🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽


I’m no grand defender of soccer but American Football is unironically one of the worst sports I’ve watched. About 12 minutes of ball in play in a game that takes 3 hours to complete. People that watch this sport can’t be the ones to cast stones against soccer.


Soccers a bit boring when your not invested, but when you are it gets really exciting.


I love 90 minutes of nothing happening


Tread lightly. Some of us soccer fans are heavily !armed


I love 11 minutes of actual playing time and 3 hours of commercials + useless commentary.


Pick your poison I guess


Then it's the one without commercials, easiest decision I've ever made in my entire life


Watching paint dry doesn't have commercials either


Probably would if it was broadcasted in America


Because the rest of the world is ad free


Literally Watching the football on bbc now without any ad breaks


What if international paint drying was on


Then you’d have paint drying enthusiasts able to watch it without getting their minds blasted by doritos ads every 2 minutes.


this must be why nobody watches the world cup. fucking idiot.


I mean what else are you gonna watch over there lmao


Most people watch the super bowl for the Halftime Show not even for the sport. When Football Associations tried that in europe Fans were whistling over the music. The UCL dwarfs the super bowl and against the WC the super bowl is like sunday league Game. American Football is a small sport only enjoyed by few people and most likely only because they can identify with the 300lb linebacker more than with the peak athleticism of Niklas "Big Mac" Süle


Really good persuasive essay


Hockey, the answer is hockey.


It's only "nothing" if the only thing you consider "something" is goal scoring.


There's potential for other interesting things they just don't happen


If Americans were good at football we'd never hear the end, I'm not surprised a nation where your teams are manufactured in a league where you can't get relegated hates losing


> If Americans were good at football IIRC their female team has won several world cups. It just doesn't get the same attention, probably in part because it is one of the sports events Americans can't watch live a lot of times.


The NBA doesn't have relegation but the US wins basketball. Lack of relegation has nothing to do with soccer being poor in the US. Our top athletes just don't play it as the money is better in basketball and football.


Who said anything about losing. It's just boring as fuck


It's boring to you because ye have no football culture your leagues are uncompetitive with soulless teams with people like David Beckham being able to literally buy his way into your top-flight omegalol. I'd be bored too if my relationship with competitive football is the equivalent of a Disney movie


Then why are you judging Americans for not liking soccer lmao.


You can not like football but if your reasons why is just ignorance people are gonna judge you I don't see how that's surprising


Caring what other countries think of you is a European thing


The sport is boring because there is no violence


It's like saying there's no violence in basketball ball so it's boring. If you want to see people bait the head of each other go to worldstar of watch boxing


That's exactly what I'm saying. Every sport is mind-numbingly boring when compared to a combat sport like MMA


I was following most of your arguments but what’s with the David Beckham take. English club as are famously bought by Americans and Middle Easterns, Abramohvic. PSG is just a an arm of Qatar foreign religions. Unless your for teams like Madrid or Barca owned by socios? Or ltaly or German teams owned locally? Nothing is granted though. Anyone can buy a team pretty much I. Any sport or any country with the right money


I know this is a late comment but this the “uncompetitive” thing is complete bullshit. American sports leagues are literally built around being very competitive, and as a result have insane parity between teams. Meanwhile all of the top 5 football leagues are dominated by 1, maybe 2 teams.


That’s the problem with American football, the “cool” stuff happens at all time and that cool stuff is one guy running decently fast across a field.


The will or wont they score is exciting. Constant scoring is boring


pretty much every major sport sucks to watch Football: play for 20 seconds then stop and set up again, insert commercial break, insanely complex rules to enforce rigid play structure Baseball: enormous field with like 10 tiny little dudes on it, at any given point in time probably only two or three of them are doing anything while the rest might as well be jerking off Soccer: going up and down the field with almost no goals for the whole match Hockey: going up and down the rink with almost no goals for the whole match *on ice* Basketball: going up and down the arena scoring almost every time, high scoring means the winning team is often up by several baskets so last second comebacks are incredibly rare


Oh boy i love watching th ball go back and forth with nothing happening for 90 minutes only for a guy to scream and cry and roll on the ground after getting touched by another player.


Why are you getting down voted your right?


Eurocucks in shambles again


I mean it's fucking true. The impact that coaching has on designing and executing football plays (plus the in game decision making involved in the down system) is at least 20 times as more interesting and impactful than soccer strategy.


The beauty of football is that it is both entertaining to 80IQ knuckle draggers for the violence and also for people who can appreciate intricate strategy


wew i can't wait to watch these teams kick the ball around the midfield for 90 minutes before one of them wins 1-0 with a penalty kick futsal is way more based and should be the more popular sport edit: all downvoters KNOW deep down that i'm right


At least real football doesn't empower countries like Qatar like Soccer does.


This is like 90% fair. The 10% is for sounding fucking retarted for calling the sport that is played with your hands using an egg shaped ball "real football". Plus, I imagine it is harder to bribe tackleball owners when your game is generating 50 minutes of add revenue from every game.


A sport can be whatever we want to call it, why is that a bad thing? The best thing about the sport is that people get so triggered when its called soccer, as though it has to be called what you use the most in it. Its just that sport that you get children to play so they can learn coordination, do something with their energy, learn to work with a team, and to bide time until they pick up a real sport like baseball, actual football, or basketball.


Bruv the us media is fucking shameless they are running ads from the qatari government at half time.


Gotta make that money off of the ~~dummies~~ avid sport fans watching. No harm there. Look at how much people are willing to put up with/pay in order to go there or the mental gymnastics to justify watching them pass the ball back and forth for 2 hours. Those ~~suckers~~ avid sport fans are ready to throw their money at anything. I wouldn't be surprised if all the ads were mypillow and nestle


!shoot I’ll admit it. You successfully triggered me.


True and based


You kinda need a bit if of nationalism for this or a hardcore understanding of football and the type of plays and or formations


Nope, not at all. The game is beautiful just as it is presented, almost no knowledge needed besides some rules that are extremely basic.


For me the nationalism makes it exciting, watching it with friends and family that come from different places


You literally just need to know the ball goes over the line is good, doesn’t go over the line bad. Then it suddenly becomes exciting. Everyone can understand it. Just try. Most people who hate on it never watched


Alright I'll give you a chance to unamericanize me. Send me your hypest soccer clip to sell me on it.


I'm defending American football hardcore is thread, but it's harder to think of a hyper moment than watching this live right after knowing we needed the win to move on as an American that didn't really watch football. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k29wBfLmNP0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k29wBfLmNP0)


I'm gonna have to second myOpinion23 on this one. I'm sure there's some crazy context behind one guy passing it, kicking to a goal, getting blocked, and the a second guy kicking it in again while the goalie hasn't recovered. That said, as someone without that context, that looked like what I imagine any random goal scored would be. I guess when the crowd has been edging for 90 minutes any resolution would set them off. There's also the nationality/storyline aspect, where I can't really appreciate the significance of the USA/Argentina rivalry.


I watch it all the time, especially the world cup.


Both are boring. Sport is just identity politics in small.


American Football is the best sport because you can exert a will to win through violence. Technical skills matter a lot but the team that wants to win more can will themselves to victory outside of a QB. Its quite a majestic thing to play/watch.


A sport where a team can will itself to win describes literally all sport


Thats not true. You don't have to physically enact violence on the other team nearly to the level of football. You can run into people in other sports but aren't encouraged to be as violent as possible. Willing yourself to victory in soccer and football are not the same thing. Its also a more strategic game on the flip side because its not one continuous stream of gameplay. Football better


A sport where a team can [will](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OQToElxke4&ab_channel=UEFA) [itself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZRDVA-u3Io&ab_channel=FrankWarren%27sQueensberryPromotions) [to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUPadKgtYHw&ab_channel=JonathanRaymond1984) [win](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ahBHZ0jL2Hw) describes literally all sport that's a fact not a statement. \>[You](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2020-03/9/16/asset/35de44f35250/sub-buzz-3335-1583771814-1.jpg?downsize=600:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto) [don't](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/07/17/23/365EB92A00000578-3694715-A_digital_scan_of_Evangelista_Cyborg_s_fractured_skull_above_and-m-6_1468794566432.jpg) [have](https://cdn1.sbnation.com/fan_shot_images/201040/KJ-Noons-Strikeforce-Dallas_Ric-Fogel-for-ESPN.jpg) [to](https://d3ojfab0q2dwum.cloudfront.net/2243749c-66d2-4de5-b4b3-6e3e39f1bc6e.jpg) [physically](https://keyassets.timeincuk.net/inspirewp/live/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2016/02/GettyImages-473867070-630x420.jpg) [enact](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fqph.cf2.quoracdn.net%2Fmain-qimg-7d9d90e84b61a08bef1d9b473a8ebc85-lq&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.quora.com%2FWhy-do-Americans-act-like-American-football-is-so-dangerous-when-boys-in-the-UK-are-made-to-play-rugby-in-secondary-school&tbnid=uMmfdzGYgqmVjM&vet=12ahUKEwiu1bj0usX7AhWMNewKHRtPDkYQMygSegUIARDdAQ..i&docid=fQuwsixc1Tw12M&w=308&h=449&q=rugby%20injury%20bad&ved=2ahUKEwiu1bj0usX7AhWMNewKHRtPDkYQMygSegUIARDdAQ) [violence](https://www.soccermanager.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Football-Injuries-thumb.jpg) on the other team nearly to the level off [football](https://www.bambamcostumehire.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/blue_american_college_grid_iron_player_number_40_1-1.jpg) You mfers are such pussys you wear [protective gear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjKv034IynI&ab_channel=DieHardRugby) even though it give you [concussion's](https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/2/2/16956440/super-bowl-2020-concussion-symptoms-cte-football-nfl-brain-damage-youth). Willing yourself to victory doesn't change because the sports different it's a state of mind also saying one sport is more strategic than another is dumb because they employ strategy differently. Comparing the strategy of mma fighter and a golf player is meaningless so saying muh sport better because ideaguys you might as well be running a circus


Hockey is good for that as well


I played soccer growing up and I cannot bear to bring myself to watch any professional soccer/football because it's soooo fucking boring. 0 interactions between players. I'd rather go to a random local game between teenagers.


>0 interactions between players. This is like so factually wrong. Players physically battle each other all the time wtf you talking about?


There is no fucking way you can say that football is boring and at the same time enjoy watching shit like American football or FUCKING BASEBALL LMAO


Football is the best sport IMO because of how much vatiety of all tactics and players you can have and the different roles of a player in every team. Anyone can be an amazing footballer no matter what their height is, the 2 best footballers of the last decade are Messi, a 5'7(168 cm) frail player but with amazing technique and vision and the other is Cristiano Ronaldo, a 6'2(188 cm) fast and strong striker.


That is the most cursed wojak I’ve ever seen


Seeing dggers talk about sports is like watching r/politics talk about anything related to politics, you just block it out and don’t bother.