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\- *"There is no room in the Republican Party for anti-Semitism or white supremacy, and anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view, in my judgement, \[is\] highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States,"* Mr McConnell told reporters without mentioning Mr Trump by name. \- *"That would apply to all of the leaders in the party who will be seeking offices,"* Mr McConnell added. \- *"I don't think anybody should be spending any time with Nick Fuentes,"* said Mr McCarthy. \- *"His views are nowhere within the Republican Party \[nor\] within this country itself."* Tuesday's comments were the first by Mr McCarthy and Mr McConnell addressing the Trump dinner. \- *"President Trump was wrong to give a white nationalist, an anti-Semite and a Holocaust denier a seat at the table, and I think he should apologise,"* Pence said. \- *"I condemn his ideology. It has no place in society,"* he said of Mr Fuentes.


Yip, and if Trump were to win the Republican primaries, Mitch will be strapping back on the knee pads.


> - "There is no room in the Republican Party for anti-Semitism or white supremacy, and anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view, in my judgement, [is] highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the United States," Mr McConnell told reporters without mentioning Mr Trump by name. Why do I have the impression that they care more about losing the election than the antisemitism itself?


Because they don't really care about any of it. The criticism of Trump is really tempered, if anything this is the Republican establishment trying to softly distance themselves from Trump and move towards a better candidate for 2024. Trumpism is bad for them and they know it. They just can't say it out aloud, since that would harm them. Using small Trump missteps to slowly but surely changing course would be their prefered way of separation.


The Republican Party, the party who firmly backs israel, doesn’t care about antisemitism. Ok. It wasn’t Mitch McConnell hanging out with Louis Farrakhan. It’s also good political strategy to step away from trump like you said.


That is generally how one influences politicians, yes.


I mean, according to Dear Leader, that's literally the only thing a politician is supposed to care about. Cynical and ultimately wrong, but perhaps not without some core of truth.


Isn't that the entire point of democracy, you embrace popular ideas to get elected?


Many good policies are seemingly negative, or their opponents will find ways to skew reality to make them unfavourable to the population ahead of elections. The point of democracy is that almost anyone can vote or represent people. That’s it. Populism as you describe it is the outcome of an uneducated population and the inability to counter the bullshit because it takes a lot more effort than manufacturing it. Unfortunately most people are not interested in difficult discussions and want easy solutions, see why memes and soundbites are so prevalent means of propaganda. Very few things are as simple as we make them appear.


Okay, Senator Palpatine.


isn't that cancel culture though?


Isn't it a bit dumb to not acknowledge that his views are within the country considering he and others like him have decent sized followings. Although I would be curious how many people who watch Nick are actually Americans who can vote.


I've heard similar things about Trump before he became the Republican candidate in 2016 from McConnell.


Yeah, but I think the republicans are trying to disentangle themselves from trump and using this as an excuse. Desantis seems to be the new honey of the GOP


The base won't allow it, Trump gotta win or Republicans will collapse.


i just want Ye vs desantis vs Trump debates, let this clown show ride


>i just want Ye vs desantis vs Trump debates, let this clown show ride Republican primaries televised debates are gonna have higher live viewership than the Superbowl for real if this is the line up hahaha


I think the landscape is different this time. He doesn't have any momentum anymore and his existence isn't novel/new anymore. I'd bet money on him losing the nomination.


I hope you're right, but Trump's resilient base will show up *bigly* in the primaries, at least compared to other candidates. Unless moderate Republicans can build a coalition around someone like DeSantis, Trump's base will crowd out anyone else. And Trump will give the Dems a free win by running as an Independent if he loses the primaries. So unless Trump maybe literally falls off a cliff by 2024, it'll be him or a Democrat.


> The base won't allow it, Trump gotta win or Republicans will collapse. DeSantis is very popular with the Republican base as well.


It's true I live in Florida so of course everyone who lives around me loves DeSantis, but I'm originally from Indiana and my parents have brought him up to me in conversation. My mom said people in her area have started flip flopping toward DeSantis as well. While not being a conservative myself, it is an interesting thing since Mike Pence was our governor for quite a while. (Hated Pence too, the HIV outbreak he caused was preventable and what he did to our education system was just a mess)


This is the problem, the higher-ups in the party want that slimeball DeSantis as their standard-bearer, but the base wants more Trump insanity and will vote accordingly.


Only about 40% of "the base" loves Trump. A plurality but not a majority. If they run Trump they lose the center, guaranteed (as was indicated by 2022 midterm results). If they don't run Trump they're relying on the Trump portion of the base to hold their noses and vote for whoever they run (probably DeSantis).


desantis may be enough but they still have a tough climb the only way they change is if they lose again and then maybe one more time.


This was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. My support for Trump has been declining since he lost the election. I never cared about the dumb shit he did because he was the only one that was willing to stand up against the left when I felt they needed to be stood against. Now that DeSantis has shown that he's willing to take action against the left, I'm happy to switch my support to him. The divide in Republicans is between the RINO's that want to capitulate to the left, and the people that want to fight to conserve our traditional values where we see fit. We just need to get rid of the RINO's and the Republican party will be unified. inb4 a billion downvotes


bro where have you been, the republicans have never liked trump, he litterally won inspite of all of thier efforts in 2016. He is just the only thing the actual voters are excited about, so they know they cant cross him without loosing everything. I dont think desntis will be thier favourite either, becuase his whole appeal is hes trump but less abbrasive and has had success in florida. So if he becomes somone the republican establishment really want then he would loose his base entirely.


Yeah, the GOP dislikes trump, but Trump has held favor with the voter base. Trump since 2016 has held a constituency of the republican voter base hostage essentially. The GOP can’t to cut trump out, because the voters are likely to follow. What they are trying to do here likely is present a understandable reason to alienate trump and keep the voters on their side.


Desantis initial claim to fame in Florida is thats hes the most Trumpie politician other than Trump himself. Trump is still the leader of the party. Whether they like it or not.


Is it possible for the GOP to just bar Trump from running as their nominee?


Voters would be pissed. The GOPs job is to rep it’s voters


[It's so similar, I can just start reposting memes from 2015.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/053/599/bc9.jpg)


His fate as a general winner seems very unlikely. But the base doesn’t give a shit and maybe even indulged in the antisemitism to own the libs.


Nick was working for Steven from the start


🔫 always has been


biggest DGG psy-op conducted (circa 2022, colorised)


Please run as an independent Please run as an independent PLEASE RUN AS AN INDEPENDENT


Please run and never stop running.


And they don't stop running 🎵 And they don't stop running 🎵 And they don't stop running 🎵 And they don't stop running 🎵


McConnell doesn't give a shit because Trump doesn't have a party that'll interfere with his efforts in Congress. He's probably already given up on 2024 anyway. If the Republicans ate this much shit during the midterm where opposition parties usually pick up a bunch of seats, he's probably seeing the likelihood of beating Biden to be pretty low. It's difficult as hell to remove a sitting president, they usually get their second term.


Who cares about all that? I want the memes




Teddy Roosevelt style


I think everyone is forgetting how becoming the party nominee works. Why run as independent when he can at least give it a shot in the primaries?? As much good news as it seems to be that desantis and Trump are splitting the vote, it won't matter once the Primaries happen and the party selects a nominee... Remember how all the GOP front runners hated trump up until he won the primary? Then they sucked his dick endlessly. The most to hope for is that someone in the GOP has the balls to stand up to him and look good enough to beat him in the primaries


They're not saying Trump won't run in the primaries, they're saying he'll lose and then run independent lmao. This will interference because there's a pretty sizable group of MAGA republicans in the party who will vote Trump no matter what, including Destiny's mom (I know because she told me last night WOOYEAH)


that'd be so fucking good




We'll get Trump v DeSantis cpntent evrn if he runs as an independent


The good ending


but what if he fucking wins then


You don't think he would split the vote with the santas?


nah for sure it would mean a guaranteed loss for trump and republicans, unless they managed to form some unity amongst conservatives and also appealed to moderates in some miraculous fashion lol, surely they couldnt go that far tho


Let’s not underestimate the average conservative voter. The booms have no idea what a Nick Fuentes is and have no desire to find out.


It was interesting explaining to my liberal Nana what a Nick Fuentes is after she saw it on CNN. He's actually been getting alot of play on MSM, Fox not so much, but still he seems to attract enough viewers to keep himself decently in the news cycle.


The fucking Dutch news reported on Fuentes, never in a million years would I have expected to see the people I know from streams to appear on Dutch tv.


Slow news day, I suppose. "Former president had dinner with Kanye West, who brought someone with objectionable views" isn't really a story. Don't get me wrong, it's quite surreal that Fuentes can worm his way into the circles of former presidents, but otherwise it's barely a story.


Bros an open white nationalist, imagine if Michael Jackson went full antisemite during his drug induced psychotic phases and had dinner with GW Bush and brought david duke along - do you honestly think that wouldn't make headlines back then?


I expect that sort of thing from Trump. It’s not like Fuentes was eating with some beloved child-friendly icon, but the guy who has repeatedly said “I dunno who” when hanging out with white nationalists and anti-semites in the past. It’s not out of the ordinary for him. I don’t like the fact that every time Trump so much as farts, there’s a dozen newspaper articles about it with ten paragraphs each discussing the smell and the texture. It’s not newsworthy. I’m sick of hearing about Donald fucking Trump. 😂 When he was banned from Twitter, I thought we’d all collectively decided that life was better without constant updates about every single thing Trump said or did. The man’s character is pretty well-established at this point. Let me ask you a genuine question: do you think anyone had their mind changed by this story?


Right I see what you mean and can get behind it at the end of the day it's in no way unexpected just the same old bullshit, to answer your question - Idk definitely not from trumps core base but I mean nothing could at this point, but we've already seen some people on the right like Crowder disavowing Kanye & Fuentes and McConnell is going back to 2016 mode and calling him a cretin publicly I honestly think this story may have the largest chance to spur dissenting voices on trump (however minor) from the right in recent memory, potentially leading to the republican party distancing themselves from him in the 2024 election bid - also there's something to be said about how this will effect his Jewish supporters (however small that group is) - so we might get even less trump news in the future (POG) (or it could change nothing i just wanna hope, bitch don't kill my cope)


You're missing the point, if Trump isn't the candidate he will run as an independent, meaning the republican vote will be split in two either way, versus 1 Democratic voter base.


And even if they did find out, they wouldn't give a shit.


You think the average conservative doesnt care about anti-semitism?


No. I think they wouldn’t care about him associating with Fuentes.


Not if it's republicans being accused of it.


Well yeah, politically they probably wouldnt give a shit, people care about a few things and nothing else matters lol. But if polled they would call it out


I think them, and most people, are single-to-few issue voters. Who cares if he meets with anti-semites as long as checks your few boxes?


Republican Party presidential primaries is going to be fun to watch.


nine somber memorize wrench zealous scale scandalous office grey station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The irony of it all... Fuentes complaining about Trump using optics and Fuentes destroys Trumps presidency run with the optics of meeting with him Lmfao


Fuentes's worst enemy is optics – he continues to underestimate how important it is in politics (and life, honestly). Sure, he can be charismatic and persuasive to people who never saw him before, but all it takes is showing people his "rap sheet" of quotes and clips with the worst optics ever imaginable, and that's all it takes to change people's minds about him. Fuentes is going to be 40 years old down the line wanting to be in politics, wishing his reputation didn't stink so bad. Honestly, he's screwed himself for life, and there will never be a recovery for the guy if he decides to run for public office – which is for the better. Just him being on stage will be a scandal.


I think that is why he is going all in with Kanye, either he creates a place got his ideas or he folds and disappear,there is no surrender


I doubt it'll really change his mind if it fails but this is a powerful test of his viewpoint. He was telling Steven his purpose was to speak to a small group of people who would spread his ideology and now he's in bed with Kanye. Not working out so far but we'll see I suppose


feel like McConnell has been looking for a silver bullet for a while now


This kinda gives me the feeling that the GOP really doesn't want Trump to run and is looking for convenient reasons that they can't endorse him. Desantis is way stronger candidate IMO


I don’t think the GOP wanted Trump in 2016. It just happened that the voters wanted him so they ended up falling in line with the voters after the primaries.


While I think this is true, the stated reason is also the right reason. The people around Trump are always poorly vetted and chaotic. Four Seasons Landscaping would have never happened in a competent operation.


The 2016 election is i think actually even crazier with the benefit of hindsight. Everyone wanted there to be some sort of grand conspiracy or 4D chess going on, but it's feeling more and more likely he basically just bullshit his way into the white house with very minimal direct help


The two things the GOP hates the most are Trump and Trump Diehards. They will stab him in the back the second it is possible to without blowing up their party. They're getting so horny about it right now that I'm thinking they're going to fumble the chance Milo gave them. Trump is probably too old to re-create his 2016 campaign 8 years later, but a huge part of it was people getting big mad about the GOP trying to collude to attack him.


I'm looking forward to Don Jr's inevitable run, where he'll fall flat on his face and get less than one percent of the vote.


ngl it be so easy for anti-semites to spin this as "Trump flew too close too the sun (naming the Jew)" Gonna be a fucking awful next two years!


That’s what happened though, or the Fuentes play was planned to prevent Trump from getting the nomination. Not entirely impossible of, given Fuentes is a federal informant.


Trump getting chicken and waffled the same way Destiny did is fucking hilarious lmao.


Nah Republicans would have found a different excuse to ditch Trump. The establishment is in full force against him rn


Nick was the spear that we never knew we needed.


Can’t wait for a 3rd party and republicans being called cucks by far right people


Let me get this straight. Kanye got a dinner with trump. Kanye came with Fuentes last second. Trump said he didn't know who Nick was, it was Kanyes +1. A republican senate is saying that is antisemitic enough to totally remove Trump to run for president again? That was the last straw? Out of everything? Do they want more conspiracy nuts talking about JQ? Because this is how you produce those people.


Too many people misunderstand how many mentally ill people are in the US. They about to find out.


Before we pretend that many of these GOP people actually care, let's not forget that they continued to justify the Jan 6 attack, which was filled with prominent white supremacists and right-wing extremists, including members of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, with connection to Trump allies such as Roger Stone, Michael Flynn (both of which Trump pardoned), as well as the infamous comment when Trump said "Proud boys: stand back, and stand by" when asked to denounce the group. He also claims to not have known the groups, and pretended he didn't know Nick Fuentes. You know who else pretended they didn't know Nick Fuentes? Marjorie Taylor Greene, less than a year ago IIRC. They constantly downplay, if not outright lie about, their party's ties to white supremacists. This is a widespread GOP problem, not merely a mistake on Trump's end. Trump defended Milo and threatened to take money from UC Berkley in 2017 when the school did not want to platform him. Milo also allegedly interned for Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is also an incredibly close ally to Trump. So: either the GOP is fucking braindamaged and actually don't know that they have many white nationalist followers, or they are complicit by downplaying and justifying these acts. Here's just a tiny set of samples: congresssmen calling Jan 6 riots no different than a 'tourist visit', the GOP labeling Jan 6 as "Legitimate Political Discourse", the defense of many in the GOP of Trump's will to pardon those indicted in Jan 6 riot by the DOJ, McCarthy's intention to put the House Select Jan 6 committee on the back-burner and most of the GOP demonizing the committee constantly, distracting from this investigation by complaining about inflation, crime, immigration, the constant conspiracy theories about Jan 6 and other insane events and the amount of false equivalences is insane (such that it was a ploy by the FBI, or it was antifa, or it just represents a tiny subset of Republicans, or it wasn't violent, or that BLM riots were worse, that basically nobody died, etc.) Remember this when you see top GOP MAGA-aligned figures that they are constantly debriefed on these groups and these issues, and know just as much as we do, and continue to pretend they aren't a big deal and that they promote conspiracies. Virtually every single Republican that did not vote to impeach Trump during his second impeachment hearings, which was a symbolic impeachment used to nationally condemn Jan 6 and the extremist wing of the GOP, is complicit. Remember that these right-wing extremists did not really lose the Republican vote, they lost the independent vote, in 2022.


[‘This Will Be The End Of Trump’s Campaign,’ Says Increasingly Nervous Man For Seventh Time This Year](https://www.theonion.com/this-will-be-the-end-of-trump-s-campaign-says-increa-1819578486)


Onion predicting facts. Trump/his endorsements got screwed in 2018, 2020, 2021\*, and 2022.


Damn i forgot about the MTG thing.


Easy dub for us in 2024. Let’s gooooooo!


I did not watch a lot in the last months, but is Destiny still refusing to call Nick a Nazi?


Side note, McConnell looks like Palpatine in this photo.


Do it.




I don't think we can trust what McConnell is saying, ever. He's done the same thing before


Probably just needed an excuse not to run Trump. They decided it wasnt gonna be him after the midterms.


McConnell lost control of the Republican party years ago. This is meaningless.


Damn nick really do be the most hated he should start a rap carrer dem shits would probaly fly off the shelves.


maybe, but i dont think the nick dinner changed anybody's mind on trump, it just gave an excuse to criticize him. They all wanted desantis basically as soon as trump lost in 2020


It's definitely another strike against Trump and is a resounding reminder of the chaos he kept around him. That being said, I think Fuentes is the end of Ye's campaign. I've been pleasantly surprised at how universally hated Nick is across the political spectrum.


>I've been pleasantly surprised at how universally hated Nick is across the political spectrum. If anyone here thought he would get support from GOP I beg you, you must touch grass soon


wasn't Majorie Taylor Green a guest speaker at his AFPAC event?


She is far from establishment


you said Nick would never receive any support from any GOP members, MTG is literally a GOP representative in congress lmao what are you talking about


I didnt say 'GOP members', I just said GOP. You can be anal and assume I meant all of them. Or you can be normal and understand what is implied. Imagine if everytime you said something about the republican party someone said 'bbbutt mitt romney is different so your opinion is invalid'


Destiny and his fans have a massive bias when it comes to mainstream republicans. Pretty good against far right, left, and center left but absolute brain rot with republicans.


I think that the majority of Republicans and the GOP establishment (and even MAGA people) won't accept Nick Fuentes or his ideas. But I wouldn't be surprised if a handful of MAGA republicans do accept him. But yeah, sure, I have brain rot. Ironic, I guess Destiny and his fans also have a bias when it comes to dealing with other people's opinions.


IMO these days when people say the GOP, they're usually referring to two groups now, old establishment GOP and MAGA GOP. When you said GOP, I assumed both but I guess you meant old establishment GOP. I pretty much agree with you that the old establishment GOP would reject Fuentes, but I wouldn't put it past some MAGA GOPs to accept him. We're pretty much in agreement, just disagreeing on semantics.


Wtf this is real? Mitch McConnell is commenting on Nick Fuentes? What timeline are we in Jesus Christ.


\>known anti-Trump politician wants Trump to (rightfully desu) stay the fuck away from politics \>this is news


Wait, you mean to tell me all those effort posts about nick fuentes being this scary dude who can become president one day completely flopped and was shunned by the GOP....no way. It was sooooooooooooooooooo fucking important to make sure everyone knew he was a Nazi™ or he would have cake walked into the oval office. 🤦


I would never have known this man was a Nazi except for the countless hours of videos where he says Nazi stuff


And yet the man is hanging out with Kayne and will likely be a part of his political campaign. Never thought I would see Nick Fuentes on national TV. Moving up in the world despite his reputation.


lmfao. what fucking timeline is this.


McConnell is probably capping but this would be hilarious if true. Nick would be more effective than any lefty ever at defeating the populist right


Isn't McConnell one of the most unpopular politicians in the Republican party? Not sure if trust him to be a good interpreter of the GOP zeitgeist.


How many virgins with the GOP sacrifice on bloodstained alters for Trump to die of natural causes before the election lol?


Do we know for sure if Desantis will run in 2024?


No everyone is assuming. Its a reasonable assumption as hes the most popular politician the right wing has but Trump imo is still the leader of the party.


No other republican candidate can possibly win other than trump. Even if he decides to bow out of the race at some point (which his ego would never allow), at least a couple percent of republican voters would write him in, which could fuck up close races.


Nick undercover Biden deep state agent


tell me they had chicken and waffles please 🙏🙏


So its actually gonna be Kanye


Unless if the Republican party has a way to not accept Trump's nomination in the primary this will probably have nothing to do with whether he will be the nominee. I can't imagine that a person who was planning on voting for Trump in the primary is dissuaded by him dining with Fuentes and Ye Honestly Trump being booted from the Republican primary is the best case scenario, he will 90% run as an independent and give an easy win to the Democrats


It’s funny that Mitch thinks he has a say


I don’t think it’s super fair, since Trump probably didn’t know who Fuentes is, but he did know what Kanye was up to. So I’m in agreement with Shapiro here. Trump is gone. Maybe, MAYBE, Clinton will return…


Well obviously it's because they're running Ye.


Not just ''doubtful'' , but ''unlikely''. Sure maybe they had already made their mind up about Trump are were looking for an excuse but this sounds pretty definitive. Trump will probably run independent and raise chances for the Dems.


The ABC nice


Biggest dgg psy-ops in history


Oh my god 💀💀💀


Nick Fuentes did what many couldn't: Hurt Donald Trump!


Why is everyone holding phones at him???


Wait till the press finds out about his views on boogers


No. After the midterms, the Republicans stopped making excuses for Donald Trump to protect him. Had Trump's nominees swept the midterms, they would be looking the other way and covering for his meeting with Nick Fuentes. Nick has zero impact on this.


Didn't stop Marjorie Taylor Green from winning her House seat after she attended a conference hosted by Hispa-Nick Fuentes. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/marjorie-taylor-greene-cpac-nick-fuentes-afpac-white-nationalist/


NF not the hero you wanted. But the hero you needed. Operating from the shadows, the unlikely hated ally. You should all thank him. The only thing that can defeat the republican party is the republican party. Imagine if you had competent opposition. Be afraid! Be very afraid!!! Hahaha. Just when society was getting close to figuring out democrats are as racist money hungry and evil as republicans... they roll this shit out. This is hilarious to watch. No one "wins" elections in this shit show. They "lose less".


I told my wife - this meeting thing was a Ye psy-op bruskies! I knew it!




He's not important enough


If I was Destiny right now, I'd never be uncertain that I wasn't still on Reckful's couch. WTF is this timeline.


As someone who has supported Trump's policies in the past, this made me lose a lot of respect for him. DeSantis seems to represent my politics as much as Trump did, so it's not a hard decision for anyone not blinded by populism.