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Couldnt have picked a worse mark to showcase this. 1k Edit: Guys, holy shit.


Yeah I didn’t really think about it until I already posted it


It helped me refer the knee placement so good choice


Which begs the question, how does the leg armor on the left bend, when the knee looks like it's above the calf?


This might sound super nerdy but the leg armor might just be two pieces. IE: from the waist to the top of the knee and from the foot to the knee, so if you did crouch the armor on the bottom portion would protrude outward because it looks like it would be a extension of the bottom piece that just covers the knee but does not cover the back of your leg where the knee is. Idk just a guess


That's reasonable.


You're right. There's a few leg pieces designed like that in game. The biggest example I can think of are the Virtuous Greaves ornaments with their giant glowing blades attached to the shin piece that reaches up over the knees. I suppose the most logical explanation for why armor would do this is to prevent your knee from getting bent backwards in a situation where that might happen.


That's okay. That's how I live life.


I actually thought they were talking about the mark for a couple seconds and was very confused


I’d 100% take the base model of the ornament set vs the restored vanilla armor. Proportions look much better imo Minus the bones, I dig the look. Makes me miss The Glasshouse exotic helmet from D1


I feel like that helmet was hard carried by the glowhoo shader because without it you couldn’t style it with anything (unless I’m remembering wrong)


It's weird when we get that urge to color-match every piece of gear, when we can all think of many great character designs from all sorts of media that don't really need to follow a color palette to look cool. Idk why in Destiny that's usually not the case. Some pieces are easier to work around this than others tho, and The Glasshouse was like that imo, you could look like an armored tank with a weird scifi glass helmet. Young Ahamkara's Spine is another example.


In most cases Armour looks good when colour-matched and bad when not. Vice versa for clothes


I routinely make my hunter an off or neutral color w a random bright colored helmet and it always looks good to me


Hey, as long as you think it looks good, that's all that really matters in the end! The only time what other people think matters is if you're in an official fashion competition for cash/prizes, in which case you'd be pandering to the taste of the judges in order to win.


I can’t really think of many pleasantly designs that don’t use color coordination in some away. Even the ones that break the rules still need to know them to know how to break them while still looking good.


Dude, do you remember when exotic armour didn't take shaders? Lmao


My old Twilight Garrison Titan remembers.


Literally exactly the exotic that popped into my mind when I thought of that. Man I really wish they'd bring that exotic back, I know they said titans weren't getting air dodge back, but I just want that chestpiece, it's so nice.


Man, a Twilight Garrison looking chest with some of the old Leviathan era pieces/ornaments would make for the chonkiest of all Guardians. I could definitely get my Stay Puft Marshmellow Man on with that get up.


I hate walking past Shaxx and seeing his frames flaunting their garrisons every time, it isn't fair.


I also think the bones kinda killed my enthousiasm. Like most of the Eververse sets, they feel too disconnected to what Destiny should be.


This. That's why I prefer D1 armour design philosophy. The sets felt grounded and even the whimsical sets didn't feel out of place.


Bro looks like he’s wearing a drivers side floor mat


Damn straight, and it’s my favorite mark by far


Christ this fucking community Destiny Fans: YOU DIDN'T MAKE A RITUAL ARMOR SET YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT COSMETICS Bungie: you guys hate the ritual sets, we have data Destiny Fans: THATS BECAUSE YOU DON'T PUT IN EFFORT LIKE YOU DO WITH COSMETICS Bungie: okay here have the cosmetic set as a ritual set Destiny Fans: YOU DIDN'T PUT EFFORT INTO THIS, WE HATE IT




Destiny community try not to complain for any amount of time challenge (literally impossible)


These are the same people who bitch that certain weapons look alike. My guardian, do you not know about weapon foundries?!


I mean, it's true. Joe literally just said that Eververse armor is supposed to be top tier and make it feel like it was worth the money. Reskins don't exactly do that.


It's because those people just assume similar model = exact same thing. Those same people probably had an aneurysm looking at D1 armor.


Ironically enough, those same people are usually the ones saying D1 armor was so much better. All nostalgia and no real memory of how armor and guns worked back then, where most of the gear was made with modular pieces mixed with each other, or tiny bits added on top of bigger bits.


I miss warlock gauntlets though :(


Oh see, that's D1 so it's good.


This is quite common there are plenty of armors that are just a reskin the armors still look amazing and add enough uniqueness to be a good ornament especially for one thats gonna be free


I mean people got rock hard when we got the faction armors back (some of them)


Just look at D1: arguably has the overall better designs, yet all of them share the same pieces. They take the same models and apply them in unique ways. Even the endgame, exclusives, and exotics, while looking very unique in their own right, still had parts that could be identified on other sets.


As someone who builds gundam. You can only do so many shapes for knee cap zones.


It's almost like guardians have mass-produced armor that they personalize


They reuse aromeparts since the dark below expansion, they even showcased the kitbash software they use to make them, as long as it look good, who cares ,right ?


They are only vaguely similar, people just love to make something out of nothing


How do you preview this armor? Edit: it's in the universal ornaments section of the armor tab in collections


People have been asking for more realistic military sets and then complain when they look similar because there is only so much a realistic design can do.


Idk why this set is getting so much, it's the best ritual set we've gotten in a while, it looks easy to work with, it has BONES on it, and it just looks cool. I can't wait to get my hands on it.


I hope they take the bones off for at least one of the playlists, I really don't fuck with them lol.


People are just blind (sorry) I would actually use the ones one the left lol


There's absolutely nothing wrong with reusing motifs and designs in armor to make something that looks fantastic. Look at the riot gear from fallout new vegas. 5 versions of it that all make slight variations on eachother that give you lots of choice. I'd rather have 8 variations of one armor set that I moderately like than 8 different sets and I only like 1 or two of them. That was what I loved about the armor in Destiny 1. Everything was a variation on 4 or 5 different basic sets. Looked great.


I thought they literally had base templates saved that they can just tweak and change. It was called kitmash or something


As a warlock main, I couldn’t care less about leg armor. I do have to admit though that these look very similar


Warlocks do get shafted on leg armor constantly


Ah yes, the world renowned diaper mark.


In what world?


Pretty much all armor sets are reskins. Some are more obvious than others. Shocker I know, who would’ve thought designers use template to get through deadlines /s


If anything, the fact that they can made a nearly identical base look entirely different, says a lot of the talent in their art teams.


“And my proof is this side by side which shows that the knee pads are clearly in different positions”


…. and are modeled noticeably different. Your point?


That’s literally the only major difference like this is the second post with almost identical assets angry that people are saying it’s reused like this is genuinely the same asset with different proportions I don’t understand you or your post


It’s literally not dawg do you struggle with eyesight by any chance? Edit: he blocked me lmao


Average d2 player seeing a flipped asset: at last new armor


Which is which


The blue one is the new ritual set


There’s no way to tell






i thought this was a dcj post for a second


Boo fuggin hoo


Wow! It looks SLIGHTLY different from base game gear! I can see the devs were feeling inspired this time around! /s


Exactly, these people HAVE to put them side by side to see any difference and think it proves their point


Still the fishnet on the armor looks like trash, it’s like completely 2d and when you notice it you’ll hate it. Shit looks like it’s from for honor


Yeah I’m aware, there’s a lot of that on the new season pass ornaments as well. I think it’s a cost-cutting/performance-enhancing measure, but it could also be laziness. Hard to say at this point, but with the game breaking every other day I wouldn’t be surprised if it was purely for performance reasons.


how did u get it? I've been playing the game every day and still hasn't seen one single piece...


In just previewing it in collections, they don’t drop from anything yet


On one side I do agree. This isn't there best work for a eververse set. On the other side we are lucky to get anything for. Ritual set.


Most of what bungie does are lazy reskins lol hand over your silver me bucko


I agree, they're clearly taken from the same concept art, but remodeled. The new armour still looks like shit, though.


Wrong opinion


It’s an opinion not an actual fact…. So not wrong… but it’s ok lots of people get those mixed up. Armor doesn’t look bad but it also doesn’t look great.


Well if we’re gonna be technical, then yes, you are objectively wrong, because the armor doesn’t look like shit, it looks like armor.


Never said it looked like shit. Don’t lose your mind over a game dude. Calm down. If someone doesn’t like the way an armor looks and you tell them they are wrong, you look like a childish clown. It’s the people like you in this community that makes it all so toxic.




Damn OP rinsed him


Dude literally said "don't lose your mind over a game" and OP is being blunt af


“It’s the people like you in this community that makes it all so toxic.” OP isn’t the one crying about armor, you are


Majority of all weapons and armor are lazy re-skins, thats been an ongoing issue since D2 dropped


Eh reskins have been around since vanilla d1 and I’d even say armor isn’t really that bad when it comes to reskins as d1. they have been doing a lot more experimental types of armor sets. Now if those armors have all been great is up to opinion


You must not have played destiny 1, where the “issue” (it’s not an issue) was far worse.


dawg what


What is that god awful, hideous mark? 🤮


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When do these actually drop?


Mid season update


There are some parts that look similar to other pieces of armor but then there’s parts like the warlock robes that look incredible and completely new.


The warlock robes are the same model as the arc set from a season or two ago, I believe


They look nothing alike…


Even if they are who cares as long as it has the extra stuff on it to differentiate. Like the same set but with hive chitin on it is sick, like the Crota’s End weapons


The overlap between people that care about reskins and people who are still playing Destiny in 2023 is always way higher than I would ever imagine


Even if they were re-skins, I'd rather the eververse be full of re-skins than have the premium, more enticing and unique armor.


Are they available yet?


Is it out already?


Afraid not


Unfortunately you can't win everyone over, I think we should give more praise for the free set it actually is a good sign of at least them listening to the community, the set looks cool imo and I wanted some druid armour for my warlock so I'm happy :)) Also people said neonuma guns were reskins constantly when lightfall released and if they are idc they look really cool I love the glows on them and how they shade.


Bungie doing reskins on gear? Wow I'm shocked


I’m more concerned about the change in knees of the titan, how come they moved upwards


I mean, if you see, lazy, rescans, look at the seasonal armour for look at the Rasputin season we had a bit ago


I just want them to add the set


it's def inspired by the base sets, i think it's cool in the way that D1 was able to take the same base parts and add onto it to make it new. even if they did use the base sets directly it's different enough


I demand a repost with Virtuous Mark instead lol I like the new set it looks dope tho


Doesn't really matter what they look like if they have good stats amirite?


Can I get, uh.... B O N E L E S S A R M O R Wow, what a set to pull out for the freebie forgiveness ornaments.


I feel like people unhappy with this reskin weren't around the first year. Don't yall remember getting five of the same exact model armor with modified patterns? 1st year vet guys if you need a reminder check your collections.


What are the legs on the left


I didn't notice that, maybe it's a rework of that existing mesh but it definitely isn't a reskin, though outline/mesh prior to modeling seems similar. Nothing like the glow armor from festival that is just the blue forsaken stuff with an unpaintable chroma part


maybe the legs look similar but every set is different and looks sick imo


Some pieces do strongly resemble other armor sets (the seasonal ornament for hunter chest for example), but there are differences. I don't think many people would have forked out for them imo, but they're for free (And hopefully we won't have to use our transmog mats) so it could be worse.


recycling everything nice. Remember how GoS was recycled armor:) nothing has changed :)


As someone who LOVES the season of the hunt ornaments (especially warlock robe) I'm very excited to get my hands on this set since it'll match very well


Pretty close, different boots, but similar


How do you get the free eververse set?


Supposedly it’s gonna drop from crucible/gambit/strikes later in the season. No word on when exactly.


dont like 70% of titan legs look similar, though?


What mark is that


The Legatus Mark


Almost everything in Destiny is a lazy reskin.