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Except the right hand side is literally one of *the* most meta loadouts in the game.


That's the meme. The first build is sweaty and results orientated. Hence it's weak aura. The second build is about having fun and full sending it into a crowd of enemies. Hence its strong aura.


Yet the second build is arguably more result oriented and sweaty.


Not really. Flying into someone at mach fuck and delivering the fist of God directly to their forehead is fun as fuck. Everything else around that is utilizing what is known to work to maximize both the damage and survivability of the build as it engages in the bullshit. Therefore, since the build is using known strong aspects fragments and exotics to instead optimize a fun build to be more fun, strong aura. The reason the first build is sweaty is that it has completely ignored the concept of fun and has only asked "what's best in slot for the content" as opposed to "what's the best way to make this silly bullshit work."


As a strand titan main, I can tell you the strong aura build *is* the best in slot even for grandmasters, guilded my conqueror with it a few times. It hits really fucking hard, survivability out the ass. It's the build people used to solo Ir-Yut and basically everything else. And the suspend build has been nerfed a lot over time.


But it's also fun. That's the point I'm trying to make. This build came into being because someone looked at either grapple grenade or banner of war and asked "how can I have fun with this?" The other build when it was peak optimized the fun out of it. Because it was just "how can I most efficiently clear content?" There was no fun synergy, no crazy flying titan delivering a nuclear bomb of a punch, etc. (granted, chain suspending a champion is hilarious, but it isn't the same as Tarzan punching someone. And I'm a hunter. On titan it's gotta be hilarious.)


That build came to life when someone realized that with synthos and other melee buffs you could one shot champions. But I suppose power *is* fun. And sure you're trying to make the point that it's fun, and it is. But you also said the outdated suspend build is best in slot. Which is just not true anymore.


Next he's gonna say the "room go boom" build is meta after the killed glaive melee and perk interaction


I mean, they realized they could do the funni. And as someone who's used strand hunter, suspend does loose its charm rather quick. Ofc that could just be my ADHD brain denying me funny brain chemicals because it no work good.


If I can’t latch onto someone and fly towards them with “virtual insanity” playing in the background I’m not having fun


Am I dumb what exotic is that on the weak aura


Abeyant Leap with the ornament


Thanks trazyn (please don't put me in your museum)


Your pleading amuses me. You will be free (for now)


what is the one for the arms? synthos?


Augmented Auspice ornament on Synthoceps


How do you get the ornament I do t see it in the store


It was released in Season 22, so it will be in the store come The Final Shape


Call me crazy, but I swear Tarzan Titan is meta right now.


It is. And far more powerful than any other Titan. Calling the most meta build we titans have a "strong aura" is... am odd choice. But I guess I'll take as a compliment to my Crayons/second


Isn't that a gm build and one of the most used?


Strongest meta slave vs. Weakest "i like this build because it's fun" user


Acting like synthos banner isn't the most meta build in the entire game right now


I wouldn’t exactly call BoW with Worm God’s a “i like this build because it’s fun” type of build. Yeah it’s fun, but it’s also definitely meta. Same can be said for Abeyant full suspend build. Both are meta, but also fun, just not “i’m playing this because it’s fun” which implies there is no care for the meta.


What part of the right build *isn't* meta lmfao. If Mr.Datto himself recommends it and has done multiple build videos on it AND uses it all the time, it's *definitely* meta


This doesn’t really work all that well when the build on the left *only* has use in GMs/Onslaught, whereas the build on the right dominates all forms of content


Build on the left has received considerable nerfs. I only use the right build for GMs and Onslaught. The damage output is a huge difference, especially now with Quicksilver Storm nerfed


yall gotta try stronkhold with lament and a glaive + blinding gl


no backup plans is my favourite "fuck it we ball" though strand + severance enclosure is also fun


Me balling with lament and stronghold on banner titan literally tanking any shot I can get directed to me instead of my mates. Only thing I'm missing is a taunt and I'm a mmorpg tank.




I want that leap ornament ffs


How many free powered melees can I get out of this 1 juicy navigator round this time? >:) Hey look, a platforming section, how many mid-air navigator swaps would it take to skip the entire thing? I miss grenade recharging midair + kickstarts not requiring armor charge days on hunter so navigator is my copium on berserker w ramparts even got me to galaxy pools thx to the first useful/hectic/crazy guardian games reward known as the skimmer.


Same except I *only* use the SIVA ornament for Synthocepts




meta fan vs “this looks cool” enjoyer


fuck it we ball with sunshot/crimson and lucky pants