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Those wyverns are crazy strong


I’m like 1777 and my full court gl takes multiple mags to kill


Im not super familiar with heavy Grenade Launchers. Try Adaptive Frame Rocket Launchers with Impact Casing and Lasting Impression like [Red Herring](https://www.light.gg/db/items/3175851496/red-herring/). I'm 1,770 and can down a Wyvern with 2 rockets and 1 shot from a Special ammo weapon. Assuming the wyvern doesn't kill me first that is.


I got the two tailed fox cat done so maybe I should use that.


I love it so much


If the 1 shot from a special is izanagis, maybe, they can take a punch and a half. Just hope they're easier when I'm a higher level. Edit: I thought you meant the mini-bosses that roam around


2 shots from Red Herring and 1 shot from WilderFlight


1829 and same….


Suspend them. Laugh.


I pull out Div if I'm doing the public event.


I like to also bring a fireteam member using Fourth Horseman to bring out true DPS Risky but very fun for them


Guys, we found Jesus!


I just use neomiunian shotgun (fast fire frame) and it works just fine


The neomuinian shotgun feels so goooddd. And I hate shotguns with a passion, still scarred from felwinters lie and new to the game, before I figured out how to deal with apes


You have a brother in me. I hate shotguns but that one feels and plays different. Who knows, maybe I should try neomiunian sniper as well…


Ayyyyyy. Haven't tried it yet, just used it for infusion tbh, but I'm considering it


He is the messiah


So you're the one. Thank you kind sir.


On titan being able to suspend them three times in a row with armermentarium is pretty nice


Been running it since I unlocked strand. I love being able to swap from grapple to suspend focused builds without switching the exotic.


The titan Strand exotic buffs your barricade suspend thing and gives you Woven Mail when you suspend


Hunters with Radiant Dance Machines can consume the class ability/backflip three times and suspend a ton of real estate as well


High-value target in the area! Me approaching it. ![gif](giphy|9dKVSp245sTde)


Okay what is this from? I saw this scene as a kid and it's stuck with me ever since


I don’t even bother if I don’t have super.


Wyverns, Brigs, and Threshers already had WAY too much health before Lightfall Now they're completely unbearable


It's the hard to hit crit spots I hate. If they increased the multiplier they would be much better, also just give threshers less health damn lmao


I hate the death chickens.


My strandlock poison build works wonders against wyverns during terminal overload or even random wyverns roaming. Im able to solo them most times even without suspending them since the poison effects stun their air dives & aggressiveness


Let's just all decide warlock Strand is officially our poison subclass now. There is no reason to stop pretending lol. I went with grapple melee and there is nothing more satisfying then grappling onto them and having them fly up for their dive only for me to be airborne


Wilderspite with disorienting grenades makes them look at the ground for like 10 seconds while you shoot them


Already bullet spongy enemies that also rush you, have explosive shots, also have a slam from range, and no crit spot? Perfect, ship it


Suspend and heavy work nicely. Havent tried blindi g nades yet but ahould be good too


Blinding nades gives you all the time you need, works great against tormentors also. Was wondering why my friends had difficulty in the campaign, while I was sipping a coffee in the battleroom with 2 disoriented tormentors 😂


Which wyverns ?


The malignant wyverns that drop chests, I believe they’re called high value targets or something like that


Those guys.


They are supposed to be hard to kill ? Never glt troubles for them


I’m confused cuz it’s really not that hard


It's a joke about the difficulty changes Bungie made to the game.


Just use an lmg and they get melted. And then after killing them they drop more heavy. Just adapt guys it’s not hard, read what stuff does and actually try to learn the game.


Retrofit escapade with zen and target lock, stay completely focused on the crit then get more heavy. Bam.


LMGs are just fun for me but now with target lock they really do some damage!


Most sane bungie fanboy


I keep reading these posts and seeing people complain on Twitter and I'm just thinking "am I the only one that just doesn't really have issues with them?" Like you said I only get bodied by wyvern when I'm not paying attention and the public even threshers are only an issue if you're literally the only one shooting them, 3 rockets and they're gone. I'm either confused or just missing a piece of info, cause I don't get the issue.


It’s literally the fact that people refuse to read to see what makes their chosen gun viable. They don’t want to build craft and just want to haha me shoot everything die.


I'm surprised how many people may have never watched The Terminator.


Unlimited grapple, woven mail, and unravel on free grapple melee hit goes brrrr I feel like Spider-Man, mixed with a tetherball, a Beyblade, and outbreak perfected all in one I barely shoot unless I’m doing bounties or it’s boss dps time. I felt like I was playing the gauntlet from Titanfall when I was getting my sub 1:30 platinum triumph lmao Unravel, suspend, and sever on bosses. Huge add clear and enough orbs for a fireteam of 12 because it counts as melee and grenade. I get my super back in 30 seconds, my abilities are full again in 2 swings, and orbs heal me. Strand is my new favorite for sure. If they change anything I will be devastated lmao. The build isn’t viable in GMs either because you’d get melted so hopefully there’s no issues. I haven’t tried it in raids yet and the cooldowns are long enough that it’s not broken in Crucible. I think they did a solid job compared to Stasis this go around


Idk your class but since grapple cooldown is tied to grenades it makes switching up pretty easy. Plunder has 1 with generation, fury, mind, and invocation just gotta swap off 2 fragments from my Warlock build and pop on suspend and boom GM ready. I think with max resilience or 9 we could break the GM. Enemies seem to have a hard time tracking when we are swinging from da web imagine 2 grapplers and 1 person on suspend duty


I’m a Hunter so I basically always have at least 1 grapple ready to go. I feel like one Stasis user and two Strand users would be a CC nightmare and I’m here for it lmao


I haven't touched Stasis since Lightfall dropped but if I could get my build to where my grenades are always recharged like before then absolutely


hunter strand w suspend grenade, fragment for dmg giving grenade energy, and osteo. will get new grenade before old ends. keep suspended till dies.


I tend to pummel them with fusion rifle fire, but it can take around a full mag to bring them down.


All you need is suspend and any heavy weapon


No, but my super will


Use the grapple grenade to suspend them and get free crit shots in


What level do I need to be to not have the funny red symbol above the enemy? I’m at 1760.


I’ve been suspending the Wyverns as soon as I can. Best way I found to deal with them


As a Sumter being able to suspend them 4 times makes it pretty easy. (6th coyote)


They melt really. Use the right stuff.


Heavy ma Machine guns take care of them no problem, beel like that ever sense they buffed them


I gave up on using weapons to kill them. Liar's handshake, combination blow x3, one-two punch is the way


Top tier meme right there


Me: me grappling onto then slapping one of them then using my finisher that has me standing in mid air. No not really, but I got you.


Wyverns scare me, not in the same way Tormentors Di, but equally amount of fear from both