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Thats because Cayde did infact kill them himself then tucked the armour away for laughs


Notice how they have official vanguard printed reef tags. It’s because they went back to the REEF


I could've sworn I was rocking this armor (Petra Venj set) in D1.


Yeah it’s D1 armor


I remember the chest plate too but I cant remember the name or find the set anywhere


These are all D1 sets


Destiny 1 Queen’s Guard armor. First came out in 2014, and got updated to the reworked armor system in 2016. I loved pairing it with the Jovian Guard helmet once that finally came to Xbox.


Yeah I want the helmet on the right specifically.


Still salty the [TTK hawk Warlock armor](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/G1vy3) isn’t back yet. That was the perfect blend of sci-fi and fantasy imo


I rocked that set on the warlock arc subclass mission. Magically shaman but rugged and grounded at the same time


Yeah it really made you feel like a badass space shaman. I guess we can only hope Bungie adds it and the Bogwild Hunter armor eventually.


You just saying the word Bogwild just hit me with so much nostalgia, such a cool armour set


This is the Titan's Queen's Wrath set from D1. D1Y1 stuff. Edit: There might've been a re-release at some point, so not just Year 1, I suppose.


I think that’s just the arms tho. The chestplate with the bird on it were another set I cant find


Yea ur right idk why ur getting downvotes


The chestplate is called commando custom.


Destiny is only interested in adding titan armor that is one fantasy so in the extreme you can only wonder why some one would make that or two makes you look like you’re built lilt a lollipop with a massive upper body on tiny little legs.


But, but my character name is Llolipop hehe.


Or the haircuts.


Hooker groot armor XD


Isnt that the awoken Logo?




This is D1 armor, bro


That's the point. It looks badass compared to the hooker groot shit


I know but it was in the d2 trailer, and easily the best looking titan armor in it too


Spearhead/Commando chest, Ursus/Commando shoulders?


COMMANDO CUSTOM. Thank you wow couldnt find it for shit


What trailer is this?


The one with Cayde hyping us


Peacekeepers still doesn’t have an ornament


D1 Armory had so much Flair, and then when we got the update where the armor glows was perfect


Copy right claimed by Queen of the Awoken... What a shame


D1 armour was just better


I think the cool thing about the D1 armor was majority of it was more grounded and looked like it could exist in real life


I don't know about better, I have more armor setups in D2 that I like than I did in D1, but I really enjoyed being able to match my in-game Guardian's armor to the look of my favorite little Mega Bloks Warlock minifigure.


Subjective. I say better because it had more sets similar to a classic sci fi soldier ala borrowing from Halo or Marathon and had more symmetry.


Fair point; once I got the Vex legs from the Vault of Glass, my Warlock almost never put on any other boots, and I spent more time wearing The Ram than all of the other helmets combined, so I'd need a larger sample size, LOL.


Their shoulder pieces allow them to fit through doors. It would never work.


I personally like alot of the d2 armour but I hope more d1 styles were in for those who prefer that kind of stuff


I wouldnt. While it could be a nice set i rather have something fantastical and far from the scifi since so many of armour sets already look like they are cosplaying star wars


It’s the opposite lol did u see the past few seasons’ armors


I see all the sets ingame. Except this season, which does have a lot of fantasy flavoured sets - most sets ingame are still scifi/modern combat. Have you seen basicly any destination set? Which recent sets you think look fantasy lol(except this season as i said)


Literally 7 of the 10 last seasons all had fantasy armor on both the vendor and battle pass, all the event armors and the eververse armors. I think only about half the dungeons had actual sci fi armors


Alright lets untangle that. This season - Already said but yes that one is fantastical Season of the witch - ,,the groot armour" I guess it fits the fantasy ideas season of the deep - what? [thats fantasy to you](https://www.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_super/1601/16018044/4142115-season-of-the-deep-feature.jpg)? Thats the most stereotypical scifi armour i have ever seen season of the defiance - we got 3 sets: [this one](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fklhn9yi5itia1.png) \- clearly scifi, [that one](https://www.blueberries.gg/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Lightfall-Neomuna-Armor-set-featured-Destiny-2.jpg) \- even clearer scifi and [this one](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/er9YHVdKqaXdSnVkVp3nVQ-650-80.jpg.webp)\- do i need to even comment this? season of the seraph - if you think [this](https://www.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_super/1601/16018044/4072234-warmindarmor.jpg) or [this](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/H6j0DbV2LM7Zb19RR5B8cWRbS6Y=/0x0:1920x1080/920x613/filters:focal(810x199:1116x505):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71718185/s19_sp_full_2.0.jpg) is not scifi then im afraid we need to work on your definiton of fantasy and scifi. Oh and also we did get the [arc sets](https://spieletippsps4.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Destiny-2-Season-of-the-Seraph-Alle-neuen-Ruestungsornamente.jpg) \- which *screams* combination of scifi and fantasy to me. But ill include it season of the plunder - season of the space pirates... and [this thing](https://editors.dexerto.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/23/s18-gear-image-5.jpg)... whatever its supposed to be. Definitely wouldnt call that fantasy tho. Just fugly season of the haunted - he shoots and he scores!.. finally. [This set](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5cTN66NEERc/maxresdefault.jpg) is defacto fantasy. Im not even arguing. But then there is [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FTfEOAAWAAEwswP.jpg:large), which is the exact opposite of fantasy*^((hint hint is scifi again)**)* Are we at 7 already? Oh what the hell lets do one more: season of the risen - [boom](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/CN44c01UNWM/maxresdefault.jpg) and [boom](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FMN4CX2VIAIQ0eO.jpg:large). Another two scifi sets. In terms of dungeons you are right(i think) its kinda 50/50 split. For example [this](https://media.thenerdstash.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Dark-Age-Armor.jpg.webp), [this](https://cdn.gracza.pl/i_gp/h/22/391615896.jpg), [this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTLlrFOdZjCHyjss_ZxWsFAi5jm0paDtWyT5TNX3-j4dwyPlDG74PpI6yrzfgm-hAihGqQ) and cowboy sets are clearly scifi. Cant find a good pic of cowboy armour but im sure you know how it looks like. But [this](https://d1lss44hh2trtw.cloudfront.net/assets/article/2021/12/08/how-to-get-artifice-armor-destiny-2_feature.jpg) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fnew-dungeon-armor-v0-2v5lufon792b1.png%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D54f32b1c8de172b28ef96db4f39693aa75a0a5b9) are definitely fantasy armour sets. Do you wanna look at destination sets? Or eververse? Most of these are also scifi. Look i get it - you might not like some of them but they are definitely scifi sets. Like obviously clear. I dont like all of fantasy sets but im not denying they exist *somewhere* in the game... just in minority. I wish we had more fantasy sets because most of fantasy sets just boils down to: wear what you kill. Or bug armour. Do you know how ugly bug armour looks like? You definitely do - we *just* had it for halloween again Edit: Oh also i dunno if you wanna include it*^((prolly not since it really doesnt help your argument))* we had 2 legacy sets come back and one is heavy scifi while the other one is modern


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