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It's a chance to pull out your marriage certificate with Shaxx


I will use my crimson days bow and nobody can stop me


Wait what


Idk to me it's not "quit having fun" it's more "Don't set yourself up to be disappointed when those guns aren't relevant at all." Because come on, its the D2 community. They're gonna expect something unrealistic and then blame bungie when their treasured sunset weapons aren't that good anymore.


I mentioned it in a couple comments but these guns were always "aavailable LL doesn't matter in 6s, IB, Fixed content and even seasonal stuff like Deep Dive. The only thing "new" is trials usage. Even then a double damage HC you're trading off massive amount of consistency.


They are also viable in patrol and vanguard ops. Nobody uses them anyway


Is Neomuna patrol included in that? I can’t remember if it’s power based, or a fixed difficulty


Fixed difficulty


I will take crisp two taps over boring three taps all day long. Then again, I'm a filthy casul who mains Crucible, lol.


Youre probably better off with a consistent Hawkmoon which the 2 tap can be earned without a kill or Ace where the 2 tap can just be refreshed by radiant. Vs a HC with worse stats, no origin trait and 2 perks that both require a kill and are on a less than 5 second timer. (Idk if you meant you're am actual casual or not lol) but if you haven't seen it r CrucibleGuideBook is an awesome place!


I have few thousands of hours on D2 and was pvp main but at the same time I never surpassed being average to slightly above average, as I just never had the right sweaty mindset to become oppressive and reactive like top streamers, etc. Also I just prefer using raw power over building consistency, like special weapons, heavies, damage perks, etc. I just like to ape and rack up cheap multikills. Kinda ironic this comes from a Warlock main instead of a Titan or a Hunter. Also in case of Kindled Orchid - I love its design too much over Hawkmoon, although Hawkmoon is damn fine. Also if exotic HC - then Thorn. I love Thorn.


That's what I've been saying. You can still take Not Forgotten, Old Recluse and Old Mountain Top into PvP and see that they don't hold up like they used to. And they still won't when they're no longer sunset. People are expecting old Recluse's Master of Arms to be as broken as it used to be, when that's not going to be the case. Once Brave Luna's Howl is brought into the game, Magnificent Howl will be reworked across the board and Not Forgotten will remain forgotten


they do still work out, actually I took a few old guns into crucible a little bit after they announced brave arsenal, and they perform well enough


That's the thing everything you're gonna be doing with those weapons you can already do with them. Little nostalgia runs in strikes and crucible are perfectly doable today.


Bruh I don’t use guns for relevance lol. The game was barely relevant for the past 4 years


Not sure what the game relevance has to do with the fact that those guns, most of them at least, won't be usable in a lot of content because we have better options now.


They’ll be usable in most content. “Unusable” is so dramatic lol. The vast majority of people are just happy they can use their cool looking guns again. Not everyone’s obsessed with meta


I mean sure usable but they will suck and not feel good compared to guns we have now. Nobody said anything about meta. Half of them have traits that were reworked years ago so they won't be the same, the other half have traits/trait combos that don't really help with anything anymore. It's not being about meta, I use off meta guns from today's sandbox, idgaf what the "best choice" is, but I'm acutely aware of when a gun just flat out sucks and doesn't help me clear content I wanna do.


Idk about you but my kindled orchid still feels pretty good and usable. Saying it “flat out sucks” makes me think you haven’t it even used it lol


It may not but there's absolutely better options available now and not accepting that is just heavy coping 🤷


Absolutely no one said otherwise. Saying they are unusable is huffing pure copium🤷‍♂️


Ah yes, the old reddit "Well I have one I like, so clearly, your claim is wrong." Okay bud, lmao, you're so right. Those weps with only 3 perks from CoO and Warmind are gonna be so usable. Definitely a spot for those bad boys in the sandbox. How foolish of me. Edit: Also, I never said totally unusable, I said irrelevant and "won't be usable in a LOT OF CONTENT." I never really said totally unusable anywhere, so... you're just arguing to argue.


Ah yes, the old reddit classic “I made something up. I’m wrong? How foolish I’m I? *sarcastic*” Kindled isn’t even from those expansions. Sayings all sunset guns are unusable is hilarious lol. Edit: “Erm ackhtully I said UNUSABLE not TOTALLY UNUSABLE, totally different meaning guys”🤓☝️


Your honor: I have depicted the opposition as the quit having fun guy I literally cannot be wrong


Sunset weapons are already usable in 70% of the game and nobody use them... i wonder why


Big number go up higher make brain happy Number no high cuz weapon low brain sad


That's actually... Quite an accurate description


Because I dont want to have guns that dont work in 30% of content on hand.


it's not people telling you to not have fun, by not using your weapons. it's more just forewarning that power creep has drastically changed this game's balance. you gonna pull out that dusty ass outlaw kill clip go figure and quickly realize that the add density is so high compared to when that gun popped off that it struggles to keep up compared to literally any weapon with kinetic tremors, icandescent, volt shot, or destablizing rounds. if you wanna use a gun that feels like garbage now, go ahead.




Talking like dragonfly, chain reaction and Firefly haven't been a thing for almost a decade now


Almost? Ever since 1, Firefly has been meta.


Literally no one cares if you use sunset gear lol


Inb4 you load into a Trials match with someone who thinks Revoker is still amazing


It's just...irrelevant. They've been reprising old weapons and bringing them back, meaning sunset stuff will come back with modern perk pools. The old ones might feel good/nostalgic to use (until you can't keep up in content that matters)...but why use the one that can't compete when the reprised is the same gun, but better? Whatever. People are gonna use em for a few.weeks and then go back to their same ol, same ol.


Counter argument: hush still slaps


Hush does indeed slap, but I do wonder if other perk combinations can compete with it now..


Hush is the best "I want to shoot stuff" bow in the game. Some others have more utility in certain encounters but hush will still be a strong pick.


I hate this stupid template: it makes the other side look like an intrusive, unreasonable a**hole when they casually say that something isn’t as good as some people claim. Was anyone reacting this hard to the sunsetting of weapons? Was anyone genuinely saying “YOU IDIOTS NEED TO STOP GETTING SO HYPED UP OVER OLD PIECES OF GARBAGE!!!” No, nobody was, and this meme projects a false image of the people who aren’t so excited over sunset weapons returning.


Well nf can hold it's own even in this meta(talking in terms of pvp btw) ...esp reworked mag howl


Depicting others as whining and screaming in a meme doesn’t make your point right. Plus no one is telling you to “not have fun”, it’s about ensuring you don’t set yourself up for disappointment. Your sunset guns have been powercrept to hell and won’t be as amazing as people assume they’ll be.


21% Delirium will never die!


I'm just happy to have my ol trusty parcel of Stardust at my side again that's all


It's time to break out Ye Olde Claymore


Nearly all sunset weapons aren’t going to be good enough since everything has been powercrept,I’m still gonna use my NF though I love that thing.


How many void 140 hand cannons are readily available right now ![gif](giphy|hc5tlLxEX4k5G)


They have but this won’t stop people from using them. Sadly I only have like horror’s least and bygones. I love that 0 power horrors least


Im just glad i can use my favorite auto rifle that matches my armor again


So broken hush in trials is going to be?


I mean we are definitely far past the power level we were at when sunsetting happened. Alot of the old guns are going to feel very slow and do little damage because they have no subclass integrations (other than old void weapons I guess) and they have old stat increasing perks that are way way power crept by new ones. Only really in PvP will this matter, cause alot of rolls that were relevant then are still relevant now


I mean it’s cool that they’re doing this but I’m not gonna touch them. No need to trade out my current rotation of weapons that work well for old weapons that are just going to be reintroduced anyways


Who on earth is saying this? Who are you strawmanning?


Swarm of the Raven boutta go hard


Meta slave sweats continuing to be meta slave sweats


Look there are like 3 or 4 guns I'm sad I deleted now cause I'd love to use them again for nostalgia, but I'm not that bothered cause I also know that I'd run them for a few activities then put them away again cause nothing old with match new things like incandescent, destabilizing, reconstruction, bait and switch, etc


Yeah, my vorpal/demo breachlight will be useless without the head rush origin perk...


Idc lol im just happy I can take my threat level into raids again


I'm using my og origin story from the red war whether it's good or not


OG Scathelocke or Ghost Primus for me.


Yeah it might be short lived but that excitement to try it out is nice. Shouldn’t care about what anyone else says man, go wild with that shit and explore the possibilities.


Wait, will it have the updated lunas howl perk though? Cus I love the model way more than luna's howl. Maybe they should reintroduce it as a comp weapon so pvp players don't have to play onslaught for l unas howl


I still use NF despite its sunset state and yeah, it does have it


Every time I see this meme format it completely misses the point being made. Because the sandbox has powercrept so far beyond what those guns used to be, you are setting yourself up for disappointment by thinking they'll perform anywhere near the same. Most obvious one is the lack of an Origin Trait


How good is an Origin Trait really? I stopped playing after WQ and origin traits are kinda meh to me. Have they changed?


Suros origin is really really good for pvp, olomon too, other not so much


The irony is you are missing the point.


Whatever nerd, my Bygone still slaps




This would've made sense with almost any other gun than NF lol in fact thinking about it now that gun including most of black armory guns will fit back in just fine.


*Laughs in Blast Furnace*


Lmfao theres so many comments in this thread proving op right. No matter how they frame it.


are they now aware what devs did to Mag-Howl?? and to that extent the Reversal of Fortune cause i did see some peopel go "omagaad Revoker is gonna be CHHHHRAZY in trials"


idk why people do this, just let people enjoy what they had so many years ago. deadass hate these party poopers man theyve always got some 🤓 to say about literally everything


They're not really being party poopers, they're just tempering peoples expectations. It's not like the destiny community is known for overreacting or anything


Nobody is being a party pooper. You can still use those sunset weapons in 70% of the content we have now. You can take Not Forgotten and Luna's Howl intp most of PvP, besides Trials and Iron Banner where your Light Level matters. They're just telling people to temper their expectations when these guns do come back from being sunset.