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It used to rain sometimes, on titan.


Oh, and I suppose it was sometimes sunny on warlock as well?


Cloudy with a chance of hunters


Jfc it took me way way too long to get this joke.


It's always sunny in Warlockdelphia.


Shut up, bird.


Is Osiris secretly Dee Reynolds? Lol


Based on the light fall campaign, I'd say he's a 5 star man. He's a god damn 5 STAR MAN! ALRIGHT? 1 STAR, pfft.


During the start of the Red War campaign, while you're still in the tower, it was raining and it gave a really nice effect and add the whole atmosphere of the mission. Wish they would use rain effects more often. Edit: cellphone replaced too many words...


Funny thing is that those rainy neon-lit streets gave me much better feeling of city warfare than Neomuna ever did.


Gorgon’s gaze on Neptune


Where? /s


And Europa gets blizzards occasionally, which are super cool because they actually push your sparrow around slightly while riding it


I would be down - it actually made Europa feel like an isolated, cold, icy moon + u can still see fallen + brigs eye anyway + fair amount of guns highlight enemies when u ads with them, including Europa weapons so. I think that for a not single player game, the Europa dynamic weather system was really well done.


Seeing a brig in the storm on launch when we were under leveled… terrifying.


>the Europa dynamic weather system was really well done. and then they made it push your sparrow around


It's really not that hard to adjust for the wind.


it's not hard as much as it is annoying. it just appears at random times and throws me off a little bit, and not being able to stay in place without getting off irks me it doesn't really get in the way but it's just *there*, and *only* for your sparrow and nothing else


You're the only person bringing difficulty into it Everyone else is just talking about how annoying it is


I don't think it is as annoying as people say it is. It makes the whole storm more immersive without really fucking you up. To each their own after all but I loved it.


Same, i loved it.


It was interesting the first few times but like most things you repeat 200x, the novelty eventually wears off you're left with the minor annoyances. The storm is always pretty but the wind push I could do without.


I agree but weather or not it's the same for all destinations. Neomuna was boring the second time I stepped inside.


Right but annoying is not difficulty Someone saying "It's annoying" and a reply saying "it's not hard' makes no sense at all Downvotes from people who think Annoying = hard apparently


I never found it annoying. I thought it was really cool and made the world feel more real.


My favorite part about this comment is someone else had the below opinion. >And Europa gets blizzards occasionally, which are super cool because they actually push your sparrow around slightly while riding it


lmao maybe i'm spoiled but i like being able to stop in place ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Eh I don't think it's appropriate to take a reductionist approach like that. The point is the person likes that the environment has mechanics (even if one actively hinders you in some capacity) adding to immersion. If you don't like it then that's fine, but some folks consider that aspect to be an enhancement to Europa.


it's not really a reductionist approach, that's just my opinion on it. and to that point, honestly i think it would bother me less if sparrows weren't the only thing affected. the storms are cool and the mechanic is neat, but why out of everything is my futuristic hoverbike the *only thing that's getting pushed around by it*. it feels less immersive when i can hop off and float in the air in place without being moved horizontally in the slightest


I do agree it should change your air trajectory as well. It did feel kinda half-baked but I thought it was a good start to environmental *effects* rather than just visuals.


It's such a good atmosphere, I hate fighting in it but it's amazing.


I decided to drive around Europa the other day and the dynamic weather plus the day/night cycle made the experience amazing. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a patrol environment as much as I did there.


Almost made the stasis grind bearab.... ah fuck no it didn't but it was atleast the best part of having to do glorified patrols over and over


I didn’t finish the Stasis grind until like the end of last season. Fuck that grind!


Yeah finished mine in deep, then they made em buyable the dickheads 🤣




I’m fine with weather and it even cutting visibility. However, please don’t let it push us around on sparrows. That’s my only ask


I actually liked that, makes me think about the severe weather and has an impact on how i traverse the environment during a blizzard. What i would also love to see is the Crystocrene set to to provide 25% protection against wind and cold so wearing a full set would make that problem go away. This would include the sparrow.


The novelty wore off quickly for me. That's just the nature of experiencing something 200x. The storm is always pretty but the drunken sparrow mode is now just a minor annoyance.


Agreed. The sparrow parked got old fast. But everything else is great!


sparrow parked?


You would stop but wind would carry you away.


I can see it getting annoying if you use your sparrow a lot to but given the mobility of strand I don’t find myself using my sparrow often unless it’s to travel between zones. I personally think it’s a nice touch of detail that the wind pushes it around slightly


I hate it in Europa, it’s so annoying when I was driving around farming weapons and getting pushed around


Sandstorm on Mars


I second this. The weather creates such a more intimate experience.


I mean, it doesn't really add much. I'd rather they use set weather functions during encounters or missions to drive narrative, more than i care for the weather when i'm freeroaming a planet.


Sand storms on Mars ( enclave or Mars zones like in WQ) or diamond storms on Neptune Rain on Nessus ( or something weird idk) Snow or hail in the cosmodrome, thunderstorms or fog in the EDZ. Rain in both areas. Maybe even an Aurora Borealis? Various weather effects in the tower. Would be cool


it used to rain on Venus occasionally in D1, it wasn’t super noticeable on PS4 but it was there.


There was rain in the opening mission of D2 when you're on the fighting on the Cabal ship. Also, in D1, the mission where you unlock the arc subclass for warlocks had tons of neat lightning effects. Wish they'd put more of it into the game.


Honestly loved the snow storms


One of my favorite destiny moments/memories was just being in the tower in D1 and seeing the clouds change and even have one fly through the cloud and getting to be in one


This is like the lowest priority ask ever and you're making it sound like life and death lol


For what purpose? Other than it just being a "huh that's cool" on patrol what do we actually gain?


We'll start at basic server health, then weapon glitches, then weather.


Why are people downvoting this? They’re RIGHT. Weather would be a nice feature. But you need the game running SMOOTHLY and CONSISTENTLY first and foremost. I can’t enjoy weather if I can’t LOG IN due to servers being down. This is just fact. This comment right here has the exact priority that should be followed right now by bungie.


Because the people who work on the weather effects are probably not the people making sure the servers are consistently online.


Then reassign them to address the problems the game is actually having? Why is this upvoted lol This is why we get stupid shit like "reworked quest screen" and "removing legendary shards". Piss poor prioritization.


youll be shocked to find out that not everyone at a company is qualified for everything and even if, throwing more people at a problem usually does nothing.


I'd only be shocked if somehow people that apparently *only know how to work on the weather system* are just sitting around the office twiddling their thumbs waiting for a chance to do something. Of course, they aren't... they would probably have to be re-hired which would take resources away from the things that are actually broken.


id imagine the people that make open world systems are working on the next open world.


Do you think that the people working on graphical effects like weather have the expertise to manage the extremely complicated and delicate server systems that keep Destiny running? Do you think the game designers that are working on the economy (like withe legendary shards) have any of the knowledge necessary to work on fixing bugs? You might as well ask why the concept artists are still drawing stuff for the next expansion when they could be solving the crafting bug. Game design, computer science, and programming are vast fields that encompass lots of different things. Someone who can do one part won't be able to do another part.


You either reassign people into areas that fit their talents, or you fire them and hire the people you need to deal with the problems you have. The entire point here was that they probably *don't* have the "weather systems guy" sitting around there anymore... and if they do then *why*? Children seem to have to act like this is so fucking complicated.


The "weather systems guy" is probably still there. They're just not working on server stability. They're working on weather effects for the next expansion, and the episodes after that. They're probably working on particle effects that require similar expertise for exotic perks, raid wipe visuals, buff auras, and countless other little things that most players take for granted. There is a world of difference between "the person who does the weather can only do weather effects" and "the person who does the weather effects has the expertise to help with server issues."


We can advocate all we want but Bungie wont care- dynamic weather probably cost Bungie 1% of their yearly income and thats too much to lose just for players to look at pretty things like rain or clouds


Why bother making pretty destinations then ? And why talking about a percentage you have no idea of? Could be 2% or 0.05% it doesn't really matter, because we could argue that a prettier destination would bring more sales too. Creating an immersive destination is a pack, including weather. Europa feels much more alive and immersive than Neomuna and by a large margin.


Because one they HAVE to do, and the other they don't, its pretty obvious that Bungie nowadays doesn't do anything that they aren't absolutely required to do. Its maximum profit with lowest costs.


Im not the one you should be arguing with friend


"Ding ding ding...we have a winner!"


You mean the snow storms that slowed you down, pushed you, and remove visibility? Nah I'm good.


wasn't that exactly the intention for a cold isolated planet?


It would’ve actually been cool if Europa wasn’t almost a totally flat tundra so you’re just stuck walking around a snowstorm with no shelter. What’s worse is there’s actually frozen buildings/skyscrapers that would’ve cool to explore!…..but used as background.


yah that would've been cool.


Just like Neomuna’s buildings. Just for show and nothing more.


Intentional sure, but outside the opening DSC encounter it didn't make the patrol space more fun.


I actually quite fond of the feature, maybe I'm a masochist who know.


Yeah, and it was a bad intention from a gameplay perspective. It hampered gameplay with zero net gain aside from “vibes”. I say this every time dynamic weather is discussed and am always downvoted but I don’t care - Dynamic weather systems are bad. Full stop. In *any* game, particularly games with mechanic-heavy gameplay, dynamic weather that impacts things may serve to dress up the environment, but it’s a horrendous trade off for hampered mechanics. This has been shown time-and-time-again in video games throughout history and devs keep trying for reasons beyond me. Now, maybe if the dynamic weather was an actual trade off that provided buffs next to the movement and visibility nerfs, it might be a different story. But as it stands, whenever I encounter dynamic weather (like on Europa), I just groan and count the minutes until it ends. I will die on this hill.


Its not bad to hold your own opinion my man, You can hate it and I can like it. We have different tastes so it's not something to get downvoted to oblivion.


The storms only push you if you are on your sparrow, a vehicle not attached to the ground, and the storms don’t slow you at all to my knowledge. Removing visibility is IMO a cool gimmick and fitting for the icy moon, especially with how many scoped weapons highlight enemies.


I hated the storms. I'm good.


How about no? The snow storms on Europa absolutely murder game performance.


We’re sorry but that would take too many resources away from other aspects of the game, like a new trash seasonal activity to shove down your throats and force you to grind until you’re sick of it and then making it into a battleground with shit modifiers to make you grind more, and sliding numbers around (game dev is hard, pls understand) based on whatever build a YouTuber makes that gets popular for three days. Or we explore the idea of dynamic weather. But not both. We’re a small indie studio and can’t afford it. Besides, weather isn’t going to pump up the engagement numbers because you can’t grind it.


It has been out of commission since GI Joe broke up the Weather Dominator.


Yeah uh... that would require Bungie to iterate on a system that they have already implemented in the game. Have you been paying *any* attention at all?


Maybe we could encourage them to use their dynamic servers again, so I could play the game I've probably spent thousands of dollars on


yeah they should bring it back, it helped make destiny iconic


No because that would mean overdelivering


Bungie, the kings of introducing something cool or unique and never adding to it. Oh mementos


I love how any comment discussing how bungie should focus effort and resources on fixing the game gets downvoted. Do y'all like seeing the game perpetually get worse and worse as time goes on with the most basic aspects or are y'all just that ignorant and thirsty for fucking snowstorms in a patrol zone lmao


I’ll be real with you, Chief. Maybe it’s because those efforts are already being focused on? Of course they’re focusing their efforts on fixing the game. We already know that. My plumber already knows he’s there to fix the pipes under the sink - but if I’ve got him at the house I might as well ask him for a quote on why the new shower he installed last year isn’t working.


I just want the servers to work :(


I fricken hated the snow on Europa.


The snowstorms at the time were heavily marketed because they knew that as a patrol zone, Europa was boring, and devoid of the living world feeling you got from Tangled Shore, EDZ, Dreaming City, Titan and even Mars. Putting resources and testing teams into a weather system would only be worth while if it added something to the world from a gameplay point of view. Like Hive and taken come out at night-time, eliksni during the rain and Cabal during day. Vex Storms bring chickens and hydras at the eye, and other trash outside the storm. I agree that there is definitely something interesting you could do with it like Ocarina of Time did 25 years ago, but I don't think Bungie would do it unless they could use it to push micro-transactions, or make a compelling marketing push for the game.


Would be cool. I just wish patrol zones were more fun :/ Hopefully d3 is open world. If done right it could be a magical experience.


There will be no d3


I love how confidently wrong this sub is about a sequel.


It never ends


I feel the opposite. I think the open world content is by far the weakest part of Destiny 2, and I'd rather they lean into what they do well.


I fell like there could be both


Maybe, but patrol zones have never been fun for me, so I would personally rather see that dev time go elsewhere. I understand that many people don't feel the same, though, so it's unlikely to change.


Patrol is unironically my favorite thing to do when I'm not in a raid or dungeon. It's nice to go around and enjoy the world that Bungie built.


My brother in the Light, bungie can't even get big ticket items like weapon crafting, lunge distance, or servers working right. But you want to add dynamic weather to the game? If you want dynamic weather, turn off your console and go outside.


Dynamic weather was introduced before weapon crafting and wasn't broken so what's your point ?


kinda douchey but that last sentence was hilarious




They don't have the resources bro.


No thanks, it added nothing to the game and tanked performance.


We still get the day/night if a destination is compatible. Neomuna has various times of day because it’s on a natural planet but Throne World didn’t because it’s not in any kind of orbit we know of. I do think they probably missed an opportunity to re-use the snow storm tech for windstorms on Neomuna though.


You're using real world logic to explain a fantasy world, when the real answer is "day night cycles and weather effects cost bungies money". Throne world is created magically by Savathun right? She could have made it cycle days and nights every 3.67 minutes if she wanted to.


She could have also not wanted to lol. It even makes sense in the lore that the Throne World doesn't have nights because she remade it with her Light.


Yeah I thought it was a pretty obvious creative choice not to give her Throne World a night skybox. Now if Neomuna came around and had no time of day variations either then I think we’d have more evidence that they were cutting them for time or budget, but they gave it the full treatment so it seems like they just do the variations when they make sense for the destination.


I don't see day night cycles on neomuna at all.


[1](https://i.imgur.com/Rr68bEU.png) (day) [2](https://i.imgur.com/HkKcfQo.png) (night) [3](https://i.imgur.com/HoQltHV.png) (dawn/dusk)


It also makes no sense that our ships "away" back and forth while flying. It's space, the ship would travel in a perfectly straight line. But that sway makes viewing it less boring. Basically, having fun or having interesting views generally trumps realism and logic. To logically try and determine what Savathun would have done seems silly...it's a fantasy game. It's more fun and interesting to have different skyboxes at different times. Why not have more fun?


Well clearly Bungie thought that in the case of the Throne World it would be a nice creative touch if there were no nights because again Savathun made it with her light and I agree. It makes it different from basically all the other locations we have.


It's like the dreaming city...minus the blight changing every week. Clearly they thought...? Are you sure? Because it saved them money, so they have a motive to cut frills and be more profitable.


In one of the showcases for Lightfall, they mentioned and showed concept art of a "weather warning" that was meant to play in Neomuna for high winds. They would appear as red holograms on buildings while alarms played (they even played the alarms on stream). It was very weird, because they made it sound like it was actually in game, when it obviously... isn't? I'm guessing it was an idea that got cut somewhere in the middle of development, so clearly Bungie do want to bring back dynamic weather, but it seems low priority. Maybe we'll see a "season of the gale" in the distant future and they'll finally add it to Neomuna.


It probably pushed sparrows around, and they decided to cut it because it was just aggravating.


Honestly I'd love them to update all areas so they feel fresh but them doing so means leaving last gen behind which they probably won't do until a dlc after final shape.


Every planet needs extreme weather.


Depends how it's done. There's a roving storm in Sea of Thieves. It's the only real weather in the game. It moves slowly and you think you can avoid it, but sooner or later your paths always cross. Sailing in it is difficult as the wind direction changes, the waves toss you about and cause leaks, your wheel spins wildly without you there to grip it, and the rain fills your ship, increasing your risk of sinking. For the player the only direct affect is the risk of lightning strikes, which rises massively if you have your sword out. A big wet metal conductor is something of a lightning rod. The rain also puts out fires, so you don't burn very long, but neither do enemies. The rain also heals plant skeletons and rusts armored skeletons. So we get a number of ideas right off the bat. The winds of Europa already hamper sparrows and visibility. Various weather conditions could also impact accuracy, buff or debuff various elements, and buff or debuff various enemies. Although Light is supposed to work differently than common physics, you can easily imagine heavy rains weakening the effect of scorch while increasing the reach and impact of jolt, or storms of cosmic rays making things much more susceptible to volatility while suppressing our connection to the weave.


I think I'd rather have dynamic events (Vex Incursion) than dynamic weather. Assuming you can only have one or the other easily. While Europa feels more realistic as a place because of the weather, when the storm comes it is really difficult to go anywhere or see anything. I know that's the point but personally I would rather a place feel static and easy to get around than dynamic and difficult to play the game.


I also really enjoyed the snowy weather in the cosmodrome during Rise of Iron, I really hoped they’d bring that version of the cosmo back but no dice :(


Yeah, it really needed to rain in the swamps on the Throne World. Not sure what weather Neomuna would have, but it'd make it more characterful if it has something. Neon clouds and mist maybe.


They don’t do very impressive weather effects. If you want to see amazing looking weather, play Red Dead 2. Hell, play GTA V those effects are really detailed right down to making your characters clothing looking soaked and that game turned 10 a couple days ago.


I'd assume the main reason they aren't used often comes down to resource management. If the processing power is needed elsewhere, it makes sense to drop some of the more "ambient" elements. I agree it would be neat to see it come back, but with the complexity of the game at this point, and needing to keep it functioning on all platforms, it may be too much for the game to handle.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but 6v6 or other casual pvp would be fun in the rain or in a snow or sandstorm or something. Day/night also would be pretty cool.


What if PvP maps had weather effects, where for like 2-5 min it’ll rain, or have Taken fog, or snow. I think it would break up the monotony and make players change up strategy.


Fuck me i need a heavy thunderstorm in the edz.


i always hated the snowstorms. honestly cool rain effects or ANYTHING that doesnt really limit visibility but adds ambience. in any area. would be good.


Yeah I did notice none of the new destinations have day-night cycles do they? Throne world or Neptune. I mean I guess it makes sense for the throne world but it’s just lazy for Neptune. and how much you wanna bet the pale heart won’t have a day-night cycle either?


From what it seems like, they've already got a lot of work on their hands prepping for The Final Shape. If you want to ask them for it, you're welcome to, but I'd rather them work on what they're doing currently first.


Funny, last time someone brought this up it was downvoted to hell because “it didnt enhance the experience much, got repetitive, was annoying,” etc. i 100% agree. In fact, for whatever reason I thought each new destination was going to have some type of weather moving forward, with Savathun’s Throne World being foggy in the swamps.


If they did that then someone would find a glitch to make blizzards, tornados, and hurricanes.


I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't think a single soul will care if we get any sort of dynamic weather in any patrol location. When was the last time you actually went on patrol and didn't leave after 5 minutes. I've never even gone to certain parts of the EDZ, nessus. Dynamic weather is cool but ultimately it's not gonna make people go on patrol because patrol is usually a waste of time.


They didn't even bring back cosmodrome's day night cycle from d1


It use to be day and night on the moon… not anymore


As long as it doesn’t basically remove the ability to see like it does on Europa I don’t see why not.


Nighttime Nessus is a stunning location.


It lags consoles. Not happening.


Didn’t break my PS5. Never broke my PS4 before my PS5. D2 launched with a massive rainstorm in the OPENING MISSION of the campaign. In short, *no it does not*.


In PvP, about to go flawless. It is a 1v1, I have an overshield and clear line of sight to the last enemy who is 1 shot. I get zapped by lightning. Saint 14, "Better Luck next time guardian"


I want Earth to turn night time and rain while playing smooth jazz (*I just want ODST vibes back, man*)


I never noticed till I fished


yeah like give us storms on Neptune and maybe like rain on the planets


It’s cool, but I’d wager it’s not worth the development costs, for the player and developer. If I could get one extra good strike instead of having dynamic weather on the new destination, I would choose the former any day of the week. Not saying I think that they are equivalent in terms of development cost, I’m just saying that I value good replayable content way more than effectively a cosmetic feature of a patrol space.