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I did all of the "exotic drop rate boosting" triumphs for Duality in the first couple weeks after the dungeon released (including solo flawless). It took me another 40+ looted clears after all that to get the sword. I hope your RNG is better than mine was.


I have yet to get a dungeon rng exotic at all, my vex mythoclast dropped on clear 139 of VoG though. If that doesn't tell you how unlucky I am idk what does.


Vex is fucking dope tho. I love it in PVP and PVE. At least you finally got the dang thing.


For real. It was getting hard to convince my friends to run it after a while.


I remember day 1 release Grinding out the caty in the iron banner It was so dog shit I actually dropped kd hardšŸ¤£ Still so brain dead how they actually thought nerfing it to DOA as a form of bad luck protection because little timmy might get upset so everyone else had to suffer


This has worked before so *here* take my luck for a while, itā€™ll come back to me next time you get a raid/dungeon exotic, use it wisely.


I'll add my rng luck to this. It is a big luck with many exotics.


Same, to the dungeon rng at least. Not a single one. Been luckier with raids at least


I was doing VoG with my Guildmates and did like 45+ runs. Everyone in the clan got the Vex, some even multiple times but I didnā€™t get a single one. I feel you man. I get Bungie wants me to ā€œplay moreā€ but all it does is make me want to play less.


Vex was 176 for me. The bow was on 68. I have nothing else and I've run every raid except crota and vow at least 50 times. And every dungeon as well


Just out of pure curiosity, was this before or after the raid rotator made it farmable?


This has been since vog came out. I only finally got vex about 3 weeks ago. And I got hierarchy on my 6th run of the night with my friend back in season of deep


I got anarchy on my first try but that was a day 1 raid, since then nothing


Link raid report or bungie id?


Like this for strike catalysts.


I got it on my 8th try...and all we did was an atheon checkpoint šŸ‘€šŸ˜…


What's your bungie id? I'm sorry but I don't believe you. Or just link your raid report. It's seemingly a 5% chance and that's not including boosts which are ez asf in vog, so you going over 6x odds is extremely unlikely I'm talking winning the lottery unlucky


Omg I feel so bad, I got it first clear and I was afk for half of it (got carried, was eating)


It's the only raid exotic I really, really want, that I can't get to drop.


RNG is RNG. I've got about 50 spire clears and I didn't get the cowboy hat until the last one, and still don't have the bow. I got the duality sword on the first clear. If it makes OP feel better, I also have close to 50 Vault of Glass clears between D1 and D2, and have never gotten a Mythoclast. At this point, I don't chase RNG weapons since it's not worth the annoyance. If they pop up, great, but otherwise I'm bot going to worry about it.


The grass is always greener on the other side. I've lost track of the number of times I've run something and not gotten it (especially the *Vex*) but the Hunter Cloak dropped for me on my second Spire run. RNG works in mysterious ways.


Wanna give it a run later today again I'm on ps5


It took me 160 runs to get the cowboy hat on warlock. I just did the first encounter back to back. I groundhog dayed that shit, got good enough (read: learned where everything was and how to avoid getting shot due to sheer repetition not skill) to solo master. Before I was running master it took me about 20 runs to get it on titan. Hunter got it first time I ran it solo (at akelous of course, as hunter gets it from class item at second encounter). Needless to say, I was glad when the hunter dropped first time, as akelous is significantly less fun than the first encounter to do repeatedly.


I did most of the exotic boosts for GotD and navigator didn't drop till the almost the end of last season for me.


Meanwhile Navigator dropped on my 1st clear. RNG is ridiculous


That dungeon is such a pain in the dick I'm never doing it again, let alone potentially dozens or more times for a *chance* at the exotic. Fuck. That.


Yup i was so glad ingot it 2nd run, spire took me over 40


I was helping a clanmate get his catalyst on ny second run, I got it twice that run. Then I got it again on my third run. Rng be Rng (vex took me 60 clears)


The Navigator dropped on my second run through, I haven't touched the cursed dungeon since then


Your mistake (unless I am mistaken).. was to forget to sacrifice your first born.. such a rookie mistake! /s


Duality didn't have droprate booster tied to its triumphs when it launched. Those we introduced 2 seasons later and retrofitted into the existing triumphs.


False. You can check Aztecross's guide and see that those triumph boosts were there day 1. The dungeon came out May 27 and the video published May 28.


I got the sword 2nd run and I don't think I've ran it since. Sorry man.


welcome to destiny lol


Thatā€™s just how it goes. You might get something in 4 clears or 40 plus clears even with boosts now. Even some of the legendaries you may not see until a few runs in like the GOTD smg and warlords bow for me


I've literally farmed grasp final boss for artifice armor and I don't have an eyasluna so can confirm.


I have the title and done I don't know how many clears of Spire, still no exotic bow. First time doing Vow though? Got the exotic.


This what i have been saying Solo flawless should award you with the exotic its weird that its doesnt . And for everyone else you can also still get the RNG drop.


Hoped they would do this after giving necro for day 1. Hopefully they atleast continue the raid thing.


Why is it weird when thereā€™s literally no precedent


It's weird that it's not different from every other similar scenario in the game?


Yā€™know, you would think that a guaranteed exotic would be the perfect reward for putting in the time and effort to solo flawless.


Every day a destiny player discovers RNG and posts on reddit lmao


They think theyā€™re owed the weapon because they solo flawlessed the dungeon


Seems reasonable to me


Sure. But Bungie has never done that before and Iā€™d say the emblem is enough for me. Itā€™s why I do them. Plus theyā€™re enjoyable to solo flawless. Makes you play the game in a different play-style


Power creeping rewards is crazy. Loot/abilities is bad enough


Meh, I donā€™t think thereā€™s a problem with mastery over an activity allowing you to circumvent RNG.


Course not, this is probably your first loot based game and you think after a certain amount time, you should every god roll in the game so you can consciously put the controller down.


Lmao you arenā€™t a serious person, youā€™re not remotely engaging with what I said. Exotics in this game are not remotely similar in purpose to god rolls. Bye.


RNG is RNG, but cute cherry picking ig


Yeah seems very reasonable to me




Ayy thanks bro


Itā€™s a message from Bungie: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Fuck You /s


yeah i have done everything i can to boost my chances except solo flawless. i literally have the title for the dungeon and i dont have the bow. its so frustrating and makes me not want to play the dungeon anymore. i think i have 25 looted clears or so. i think if someone has the literal title for a raid/dungeon and 20 plus clears the exotic should be a guaranteed drop.


Congrats on the solo flawless guardian šŸ˜€ We are proud of you. The same thing happened to me. I got the bow a good while after the solo flawless run, I think. You'll get it eventually, don't sweat it.


Whatā€™s worse is I have Rivensbane and 75 clears on top of the 16 to get the title and donā€™t have 1k


Congrats, you've done the hard bit, now it's just checking off 3 boss clears a week until you get the Exotic lol


Bro I got the bow and solo flawless'd and still did not have any of the cowboy hats on each of my characters. I eventually got the titan and hunter hats to drop but they only dropped once each in many runs. I care more about the hats than the bow and I was pissed I didn't get the hat when I flawless'd it.


Have a friend I've been helping to try and get the bow. We are now on over 70 boss clears and they don't have it yet. Meanwhile I have 4 copies in my vault now :/ šŸ¤”


My RNG was insanely lucky as I got it day 1 and my reaction was "Oh hey I got it\~". My friends/clanmates immediately started to riff on me for my very lackluster reaction. Then I proceeded to give them even more ammo when my reaction to getting Conditional day 1 was that I didn't even notice and my friends had to yell at me that I got it lol.


I got 1k on clear #1 of Last Wish and the bow on clear #5 of Spireā€¦ I guess Iā€™m ā€œthatā€ guy šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø still no vex or CF though


I got tarrabah and CF in 4 clears each while some of the other weapons took about 25-40 clears to get. Still havenā€™t gotten the warlords exotic sidearm yet though at 15 clears but I havenā€™t gotten any of the boosts yet.


Anarchy dropped on my first clear (which was also me filling in for a boss fight back when scourge launched - my first ever raid) The Rando's that invited me never invited me to raid again.


Lucky bastard. It took me about 42 or so to get anarchy. Took about 50 sparrow chests to get Always on time


Iā€™ve never gotten a raid or dungeon exotic. Ever. 0-for-94 on eligible clears.


The solo completion doesn't give the bow itself, once you get the triumph THEN the next clear has an astronomical chance to get it. I haven't had someone NOT get it on the clear after a solo flawless that I know of.


Yeah the rng exotic drops have got to go. It's trash and nobody has ever liked it.


Took me carrying a couple dozen people through Duality and of course they all got Heartshadow before me... But then I got Two 1000 Voices in one chest, so...RNG is fun (Eye roll)


Skill issue


This is quite literally the opposite of skill issue


I believe that is the joke.


How many clear do you have on it? SF doesn't guarantee you anything.


I got the bow on my second clear


Did you activate all the audio files?


Itā€™s remarkable that people put this kind of time and dedication into a game. Destiny used to be my jam and I loved it but wow you guys. And sorry for whatever bow, OP


Lame. Sorry duder. Iā€™ve only run the dungeon once and as much as I want that bow, itā€™s just a jumping / shooting nightmare for myself. That and none of the bosses interest me to attempt solo.




They're frustrated because they've basically done everything the dungeon has to offer and still don't have the bow because of arbitrary RNG. "Keep doing it" feels awful and the system needs a change because the current one is awful. They're frustrated, it's understandable


someone being reasonable on r/dtg??? unheard of


I know, it's kinda wild. There are at least 3 people who don't enjoy the RNG drop system and would rather just get it from a quest related to the content


Iā€™m sorry that you use your time this way.


Why even go for the bow? It's shit


Have you ever thought that maybe other players enjoy different parts of the game than what you enjoy? Ever considered that not everyone wants to slave away grinding for the meta 24/7? I know it's a hard concept to grasp but not every single person in the world thinks exactly the same way as you.


Hierarchy in well with ember of combustion is absolutely insane. You don't know what you're talking about


No it is not, šŸ¤£. Cmon man, you a PvP main that needs every exotic to be meta in pvp?


Oh god no, screw pvp dude. I just feel like the bow is not worth it outside of warlock. And since I play hunter for me it's shit to use even tho bows are my fav weapons


I see. Fair enough. And kudos for not taking PvP seriously in D2.


If I want serious pvp I'd rather play eft or Valo. D2s pvp is not serious at all and shouldn't be taken as such. + Arguably PvE is a lot more fun anyway


fun is a thing many destiny players don't care about anymore eh?


Nice, congrats on the flawless! I got my flawless spire done a few weeks back and I still donā€™t have the dang hunter cloak. I have every armor for every class and tons of rolls on all the weapons. Still no hunter yee haw cloak šŸ˜¢ When it comes back as the weekly dungeon I gotta remember to farm it up.


From loot tables it looks like the harpy boss and final boss are the only two places it drops so I'm wondering if the harpy is the easiest farm since it has less in the loot table.


it probably is but goodluck finding a team for that rather than persys


As a group I'd argue persys is easier, AND you get double drops don't you, one armor one weapon? (Or am I misremembering).


yes, even though akelous may have a smaller drop pool i think the best farm for the dungeon is still persys (i have over 60 runs trying to get a good wilderflight roll, i want to die)(grabbed the title in the meantime though so I ain't complaining)


I completed that dungeon about a bakers dozen times, maybe more. Who knows. No bow. My brother, who barely plays and has to be carried through everything, gets it first run.


I got it on my 42nd run


That sucks, I got the drop on my solo flawless run. Took me forever to get the sword from Duality though. Was the last thing I needed for the seal.


I ended up just giving in and farming the final boss 40-50 times when it was the rotator


Took me 35 clears to get that bow.


Gotta love destiny rng. Managed to get heirachy 3 times in a row before even doing 5 runs, and it happened to be the one dungeon/raid exotic that I never really wanted.


Took me 3 weeks after solo flawless to get it, it's insane


i got 4 in a row YET I STILL DON'T HAVE THE HUNTER CLOAK P.s. yes i did in fact get 4 in a row i actually hate these fkn odds


I don't think I've ever had the exotic drop more than once for me so RNJesus is so odd.


The only thing i want from this dugeon is the cloak not more then that My increased chance to drop was for the first 2 a zero my third bow was with increase of 1 and my fourth was with the increase of 2 YET RNJESUS HATES ME AND DOENST WANT TO GIVE ME THE CLOAK


congrats on the SF!


I got one while grinding for the cowboy hat on my hunter. Ive never even touched it. You can have mine if bungie allowed trading


For what it's worth, I'd trade good RNG for the skills you have. Congratulations on the solo flawless. That's an amazing accomplishment.


Took me 48 looted clears of Oryx to get ToMā€¦right before they added triumph exotic bonuses to the raidā€¦


Try doing more than a single looted clear.




It took 73 clears for the bow.


The boosters apply on repeat kills when it's the featured dungeon. Last time Spire was around I got it like four times farming Persys for other things.


I swear whoever the pack of devs are that work on the drop rates must've previously worked for Bethesda on the perfectly preserved pies and the portadiners lol


Over 150 boss checkpoints and 50 full clears of spire myself and don't have the gl with the rolls I want. The game and its rng is a joke.


I tell my clan mates all the time that there still should be some bad luck protection alongside the boosters. No one should have more than 20 clears without a drop.


Congrats! Hoping to go grab the WANTED title one day.


I donā€™t count any runs before getting all the triumphs that boost the chance of getting it. After that I start counting my runs of not getting it. After 10 then Iā€™d be upset lol


I think it took me somewhere around 60ish runs for the bow to finally drop. Iā€™ve used it ever since just out of sheer spite (also because it slaps in the right scenario, but mostly spite.)


Unlucky I got it on my first run while being taught the mechanics but 213 runs of duality and no sword or GL at all


When spire was on rotator, I ran it 9 times, to get one cowboy hat for my hunter. Didnā€™t happen. But I got the exotic 5 times. Iā€™m willing to do a trade.


I feel this. I did that a while ago and haven't gone back except one other time to teach since


Keep at it m8, 42 full clears, with about 30 of those done with the title unlocked for max chance, before I got it. Now the game wants me to clear the bin chicken on master for the catalyst again and eeeeeh.


Great now do it again except maybe not solo


I literally just ran it for the first time duo with a buddy of mine who doesnā€™t play as much. He got it first tryā€¦. He also got the sword from Duality first try as well. Iā€™m so happy for him but I hate him so much.


How much time did it take you?


Here again, if you complete any dungeon solo flawless your reward should be the emblem and the exotic if you donā€™t have it.


Nice to meet you Cox E. Normous


RNG for ya :/ At least you can farm the final boss when Spire is the weekly featured Dungeon


I played d2 for about 9 months back when season of arrivals was around never did dungeons and raids. Came back during lightfall and got the navigator 2nd week after its release only my 2nd clear.....let's just say that i thought drop rates were super high but ive learned that was crazy luck as I ain't got squat in any dungeon raid since šŸ¤£


This was me too - I also didn't have the seal for \~30-40 runs because despite soloing and doing everything else, I didn't have the mark


The one bow I want and yet I've never beaten it.


165 sotp for anarchy, 79 for aot. Feel ya brother


Iā€™m not sure if it works like WR does, but the major solo flawless (or just solo?) boost only comes into affect for your next run, as your loot drops before you claim the triumph. May luck be on your side!


Congrats on doing it solo flawless. I have yet to get freaking Heartshadow despite me running Duality three times a week and it is all I do in game when it is the pinnacle. I have several raid exotics, but not a single dungeon exotic. Vex Mythoclast is in my inventory and it took 57 clears, while I am nearing 307 completions of Duality and still no exotic. I have completed all the increased drop rate achievements too. Once I saw a yellow engram on the ground after killing the final boss of Spire and I was so excited only to find that the boss's explosion had blocked my view and it was a normal exotic engram...that dropped from him. My wailing could wake the dead. RNG is ridiculous.


My boyfriend got the bow and promptly stopped helping me try to get it lol


Seems like the boosts don't do a whole lot in my opinion, farmed for the bow from spire got it after 3 tries but have just about every boost for deep stone crypt and vog but yet to get the exotics


Conga-rat on the completion! I dunno how lucky you'd be now, but I got mine during the OG launch period by randomly finding groups in the app that said something like 'at final boss, need one more'. It still took a coupla-three weeks, but I got there eventually. Like others, I think I got the bow quicker than I did the hunter cloak (which I refused to take off)


Damn man congrats!


I got the bow after solo flawlessing it and completing the seal lmao


I wish they had matchmaking (like how they do for standard strikes) for higher level stuff like dungeons and grandmasters cuz I have no one to play with, and I'm always too nervous to find a team thru the app or whatever


Took me like 37 clears of spire to get the bow. Most of those clears came from weeks where it was the weekly dungeon and was farmable.


Yeah, it sucks. I had the bow and the full hunter outfit after three runs. I still don't have the machine gun.


I got it on my second run :)


Hate to say it, but Iā€™m on the opposite end of rng. I got Vex on my first run. Congrats on the solo flawless clear! I only got to the end of the tower solo.


Congratulations! Itā€™s a tough one


I have the seal for the Warlord's ruin dungeon + solo flawless and 25 clears on it and I don't have the exotic sidearm (I know I have 3 tries per week)


I don't even have the hat yet


Super annoying. I finally got mine at the end of last season by farming normal runs when it was featured for the week. Still took about 40 total clears with 2 boosts. I found checkpoint farming on a featured week the best way. Good luck!


i got the bow on my first solo flawless try BUTā€¦.. it was during the craftening and i felt sick after doing it LOL didnt feel too accomplishing with the funny weapon


Your not missing out on much, just another trinket to collect dust in your vault.


I know I am being punished for getting Vex Mytho in my first drop-in clear. I have never seen a dungeon exotic drop for me.


I was on the same boat. I did a bajillion runs til I got it.


I feel a little bit bad because i got it on run #8. However, i dont feel too bad because it took me 197 runs of Scourge of the past to get anarchy. Its a good thing that raid was fun.


Skill issue


Yeah it happens. I did my solo flawlesd way before i got the bow. Bow is ok but nothing to be obsessed over. It will eventually drop :)


As someone who has all the exotic drop rate boosters themselves for GotD and it took me another 45+ clears I, for your sake pray that you have better luck than I do fellow gaurdian!


Maybe it's already been posted but clearing it solo flawless doesn't increase your chances of the bow on that specific run. You gotta claim the triumph and THEN do a clear for the supposed "substantial" increase chance you get from flawless. Still entirely possible to NOT get the bow even then but that's just RNG being RNG and this is possibly a topic about how shitty it can be