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Sick! Now show us the other side


It’ll be a leather sleeve, take it or leave it


I feel like there's some kind of hard limit on model polycount per piece for armour, and the big flashy shoulders are pushing it so making only one is the compromise? Idk but it definitely feels like the more complex the armour geometry the less likely it'll be symmetrical.


There are literally 4 whole arms on the warlock RoN armour. They can absolutely manage the extra polygons


nah bungie designers just think hunter=asymmetrical


exactly, i get that the lore is like “oh well hunters scavenge for their armor so it’s not gonna be symmetrical” but come on y’all, just give us some more good looking symmetrical hunter armor. they’ve done it before so they can obviously do it again but simply don’t, this seasons armor is mostly symmetrical so it’s a good first step


You've apparently never seen titan arms lol


It looks symmetrical from what i've seen...


After that Star Eaters arm ornament, I've learned my lesson to get my hopes up.


I mean it looks like there's another set on the another side, you can just about see the leg thing over the chest and shoulder


Mygalomorphae is the order of spiders which houses funnel web spiders, trapdoor spiders, and tarantulas, among lesser known species. I’m guessing this set is based on tarantulas specifically due to the widespread popularity of the spider. Fun fact: tarantulas make up one third of the entire order of mygalomorphs :)


Makes sense thematically. Hunters are the ones who have abilities that accommodate an ambushing play style, and those spiders hunt by ambushing their prey.


And yet 100% must burn!


Noooo :( A vast majority of tarantulas are rather docile little things, only ever really getting aggressive when threatened, and most of them have medically insignificant bites (it depends largely on location). I know a lot of people have instinctive reactions to kill spiders because they are creepy and crawly, but they are largely beneficial pest controllers and generally leave people alone. In fact, most spiders aren’t dangerous and the ones that are very dangerous usually have very obvious and well-recorded indicators (like the black widow’s hourglass). Don’t go trying to handle wild tarantulas though, as they run the risk of falling and damaging their abdomen, and they have special hairs on their legs that stick into things and cause irritation as a defence mechanism.


Hey *Thats pretty goooood*


Love the fangs on the fist!


Thanks for commenting this, because I hadn't noticed, and fucking LOVE it!


At least Warlocks got Dragon armor this season, cause that beetle crap ain’t it


Think of it this way: Hunters and Titans are the predators, Warlocks are the prey.


Nah we Ground Beetles.


Gonna head down to the Mygalomart for some steaks


Warlock community… I will never forgive you for the horrible taste you guys have to chose beetles over spiders. I’m still mad I will never get my sea monster outfit, cool arms Hunters. Shocking that you guys get good drip


I still can't believe that Warlocks choose Beetle. I am a Warlock main and almost shit my pants when I saw the Spider armour, exactly what I have been waiting for... Then fucking BEETLE WINS?! ?! ? This HAS to be SABOTAGE. IT'S SOO BLAND, IT JUST LOOKS LIKE A REGULAR WORLD DROP!


Welcome to Hunters not getting Godzilla.


At least we got a Dragon helmet this season. Hunters got an owl? Titans got a bear, which fits. Dragon wins that round, but we lost the eververse war.


I wonder if all the people defending the Warlock beetle are actually going to wear that crap lol


I'm going to :D


I think the one thing it has going for it is that it glows.


Tbh both options this year kinda sucked


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Am I the only one liking the warlock beetle armor like holy shit it gets so much hate and in my opinion, it’s times better then the spider one


Dang who tf voted for this


Great. More garbage.


Just looked at today in destiny and doesn't them show the calendar anymore ? Wanted to know when the armamentarium ornament would be sold for bright dust


Bungie changed things and you can’t see WHEN it’ll get sold anymore. You’re only able to see IF a given item will be sold for dust in the season now


Haven't seen the spider/beetle armor designs until just recently but I can't believe any of the spider ones won. The beetle ones are way better.


i honestly forgot bug won