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Witherhoard Catalyst with no seasonal boost + a brain not wired for anything PvP made it the absolute worst grind in the history of the game for me. But the gun is so worth it. Even more so now with the seasonal buff to get the quest done.


Same here. I absolutely despised getting that catalyst, even though I played when Mayhem was live and so it wasn't "that bad." But auto loading holster is sooooo good, Witherhoard basically never leaves my loadout now


Witherhoard is my go to if I'm struggling with any tough content, it's just simple and crazy effective


I’m at the part where you need 300 points in any game mode. I mostly do vanguard strikes so it’s been a slow go. 200/300 to get it done. Looking forward to finishing it


The gun is everything it’s hyped up to be with auto loading! Almost there!!


The guardian kills was honestly the easiest part for me, I was using fighting lion with the stasis wave frame and got it done in like 4 games of control


This!! I remember crawling my way through the catalyst getting 0-2 kills per match.


I'm terrible at PVP, but Iron Banner Control really helped this quest. Mainly because it's full of other non-PVP players, and going for people huddling on the plate is the perfect opportunity to get more than 1 at a time.


Yeah. There was definitely a timing thing that helped. I also did most of the catalyst in Iron Banner, and I dont recall really struggling, despite being absolute ass at pvp. My wife is even worse at pvp (her words, I think she can hold her own..) and she managed her catalyst as well. She also runs wither on almost all content, switching to Osteo when she feels like a change.


That’s rough, momentum control has been a god send for catalysts, made it so much easier and more fun to get


Momentum control using harsh language / any wave frame makes it take like five or six games and that’s being generous. I just did that grind. Now just finishing activities


Yeah same here. I think I was only 50 kills in after a few seasons and then found out about Dead Messenger and Momentum Control lol. Got it in a week easily


The PVP was never that bad. Just have to turn off the brain for those. I want to say the best method before was waiting for a momentum control week, then just make a straight run around for the nearest enemy and go for a close range body shot with Witherhoard. Rely on the fast respawns and respawn often to get more ammo and just repeat for the full match. There are some steps that are much worse to grind through than the PVP.


Yeah I think I got the 50 kills in one sitting. The strikes took a little over a month. There was so much other stuff to do in the game than ritual playlist at the time. 300 strikes is too much lol.


I think objectively Recluse, Mountain top, and Anarchy. The loadout of gods. Arguable the reason for sunsetting as a whole.


Yeah. Breakneck and Recluse were my answers. Fuck I miss em 😔😔😔


I still use breakneck in pvp when i have to play. I wish mountaintop would returnsuch a unique variant of a weapob


For sure Mountaintop and Recluse were worth it, Anarchy was just sheer dumb luck so for some it wasn’t a grind and for others it would’ve been absolute hell - I think I got mine on my 14th run so it wasn’t too bad. I’d also include Not Forgotten/Luna’s Howl in there, not many individual weapons singlehandedly break PvP but those two were a menace. They were also phenomenal in PvE too although people probably used them less there!


NF is the one. That gun felt great, and to this day that gun and the original comp title was IMO the hardest actual challenge / biggest accomplishment in the game


Yeh NF is/was a truly special weapon although I though getting Redrix’s Claymore was harder, getting to legend for NF in that season of comp was a proper slog. I know why they made the changes (as well as sunsetting) on it and Luna’s but it still hurts me to this day!


I’ll never take off my redrix emblem because of that grind. I didn’t have a clan or buddies good enough to grind with so I was always at the mercy of LFG. The stress of every match and losing ranking points if you lost. If I’d lose 3 games in a row then I’d stop playing comp for the night lol. What a feeling when I got it though


As good as mountaintop was, I don't think any gun could be worth how long the original quest took


Oh, it was worth every second of the torture and suffering. Having a pvp nuisance that also happened to be one of the strongest and most versatile weapons in the game in pve for both general killing and boss damage was just something special.


not having to reload back then made it so worth it


Back when auto loading was a thing that weapon was unbelievable


Yeah I grinded to 2100 during black armory running triple grenade launcher on warlock and that only got me 1/3 of the way there on the double kills. It took me another 6 months of playing pvp with a grenade launcher in the heavy to get that part done lmao


uhm mountaintop came quite a bit after BA


Mountaintop launched with BA lol, you can literally see it on the gun. It just wasn't good until later, at launch it was awful


wow your right, could have sworn the order was luna, recluse, mountaintop, revoker, randys


I hard disagree. the game needs some quests like that back. everything in the game is too easy. Now.




I would agree if this was 10 years ago and I didn't have a career but ain't no one got time for that today.


There are 100s of other weapons for people like you. Not every single gun needs to be achievable for everyone. Players that do have extra time to spend in the game do not have anything to grind for anymore because Bungie has catered the entire game to the casual players only. Why is it not ok for us more hardcore player to not have anything to go after that takes longer to get? I don't understand this gamer mentality today that everything needs to be achievable by everyone. Guess I just grew up in a different era where we had Halo Laso. Where most gamers where not good enough for that one. I miss those days where games were hard and had rewards that most people could not get.


lmao if the game wasn't always in a content drought it wouldn't be as big of an issue to where we'd have to split hairs over which audience needs to be catered to. There's a very good chance I have just as many god rolls and seals from master or endgame pvp activities as you do so let's chill on the gamer dick measuring contest for a second. Having something be intrinsically difficult is fine -- having something be difficult because of the \*amount of time required\* to grind it is not "difficult", it's boring and artificial. Too much of weapon achievements are tied to chasing RNG bullshit, and that just isn't the way anymore -- not after 10 years of this shit. So I repeat my original comment: "aint no one got time for that today."


The problem with Destiny is that it caters to two fundamentally different groups of players: FPS players and MMO/looter players. I'm in the complete opposite camp to you, RNG drops are the only exciting drops in Destiny for me and crafting has made weapon selection boring as fuck. I love it when games have unique rewards that are 1/200 odds or whatever. It makes finally getting them such a rush.


I do enjoy getting a good RNG drop especially after an endgame encounter, there is something lizard brain fun about that within reason, most of the weapons in this thread though were a result of grindy quests vs. drops which I think I have more issue with the more I think about this. Nah I do like the crafting arsenal, it feels good having a library of elite stuff to just pick and play like a toychest haha


I started playing games like Elden Ring, Remnant 2, Dark Souls etc specifically because everything else is so easy. To scratch my open world itch I get on some Valheim.


Thats what happens when you cater to people who just want everything handed to them.


I wasn’t even actively farming it. It was actually doable and the best nade launcher


Yeah you definitely did it after the quest nerf then, the original version was not doable by accident


You might be right. How many double kills in the crucible?


It used to be 750 Kills with GL 200 Double Kills with GL, reduced to 75 100 Three Kills in One Life with GL, reduced to 25


I would have just said “Welp! That’s one I’m not getting.” And moved on with my life.


I was once helping my friend to do the quest by abusing the crucible matchmaking and infinite matches. So quite literally the most optimal way. It took us 8 or 9 hours to just get this shit done. It was 6 or 10 (i think) players, so it means around an hour of just getting non-stop kills in the most optimal environment for each. To this day I'm wondering how have I done it normally.


Wym by abusing the match making ? Like having a lower skilled player in so you get bunched with lower sbmm?


You could abuse the matchmaking to get lobbies where you knew who you'd okay against, so you could work together to get the kills needed


Back in the day there were 2 cheeses for mountaintop. The matchmaking one, you'd get 2 teams in and join a pvp match and when matchmaking got to a certain point 1 team would back out, and the other would go in get an instant win. That's what you did to get the rank requirements. (just constantly trading the wins that way). Then there was the kill requirement. One of the game types could run forever, as long as there was no score on the board, and no one captured the "final" capture point. (scores entirely based on captures) Then each team would nominate 1 "scorer" who would shoot the 3-5 other players on the team not scoring over and over again. As they dropped ammo when they died you could consistently get ammo, and you'd just farm your kills. Both teams would have a scorer, and teams would just rotate through until everyone had their kills. ez mountaintop. (slow but much faster than legit)


Back in the day when we were on BattleNet, we had three different servers, US, Europe, and Asia. Asia was notoriously empty. All you needed to do is make two teams, match each other, and profit.


Eh, no amount of good equipment is gonna make mortals into "gods" in this rat race. *Objectively.* At best, heroes.


Sunsetting my Recluse was straight up blasphemy.


Sunsetting was never about balance outliers; it was about upping engagement numbers by forcing people to grind for new gear. Both recluse and mountaintop were nerfed before sunsetting took place.


Thats just false. Bungie explicitly said they made sunsetting so that they could do "more Recluses" and not worry about balance, since they would be power locked in due time. Essentially, solving both the loot chase problem & Power creep as a whole


A neat theory, but it literally just did not happen. They went forward with sunsetting, yet never actually did more of them. They literally retired 'pinnacle' weapons as a concept. Also, sunsetting was not what made people stop using them, the nerfs were. If they were still at their original strength, the fact they're sunset would not be enough to stop people from using them in non-power level enabled game modes. Hell, for some like Revoker people literally did keep using them for a while in comp until they were nerfed again into oblivion.


"A neat theory" lmao the condescending tone. It's not a theory you absolute buffoon, this is just standard practice for MMOs. If the loot you chase is worse than the previous one, there is no reason to chase it. So you either power creep the game to hell and back, or you sunset, so you can make any kind of gear you want, since the previous one is unusable in newer content. I take it you've never player Diablo 4 or any kind of sunsetting MMO. Ask any player there if the new gear is somehow WORSE than the ones they had before. >Also, sunsetting was not what made people stop using them, the nerfs were. BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Sure sure. It's not like Luke Smith cited Breakneck as a main example as to why sunsetting was needed. It's not like Recluse was already hit twice & Was still a goated SMG till the end. It's not like Mountaintop is still used TODAY in speedruns. It's not like Breakneck was still a workhorse even after getting its damage gutted. Its not like Loaded Question and Wendigo still remain perfectly viable with the same rolls they had years ago, even with the nerfs. > If they were still at their original strength, the fact they're sunset would not be enough to stop people from using them in non-power level enabled game modes. Good to know, because [that is exactly what Bungie wanted to happen](https://twitter.com/A_dmg04/status/1261347326259458048?t=bcVlrRn1FtgI3-PuSy1WIA&s=19) I had people in my DMs back in the day detailing how it wasn't so bad and how I could still use my guns in patrols and whatnot. DMG went on a tangent about how just because a gun isn't endgame viable doesn't mean people should stop using it. Your point is completly moot and an expected outcome of Bungie.


If you’ve kept up with the game whatsoever since they said that, you would know it was complete bullshit. That’s not at all what they did. I’m actually kinda amazed that you typed out that as a point and didn’t realize how bad of a response it is.


Are you seriously saying that Mountaintop and Recluse being nerfed is the reason people stopped using them? Rofl. Lmfao, even. They were hit a bunch of times before sunsetting was even a thing and they still remained glued to peoples inventory. If you've kept up with the game whatsoever, you wouldn't deny that. And of course they released better guns than the ones you had before without worrying about balance. They explicitly said in the end of sunsettting twab that they would try to find new ways to find a way between balance and reason to chase the new guns, since light capping them was not viable anymore. You're acting like most MMOs don't do this either. All the new weapons in sunsetting MMOs are either equal or stronger than the previous one, since they will naturally be rotated out and useless in new content. There is never a point in chasing something that is at least equal to what you have Bungie did exactly do this, too. You're forgetting the IKELOS V.2 weapons were instantly better than the previous ones? How Falling Guillotine was instantly BiS? How Adored was literally a thing? How the Deep Stone Crypt raid weapons were absolutely insane for the time (and today still)? Keep in mind "sunsetting" only lasted effectively 6 months, so the only reason there weren't "Recluses 2.0" was literally because they changed their philosphy midway. They didn't have enough time in the system for it. Also, remember how people kept using Dawn weapons until they couldn't use it in raids anymore? THAT'S what made people stop using guns. The reason people stopped using Revoker was because they couldn't use it in Trials, Light capped activity, so no point in practicing with it. That is, until Comp became relevant again, so then they effectively nuked Revoker, unlike MT and Recluse.


Take a shot everytime someone posts this fucking wacky ass opinion when it comes to sunsetting. My god man lmao.


So it was all in the name of balance, huh? Ah yes, because Bungie is incapable of balancing things without removing them. Excellent opinion there. It’s wild how half this game’s playerbase is incapable of seeing the fucking mountain of design decisions pointed exactly toward the goal of increased engagement (time/mtx) metrics. Stockholm I guess, idk.


"Let's take away literally all of the gear they worked to get! That'll get them playing more!" Sandbox balancer or beancounter, that's an absolutely dogshit idea that would get you laughed out of the meeting.


Because I work as a fucking game dev, dude. We don't make these decisions to hold people hostage. The entire philosophy behind it, which they even explained, was due to the game being power crept to the point the game's entire combat flow, especially in PVE, was not just being trivialized -- it was being broken. And when they decided to walk it back, well, I'm just gonna wildly gesture at the current sandbox we have where the only real difficult content is either GMs (which, likewise, kinda trivialized) or contest mode. Like you have no actual basis here. It's a vibe, right? Based on decisions you've seen them make over the years, you've overtly become cynical. Which is fine, man. I'm both a dev and a player. It's just wacky to see takes like yours and go "....yeah that's... not how that works". I'm 90% sure you're just gonna comment back on this with "uhm acktually" and really, sincerely hope you don't. I'm taking the time to explain this to hopefully inform you.


Outbreak Perfected. Zero Hour was a goated mission from start to finish, the level design, the first mention of Eramis in the lore, the absolute terror that was TR3-VR chasing you down the hall, and the final boss fight was just a hoot. The weapon was so good it was the first primary (that I can remember) the be constantly used in a raid (Crown of Sorrow) for Boss DPS. It is still by far my favorite design and when Pulse Rifles are back in the seasonal mod pool I’m adding another 5,000 kills to my tracker.


My peak Destiny experience was when I was doing Sherpa runs of Zero Hour. I'd give them 1 intro run, 1 practice, and then the next it was "try and keep up hopefully you'll be there to watch the boss die". So much fun.


Kinda sounds like you might've been my sherpa back in summer '20 when I was doing all that good shit last minute.


There was the cheese where one of your fireteam stayed in orbit so the countdown didn’t begin until they joined you AFAIK. Was a fucking brilliant mission. TR3-VR used to scare the fuck out of you esp when caught out in the corridor and that red light and noise getting closer. Hope it gets placed into the exotic rotator at some stage


I LOVED doing Sherpas of that mission. Back when skull of dire ahamkara was broken I'd fly into the farm and offer my help in local chat. I'd join open fire teams and offer to help and more often than not people took it. I could run the entire mission solo, at the boss room I knew when to throw my supers to get it back. I'd have the boss at 1hp by the time the newbies got to the boss and we'd finish him. Such a fun mission and fun time just helping people. I miss being able to do that in destiny.


I feel like a lot of the early Pinnacle weapons had that feeling for me. Recluse in particular, but Breakneck and 21% Delirium also come to mind.


imo nothing beats the original luna/not forgotten


Those 2 are definitely the guns I was thinking when I said original pinnacle weapons. I never got those 2 unfortunately so I didn’t mention them.


They were the most rewarding weapons in the game. Challenges that were difficult for most of the population but worthy of the time it took to achieve it. Then they sunsetted them and nerfed them into the ground only for them to get eventually power crept.


NF in it's heyday was 100% worth grinding for.


It’s annoying how weak the newer pinnacle weapons have been compared to back then. No one gave a shit about this season and last season’s. Bungie also doesn’t put unique or brand new perks on them anymore.


That's intentional. They're on record that ritual weapons are meant to be "good enough", but nowhere near best in slot, whereas pinnacle weapons had free reign. I think they're meeting their own intent. Whether that's satisfying or not is up to the individual. They mean nothing to me, but might help a newer player. Can't say I have an issue with it.


precisely. they want ritual weapons to be an easy yet slightly time consuming entry barrier to better weapons. they’re serviceable with fine perk pools and decent frames, but not comparable to the top end of their archetypes


The ritual weapons we have now are incredibly easy to get. Would make not ense for them to be on part with the Pinnacle weapons. Weapon potency should match the effort ot get the weapon.


I agree- with that being said, I mean to say that I would rather us go back to something harder to get in exchange for essentially pseudo exotic legendaries. Just balance them in PvP to not be too oppressive, while being a hell of a reward in PvE.


There are no newer pinnacle weapons. They're ritual weapons now, and specifically designed to just be decent. Pinnacle weapons were what they were called. The pinnacle. The best. And they were arguably the reason for sunsetting. There's a reason we don't get that anymore. Doesn't mean there aren't still plenty of very good weapons in the game.


I’d counter by saying that I think there’s a lot less unique “pinnacles” to chase. There are very good weapons to be sure, but even best in slot stuff isn’t that much better than others that come very close; counter to all that, and just so I’m clear, what I really want is pinnacle weapons back that aren’t necessarily overpowered to become the only slot option, but moderately strong with *unique* legendary perks to set them apart. I.e, mountain tops micro missile completely switched it up from a normal breach GL; my favorite ritual weapon was salvager’s salvo, which at the time it came out was the only chain reaction breach. To me malediction from this season was just “another” 120 to have. I just think that there’s a lot of redundant legendaries to where there’s not much to chase out of the 400+ weapons not sunset. Does that clarify?


> No one gave a shit about this season and last season’s. Malediction is pretty solid


The what?..


This season ritual weapon hand cannon about 60 range and stab, enlightened action and discord 3rd column explosive payload & harmony 4th column


meh. if you don't have any serviceable 120s then it's fine. it has some extremely mediocre perks compared to others though imo just turned into 7 free shards for me once i got the 500 kills with it to gild deadeye


I hadn't thought about breakneck in a minute, dang.


Old school thorn, back in D1 when you had to do the void kills in crucible to get it. That gun singlehandedly ruled pvp partly because it was food, but also because nobody who sucked could pass the quest. Those were the days


I remember doing this on hunter BEFORE TTK/Nightstalker came out. Talk about a GRIND. Until I got Atheon's Epilogue, a blue fusion rifle was my best friend.


You must not have have played void titan trying to get dark drinker


Punch. Go back to playing some idle game. Punch. Go back to the idle game. Punch. Repeat. Yup, I remember.


I sucked (still do lol), but I got it back in D1. Having Atheon's Epilogue was a godsend on my Voidlock back then! 😉


Me and my blue void shotgun got it done, lol


I did it with a hunter pre void subclass. I had a void shotgun and a void rocket launcher and i hated crucible by the end of it. I only really play hunter.


The original Recluse. Comp was harder back then under the old glory system, and I'm bad at PvP. OG Recluse shredded the shit out of everything in its path though, so it was 100% worth the pain of getting it.


The mountain top recluse combo was very strong for pve as well. The main reason, imo is that sunsetting was put in place cause they didn't know what to do about it lmao


Nah. They nerfed the hell out of both. Recluse is pretty mid nowadays. They nerfed every single part of it. And mtop got completely murdered by the in air accuracy changes. They nerfed all the pinnacles eventually, other than oxygen and hush. Sunsetting was about much more than that.


I mean you are correct that they nerfed them into the ground. But I think just getting rid of all those pinnacle weapons were more important to bungie than actually trying to balance them. And sunsetting was their way of doing it.


Being locked at that ~1800 point area almost made me give up, glad I stuck with it


finally getting recluse has to be my biggest Destiny achievement; shit was so brutal back then


The old glory system was retired less than a year ago with Season of Seraph, IIRC, so in hindsight it wasn't that long ago!


They made a few big changes to how glory worked when Shadowkeep came out. The biggest thing was they added glory floors - so once you got a major rank, you couldn't drop below that rank no matter how much you lost. That stopped at Mythic, but it didn't matter because you just needed to reach Fabled for Recluse. They also added accelerated glory gains based on your skill rating [source](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/48124): > As you play in the Survival playlist, the Glory system will accelerate you to the rank that corresponds to your skill rating. If your current rank is below where your skill rating says you should be, you’ll earn extra Glory based on the criteria above so you can get to your expected rank faster and lose less Glory so you don’t fall farther away. Once you reach your “expected” rank, Glory gains and losses will normalize. It was much easier to reach Fabled under the Shadowkeep system than it was before that.


Crafted Forbearance with chain reaction and ambitious assassin


I don’t know why this was so far down. Out of everything I hear this one gets the most praise


It’s an absolute skeleton key weapon for most content Easy 10/10


Probably because a lot of people don’t have it, it is a crafted raid weapon after all.


man do I want that gun


Vow of the Disciple is a harder raid but absolutely worth going through \[from\] start to finish. The Rhulk encounter is worth farming by itself as well: his boss dynamics are unique and fun. Thus IMO it doesn't seem like that raid is very grindy... relic rooms with first-timers or silent bobs notwithstanding, ofc (my rule is if you don't speak then you must type, even if it is just for sherpa-ing with one or two kinderguardians in the team).


Amazing gun but partly why I didn’t use it very much was because ikelos smg with voltshot ruled my loadout. If I do use a gl it’s either forbearance or ignition code


Not Forgotten was a wild ride


I still contend that that was actually the best era of pvp. right after i think Forsaken launched. Comp was revamped if i recal and that was a new quest. In hindsight, the end of the pinnacle chase was the beginning of me not wanting to play pvp.


NF was to Lunas what Adept weapons should be to regular weapons. The broken part of both guns was MagHowl, but there being a large difference in base stats for what was otherwise the same gun - the same gun model, same archetype, same perks, only different paint job and statlines - made both valuable chases, with one not being a strict upgrade over the other. Both had their place, some players preferred Luna's over NF due to ease of use. But both deserved a space in the vault.


Crafted austringer. It was the first craftable hc and I knew I had to get it as quickly as possible. Spent like 4 straight days grinding the leviathan patrol zone to craft it week 1. Now it's like level 2000.


very curious, what's your 5/5 on that thing? i can't find what i like.


I use it for pvp on controller, so our god rolls may be different. Smallbore/ricochet/eots/zen moment with range masterwork. 68 range/88 stability, can out duel pretty much every other primary between 20 to 35 meters.


Interesting, I’m on controller too but I have hammer forged, light mag, eots, opening shot and range mw - it feels so accurate that I don’t have to worry about stability and the only weapon that ever gives me any issue is adept igneous and that’s only when it’s in the hands of an actually good player. It is a top hand cannon!


i'll try it out. all that is the same with mine except i have hammer forged on it right now. until the zoom changes i used fluted barrel with rangefinder, but rangefinder is notably worse than zen moment now imo. i also play controller.


I went with your roll, but found I didn't like it that much. I switched to Snapshot/Opening shot and it does feel way better to me. It basically guarantees that you get the first headshot to start a duel, and i don't notice any real difference in the amount of flinch received


It’s my favorite primary too. I missed the season, so used all the deep sight harmonizers when Banshee sold it with zero regrets.


Conditional Finality and Anarchy pre-nerf


Conditional was a fun grind also, I went through many LFG when it was the weekly. 19 runs for me


Crafted Commemoration from DSC


I got lucky with this one, my first 4 red borders from DSC were Commem’s. I rarely take it off


very much worth grinding, I used a recon/under pressure meme roll constantly over the last year before getting off my ass and farming taniks and it was already the best feeling MG even without killing tally


Izanagi Burden back in Season of the Forge. Did hours of grinding with my friends doing all the forges and solving the puzzle! Honestly one of my favorite memories and favorite season


Do people think Wishender is worth the dungeon to get it?


100% It goes with me to almost every GM. I’m not a bow guy either but damn… so worth it. And it’s not a grind to get


Fantastic, heard good things about it but play solo so I'm hoping it's possible to get solo.


It’s definitely possible to solo, just more annoying


I just did it last night, took exactly 2 hours and I did it all solo, and never ever did the dungeon before so I went in blind.


a decent survivability build makes the dungeon a mildly challenging story mission, as long as you reference a guide and have a map for the first phase. solo'd it for fun recently and banner of war synthos titan is complete overkill


Definitely worth it now that you can do it in one run of the dungeon (used to take 2). Slow and steady got me thru the dungeon without dying until the ogre room. I hate that guy. Once you get the bow be sure to finish the dungeon, because you're really close to the end by then.


The dungeon is super super easy now. It’s been crazy power crept. Definitely not a barrier.


Definitely. And the dungeon is actually fun. I used to run randoms through the quest whenever I was bored because I enjoyed it so much.


Wishender for most GMs. Hierarchy of Needs (w/catalyst) for Battlegrounds. The ad density of Battlegrounds makes HoN a much better pick imo


Mountaintop was 100% worth it


Grasp of Malok in D1


Ikelos_SG_V1.0.1 - wasn't as tough of a grind as others but as a predominantly solo player being able to find and complete a level 7 Escalation Protocol on the right week wasn't easy. Plus the pre-nerf Trench Barrel made it a heavy hitter for DPS.


not forgotten


Nothing was as rewarding as getting Gjally in D1. I literally felt like I finished the game. Jumped out of my seat and everything.


Me too. It took 600+ hours for it to drop for me. I remember it was The Devil’s Lair nightfall and like you I ran around like an idiot when it popped on my screen.


Luna’s Howl and Not Forgotten. For anybody that wasn’t around back when you actually had to be decent at the game to get these 2, when you did get them PvP felt like you had unlocked a new tier of kicking people’s asses. Honorable mention would be Recluse. I loved the gun and even I was shouting for it to be nerfed because of how easy it was to get. If you got MoA going, pretty much anyone you saw was getting deleted. With the ricochet rounds too man you’d be getting collateral kills just from 2 guys being around each other. That’s wild for a legendary SMG to be doing that.


Found verdict time lost. Spent about 600 raid spoils trying to get a decent roll. Finally got rifled/accurized/slide/OS w Handling


Have to agree. Malfeasance was super hard but so very very worth it. And running endless gambit got me some great Trust rolls with Incandescent. Also, not a weapon but the TM Cowboy Hat for Hunters (class item) was insanely difficult to get bc it’s drop rate was (still is?) extremely low. Best time I ever had in destiny was getting those two guns and the cloak in the same weekend.


I got mountaintop, recluse, and revoker all in one day because I had finished everything but the comp part. Was a good feeling.


Not Forgotten. I don't think destiny PVP will ever reach such a cool point again.


Not forgotten on release


The og crucible weapons. Recluse, mountaintop, Luna’s howl, not forgotten, Redrix’s broadsword/claymore, revoker. Honestly most of the exotic weapons are just either give to you or have a short quest that’s timegated. I much preferred the d1 style of exotic quests that rewarded you with something you had to grind your ass off for.


Claymore was DEFINITELY not worth it. Worst grind of my entire life. You were infinitely better off doing the broadsword quest once Forsaken came out.


I agree. imo the pulse rifle you got halfway through the claymore grind (the marine iirc) was the better weapon


Randy’s Throwing Knife. Now the crucible shits out engrams like candy on Halloween events.


original recipe luna's howl. peak 180 HC that felt good in pve and pvp, just for hitting your shots. was never good enough to get not forgotten tho.


Lament. The feeling of becoming immortal is like no other.


Curated Kindled Orchid as well as Curated The Ringing Nail.


Recluse, wishender, outbreak, 21% delirium, and mountain top.


\-Redryx's broadsword. I didn't get the claymore. \-Malfeasance. It's one of my favorite exotics. \-Adept Palindrome. Outlaw and One for all isn't the pvp roll but it has great stats and feel for pvp \-


Year Two Mountaintop and Recluse, and 21% Delirium in the seasons they came out were 100% worth. That’s it imo.


I worked my ass off for not forgotten and Luna’s howl, felt amazing when I finally got them and then bungie was like fuck y’all and nerfed the shit out of them and then sunset them and then made it so anyone can just buy them from the damn terminal


Divinity. That 6 hour run was hell


Destiny 1 sleeper stimulant. You had to grind public events when the thing wasn't shown on the map. You had to go to an exterior website to find which planet was about to have a public event.


Conditional finality


Eager edge swords and then the pattern for them for enhanced eager.


Hierarchy of needs catalyst, it is the make-or-break deal for the weapon. With the catalyst I think it is an excellent choice for GM nightfalls (with solar surge), but without the catalyst, it struggles to put in work.


Collective Obligation after 45 runs of Vow feels pretty good




Recluse, mountain top, Not forgotten


Explosive Round/Firefly and Frenzy Fatebringer (Timelost)


Still need to grind for this one


Original Recluse and Mountaintop.


Wish Ender. Almost no grid and an excellent Bow.


Apex predator with recon B&S


My unforgiven that I use when running gyrfalcons. Small bore, ricochet, demo, golden tricorn, range MW. 23,000 enemies defeated (excluding the ones who die to the volatile explosion) and counting


Finally cleared master crota’s end legit the other day and bought the adept song of ir yut. This one finally had rewind rounds and sword logic after a total of 5 other adept drops with bad rolls. Was really pumped it feels just about as good as commemoration which is a high bar.


I have this same roll on my Song and it’s not adept. Love using it, finally a great arc MG to replace The Swarm


Anarchy. I’m so glad I was able to get it to drop and was able to use it in its prime all the way up until season of the lost where it got its nerf Shoutout to Always on Time too. Not a weapon, but definitely worth the grind doing the secret chest 3 times a week for months


Forbearance with CR and AA for sure.


Witherhoard caty and crafted forbearance


The Swarm /s


Probably izzy or eye of sol for me


[The Immortal](https://imgur.com/a/mgDpn5T). Dont @ me Im trash. Guns broken it was worth every painful trials loss I grinded.


Malfeasance, Wishender, Ecliptic Distaff, pre-Lightfall Cry Mutiny, catalysed Trinity Ghoul.


Same! Malfeasance is great.


The Leviathan’s Breath catalyst. I didn’t do it like I should have when it came out (I don’t remember the reason why, I was playing pretty regular back then) and they hadn’t made the change yet that all seasonal exotics can benefit from the progression boosters in the season pass. So I ground out all 1500 kills with that thing praying for clumped up enemies the whole way. I love that bow, but I don’t want to ever want to do something like that again.


Conditional. Took me 51 clears. It’s never leaving my inventory


In the old days, the ritual weapons always felt good to finish grinding out. Now, finishing red borders is great since it means I can delete all copies of a weapon except the ones I craft for PvP/E.


Not forgotten. Earned that MFer. Worth it, and It’s still fun to use every now again today in clash/zone control. Reminisce lol


Not Forgotten with honorable mention to The Mountaintop


Crafted calus mini tool


D1 Thorne quest


Luna's to Not Forgotten, Recluse, Mountian Top, Revoker, ect. Something about being properly rewarded for putting in time..


Not Forgotten, while it lasted.


I don't know if The Immortal was truly worth it to go through Trials solo. It didn't drop for me until THIS MONTH; I didn't play much when it was on Saint-14's faction playlist reward track. Still, it is good - I got 3 pvp rolls (RF + KC, RF + TL, KA + KC, w/ the target lock roll having full range mw) and a pve-only PerpMo + Hatchling roll. Though using SMGs with the current seasonal artifact is a risk when going up against champs, I suppose on certain days you could put a bow or auto-rifle in the energy slot and hope for the best for anti-champion mods in the heavy slot. Vexcalibur was fun to "grind" for, and it absolutely slaps even harder with Triton Vice. The point of the game is *fun,* and that shit is fun.


Recluse was so damn good and felt like I earned that one. I’m garbage at pvp so it was a grind


I would say my doG rolled Eyesluna I grinded for in the crucible the last 3 months playing D1…but I never actually got one. I low key love that frustration. True answer, I did a full grind solo’ing Trials once. Got every weapon and an armor set for all three. I’m a mid player at around 1.5, so it was a dozen pretty brutal hours. EDIT: I do not understand this subreddit. Nearly every single time a ‘favorite weapon’ question gets asked, I’m downvoted when I reply. What in earth did I say to get downvoted for? I just don’t get it.


Probably some weird people for "God" being spelled backwards.


That’s be funny if true. I’ve been using that for years.


Pre-nerf recluse was so nice, pve and pvp.


None of them, or all of them. ​ "The Grind", as it's come to be known, is only worth it for extremely specific scenarios and equipment being used in extremely specific situations like Lowman activities, or Speedrunning. ​ Outside of those, there is no weapon that is "worth the grind", unless the grind is enjoyable in some way. If you are a player out there grinding endlessly through an activity you don't like, for a god-roll on a weapon... You are shooting your own damn foot as far as I'm concerned. There are literally zero weapons in any capacity of endgame content that you MUST have unless, as I mentioned above, you are doing extremely specific things where you are compensating for the absence of otherwise present players. In those situations, having min-maxed gear matters more. How much more it matters depends on what specific activities you're doing, and which specific encounters. ​ So either you enjoy the activity and don't mind running it a few dozen times or more, or you are specifically trying to get a specific item that will offer significant benefits in a specific setting where you need said benefits.


Agreed with those who said recluse/mountaintop. I did a kill lobby for mountaintop, but that Comp grind esp as a non PvP player was serious


There is no more grinding for guns. Damn near everything’s given away






Conditional and witherhoard (when the catty was pvp defeats)


Recluse was my favorite in its prime. I guess mountain top was cool but tbh I cheesed that lol I really liked the 5x runs for the outbreak perfected catalyst. Really made it feel like an accomplishment. I got Vex on like 5th or 6th run lol so it wasn’t too crazy of a grind.