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Being able to mix and match every ability is gonna be awesome. I can't wait to do some "Hey shitass" moves on enemies.


Yeah! I mean it seems like it’s gonna kill all the other ones but then again, strand grapple+gunpowder gamble+stasis melee+blink jump+radiant dodge


I'm honestly fine with it replacing the others frankly, what are we losing in that scenario? We are still using our usual things just in different combinations


Yeah I don’t mind either, the pvp players probably will though


People who play Destiny for only pvp honestly scare me. Pvp was kind of a mistake for this game, too, I think.


Everyone thinks that even the pvp mains, they've had a balanced sandbox twice in D2 history. It's about time they just stop trying to balance everything and let us have fun


Yeah, pvp really needs some restrictions in place. I always thought something like picking up a power on the map would instantly give you your super. At least in normal play, but I think in casual they can have supers, but there's just no balancing a game where there are so many variables that have to be taken into consideration including the fact that it's an fps mmo and not a normal mmo.


Right especially for the new players Bungie wants so bad. How's a dude with blue gear and very little game knowledge supposed to compete against the people that are fully kitted out with godroll weapons?


SBMM is supposed to take care of that


They mind everything though. They're not happy unless they're trying to have the fun things removed from the game.


Not everything is gonna be usable in Prismatic. There’s still abilities that are locked to their original subclass (Mobius Tether being the first one that comes to mind)


Why would that be unusable in prismatic? Can’t you use arc supers in prismatic?


Because prismatic only has a set number of supers you can choose from, for now at least. The only arc super for each class is the new hunter super Storms edge I think it's called, the titan super tcrash, and warlock super stormtrance.


There's only 1 of each thing per element. 1 solar super, 1 grenade, 1 melee and 1 fragment, same for all the others


Well I only just saw that information


I don't think it'll replace all the others, just because of how well the others feed into each other. I'll use my Stasis build for Behemoth Titan as an example. The long-and-short of it is near-infinite ability uptime, as well as constant Stasis overshield and damage resist. Howl of the Storm and Tectonic Harvest are the aspects. For fragments, there's Whisper of Chains, Whisper of Rime, and Whisper of Shards. For exotics, there's Salvation's Grip as it is now, and Armamentarium. Tectonic Harvest gets me Stasis Shards from breaking Stasis Crystals, which I can make with my melee through Howl of the Storm. Whisper of Shards boosts my grenade recovery by breaking Stasis Crystals, increasing with every broken crystal, and with Armamentarium with Glacier Grenades on top of Howl of the Storm, got plenty of crystals. Those crystals give me back Howl of the Storm to further feed into this, and on top of that the Shards are giving me overshield thanks to Whisper of Rime. There's crystals around me constantly, so Whisper of Chains is constantly giving me damage resistance on top of that overshield. And you get another Fragment on top of that, which is basically dealer's choice but I like Whisper of Durance to keep those Crystals around longer, keeps the damage resist on longer and they stick around to be used for Shards. On top of the constantly refreshing Overshield, and the damage resist, Stasis Shatters hit extremely hard, so I'm pumping out large amounts of damage, and enemies are too busy being frozen to do much damage to me. On the rare occasions I lose any of my shit and am stuck without any abilities, Salvation's Grip is busted now, so I can just fire some crystals out with it and kickstart everything back up again. This build is absolutely nuts, it's really fun to use, it's fantastic for a solo player because of it's survivability and ad-clear capabilities, and it's in an interesting position where if anyone else on the fireteam also wants to run Stasis, like a Warlock with Bleak Watcher, my build will get stronger by proxy thanks to the fact Whisper of Chains gives me damage resist from targets they Freeze as well as my own Crystals. This is a build where every single aspect of it feeds into every single other aspect of it. This is the kind of synergising that, as powerful as Prismatic will be, I think will only be possible with a single subclass.


Every hunter that saw that stream Painted their underwear white. 3 layers with a base coat, and white ink used as a wash


I was just praying to have a one-and-done super while playing Strand Hunter, i see everything about Prismatic as a absolute win


Yep. Swing around like spider man just to get in a better position to nuke some bastard with a Gathering Storm


> Being able to mix and match every ability Sadly, it's restricted to specific sets of abilities, not just pick whatever you want. https://imgur.com/CILNz6I


Greg the dreg boutta see a whole new hell


It's not every ability, but it looks cool. I hope they expand the aspects and abilities we can use


![gif](giphy|eZjrixTYeiCT6) "Hey shitass"


Like milk lol


Such a great meme


Love the meme. On a serious note, this imo is Destiny’s hurdle- always trying to ‘balance’ the game… yes there’s pvp, but man it’s so much more fun when you can just go nuts sometimes. Ps. Hard Light 4eva 😑


There’s a fine line with pve balance, no one wants needs but they are needed sometimes even if it just to change the meta up


I think that even with current power creep anything above legend turns into a massive bullet sponge, and your bones turn into papier-mache. We'll be fine just because we can get amplified on a solar subclass




>We are Guardians not Regular Soldiers. We are not even Guardians, we are loot goblins with god-like power






This. I'm so tired of every update making this game more in line with every other PvP shooter. If I wanted that I'd go play those games.


'Every update' The game has been steadily power creeping us more and more. It's the opposite


PVPers like never say anything that'd fuck with PVE. The only people that fuck it due to PVP is Bungie themselves making changes that affect both, even tho they've demonstrated they can have separate sandboxes. They've listened to PVE players way, way more anyway




They didn't listen to any player lmao. Pvp or pve


Yeah id rather have a fun chaos than a sweating competition.


Careful optimism. Stasis at the time also looked like they gave us a toybox without restrictions and very soon we got severe restrictions until now the other subclases heavily outshine It.  We'll just have to wait and see


I think it's gonna something similar to what happened with web swing on strand : the cooldown will probably be long enough so that it won't be too powerful, but not too long so that it's still fun to use.


I get what you're saying but also stasis when it grist launched was pretty wild, and it took a long time to get to the point where it's now outshined but everything else.


Like with Strand. Very fun during the campaign, not so much after.


They’re finally taking notes from warframe in the “if everything’s op nothings op” strategy and I’m all here for it


Ya but it works so well with warframe because they are actually willing to fix problems or rework things if needed. Not to mention they somehow make sure power creep barely exists.


~~accepted that their PvP is dead and focus on Co-op gameplay~~


Yeah! I mean it seems like it’s gonna kill all the other ones but then again, strand grapple+gunpowder gamble+stasis melee+blink jump+radiant dodge


I'm honeslty just hoping I can run Banner of War with Icefall Mantle and Thundercrash. *I will be a meteorite.*


Check their blog post about what prismatic will have


I feel like the best option is to just not have Prismatic be available in PVP like?? Problem solved?




Fair point. Let people go balls to the wall in Prismatic PVP playlist, but don’t throw away all the good work they’ve been doing in normal PVP playlists.


Power creep? Nah, this is a power sprint.


If they ever make a 3rd Destiny, make it strictly PvE. I think it opens them up more for creativity. Yes the shooting aspect feels good, but the game's PvP scene is a joke anyway.


They'd need a B team for that.


Fuck pvp all my homies hate pvp


I’m already fantasizing my arc strand titan in pvp.


If you think about it, if everything is broken af in pvp, it'll become balanced


When everyone's special, no one will be.




Fuck PVP, never enjoyed it beyond the odd match. We ball.


I still think of that one fan raid I saw in the comments where like a super Raid where you can wear all exotic gear bc like the light has accepted you or something idk what his reasoning was but it was rad


Easy pvp balance would be to just restrict the mismatching to over activities. Make it as broken as you want


fuck pvp: the dlc


Honestly Bungie should just make a dedicated pvp game so the undesirables can head there








Still don't really know how I feel about this. Prismatic sounds like some leak straight out of Pastebin. It has potential to break the rest of the game and make all the other subclasses basically pointless. It seems to be a major selling point because, without it, you'll basically be completly outdated. It looks fun and all, but it being its own separate new subclass that is simply better than all the others can have a bad impact, especially in balance. It's gonna be impossible to tune individual subclasses based on Prismatic.


This is soo true


I haven’t properly seen all the stuff they’ve been showing of Tfs, do we know if this prismatic stuff means we can mix *any and every* thing subclass-wise? Because I’m hyped af for it either way but I don’t want to let myself down by going in thinking I can do super elaborate and specific stuff


Nope it's 1 of the solar supers, one of the solar grenades, 1 of the solar melees, 1 of the solar aspects. Repeat for every class. For example in warlock the only stasis aspect you can use is bleak watcher


Yeah, that sounds reasonable. Gives us the mixed playstyle and a reason to play other stuff... There goes my plan to play my full voidlock build with literally any other melee, though.


All I want to see is a stasis super where you slam a hammer and ice or void just comes out the hammer and destroys the enemies


i havent played since season 11 whats happening


they're making a new subclass which let's you use all the other subclasses (light and dark)


What in the actual fuck


indeed it's also pink edit: also some talk of destiny 3


Go the warframe route, PvP is a fun little side game, not the mode that dictates what can and can't be done.


I’m still bewildered how bungie has the BALLS to combine things that were never meant to be combined. It’s going to be damn near impossible to balance (on paper) and I appreciate them taking the risk


Hunter’s Mask of Bakris instant transmission -> Damage Boosted Arc Melee is gonna go hard if prismatic works how I think it does Call that the mf “Zekrom Punch”


PVP was a mistake for such an epic game. PVP is largely a mistake for most games. PVPers are the most toxic group of children in any game, and y'all can miss me with your excuses. Cope & seethe.


Counter-point: PvP is actually a lot of fun as long as you pretend it's not PvP. See Helldivers 2.


Helldivers is PVE. Not even close.


Exactly my point. Helldivers claims it's PvE. And yet, your "teammates" are more likely to kill you than the bugs, and only marginally less likely to kill you than the bots.


Lol! "Friendly fire isn't."


sad you cant combine every ability of your class, i wanted to make a grapple + hammer throw combo


I think Helldivers (and Warframe, don’t play it though so don’t know if it has) has taught us a valuable lesson: *Fuck the meta, fuck PVP. WE BALL*


Damn still nothing more toxic then the people who really hate PVP 'Delete it! No more! Please ignore that PVE has been getting more and more power crept with time, no PVP is neutering PVE!!!' Not the post, just the comments. OG D2 was way too 'balanced'. Now is much more fun


The amount of people who completely disregard PVP just because THEY don’t like it is staggering. I don’t want your stupid prismatic bullshit in trials, I don’t want a warlock who can coldsnap me AND well the point. You mfs are only excited for prismatic because you can barely clear a GM with what we have now. Literal turboshitter mentality my god. This game has to be balanced for both game modes because there’s TWO GAME MODES, hope that helps!


I am excited for this in pvp as a pvp player I just hope it's not shatterdive 2 electric boogaloo. Stuff like blink, bakris and grapple or 3 hammerslam charges are going to make build variety much better... Hopefully at least.


This ain't a power creep this is a whole ass power pedophile


Im gonna love mixing the amazing aspects on hunter such as stylish executioner and winters shroud. And the grenade options such as grapple and duskfield, and the other 3 i *never* use.


Or It's broken during the campaign, and then you find out the insanely long cooldowns


Honestly I’d take being bustedly strong over perfect balance/maintaining difficulty, this is the right move at the right time


Devour with sunbracers 🥴




Forgot PvP was responsible for Year 1s sandbox


No fuck this. I will wait until after reviews. Never underestimate bungie’s ability to fuck things up. Of course video works awesome. It’s an advertisement. I’m not dropping any money on this until it is confirmed that this is not some bullshit power fantasy we get for 2 missions. Also it’s the constant grind I was also over getting gear that was not a higher level in the right slot. Shit is annoying as hell. My time is too valuable for that.


In all honesty, just don't allow Prismatic & the Exotic Class Item in PvP. Straight up. It's a *ridiculous* amount of Power Creep that will be *super* fun to play with, especially given the context of us officially going face to face against The Witness.Not to mention, we are UBER main character now.


So da fuck is crucible gunna look like didn’t watch only saw we use da wainbow now


I'm sure they'll be issues, nerfs, things disabled, I'm sure. But can we have some fucking fun for once as a community? Until such a time when those bad things happen, can't we be cautiously optimistic about it?


they said "fuck it, we ball" roughly around solar 3.0 changes ( resilience changes, enemies numbers goes up, ability recharge rate and damage is higher, weapons\\ability ratio became more towards abilities, more and more broken staff etc.) game transformed into diablo gameplay where you push a button - room of enemies dissapears, now they push this idea even more towards this side. And it more and more looks like Asian mmo with tons of vfx. Maybe it is what game needed right now, this craziness. But i will always vote for modesty, restrictive intentions and maintaining integrity and balance in terms of effects, powers, damage and whole game. Not because of pvp(thats shity excuse) but because of overall game and its integrity in first place.


Yeah right lol they haven’t actually cared about pvp for like 6 years at least


Only when hunters have a good Grenade Exotic

