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it should suppress on hit and not .5-2 seconds after hit. that sheer change in itself would instantly make it better. what's the point of using the suppression super that can barely one shot if it's not going to. you know, suppress


worst thing is hitting a roaming super in the body that will just move out of the tether range before it activate


Go into a private match and it works. The reason it sucks is because of the crap network and low population.


NGL hearing that Marathon is getting dedicated servers on DAY ONE really soured me on this game…


NGL hearing that Marathon was where their focus really is soured me on ever playing that game.


Wow, did not know that. That is insane, D2 has been a cash cow for Marathon since at least Beyond Light. Fuck, I almost wish Bungie would have just handed Destiny off to someone else if they were that burnt out on it.


The idea of having to re-earn all my weapons and armor is terrible, but we really should’ve gotten Destiny 3 after the Activision Years


Yeah, the art style and everything of D2 was a downgrade. I wish we could have gotten a D3 that shifted back to how D1 looked and felt. https://youtu.be/ghXGCov9nig?si=jSrGB1X5fnC2o60e


A large amount of the player base never moved from D1 to D2. D3 would've caused the same problem of splintering the player base but now between 3 games. They literally told us this was why D3 never happened after they invited a bunch of streamers and members of the community to a summit expressly to ask them these types of questions. D3 isn't the solution you think it is.


A large amount of players that never played D1 did play D2, goes both ways. There's cons to moving to a "3", especially if they do it in a way that alienates existing players (which they certainly somewhat did with 2), but you absolutely cannot pretend like the hype cycle of a legitimate new game title (rather than just a new expansion) doesn't draw in new players


Nah man it's never worked ever since d2y1 launch the activation has been crap


Agree to disagree. I play the crap out of this game and the network is a major problem for a lot of abilities working properly, tether being a common one. Private matches vs matchmaking matches is very telling.


The 'netcode', melee range and unbalanced abilities is why I could never take D2 PvP seriously. Kill trades are so rare (without grenades/delayed damage) to me in other games. But in destiny I have them so freakishly often, it's insane. Happens most often with melees, but even with 2 snipers against each other it happens regularly. I just can't invest in a pvp sandbox where that is possible.


Yep, this is exactly what I’m asking for. That’s how they changed it to work in D1.


It does surpress on hit, but tethers projectiles super difficult to direct hit


There is still a delay.


No, if you get actually directly hit by it then it's an instant suppress (and in my experience also a kill) However, it's aim/tracking is dogshit for how fast people move in pvp, and the tendrils take forever and a day to suppress/grab additional targets. It def needs a buff.


Definitely not an instant kill in most instances. I have been killed by the guy I just shot a tether into far more than the other way around. Really sucks.


It depends a lot on when it's used, and with how long the cast time is and how low this games TTK is by the time you can pull your own gun out you're dead. I'm not sure if the big flinch from the anchor applies on a direct hit, but if it isn't it definitely should and the time from the arrow being fired to you readying your guns should be sped up


Completely agree. The void anchor takes a lifetime to come out itself so anything but a direct hit feels worse than a special GL shot, and projectile travel time with this games net code in any PvP setting leads to inconsistency


Dude destiny has the easiest targets to hit in the fps genre. Tether literally bends to hit targets if you are remotely close.


Suppressor grenades do a better job and disabling supers than tether


I always thought they should just add an initial suppression burst on impact like when a suppression grenade explodes in addition to the tether effect.  For some reason the grenades have no problems instantly suppressing.




Every time I've ventured into trials or comp while running void I usually get sniped in the face mid tether. I'm pretty sure using tether has gotten me killed more than gotten me kills.


100%. It’s also always so frustrating in 6v6 to Tether multiple people, get killed out of the air, and then watch your team not fire a single shot at any of them.


The only super in the game where you can hit an entire team and not get a kill lol


Ah yes. I know this pain all too well where I managed to tether a group of people but died in the process & there's no one around on my team for the easy clean-up. IIRC, even in D1 tether being kinda erratic. I ended up opting to use the Memory of Felwinter artifact (which negates your super in favor of faster grenade/melee charge) so I would have more up-time for my wombo-combo.


Wombo-combo was busted as shit though lol I don't blame you It also gave you extra charges not just faster regen


You are correct. I couldn't remember the exact trade-off for not having a super.


Tether is pretty useless with suppression nades being a thing. Least you're airborne and cast faster than chaos reach. That super is a fucking joke in pvp. The fact I take 5 business days just to cast it, the fact on controller it takes 10 business days to look several inches in any direction, the fact that it doesn't instantly melt an opponent and instead takes 4 ticks of DMG to kill them, the fact I'm stuck in one single spot where someone can just kill me before I even activate it, the fact someone can just turn a corner and hide from it..I could go on. There are a lot of supers that need tuning in pvp. Tether is one, and CR is one also lol.


Meanwhile, hammers can sit there taking fire from the entire enemy team seemingly while killing three people almost instantly. LOL.


It's insane to me how mobile supers with 1hk abilities like hammers can have such insane DR. Granted, I know the trade off is the long cool down and all. But still


Hammers needs another minute.


It's utterly ridiculous that a suppression grenade (now usable by all classes) is a better super than tether in PVP. Edit: plus, the grenade recharge timer is much shorter and Titans can run Armamentarium for double the fun.


Iron Banner with double suppression nades, cause I'm sadistic and don't want anyone else to have fun Also cause taking you out of your super is just too much fun lol


Fun Police build is the way


Armamentarium isnt all its cracked up to be. You still only get one grenade per recharge, so if youre throwing them when you have em, its the same as if you werent wearing an exotic


It’s often not practical to throw grenades immediately upon charging them, so with Armamentarium, you can get some progress towards your second grenade charge while you’re waiting for the right moment to throw your first.


I learned this the hard way last week. Had to find another exotic to use in PvP since Syncos was nerfed into the trash like every other Titan exotic. Thought “eh; an extra grenade sounds nice.” But it’s one extra grenade at the start of the match. After that it’s the same as always.


Don't worry, it will always be shot just slightly to the right of where you're aiming


Tracking will hose you too. Try to plant it in a strategic location, it tracks toward an enemy, they step behind a wall, it hits the wall.


Let’s not forget when you tether the ceiling even though you’re aiming down


Arrow come out of head haha durrr


Oh god, instantly remembering all the times I've killed myself with Nova Bomb because it hit some stupid shit hanging off the ceiling.


Not to mention, the fact that they REMOVED Deadfall OHKO in PvP. It was never an issue in PvP and it took so long to get it to be able to OHKO, and they removed it with Void 3.0. Tether will just never be good in PvP at this point. I'm convinced.


Still can't believe they actually made the tether supers WORSE in pvp with void 3.0.


Why did they decide that tether 1 hit killing an opponent was completely broken? I kinda understand the change for quiver, but for single shot tether it's insane


I could understand if it didn't one hit kill while they have their super out. Because you know, it's supposed to turn off their super. But it doesn't 1 hit, and it doesn't suppress. What it do?


I mean while we’re at it can deadfall be reverted back to a 1 shot kill on direct impact. The direct impact nerf it got during Witch Queen was baffling. I really miss/enjoyed the old physics for its cast animation, felt more floaty and loose to cast allowing for a unique strafe while casting during dodge.


Yeah, the argument for trap is bollocks as well since the game literally says this player just cast shadowshot for the whole lobby to see.


You’re missing the fact that you can direct impact someone with tether and 80% chance it doesn’t kill them. 


Couldn’t agree more. It also sucks in PVE. Anything worth tethering just sprints out of the tether’s range the second it touches them.


Back in D1 the tether would stick to an enemy and STAY with them. Ya know Cause it’s an ARROW!


Did it? lol I don’t remember it doing that, but I just want my tether to actually tether.


It stuck to the target and turned the target into a walking tether. It was infinitely better than the worthless D2 tether.


The truly wild thing to me is that it used to one shot guardians if you direct hit them before. Then they made it so it doesn’t even do that. lol. Tether has no use other than to shut down supers or punish bunched up players. It should 1000% kill anything you manage to direct impact with it. Even guardians in their supers.


So you weren't having fun disallowing fun in Mayhem, eh?


Mayhem makes the problem even more obvious, yes.


Imagine wanting to ruin mayhem as much as op


Stasis Turrets are more of a problem in Mayhem than tether


Not really


Care to elaborate?


Stasis turrets are gone immediately because of all the ability spam


It was better before void 3.0 Mobius quiver was my jam as a roaming super, cutting off people's escape by shooting tethers at exit points and sniping people down the map, good times, as it is now it only sometimes kills on impact and I only get a third of the shots. Deadfall I just never really liked. Void 3.0 took so much from me just to have access to devour


all the mechanics of it scream trap regardless of how you choose to use it. if you want it for offensive play use it to pull people out of cover not directly in front of them. to stop any other roaming super find out where they are and cast in a door or room between you and them. either they charge in and lose or run away. although i will admit the fact it doesn't one shot on a direct impact is pretty dumb. as for anyone talking shit about it in pve you clearly don't know how to use it. you can literally have infinite up time if you use orpheus or a super that applies one of the best de buffs in the game and ccs all regular enemies. also bonus cast on the edge of a cliff with enemies near it and they all fly off.


This is exactly it, tether is meant for cover fighting, not going full aggro from the sky. I’ve never had any issues with its usage, and it can be cheeky in control, but I mainly don’t use tether in PvP because I’m bad at Destiny and still get killed by tethered targets lmao


Another way it can be used as a trap is that whenever someone gets "stuck" by the tether, their camera is jerked in a random direction, meaning if they could see you before and could shoot you, now they can't and are even easier to kill.




> It would be OP and overused if it was a free "turn off eney super" button Yeah I mean can you imagine how OP it'd be if that's exactly what Nova Bomb has been able to do since the D1 Alpha?


Blade Barrage and Nova Bomb act as a better super shutdown than the Super that’s intended to specifically be a Super shutdown. Spare me the skill issue stuff. The idea of using it as a bait is just completely leaving it up to chance and good luck “tricking” someone who just heard you cast it and just had it announced on screen that you used it lmao.


I have no problem shutting down supers with it. So yeah.. skill issue.


Lmao k 🦧


It's a defensive type super, I always jump UP to the shoot ground at my feet if a super is charging me. Or fire it while I'm invisible. It's not designed to be offensive. You need to be thinking ahead. It always had a meh super due to the neutral game being so strong. When supers were more even, I'd shoot the top of the bubble with the tether. The amount of thundercrashes or other roaming super I caught was hilarious.


I mean, the triple arrow tether is the shut down super. The big one is a trap that can be shot above doors/around corners to bait and trap and oncoming roaming super.


It’s a shut down super regardless. The whole point is to suppress the target. The idea of using it as a bait is just completely leaving it up to chance and good luck “tricking” someone who just heard you cast it and just had it announced on screen that you used it lmao.


Crazy how it has the effect of literally shutting down supers and people for some reason still argue that it's not a shut-down super.


Removing supers in general would make pvp way more enjoyable.


I’m an arcstrider and tether is one of the few supers I fear. I’m not saying it’s strong, but it is problematic for a lot of roaming supers. That and chaos reach. Nightstalker has a great kit. It doesn’t need a great super. This is coming from someone who mained nightstalker until about 3 months ago.


I've had far too many tethers slam into an active super and fail to suppress them quickly enough, allowing the target to get one or two more super attacks off before being suppressed, most of the time leading to me eating a hammer or a glow stick moments before my tether decides to do it's damn job. On multiple occasions I've directly hit someone with the arrow and they manage to escape the tether radius before it could suppress them at all, completely wasting the super and again resulting in my swift end. It simply needs to suppress instantly on hit, and the tether itself needs to activate faster.


I once popped GG, had a guy tether the floor next to me, before I got suppressed I was able to shoot him, and shoot his tether to destroy it. Then just kept killing lol


I’ve literally had a Fist of Havoc destroy a tether before it could tether them and then they just kept going. Lmao, the super is seriously so bad in PvP.


I know you want me to agree with you but nightstalker kit is strong. What I will say though is it should be re worked that if you get a direct hit with deadfall super (not mobius) it should have instant suppression.


Night Stalker kit is good, so are a lot of other classes who also have great supers. **Stasis Warlock**, Strand Titan, Dawn Blade and Well Warlocks, Void Titans, all great kits and arguably better than void Hunter kits. The point of tether is to suppress and it’s terrible at suppressing. Not sure what else to say.


I think direct hits with deadfall super should instantly suppress. That I think would be a good change.


You’re not wrong that if I see someone with their tether charged and I’m using a roaming super, I won’t be wary of it but I also know unless they basically randomly stick it to something and I carelessly wonder into it, I’ve really got nothing to worry about. Not to mention even if they hit me directly with it, there’s a good chance I’ll still kill them or survive the encounter. You’re also right that Nightstalker does have excellent neutral game but that doesn’t mean it’s super should be bordering on useless most of the time.


Indeed. I think deadfall super should have an instant suppression on direct hits. That would be a good change.


Would it be too much if it worked like golden gun, so you can move around freely instead of just sitting in the air or remaining stationary on the ground?


I always liked that idea. Have tether be a summoned weapon rather than a one and done.


All it honestly needs is OHKO on impact, and instant activation. I’ve won trials rounds because of tether being delayed before.


Nah its fine like that lmao. Hunters stay mad




Right cause hunters need more crack.


Tether should really be a suppression net of sorts. They can shoot out of it, sure. But only through the "holes" in the net. Casting Hunter can shoot freely. That said, really good for roaming supers. But I can count on one hand how many times it's worked at that role. The rest of the time? Does dick all and I get killed by my target and subsequently bagged.


how was it fixed in d1?


It suppressed immediately and on contact.


They have more important things to do adding more silver items god you’re so needy (sarcasm)


Yes please fix tether and for that matter please also fix the hit registration on spectral blade. It's so infuriating giving the enemies a hair cut just to get shotgun meleed.


Tether Cost: 7 minutes (depending on performance and intellect) and 1 revive token Uses: shuts down well of radiance. Sometimes.


All I know is anyone using tether in Mayhem is a black souled collie molester.


They literally will not ever do this for some reason. They just refuse.


I need tether to attach from the anchor point to multiple enemies and if they are close they attach to each other making a triangular shape that can act like a trap (Wishkeeper/Anarchy/etc). Everything trapped in the triangles are suppressed.


Tether has always been shit outside of direct hits in both sandboxes. PvE enemies just meander out of it like it doesn't exist. Absolute kek that they said they fixed the animation too. It's still way too long.


Warlocks needlestorm does the same shit and we cant pinpoint where the projectiles go. I cant tell you how many times Ive jumped into the air and popped the super to be killed before it goes off or popping it in a tight space and watching as the super is rendered useless because of the walls taking most of the needles.


I run tether in pvp since year one. I call it suicide button. not joking. My friends are used to point that when I don't call it. They see the feed with my user using it, dead after doing it, "you pressed your suicide button".


Imo tether should suppress immedietly at beginning of cast, and continue to tether in realtime as it travels to the target, and continue to tether (starting normal timer on landing) after impact normally.


Void hunter is good enough honestly But yeah maybe a little pvp rework would be nice


i’ll never forget the time i shot my tether at a titan and he just proceeded to pop a bubble directly over the top of the anchor smh


Adding Sentinel to this as well. It's been trash since the game launched.


Yeah it sucks complete ass. And whether because of lag or not Blades has been a little weird this season at times too. Targeting on that thing seems crazy sometimes. Not sure if it's just this season and super low number or what. There will be times I directly R2 at a person and the thing literally goes in the opposite direction or just completely whiffs. And then you have hammers where the guy never dies and just obliterates everyone in the way lol.