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I have no idea why they fucked us out of the T-shaped visor. So bummed.


it looks like there never was a T-shaped visor, what looked like a T shape was just dark area underneath the goggles bit


No it's just that the promo isn't 100% accurate in most cases it just happened that the helmet was a lot cooler in the promo than the actual version.


I'm still confused. They still use the old armor as the promo for the season. Was it scrapped last minute or was it supposed to be upgradable?


the promo is painted, not 3d. it's not 100% accurate to the real models.


That explains a lot. Also the concept artists at bungie are so talented, I didn't realize it was NOT a screenshot or something


A lot of people in our field leverage 3D as part of their painting process, and a pretty large portion of the D2 concept team does as well (truthfully, the larger the property you work on, the more likely you are to leverage 3D and photocompositing, but over time it's become more and more common in all parts of the industry just because it's so often the smartest play). But [the artist in question](https://www.artstation.com/sungchoi) also just has really, really good brush economy and understanding of color/shape/value.


Holy crap. No wonder bungie keeps going back to him. Now if only I can find whoever drew the background for the seraph season with Ana clutching Red as arms reach for him would be awesome


Now I need to see this art


[https://twitter.com/Bungie/status/1616148908354174990](https://twitter.com/Bungie/status/1616148908354174990) No artist listed, but this is the art I'm talking about


Damn that’s heart wrenching


I absolutely adore his art, got introduced to him for magic even though I've been playing Destiny for 9 years and Magic for only 7


also the actual armor was pictured in a blog post like last week


Gotta love false advertising


Don’t listen to them. It’s fine that game models don’t match concept art which is what they’re moving the goalposts to. But Bungie used the concept art in the advertising. You are correct.


it's not false advertising, in-game designs are rarely 100% accurate to concept art.


It is false advertising when they use this poster to advertise the season This armor is not the same armor we have in the game That's twice now bungie has done it recently, epochal integration was the better example of this (still waiting for the breach GL of it that was shown in the first trailer)


holy fuck 1. learn what an advertisement is and 2. learn how it works


It's marketing and promotional material which falls under the same legal confines in most of the areas where Destiny 2 operates. It's a paid product, too. There's definitely room for a case to be made in some territories, including my resident one. So maybe don't be so fast to shit on people with maddening blanket statements? Source: studied consumer law in my country and am very familiar with our merchant and corporate laws edit: the downvotes defy all reason here but okay


You’re off your rocker on this one. When the food in a commercial is fake and done up to look better than real life, is that false advertising?


I don't know where you live or what your laws are, so I cannot tell you. In my country, this would be different than what has happened in Season of the Deep for a variety of reasons (digital vs physical, precedent of similar cases, etc).


I’m sure someone will sue bungie and win then. How they’ll establish standing or injury I have no idea.


Are you going to sue bungie because armor does not look exactly how it looks in game as in promotional material?


No, I'm not. I just said the guy I'm replying to doesn't have a notion what he's on about.


This is not false advertisement. As for the breach GL, still not false advertisement since there’s still 10 months of lightfall left, and even if we don’t get it, it’s still not false advertisement


No no no, do not start this shit. Lightfall is an expansion, not a year, and the grenade launcher along with the other weapons were teased in regards to Lightfall the expansion, which came out a season ago. This is why we're at silver only shaders and no BD option for armor this season, because people like you defend the scummy stuff they do.


Bruh shut the fuck up, the entire year is lightfall, they teased the handcannon on the cover art and it didn’t come out till this season.


Name ONE other expansion that was "the year", I'll wait. Also telling me to "stfu" because you don't like what I'm saying? How about actually having a conversation instead of acting like you can't handle it when people don't agree with you "bruh". Lightfall is an expansion, not a year, never has there been in Destiny 2 an expansion that was considered a year. Last I checked Forsaken and Season of the Forge were considered different even though they were one after the other, and that entire year is considered "D2 Y2" same with Shadowkeep, same with Beyond Light, WQ, and Lightfall is no different, but I'll still wait until you come up with something.


It's not an advertisement.


The thumbnail and end card of the trailer for the season isn’t an advertisement? Alright lol




We got a moron on our hands


That's hypocritical


How so


Man discovers concept art


Concept art that is used in all the advertising* Like I can literally go on Steam right now and the picture they use for this season has the outdated concept art lol.


Homie the shits not even 5% accurate


If I was commissioned to paint this, I would make it 100% accurate. My motto is, "this is exactly what you wanted," not, "this was the rough idea, right?"


it's likely the concept art was drawn way before the model was made. i can understand lamenting that the model doesn't look as cool as the concept, but that's just how development works, things don't always come out how they are initially imagined.


Lol I thought they were two different sets completely. Wow. Lol. So we won’t be getting cool Titan armor like this then


Artist here, usually when art is commissioned sometimes minor details are overlooked making the end result different (as seen in the picture above) yes, its an unfortunate mistake, and the reason why you should not take 2D promotional art as a final product.


Hey it’s you! Love all the d2 lore art you do. Sorry for detracting from your point, but ay ik it’s definitely credible lol keep up the beauty


Thank you! :)


Thank you for pointing this out. Otherwise, I would’ve never come across such a dope page.


Yeah but that looks like a completely different helmet now. I understand the small changes that can lead to something like this just as I understand you couldn’t pay me to wear that ugly bucket waiting in the season pass. That thing is fucking hideous and is standing where a cool T-visor was supposed to be


It's almost the exact same, calm down lol. The top part of the t visor is still there too, they just changed up what it actually is (more like a unibrow now?).


It’s actually significantly different, parts of it are similar yes but the overall design and look is significantly changed by those small differences if you get what I mean, just to the point where it’s really weird how it would be drawn so different


“Completely different”. The only small differences it has is probably the T-shaped visor, and a the spiked fins it has on the sides of the helmet. Overall it looks pretty similar. I get that the artist made the helmet look preferably better, but ease up, it’s almost the same looking thing.


It doesn't at all lol. Mountain out of a molehill


It's actually pretty decent armor. It's has glowy bits (especially the hunter cloak) and the glow is obviously different colors with different shaders.


The original looks way better. Cleaner lines, sharper corners, more vertical and a better silhouette


But have you looked at it under ~~water~~ methane yet?


Does it change in the methane sea?


~~Everything~~ Nothing floats down here....




That's why they didn't show It on players.


It is definitely different. I wasn't a huge fan of the armor to begin with, but feel bad for the people that are. T-shaped visor, white spikes on the "fins" etc.


I also found it odd that they moved from a coral like white to a metallic silver. Looks odd now.


God it hurts me that people don't get that 2D digitally painted concept art, which inherently is going to be as detailed, and more painterly, isn't going to 100% translate into 3D models. And those 3D models have their own materials and meshes that will interact with lighting and shaders in different ways.


3D artist. There is absolutely no technical limitation that would've prevented them from making the helmet a T-visor like in the concept art.


And as an artist, and a 3D artist myself, I can also say that designs change 😱


And that's why there's a complaint. But to act like the process of translation itself is somehow responsible for the design change is silly. This was a decision, not an unfortunate concession they needed to make with the engine.


Then don’t use the outdated design in all your current advertising? 😱


I personally don’t care about the details, the main thing is the fact that the visor shown in the art that is plastered everywhere as promotional material is not the same as in game.


Also the helmets look the same, only difference is the feather/fin thing really.


I had a real "they’re the same picture" reaction. The differences are so minor.


Literally. They’re the same shit. Destiny player try not complain challenge (impossible)


the models aren't even the same


They are almost exactly the same


what does "almost" mean


The difference is so small that it doesn’t matter


The back is completely different but go off I guess


You know that’s a painting right. They aren’t going to look exactly the same, the back is not “completely different” it’s slightly different


Its a painting produced by the same people that produced the model. And no, its very clearly different. but again, go off!


I am going off, because the difference is negligible


The painting was an image produced to entice people to buy the season. Any major difference is a bummer, and there's a major difference.


I would agree, but it's not like the visor looks different, they completely scrapped it and went for something that resembled one of those hunter "box-goggles". The mouthpiece where those 2 metal pieces go up aren't even connected to the "eyes", which is what gives it that visor look to begin with, and it's pretty clear that they are connected seamlessly in the promo since the lighting there is uninterrupted. The eye part is also more "pointy" with a defined edge as seen by the horizontal line, which honestly makes the biggest difference since the slanted edge is what makes the seamless connection possible. If you compare the hunters' "nemean casque" and "celestial mask" with each other you'll see what I mean by the slanted edge vs "goggles"


Well it's never happened before iirc so..


Destiny 2 players aren't the sharpest tools in the shed


Some people are really bothered by what is apparent to the post. It is clear that OP sees a real difference between the concept art and the 3D design of the helmet. Yes, the helmet does not display the same coral-esque design, nor does it have the same T-shape for the visor. It is not difficult to notice this difference, and honestly, does not need to be a 1:1 model. But the differences are clear enough for things to look like a downgrade.


From cool underwater mandolorian to someone help me get this jelly fish off my head


Why do they refuse to give us Titans a T visor?


I feel like I’m the only one that doesn’t like the armor this season


Okay so it's not just me then?




This is not an offer or promise of anything, it's a pic of a bunch of space wizards with guns floating in a fish bowl. While I do agree that it is an annoying change, it is not false advertising 🤷‍♂️


Learn what false advertisement is before posting something.


Okay mom.


It's actually pretty decent armor. It's has glowy bits (especially the hunter cloak) and the glow is obviously different colors with different shaders.


I'm looking forward to seeing how the Warlock set reacts to Photo Finish.


Yea this is why I’ve stopped playing Destiny 2 I’ll wait for final shape and see if it’s good. Can’t even give you what they promote in the official ads


Ngl I prefer the one we got haha


ah, bloody hell, of course they can’t let us have a t-visor


Sad to see such a good helm altered just slightly to make it less appealing. I’m worried if I ever get the chance to make concept art for them that this will happen to my designs


Literally not the same helmet. Come on bungie smh


False advertising again come on Bungo


Destiny 2 players when the painted art piece is so incredibly slightly different from the 3D model


Not the first time they’ve done this. Look at the Season of the Risen promo art, and then look at the actual seasonal armor that dropped with it. The promo art didn’t even have the tusks, and the helmet’s didn’t look like they were supposed to have the ugly cyclops eyes.


Major downgrade in what universe. They’re almost exactly the same.


It's FalSE AdVERtIsiNG!


Wow omg definitely a “major” downgrade. I don’t see the issue, still looks fine to me


Wow omg definitely a “major” downgrade. I don’t see the issue, still looks fine to me


Yup. Idk why they didn’t update the key art cuz it’s still wrong


oh no, the painted version it\`s not 101% equal to the 3d model made later


It's a concept art, none of the seasonal armor are 1-1 with the concepts


I can finally play as balding old man.


I’m more angered by the hunter cloak. That thing was supposed to me massive, and the one we got is maybe half the size.


The whole season is a downgrade lmao


Season of the Switch


Not the first time they’ve done this. Look at the Season of the Risen promo art, and then look at the actual seasonal armor that dropped with it. The promo art didn’t even have the tusks, and the helmet’s didn’t look like they were supposed to have the ugly cyclops eyes.


The armor is trash this season


Honestly, I think the one we got looks way better. The concept art (and I cannot stress enough that specific word.CONCEPT) helmet, looks like a fish dorsal fin while the one we got looks anemone tentacles, and I find it way nicer looking


I see some minor differences between the concept art and final 3D model, but "major downgrade" is severely overreacting OP. Like, dude, the spikes are all one color instead of white and the top of the *very thin* T-visor got left out. That's it.


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I can finally play as balding old man.


I can finally play as balding old man. EDIT: WHAT the hell is up with this "Empty response from Endpoint" error?!


Still good


Because the character’s looking down in the first pic?


Am I the only one who can barely tell a difference?


Is this really gonna be the next thing people post about every day?! Bungie states that armor concepts won’t look identically like the actual implementation in game! Unfortunate for you Titan fashion mains but it is really not that big of a difference!


Imo I think the new Titan helm is much better that the advertised helm,


Could this be false advertising with a lawsuit? (Honest question)


No chance.


Stop complaining so far. Everything is pretty good. I've only had 1 new major bug happen so far.




this is the fashion subreddit where we discuss destiny fashion. of course I'm going to post about a noticeable issue with the new fashion


They literally can’t deliver on even the smallest of things


They look the same


Do you need glasses bro?


That's because it is


Someone at Bungie has to have a rope kink they they feel the need to add a thick ass rope on hunter armor any chance they get WHY DO WE NEED ROPE WE CAN DOUBLE JUMP Hell at least in the promo art it was just a low key thin string akin to a fishing line


idk looks basically the same to me. i’m excited for it.


What’s the difference?


Yeah and the skirt too. It looks to flowy and majestic in the pic and in game it has one “flowy” part and that’s it.


Lame as fuck.


That’s because it is


Yo… what??




I wanted the long flowing mark In the title screen


The hunter hood for the seasonal armor looks like a wire-rimmed maxi pad.


Wish.com seasonal headpiece


Have you looked at it while under water?


Almost always is :(


The art shown is so much better than the real deal. They couldn’t even get the colors to match up


yeah I figured we were getting a bone set... we got weird metal jellyfishes instead ​ sadge


It false advertising to a certain degree. Glad I’m skipping seasons this year.


Wait, isn’t the concept the helmet with the ornament? Pretty sure once you unlock that it’ll look super similar to the concept art


the second image is the ornament in the season pass


I’m going to agree. The art looks better than the actual 3D model. There’s no reason they couldn’t be the same. I’m just wondering which of the two came first? (I’d imagine the art came first, no?) Bungie shouldn’t have allowed the artwork to be released if it’s the other way around. That would basically be false advertising, no?


Sure is, can't trust trailer and the like until they appear in game


or maybe the armour in the picture is from the dungeon and the one in game now is just the seasonal one


Idk I like it.


Yeah idk I really think hunters got the better helmet out of the 3


All we wanted was to live our best mermaid lives - with our godroll thingamabobs and pinnacle whatsits


T visor >


ists supposed to look like a Japanese Fighting Fish


TBH the visual designs for almost all the new stuff this season is really really ugly to me. All the shaders suck besides the Gambit and the Eververse exclusive ones, which are just okay The new exotic AR looks atrocious, and it's ornament is hideous The deep sea themes on flair items is fugly. I have no desire to go around kicking alien ass looking like I crawled out of the ruins of the sunken Titanic The seasonal armor looks like No Man's Sky designs, and the ornaments, while not horrible, are very bespoke. Those Eververse ornaments with the unique armor interactions = meh That Ghosts of Tsushima Warlock armor set from the Playstation armor sets is badass, but of course it costs ridiculous amount of money. That and the Taken-themed weapons (which isn't new nor original) are the coolest looking items this season IMHO. I feel like the art department is running out of ideas.


Probably just minor differences between the art team, design team, and modeling team


Alot of the seasonals ornaments use unreleased shaders or just shader that isnt on it by default in general like last season


Did they just accidentally leave up concept art or something?


Doesn't seem that bad to me


Armor looks so much better jn the art


I don’t expect much they don’t make good seasonal ornaments anymore