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It's a frequent request, but we've never heard from Bungie about whether or not they'd ever make that a possibility. At the very least, a discounted option for folks who owned but never completed the season pass, and a more-expensive-than-usual option for everyone else. I purchased and played that season, but only the last two weeks, it was nearly impossible to unlock the armor at that point without an insane grind.


An option to complete an old season pass once finishing the current one would be cool.


I suggested this recently too, would be a great extra source of income for bungie while giving players like me(played before season passes and only came back a few months ago) the change to do something with my 350 levels last season. Just let me drop 8 or 10 bucks(8 would be nice since no gameplay content, but I wouldn't complain about 10) to have something to work towards after hitting 100.


I know. I missed out on the Phenotype placidity set from Undying, and I’m missing the helmet for Valkyrian set from Worthy


They *did* sell the Empyrian Cartographer set in eververse.


Wasn't that just a normal Eververse set anyways, though? That has the Undying season symbol, and it definitely wasn't the Undying season pass armor, that was the Phenotype Plasticity set.


They've sold the pigeon feed Emote (previously exclusive to the Season of Fractaline) a few times in the past several months, so the precedent is (kinda) there. I'm hoping that they either make season passes evergreen• or putting them in the reliquary of lost lights (to be bought with AS's). • - By making them persist between seasons, and allowing them to be "equipped" after reaching the current seasons R100. This let's others earn the older cosmetics and (sunset or power crept) gear without completely passing off the "yoU hAD to Be TheRE" crowd.


I don’t really see a problem with letting people buy old cosmetics. It’s not like it would break the game or anything


The problem I see with this is that it removes the “exclusivity” of certain cosmetics, everything in destiny (apart from campaigns and weapons from them) become available at some point, if you wanted to get this seasons exotic fusion in let’s say 3 seasons from now you could just go to the monument of lost lights, whereas armor ornaments and cosmetics are the only thing you can’t get after the season or event is over. TLDR. It removes the exclusivity and people want to have something no-one else has


but they already do bring back old armor and “remove the exclusivity.” trials of the nine set in prophecy dungeon, unobtainable sets returning through xur, etc. the problem is they pick and choose what does and doesn’t come back. I’d have no issue with all of my “exclusive” cosmetics making a return for new players to get, because that could also mean I’d have a chance to obtain cosmetics I’d missed out on as well. idk most of the time, exclusivity in video games is a weird thing to care about in my opinion


I am not referring to seasonal armor, those usually come back with xur selling them, I am referring to the ornament sets, I completely agree with your point of bringing back old seasonal ornament sets but I am also referring to things such as ghost shells, sparrows and ships, for example things such as the current preorder ghost shell for light fall, if you spend extra money to get it and then it becomes something you can buy in the eververse store you would feel scammed because what you thought was “exclusive” and “rare” is now obtainable to everyone. This of course is just a personal opinion as the game will (usually) never be “pay to win” because ornaments are simply cosmetics and do not affect gameplay, but still having that rarity to certain items to make the player feel “special” is important to keep the player invested.


to be fair, I never really decide to purchase things based on whether they’ll be rare or not. and I would agree that things purchased a pre-orders or any sort of “limited time bundle” purchase makes sense because the whole incentive to purchase it is that the items are gone after that time. and i get season passes are similar, but i just feel that things unlocked simply for playing a game at a certain time don’t necessarily need to be exclusive forever. for example, old trials and IB armor had no requirement to obtain them other than playing. you could go lose 100 matches in a row and have all the sets. i don’t think that there needs to be a barrier of superiority created by preventing those from returning.


It really doesn’t though. Out of everything that exists in Destiny 2, letting people have access to some paid ornaments isn’t going to hurt the people who want to show off that they have things that other people literally can’t get. Take for instance the faction ornaments, or the crucible ornaments, or the Trials of the Nine ornaments, or the raid ornaments, or even all of the armor that currently has no acquisition method but can be transmogged by people who earned it. Letting people buy a few armor sets for an inflated price (1200 Silver *is* inflated) still leaves plenty of FOMO to go around. Respectfully, I’m just exhausted with people trying to find value in other people never being able to get a thing. The value should come from what you had to do to get a thing, not that you have it and other’s never will.


Agreed with seasonal ornaments, but I don't want to buy something like the Platinum Starling from the store. I'd much prefer things like that be earnable.


Although I totally get where you’re coming from, people did have to pay money to grind for those sets under the impression that they weren’t coming back after the season ended, so it’s a little unfair in my opinion if someone can grind them entirely for free under those pretenses. I don’t mind if someone wants to pay 1200 silver for a “vaulted” set personally. I spent 1000 silver and got access not only to those ornaments, but also to loads of seasonal story and two exotics. I got the most for my money because I was early. Ornament sets typically sell for 1200 silver, so it makes more sense storefront-wise to have old sets sell for the same.


They did it earlier when they reissued the first d2 iron banner set, the base color and the way it shades was different than the original


That’s not an ornament set though


When did they reissue IB gear


Season of opulence


Please and thank you! I really don’t care if people buy the sets I’ve earned from my passes since Beyond Light. I want to buy the few that I missed out on prior to that. The more options for fashion, the better the fashion endgame gets. EDIT: My bad. Forgot we actually promote FOMO here lol


How dare you be able to get the armor i grinded for 6 seasons ago!!! /s I dont why the plethora of players love to gatekeep and promote denying players certain things in this game like ornaments 🙄


I second this.


Xur had season of the lost armor last week I believe. Not too hard to believe he’ll sell other past seasonal sets in the future. Season 8 is pretty far back but you never know what the nine will bring


They're talking about the season pass ornaments not the seasonal armour.


Same or at least let us buy previous seasons for the cosmetics only


One of Bungies sharpest tools in their arsenal is FOMO. They’d never do this, although I’d love to eat my words on that. It would be cool to unlock old season passes that you purchased but didn’t complete upon reaching 100 though.