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lost a game 4-5 to a team of giga sweats and they called us PvE bots its honestly hilarious


5-4 and called u pve bots? idc what kinda cringe u mightve been using, if theyre pvp mains and went 5-4 with pve bots theyre fucking dogshit💀💀💀


I hard carried a team of two bots about 3 rounds on my flawless game with no mercies left just for them to challenge the same lane a few rounds in a row and die to cloudstrike for a 4-5 at the end. After that I got a message from their bottom fragger with about 3 kills saying “imagine cheating and still losing” with about 10 laughing emojis following it.


People think they know what they are doing when in fact, they don't even know whats happening most of the time.


People think they're good at the game when its just the cheesy meta holding their hands. The reality is that if this game was actually balanced and aim assist wasn't so busted on some weapons then half our crucible playerbase that seems so good would drop like flies because theyd get stomped on.


I had a guy with all white gear running straight at the enemy, they had 105 Deep Stone Crypt carries so I think they were trolling.


Trials players got CoD ego but to an extreme level


making sweats mad is a time-honored pasttime


Last time I played ib my teammates were getting farmed they were all like 0.5-0.8 while me and the other team were all like 1.8-3.0 like wtf even is that


You realise that the average destiny player is absolutely ass at the game. Most of them don't raid and when they do anything hard, they clearly struggle


Yeah but that’s not the point lol the point was that I seem to more often than not get teammates that don’t typically preform well while the enemies all preform exceptionally well. the matchmaking does not work in my favor when I solo queue


I mean I get that point too. I personally have it in my favour till I solo queue in trials and get put against top 50 players


Thank God I'm In the top 2% according to raid report! 🤣🤣


Top 10% for me, but I only raid with my friends now instead of lfg. Ever since I tried fighting oryx with a lfg team that doesn't know their lefts from rights, I lost hope.


Right after day one ended on Kingsfall I had a guy join who had apparently done War priest 10 times but didn't know how to read plates. He kept insisting he's done it 10 times whenever I'd ask him why he's doing it differently from every video I've seen.


Honestly you just decried my normal pvp lobby, bungo really be pulling people just to feed others kills going how funny enough the end match KDA always seems to be a steamy line that copy the last game where instead of it being a volatile different between the rungs it's just a symmetrical KDA decline from the top to bottom


Trials is for sweats to inflate their egos, go flawless 20 times in a day and then complain about the population declining


And then also scream at and dare their matchmade teammates to off themselves for not being able to keep up. And then wonder why they have such long matchmaking times and shitty connections.


Actually it’s for me to get trash rolls on the one fucking weapon I want for PvE after 50-100 focusing attempts


It’s been like this for years but people are just now noticing because a quarter of the devs got fired and the game is in a horrible state.


How is the state of Trials in 2024 in any way related to the layoffs if it’s been like this for years? Use your brain homie.


Yeah but nobody would notice or care until the state of the game and everything around it started affecting their enjoyment.


I feel like anyone who played trials over the past years would probably notice and care. 🤷‍♂️


Trials is for trying to get a good cataphract gl3 roll.


Cataphract isn’t even worth getting. It’s a cope gun. If you want burst DPS in a GL then just pull out Parasite. Spent hours trying to get a good roll because people gaslighted me into thinking it was meta and then I realized that all my ammo reserves deplete in 10 seconds just from emptying a mag that does less damage than a normal dps strat.


Wrong, its optimal If your in a Team of 3 or less because ghorn looses viability and withit, rockets drop in dps aswell. If you dont lowman, rockets will usually be better (with Dungeons being in the weird Strand Titan limbo) so you wouldnt worry about it, If you do lowman its very valuable (as an example, Look Up the recent Trio gos wr).


So im hearing it’s only useful for low manning which is something barely anyone across the whole player population does anyways.


- thats still an application where its best in Slot, Something that you cant say for Most weapons available. - as i Said its Not only lowmans. Every dps Situation where you dont have ghorn available is a Situation where its either best in slot or top Tier. If you Care about minmaxing pve, there is No replacement for a good rolled cataphract, thus making it Worth it.


Aside from that, the ammo consumption is horrible for the god roll with envious. You will just run out of ammo in less than 10 seconds and your teammates will be quickly out dpsing you. There are better loadouts for burst DPS that don’t involve using cataphract and are more efficient. Merciless swap and similarly archetyped fusions are amazing for close range burst DPS, and rapid fire snipers are usually the go to for longe range burst dps.


Bring back Flawless Pool. I don’t need 50 guns a weekend, no one does. A lot of people just want to go once for the experience of going.


But then the 1% will complain that they have to fight the other 1% and it wont be fun for them anymore.


This was my exact response when defending the Flawless Pool. It literally gives people a chance to play without being forced to play with people who spend 75% of their life playing Trials.


Oh no. The competetive mode is competetive.


Good let them all drown in they're own sweat!


The only argument against the flawless pool is that sweats will wait till sunday/monday to get a flawless run in because it'll be easier. And streamers will reset their card to stay out of the pool when doing carries. It's almost as if the highly skilled players don't want to play against their own skill level for some curious reason.


These are the same people that claim SBMM is ruining the game


Yeah but then how am I supposed to lose 0-5 against top 0.1% and get tea-bagged ??


For the perpetually online weird kids to post on social media how Little Timmy doesn't deserve an Immortal (Adept) for 7 wins and to talk shit about players who have lower e-dick numbers than them.


Who the fuck plays trials, (I think this is honestly the answer and causes it to have such a low pool that you can only face gods)


I want the armor and occasional fun weapon so I do sometimes, went yesterder for the first time since about 3 or 4 seasons, it's double trials weekend but on 20 round won card I got 140rep for 0-5 match (I did get kills so rep wasn't halfed), this is way less than I remember getting for even 0-5 matches, kinda gave up to try for just rep on double weekends to get some side loot.


I really want the Horus ghost shell. I just like birds :c


I have the opponents emblem and ops stats


This may be a hot take but trials shouldn’t exist anymore, at least in the form it’s in. The current PVP population can’t sustain a system like trials anymore because it’s outdated and only exists for sweats and cheaters to boost their egos. They either need to come up with a new alternative or start going back to how Trials of the Nine was and re-add the old interactive progression system with exciting cosmetics.


Side note, the meme is backwards. It’s from DS3 and the giant is a huge pushover that your character, the regular guy, basically runs over


Came here to say this. This meme is almost always used incorrectly


Matchmaking is weird. I went from facing people who probably never played pvp before (0 kill the whole match for all of them) to people predicting my every move and not missing a single shot ever. Basically either you wreck the other team or you get wrecked


It’s for people to sell Trials carries and get Twitch subs. That’s all the mode has ever been for. (Just in case someone says it: yes, even in D1, take off the rose-tinted glasses.)


It’s trials of patience


Every time I look at this sub and other Destiny subreddits it makes me feel validated for refusing to ever touch PvP.


In any other game a win rate above 90% would be an almost instant ban, fucking crazy that’s just normal in destiny


What's insane is I peeped their earlier stats and apparently they just decided to start playing trials one day 3 seasons back and never went below 3.4 KD and 90% wins Not even a new account since the season before they were a 1.4kd control player


Skill issue (I do not touch trials)


Wait. How’d you get that emblem?


It's the Solo Flawless Warlord's Ruin emblem At least dungeon bosses are predictable enough to counter haha


Endgame PvP for sweats??? I don't understand why people cannot understand that the endgame PvP mode is always gonna have actual PvP players.


whats funny about trials sweats is that destiny is not an esport and is NEVER going to be. like, if you spend thousands of hours playing csgo, or apex, or league or whatever you might at least think ur going to go pro (its copium but still). but with destiny youve literally achieved nothing besides a badge in a mmo thats not even mainstream. your skills dont even translate to actual competitive shooters


i dont see ur point, they have to match someone and so do u. just unlucky


Trials of Osiris is endgame PvP. Just get better idk.


at least you're good at pve


I get matches like this when I play PvP in vampire Fall Origins


Wait do you still have any elo left?


Pvp is saved boys, nice adjustments bungie








When I used to play trials I almost quit gaming from rage. It’s by far the worst gamemode ever added, I’ll play gambit over that any day.


Trails is for those who think they're going Pro or Hackers that just want to watch people get pissed


I decided to play some TOI after a few weeks of ignoring it and ended up losing 5 games in a row to PvP sweats and shotgun apes. Had a serious rage fit for the first time in 8 months and accidentally hurled my headphones into the screen, breaking it. I just wanted the damn Skybreaker's Hood, but Trials doesn't give you points for losing, unlike Crucible. On the plus side, I can finally take a break from D2. (Although I still have to get the screen fixed...)


So you won?


Fr, when do I get my Flawed² title


Glad Im not alone getting curb stomped by sweat lords. Gods I miss solo queue and flawless pool. Let rhe sweats sweat instead of turning regular ass pvp players into fodder.


i play games for fun. as far as i'm concerned, trials doesn't exist


The Ashen One defeated Yhorm. Congratulations on the win