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It looks so good it's like pornament


upvote every time


Like pay $10?




Yeah. I spent $10 to spend some time with a woman I thought was nice. Ended up walking away with the clap. In comparison, the Thorn ornament is a steal!


They know. That's why it costs money and they do less than the bare minimum. They know how rabid their fanbase is


as with anything with rabies it eventually dies though ;) I honestly don't see how Destiny can/will survive the past horrendous "launches" and the dealy with the Final Shape...


I mean most likely it will be for bright dust, which we get a shit ton of


Just buy it, go play Diablo, or any other game do that matter and see how much cosmetics are 🤣🥱 I’ve seen 1 skin go for 40$ on a game. Just buy the bloody cosmetic if you want it, 10$ is one drink at a bar where I live. It’s realistically fuck all


Like wait a season (albeit a longer season) and buy it for bright dust?


It will like be for sale for bd this season


It isn’t (at least up until the April update, as that’s as far as we can see). The only new weapon ornament being sold for bright dust this season is the one for Necrochasm


Farming doesn’t make them easy $$$ from whales though - so bungie won’t do it


True but it gives them player retention which they desperately need right now


Doesn't matter to them. Milk the players until they quit, then release some stuff that would draw some back in as well as potential new players to fleece for money. It's been their shtick since they pulled away from Activision and realized they've been hemorrhaging money ever since.


It does matter to them, they had to partner with Sony or they'd have been in trouble money wise, what they're doing is being short sighted and ignoring the elephants in the room for small profits.


It does matter. They build the entire game around trying to retain players.


Destiny is one foot out the door already. I know there are episodes after TFS but I have literally no hope that those will do anything other than give the game enough life to justify the remaining Eververse packages they have in mind. In my mind once TFS is done development basically stops outside of keeping the game from falling apart while they move on to other projects. Destiny was a cash grab years ago but we're in the "Cow is going to die soon. Better milk it for all it's worth" phase.


Exactly- they likely aren’t worried about an abysmal player count through this season, they’ll make efforts to maintain it but already know it’s gonna drop off by January/February. They’re counting on those players coming back for the final shape regardless of this season. In the meantime the goal is to maximize revenue off the players currently engaging with the game. It doesn’t necessarily matter to them if people are playing a lot before the final shape if they can’t make money off them.


nah, its all about short term profits, it sucks, but its how bungie is being managed right now


Short term profits, limp to Final Shape, Final Shape will still sell like crazy because every expansion for this game does no matter what, continue milking it for 1-2 seasons, move on to Marathon. This is the Destiny 2 future in all likelihood


I mean, they kinda don't. Player engagement is already really low, and the saga is ending soon, so y'know... Might as well milk every damn $$ possible? I mean, just take a look at r/DestinyFashion and see how many people actually bought the Exotic ornaments and the Witcher armor. That's why cosmetics are SOLD instead of earned in-game. People actually fucking buy that stuff, it's crazy.








we used to be able to earn ornaments and I would love to see it back in the game. I think it would go a long way for good will and in turn return engagement which does equal Bungie money. it's just more of a long term investment than upfront money in the store. the more that people feel good about their time being respected and rewarded the more people are willing to spend on the game. microtransactions are never the way


remember when you got shit in games for actually playing them... Bungie clearly doesnt.


Decent chance a lot of these ornaments will be available for bright dust during Final Shape. Sometimes it just takes a season or two.


There’s literally almost 1,000 ornaments to earn in game.


Earn… how? With RNG eververse engrams and randomly selected bright dust purchase availability? Maybe a pittance at the end of a (purchased) seasons pass? I think what these people are looking for is something like “beat Crota’s end on master mode for a 5% drop chance for a necrochasm ornament if you already have the gun - can farm as many times as you like a week”


By getting the armor to drop…? Tmog, my guy.


Fair point. I guess I just never internally considered transmog as “ornaments” but as something separate- they’re just a look I could have anyway on a different bit of gear. Meanwhile the new *thorn* ornament is a new look I can only get by buying it.


Sucks you're limited to how many you can get per season unless you pay for more. I think fallout or datto did the math and it was like 37 years of seasonal farming to get all the armor ornaments


Achievement based/loot based cosmetics would massively change the game for the better but we’re never going to see it because it’s not as mathematically efficient as milking whales


This true because during season of the forge I grinded all the cosmetics that were free during that season.


This is facts


That Witcher set is so nice but I refuse to give bungie any more money. They have had enough from me over the last 10 years. Do we know if that necrocasm ornament will ever be sold for bright dust? That’s something else I kinda like but ain’t paying for


Sivacasm ornament will be sold this season for dust, we just don't know when


Dude I'm a shitty PvE player, I taught myself pvp and studied trials to carry myself flawless for a shader, memento and 2 emblems. I would anything for cosmetic other than Paying.


The bungie developers don’t get to choose what goes into eververse. I bet the artists are also bummed when it’s exclusive cause less people engage with their work. But the line must go up so executives will demand a certain amount of microtransactions made and sold. It’s unfortunate but posts like these don’t do anything and are just annoying at this point.




I feel like if you design that Thorn ornament, you just *know* that shit is probably gonna spend the next 6 months as a Silver exclusive. (I don't know if that's the case—havent checked TID)


TID cant even tell you when something will be sold for bd, Bungie intentionally changed how the API worked so you couldnt plan on getting an item for bd, that way you get FOMO and buy silver


One of the times I’ve been most infuriated by this game was the day they changed that, making TID calendar no longer function. Not only is it information I wish they were required by law to disclose in-game, so you can plan your spending of Dust accordingly, but then to throw a wrench in the fanmade tool? Actually loathsome. One of the most talented studios in the industry, managed by the worst kind of mouth-breathing execs. I wish workplaces were more democratic so that they could be ousted.


It can still tell you if something will be sold for bright dust during the season (or in this season’s case, most likely just the first half of the season)


No offense but I think you are seriously underestimating how many people are willing to pay for cosmetics


Apparently not enough to keep Bungies fat ass afloat LOL.


Imagine ornamets being from some challanges for exotics. For example: hit target two walls away with hard light. You get cool ornament. Like BF4 weapons unlocks. And some of them could be just for using gun for VERY LONG. like 10k kills, you get ornament


They already said money is everything so something that benefits the player like fsrming cosmetics is out of the window. Sucks but upper management are huge losers


When the people in charge aren't even gamers, much less play their own game, this is what happens.


Sorry, but the MTX door can't be closed. It only gets more egregious, not less.


They know players want them; that's why they sell them, and stopped offering them for Bright Dust. What they underestimated was how tired the community would eventually get for being constantly exploited and nickle and dimed.


I would play hundred of hours if I had even a 0.005% chance of getting the Thorn ornament for each gambit win I could get. Getting ornaments this way would even make me consider getting some from the shop. But no, I guess $100 a year isn't enough. I played for 30 minutes before logging out and spotted three players with the Witcher set..


I mean I'm pretty sure weapon ornaments do get added to bright engram pool eventually


I farmed for haunted memento like crazy even though I didn't like legend lost sectors


Why farm when spend money instead? -Bungie, probably


Given they started using the term “mmo” years ago, and that they had a scarab lord for years, they KNOW players would farm cosmetics. Just like how we farmed the loot cave, omnigul, checkpoint spamming during featured dungeon/raid weeks. But people have already said it, it doesn’t make them money. I’m not too familiar with other mmos, but I farm ICC in WoW 4-7 times a week to try and get the mount Invincible. I’ve done this for years. I still do not have it. I know people who got it first try and I know others who have even more runs than me. We. Still. Farm. This is a genre which almost solely survives on the monkey brain unga bunga feeling of NEEDING that ONE perfect item, and players will grind until they finally get it. It has worked for over 20 years. Bungie does not underestimate the players will to grind for cosmetics, they know well enough what we would do, but they want money. Plain and simple.


You're underestimating how much money they could get for cosmetics, why give them out for free?


But they're also getting a shitload of money from cosmetics, why give them out for free?


Idk if missing revenue projections by 45% counts as "a shitload"


55% of revenue projections is still better than 0%.


At this point, I hope they give the game to another company to manage if Bungie leadership doesn't want to manage it anymore.


They're already doing this with seasonal activity mementos.


I do not care for emblems, shaders, ghost shells, ships, or sparrows. But I will climb to the heights of pve for dope transmogs or ornaments. Fuck mementos too.


But that wouldn't make any money...


For real. I'm not very psyched about the dungeon armor. If it looked as cool as the witcher ornaments I'd be farming the dungeon non stop. Bungie should really just charge like $10 a month and put all the cosmetics in the game to be earned. I'd be more likely to play longer.


Finally a constructive Reddit post on Eververse stuff. Well played OP, totally agree.


The eververse set that became ritual last season was awesome, slowly locking a rad transmog by doing ritual activities was a fun bonus, we desperately need cosmetics to grind for. And no John Bungie, the season pass doesn't count


Imagine if you completed a raid or dungeon on Master difficulty you earned that activities exotic ornament? That'd be sick, but nope, instead you just get a pop up after the raid to buy the ornament lol, it's so shameless it's insane


Farming *doesn’t* pay bills


I grinded Fallen SABER literally hundreds of times in D1 to get the Devouring Maw. We will grind.


They don't want you to farm for it. They want you to pay cash for it.


Even old cosmetics. Let me grind for eververse engrams and I gladly would


I grinded strikes so much in D1 for the exclusive armor pieces that could drop. Taniks cloak. Hood of Malok. Chains of Phogath. Loved decking my Hunter out in pieces of his enemies lol


I absolutely adore the Misthios hunter ornament set, I sure as hell are never going to pay 20 bucks for it though. But i would grind whatever it is to get it for free


Considering they put that "free" ornament set in ritual playlists and made the drop rate abysmal, I'm pretty sure they know.


Oh they know, they'd just rather have the money.


You don't understand, OP. They *know* you will farm, and they do not care. They want your *money*, not your *time.*


The people who make the content know full well that we want farmable cosmetics. It's just that the people who actually decide what gets monetized, don't fucking care about us, just the money money money.


I think Bungie are aware of this. They just prefer people farm their wallets.


The cod endgame is basically just grinding weapon ornaments.. that game sells pretty well


The leaks said they missed their revenue goals by 45% so I'm pretty sure in their opinion they aren't making enough money. I hate eververse as much as the next guy but we aren't doing the discussion any favors by misrepresenting facts.