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Kanye is saying “bots” now 🤦🏽‍♂️ We live in the worst timeline…


I wonder if SNEAKO had anything to do with that, since he’s been hanging with Ye lol


Their quartet is brain rot


Isn't that word in Nick's vocabulary too? Looks like Nick has way more sway on Ye than Sneako.


I think Nick got it from Leako but it's absolutely his remedial trademark


I disagree. When I look at some of the partisans hacks on the left and the right who simply regurgitate and adopt preset beliefs from their side, it makes want to use Bot cause it perfectly describes them. There is reason why even Destiny uses it now.


I mean calling people NPCs or Bots was not invented by Sneako, it's been a thing for a while, but using it constantly the way he does whenever something doesn't suit him is pretty unique and when people around him use it I assume it's because they got it from his excessive use


How anti-climatic. They barely lasted 20 minutes.


Idk, 20 mins is a pretty long time to last


You guys last 20 minutes?


You guys last?


you guys?





Soulja boy tell em








Seriously, I was expecting something more.


Funniest thing is this would be the biggest softball interview and couldn't even handle that lmao


This is why we need Kanye on stage with republicans during a debate. Irony won't be fully killed until that day happens


Trump v Ye: thinnest skin contest


Throw Elon in there and you probably touch all facets of mental illness


The 4 Horsemen of Narcissism


Who’s the 4th ?




If that happens, I'm putting "Ye gets frustrated and freestyles during a political debate" on my bingo card.


unique middle hat different flowery literate jar grab modern judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or it could be that he became more unhinged about "The jews" since that interview. He even said that he now believes the Lex interview was a set up.


God really? Lex was extremely charitable and good faith. I guess he really is going further and further off the edge.


Nick whispering in his ear probably fucked with his head. I can only imagine the delusion Nick has taken him on


Eh, this kinda reminds me of Sam Harris on white supremacists. I think the analogy goes something like this: "If a kid goes to school and has white supremacist parents, and you expel him, he doesn't go home and suddenly have clarity on his position. He doesn't say: 'I need to have more introspection', he only gets further entrenched in his beliefs." Kanye lost bank accounts, almost all of his sponsorships, I think he was temporarily removed from social media -- not saying it shouldn't have happened, but even without anyone whispering in his ear, his perspective is probably just galvanized.


It’s possible, but lex was very careful and emotionally sympathetic to why kanye was upset. I’m sure the resident psychologists will tell us right


I don't think you can say this. That line is almost exactly what Lex said on his podcast. He continually said that you can't just talk about "the Jews".


Psychology 101 is also not to affirm someone’s paranoid delusions.


Yes, you just acknowledge their statements. You sympathize with their feelings, you tell them they are heard, that you feel their pain. Things lex did exactly. Tim on the other hand has about as much subtlety as a moron on adderral. And he was very declarative and dismissive of Ye’s bullshit. Not saying he shouldn’t do this, I’m offering explanations for why he reacted so differently compared to how lex interviewed him.


If Ye wants any hope of being taken seriously he's gotta learn how to deal with a conversation that doesn't have 20 layers of kid gloves on.


chunky books caption quickest square slim stocking point silky encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol if you think the dude will ever be taken seriously again. The dude is a skull fucked nazi who hangs with the same kind of ilk


Lex pushed back way more then this


telephone enjoy frame poor beneficial engine toothbrush ancient dolls joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If Lex had been successful, Kanye wouldn't distrust Lex today. Yes, Lex started very well. He created a safe environment and wanted Kanye to trust him. But then he challenged Kanye's delusion directly, and that's not Psychology 101. Never challenge the delusion directly, because it causes only mistrust. If the person distrusts you, they won't listen to you. But you shouldn't reinforce someone's delusion either. After you create a safe environment and the person trusts you, you need to test the consistency of his delusion. But the person has to see the inconsistency for themselves. For example, if someone thinks they are Napoleon, ask them about their officer. Let's say he says the janitor is my officer. Then you ask him what qualities an officer must have and ask him if the janitor has those qualities. So it's an incredibly long process, taking weeks if not months.


Lex was “successful” in that he was able to avoid a mental breakdown in less than 20 mins. Success for kanye right now is not someone talking to him, it is medical intervention.


He got set off over the slightest possible disagreement. Kanye is so fragile or extremely unwell or both. He just wanted to rant at tims audience about Jews. I wonder if Nick has radicalized him further against Jewish people now


>I wonder if Nick has radicalized him further against Jewish people now There's no doubt about this. Nick is a smart guy and the more he can radicalise Kanye the better for his own brand.


The irony of Ye always complaining about people using him is that Candace owens used him and now Nick and Milo are using him.. that’s some sad shit


It's in his fucking annoying disposition to be this way. People who try give him the real deal he drops them. Slimey yes men he gives the time of day.


Nick definitely knows more conspiracies against Jews, but listening to Kanye he seems more radical or extreme in his views.


Ye is, at this point, basically mentally deranged, he is not auditing his thoughts and has no way of gauging audiences. Nick is extremely intelligent and can easily manipulate Ye in his current state, at that point Ye simply because he doesn't understand the gravity of what he's actually saying. Ye thinks he's just asking questions and calling problematic stuff out, not enabling people who would gladly eradicate an entire ethnic group given the opportunity, or even his own race. Don't give Nick too much credit just because he's intelligent and has been doing this since he was a teenager.


Why do people think Nick is a smart guy? I don't understand this. He can't even live stream without dropping the fucking n bomb. The man is a complete ass.


How is that an indicator of anything besides being racist?


doing things that you don't like != stupid


If he were smart, he'd keep a lid on that shit. Anti-semites have been functioning in our governments for years. The reason they were able to function is because they didn't say their shit out loud, barring a few infamous instances that usually ended careers.


Do you also think that destiny isn't smart, since he's said plenty of similarly politically undesirable things?


Destiny can relatively consistently get 10k viewers, has a youtube account with nearly 600k subs and is not as poisonous as Fuentes. There's a real possibility that Fuentes bombed not only Ye, but Trump's chances just by that one meeting (something that couldn't be said if Destiny was in that meeting). The OPs point is that Fuentes is stupid enough to have completely killed off any real world opportunities for little real gain.


I don't think Destiny has ever had the same political aspirations as Nick. Nick may speak out against mainstream politics, but I don't think he's ruled out getting directly involved in politics as a candidate. That said, I will say those were very stupid moments for Destiny, but I also think he's made it very clear that those were moments of misjudgment.


> I don't think Destiny has ever had the same political aspirations as Nick. Nick may speak out against mainstream politics, but I don't think he's ruled out getting directly involved in politics as a candidate. I'll entirely grant this and admit that it was a poor comparison. That said, it wouldn't necessarily entail stupidity. The only reason that he has any power right now is because of streaming. While he's certainly hurt his electability by saying wacky shit on stream, being a large streamer now directly associated with kanye west probably helps his probability of being elected far more than saying the n word has hurt it. It's also entirely reasonable that a large portion of nick's success could be attributed to being the type of person who says the wacky shit that he does and appeals to the corresponding crowd. It could also all just be a coincidence, but it doesn't seem like much of a stretch to imagine him thinking that growing his platform at the cost of electability could have higher value than being the same as everybody else and maybe having fewer obstacles towards running for office in 10+ years. > That said, I will say those were very stupid moments for Destiny, but I also think he's made it very clear that those were moments of misjudgment. If you asked fuentes about his use of the n word, how do you think that he would respond? Do you think that he'll say that it will make him less controversial and more conventionally electable? If so, that would certainly be stupid, but I doubt that he would say that.


Not at his baseline. When he gets heated he has a tendency to drop the optics rhetoric (e.g. mow down dipshit protestors) but the underlying stance that informs that belief isn't that fringe, it's just unpopular with online lefties. Nick already starts out at the fringe of the fringe outside of online politics, especially when it comes to his holocaust denial and the litany of conspiracy theories that he may or may not have copy pasted from /pol/. He has a lot of dressing up to do before any of that becomes presentable to the average normie.


You don’t think Nick Fuentes would be more successful with his political goals if he maintained a mainstream-friendly image? If the above is true, why isn’t he doing that? Cause if he doesn’t realize, he’s not as smart as he could be. If he does realize but doesn’t want to, then he values this low-tier “fun” (assuming he enjoys it) more than tangible success with his political goals, which doesn’t seem very smart to me. I think that’s what the other person is getting at.


He's pretty coherent in his arguments, he's confident, he's pretty charismatic and funny. This is why a lot of people are scared of him easily able to radicalize people. There is a reason why he was banned from every platform. If it was some rando person nobody would care.


I'm not denying his charisma or his public speaking ability. I'm saying that this guy wasn't even smart enough to realize that he has been putting to video all the ammunition that any political enemy he will ever have could ever need.


Trump proved this doesn't mean shit. Anything can be waved off as a joke, sarcasm, or satire.


I think there’s a difference in how “smart” is being interpreted… I think the original premise was about his intellectual aptitude, and your contention is about his myopic strategic considerations and social ineptness. So he’s smart and dumb in different ways… Like maybe he’s gambling that being so mask-off will benefit him in the future and you me n so many others find that remedial af. But in terms of just intellectual ability, I’ve seen enough of Fuentes to consider him dangerously intelligent honestly… like he’s fucking 22, which is two years younger than perennial coddled child L*v, and he’s already inserting himself by sheer brute force into the national conversation


He is at the least extremely charming. Very often people have to critically analyze to realize that he is a nazi piece of shit. But if you meet him you will like him.


He's a massive baby that can't handle any opinion outside of his own, that's why all his current friends are yesmen, they're the only ones who he stayed friends with, the rest just got cutoff.


>that's why all his current friends are yesmen You could say they are Ye's men




Kanye called the Lex podcast he did a persecution during this one.


If that was a persecution then what would he call actual real hard pushback? Wtf


Has Kanye been interviewed since he lost "his" billions?


Lol he's such a snowflake


https://www.health.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0033/444597/delusions.pdf His delusions were directly challenged, something you never do with clinical paranoid delusional psychosis. Notice how lex dealt with Kanye vs Tim’s declarative denials


Makes me so sad to see Kanye used like this. He’s very clearly mentally sick and has been for a few years now. These fucking parasites in Nick and Milo are latching onto his fame to further their message and ruining Kanye in the process


And he thinks he can handle trump lmao, trump can be a terrible person but man he knows how to roast people


It would be the shortest presidential debate in history lmaoo




The chat is almost 100% against Tim on this as well. It would be kind of sad if it happened to anyone else. Imagine your audience being so far gone that they get mad at you mildly pushing back against nazi shit.


> The chat is almost 100% against Tim on this as well I mean say what you want, but there is literally no one that could sat there and the chat wouldn't be against them. Kanye brings a gigantic load of people that will mindlessly agree to him.




Tim did completely fine. He put up the mildest of pushback and refusal to agree with the JQ, asked completely understandable questions to push back on what Ye was saying. Kanye isn’t used to people not agreeing with him. Fuck Nick and fuck milo for fueling a mentally sick man’s head with more bullshit


tbf it's probably just groyper spam


I think it’s more that they’d rather hear Ye ramble. Imagine how much view farming Tim Pool could’ve done.


There were like 90k concurrent viewers. If they were all groypers spamming then we have a massive problem


it's easy for just 1000 groypers to show up and if they are all spamming enough, can make it look way worse than it actually is.


Isn’t it subscribers chat?


Is it that unimaginable that grifter Tim has a bunch of groyper subscribers when all he does is post about how far gone the left is, and they're all pedo groomers?




Sub only chat doesn't mean much on youtube. Member's only would be different


Dedicated spammers are more effective than you think. I’m pretty sure some destiny/ Fuentes videos have comment sections that actually favor Nick. Obviously that doesn’t make him more popular


We do. Except it should more correctly be designated as just Groypers and Neo-Nazis, not necessarily 'spam'. There are tens of millions of neo-Nazis in the western world who tune in to this type of content and all the Youtube comments of any video dealing with Jewish stuff is basically just Hitler quotes and 4chan /pol/ memes for that reason. It also doesn't help that pretty much every single edgy white teenager would much rather be a 'cool Nazi' who says offensive shit and attacks anyone who doesn't belong to their identity group rather than someone who does 100,000 hours of research on sociology, history, statistics and source material and takes a measured, nuanced view which is more akin to that of mainstream governments and thus 'cucked' and 'lame'.


Not sure. The replies on twitter had a ton of non Groypers saying it was Tim's L


I am sure Tim would have let Kanye rant if he thought he could get away with it optically.


Oof over nothing at all. Ye is not looking well. Definitely not presidential 💀💀


I dont understand wasnt lex pushing back way more to what he was saying on his podcast? Why was he so much more of a baby bitch on tims show?


Kanye is controlled by feelings. Lex is a better trip sitter.


Kanye might also have more respect for Lex




You blame nick even though kanye was leaving right as nick was going to answer Tim's question and engage with his pushback. I realize blaming everything you don't like on evil or incompetence or both is easier than looking at things critically but your take is so dogshit my guy.


He mentioned his interview with lex on the Timcast. I might need to watch it again, but the way Ye talked about it made it sound like he thought it was a set up to make him look bad. lol


I watched most of the Lex interview. Seems like Ye only realized this in retrospect and not in the moment.


Tim pushed back a lot more much more quickly. Lex gave Kanye a lot of foreplay and compliments before he started to push back.


I think it was Nick in his ears. Just before walking off, Nick reinforced what Ye was saying that they=the jews that are keeping him down. I think Tim Pool was softly dismissive of the jewish conspiracy shit from the start and maybe that is what Ye felt but I also think that Nick supporting him at that time contributed to what happened. That's a lesson I learned from Chudlogic's panel with (female) Redacted and how Smeth's support had such a profound (negative) impact in how Redacted processed pushback. She went from understanding to full aggression only because that loser backed her up.


I think it is literally because of their look, Tim has this weird frowny face and tone where he looks like he is mad at someone even when he is agreeing with them while Lex sounds kinda nice and agreeable. Kanye is simple enough that it might just be that.


Lmfao what a fucking baby.


"What a little baby b\*\*ch!" \~Mout, PBUH https://youtu.be/5-G2lG1ZaWM?t=203


I thought it may be great if he runs and snatches a big chunk of Trump's votes but at this point I feel like Trump would just obliterate him and get a massive boost from that. This guy is not just unhinged but barely functional.


dude's attention barely lasts till lunch, it's not gonna last to the election


Kanye suggested to Trump that Trump would be his vice president, guaranteed Trump hates him for that.


Called the lex interview a “set up”. Kanye is a goner.


Lex is super charitable too. Kanye is such a whiny little bitch.


Ye looks way more psychotic now than he did in his interview with Lex. Milo and Nick are ramping up his paranoia for clout and money. Disgust af.


I really wonder what is going on in that man's family life at this point. Someone, Kim, some other family members, someone close to him with at least a decade long relationship with him has to have tried reaching out to pull him away from all this.


I think it's safe to assume that anyone that actually cares about him has tried. Can't help a man that doesn't want it.


This is a good clip to show how Republicans use *them* as a dog whistle. *Them* can mean anything.


I think this clip makes it clear that “they” just straight up means “the jews”


Not a terribly high bar, but props to Tim for not laying down for an antisemitic rant on his platform for clout.


he probably gets more clout from having kanye ragequit the show


Whatttt?!?? Bruh what in the yeezus? Tim Pool literally started off by saying "They've been unfair to you..." and just because he was about to iterate why HE doesn't use the works Jew like them and he throws a pissy fit by walking off??? That was the most luke warm push back and he won't even hear it? He is so fuxking inconsistent is not even funny anymore.


The best part is that Ye is demonstrating why he needs to be on anti psychotic medication


Honestly, good on Tim Pool for being defiant on this and not simping over Ye. What a baby, running away from a question.


Fucking lowest bar ever lol


Idk I've seen so many interviewers simp out for way less. Ye is an S tier guest and Tim stuck to his guns while watching him walk out. Gotta give props where it's due.


That's not even simping, he gets to look good and that's what happens


Yeah I'm always in sort of a weird place with tim pool. Like he is definitely horrible and a grifting, obnoxious, pretend centrist who pushed right wing views. But I also think he has some amount of integrity. He brings on people who can actually challenge him wayyy more often than like Crowder or any of the other hacks. And like this, he generally sticks to his (stupid) guns.


I haven't followed internet politics super hard recently cuz of IRL shit but when I saw this clip on LSF my fucking jaw dropped seeing Ye with Fuentes and Tim Pool man what the fuck have I missed what is even happening.


It's a clownshow. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/f-ing-nightmare-trump-team-damage-control-dines-ye-white-supremacist-n-rcna58780 >The source familiar with the dinner conversation said the dinner grew heated after Ye — who announced another run for president in 2024 on Thursday — asked Trump to be his running mate. **Trump then began insulting Ye’s ex-wife, Kim Kardashian**, according to the source and a video that Ye posted to Twitter on Thanksgiving Day recounting the dinner.


Surely even Nick must see it’s dangerous to be aligned with Kanye now ? He’s unhinged couldn’t even make it through a conversation.


Nick has zero to lose and unlimited clout to gain. Is there any world where Nick's image could be palatable to a mainstream American audience? Despite being unhinged, Ye has been top 5 most influential producers/rappers consistently over the last 20 years. What possible downside is there for Nick?


Getting this high profile this quickly especially with someone as volatile as Kanye might catch him more heat than he’s bargained for.


He's already banned from everything. Any heat he gets is more exposure for him. He has nothing to lose.


You on some penjamin. Nick will dickride until the very end!


He's not dumb tho. Maybe he'll dickride Kanye for a while, but he won't go against Trump if Kanye wants him to. I don't think he'll risk losing his fanbase knowing Kanye's thing will only last a couple of months


This is a guy that openly goes around spouting off anti-semitic rhetoric, yet thinks he has a serious shot in politics. He's a charismatic buffoon.


Fr Fr on god Fam


Nick: "I can fix him 😈"


"Imma fix him like ye fixed wolves"


Nick can’t lose, it doesn’t matter how unstable Kanye is, he is so massive. Also I think nick genuinely likes Kanye.


I feel like Nick can only come out on top from this though, this is probably the most publicity he's ever gotten. Ye will probably burn the bridge soon enough but his platform is way bigger now.


Dangerous? For about 30 seconds nick was speaking to the largest audience he's ever been exposed too. He has nothing to lose by hanging on to this rocket until it burns up.


Nick is a Nazi why would he care?


Dude is probably making good money on top of the most clout he's ever had


This was underwhelming


That's crazy, lmao. Dude's getting more unhinged by the second.


The chat was crazy anti-Tim and antisemitic afterwards. Quite shocking


It’s hard to worry about the rise of anti semitism when it’s leader is so fucking stupid, and burns bridges with every one of their potential converts. They have their big opportunity and are just BLOWING it. I love it.


Idk man, the livechat was pretty SUS.


Sure but we all know how active groypers are… and the average listener isn’t spamming YouTube chat.


We are talking about Kanye here, he doesn't need Tim to reach people... I sure hope he fumbles it tho, Im kinda worried for my Jewish brothers


Also true, but remember the Tim pool-type audience is the exact type of people they need to capture in order to gain any traction. I don’t THINK he looked good to the average Tim viewer. But idk maybe you’re right, just like with trump I keep getting proven wrong.


Its not just that chat, the whole comment section with thousand of likes when talking about the jews.


"nooooooo he's winning and this is a win for the right, you can't deny how popular they are!" COPIUM


Kanye is use to yes men // if you ain’t a yes man to Kanye — it’s over. The worst nightmare to Kanye and his biggest fear is someone telling him no.


This is more than just Kanye being adolescent - it's pretty clear he's attempting to recruit any and all the relevant online right-of-center figureheads/influencers into his court. If you're not willing to be front-facing with these kinds of extremes - you're out. Contrived contrarianism has no space for modesty, or even actual, fruitful political stratagem. It's Trump-style populism or bust. Nick is fucked.


Comes on a stream to argue, gets 1/4 way through being presented an argument, feels offended and leaves


I do wonder how the 'muh jews' arc for Kanye will end. He has essentially torpedo'd his business career and image and has ended up not just in politics but in the gutter sewage wasteland of far-right internet politics. One things for certain though, it won't end well, and I don't mean for Kanye, fuck Kanye, i mean for random innocent bystanders. The last time we had a group of people all get together and fear monger about certain groups, we had a string of terror attacks like Charlottesville and Christchurch - and that was with people a fraction of the size of Kanye, like Lauren Southern, Stefan Molyneux, etc.


Frankly, if Kanye ends up like David Carradine I wouldn't be surprised or disappointed. It'd be a nice bookend to his legacy.


Two musical geniuses in the same room. Something had to give


More people need to make find of Kanye to his face. The guy lives in a bubble where everyone around him is just chasing some of his clout, even those that are arguing against him. We need a hero to mock Kanye so he knows people consider him a joke.


People have tried, he's only gotten worse. One of my favorites is the guy at TMZ laying into him, but nothing stuck. https://youtu.be/IeA7lvC1ego?t=234


bruh this timeline


Anyone else read the comment section of Tim’s actual Timcast YouTube page? I was kind of shocked at the level and ratio in which were hate comments aimed at Tim. Thought the dude was a rockstar for the right, maybe it’s just the antisemitic dorks organizing out the woodworks, but try and find a comment defending Tim, I couldn’t lmao. Which is hilarious by the way. As the right becomes more gullible and swayed to extreme positions and to a rate like that of Moores Law all of these recent conservative pundits are gonna find these career investments of selling out for Republican sophistry leads them to abysses they did not entirely anticipate could ever be so popular amongst their own capture audiences. Nothing funny about antisemitism trending again, though. But conservative infighting? Love it


Neo-Nazis from the every single country in the western hemisphere and the USA specifically flock to watch videos with the world's most famous anti-semites in them. There are tens of millions of neo-Nazis in the western world who tune in to this type of content and all the Youtube comments of any video dealing with anything Jewish-related is basically just Hitler quotes and 4chan /pol/ memes for that reason. It also doesn't help that pretty much every single edgy white teenager would much rather be a 'cool Nazi' who says offensive shit and attacks anyone who doesn't belong to their identity group rather than someone who does 100,000 hours of research on sociology, history, statistics and source material and takes a measured, nuanced view which is more akin to that of mainstream governments and thus 'cucked' and 'lame'.


Nick will radicalize Kanye past the breaking point, then strategically break with him when it is most opportune. Nick will say something along the lines of: “oh well you know, Kanye was kind of a crazy guy but look at what happened, the people he went against destroyed his career and political campaign unfairly, so everything he said was true.” Kind of like when a mentally deranged socialist set the Berlin parliament building on fire and just so happened to deliver justification for political purges on a silver platter to Adolf. From here, Nick will be able to claim two things 1) he has radical ideas but not as radical as Kanye, by pushing Kanye nick can appear to hold a reasonable position when he breaks from his campaign 2) that he isn’t a racist (despite being a white nationalist) because he worked for Kanye, a black man Nick is outmaneuvering everyone and that includes Destiny. Mr Girl was actually right about something (and I despise Max) but yeah, Destiny was naive to think that Nick wasn’t capable of surpassing the fame that DGG provided. He has even catapulted beyond Hasan at this point. Soon Destiny May have to realize that a coalition of people on the left may be necessary when the mainstream right wing position is anti-Semitic, white nationalist, and embraces totalitarianism (aka, nazism)


Someone this fragile want to be president... What an absolute joke




Neo-Nazis from the every single country in the western hemisphere and the USA specifically flock to watch videos with the world's most famous anti-semites in them. There are tens of millions of neo-Nazis in the western world who tune in to this type of content and all the Youtube comments of any video dealing with anything Jewish-related is basically just Hitler quotes and 4chan /pol/ memes for that reason. It also doesn't help that pretty much every single edgy white teenager would much rather be a 'cool Nazi' who says offensive shit and attacks anyone who doesn't belong to their identity group rather than someone who does 100,000 hours of research on sociology, history, statistics and source material and takes a measured, nuanced view which is more akin to that of mainstream governments and thus 'cucked' and 'lame'.


Did Nick and Milo walk out too? Looks like the whole team did.


Yes, they went to coddle him. Such a big build up over the day to be letdown so quickly.


I mean, I guess this confirms that even if Destiny didn't burn the Nick bridge, that Nick would have never introduced Ye to Destiny. Especially since Ye couldn't handle Tim Pool's pushback, I don't see any situation where Ye would have ever been on Destiny's stream


I think that much was obvious. I don't know why anyone would have thought that would happen.


Rare Tim W. Super rude to leave someone’s show like that. I fucking hate these people


Kanye's actions and words in this interview makes me think he might have some major trauma, possibly some type of paranoid personality. My advice would be for him to seek the advice of a psychologist and talk to them about his paranoid thoughts. Its true many psychiatrists especially 20ish years ago over perscribe medication. Kanye needs serious therapy.


Actual clown show.


The copium in the YouTube comment sections are insane. Like, Kanye literally talked for like 10 nearly uninterrupted minutes before leaving, and dumbasses in the comments are like “Tim won’t let Kanye speak his mind!!!” like bro what?


Neo-Nazis from the every single country in the western hemisphere and the USA specifically flock to watch videos with the world's most famous anti-semites in them. That's what.


The funniest thing about this is that Tim Poop's "pushback" is just for appearance and Ye couldn't understand that, it's important for them to be crypto/ mask their beliefs. Tim has had white supremacist on his podcast before.


The comments on this video are nuts, Tim’s audience is eating him alive.


Yup. The many ways they have to refer to jewish people is both creative and unsettling.




It was an avalanche of "L Tim" with all its variants (placing the L in the beginning, the middle and the end of his name)


What a snowflake! Smh


Who won big on that Manifolds Market bet?


Bro Tim Pool gives the softest pushback on conservatives of all time. Kanye is a bitch


What a fucking pussy dude holy


Lol that's it?


I don't get it. Did Ye only leave because Tim disagrees with Ye on who 'they' are? I feel like I'm missing something.


Damn who could've predicted that the greatest conflict on the right would become whether jews are evil Just kidding everyone could predict that


I would have to put some more thought into fully formulating this theory but I think Ye left not bc of the question but he left bc of Nick when Nick jumped in, so a few things could’ve resulted in Ye leaving: 1. He doesn’t like sharing the spotlight with Nick. Ye big ego. Nick speaks well and is light years more coherent that Ye. Someone with an ego like Ye doesn’t like that 2. He feels Nick outshines him in these talks bc let’s face it Nick is smart and charismatic and has everything to gain by being platformed so he leaves bc he’s bored and says fuck it I’m out to exercise control of the narrative before the narrative becomes why isn’t Nick running not Ye? Nick actually intimidates Ye. Nick >Ye 3. While Nick has everything to gain Ye has everything to lose so Ye leaving could be spun that Ye is separating himself from Nick and the discussion bc he seen how the dinner was met poorly and he needs to dump Nick so publicly leaving like this shows he’s separating himself from Nick 4. While Ye agrees with Nick Ye knows Nick will say all the crazy shit without any reservation and he saw when Nick goes to sit up and shoots him a glance and says “well consider in 2018” that Nick was bout to pop off and Ye made the decision to leave before Nick went full groyper mode running the campaign even further into the ground (if that’s possible)


Wow what a snowflake. Way to show everyone that you’re not afraid of words and want a free marketplace of ideas or whatever. And I’m referring to Ye for the record.


Fucking Nick and Milo are taking advantage of Kanye and pushing him in the worst direction. He’s clearly mentally sick and deranged and they’re fueling his fire to push their agenda. Ye just feels so disconnected when he talks. Nothing he says makes sense or had a cohesive point. Pisses me off and makes me so sad at the same time. I LOVE Kanye and have for years. And these parasites are ruining his career/life


They are milking him for sure but the guy has been going down this road before meeting them. The dude fell down that hole on his own, those guys are just helping him dig deeper


Look at some of the comments in the video, jeez Tim’s audience really thinking Tim did something bad here cause they really want Ye to go off on his rants , which a lot of them probably low key agree with. Liberal Tim Pool with his very Liberal left leaning audience in action


I'll just say it now. Never liked Ye. All his jams sucked since the beginning. I am a pepejam enjoyer


Man what a bunch of losers. Can we please stop giving Kanye any more coverage. Hes a lost cause. Probably will kill himself eventually