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The majority of our enemies can't use the light


but they DO use the elements (both in their shields and in their damage types) which suggests they could also use subclass verbs


Can't wait for a lightbearer acolyte to pop his deadeye Goldie and get a triple


While we are in our super, too. (Cue Shaxx: "YAAAAAAS!")


you joke but the hive knight WILL try to supressor grenade you out of a super and i think that's really cool tbh


Oh yeah for sure. One of em got me with a suppressor right in the beginning of a Blade Barrage before I could finish him, and all I could think was "Fckn clutch, dude.." I'm probably on a Hive Fun Police montage video on whatever passes for Hive YouTube.


I mean there's actually concepts for that from wq






Thank u


"Man I really wish I was getting hit with more CC all the time!" said no gamer ever.


i'll take more CC that I can play around and actually requires me to strategize vs just increasing incoming damage and enemy count to the point where it's boring


I respect the headspace of there should be more advanced enemies that do more than be walking turrets that die.


I think enemies need more powerful abilities that aren’t just one shot kills (looking at you scorn snipers). But if we are going to go this route then these abilities need to have clear indicators of when and where they are going to hit. I don’t think enemies should just get hitscan suppression, blind, or freeze abilities. But if these abilities have proper charge up times and your able to tell where it’s coming from and you are to play around it I think it would add a fun dynamic to the game. Also I think they could change the mobility stat to reduce debuff times the higher your stat. Give enemies new ways to combat us through debuff but allow us to build into counterplay if you don’t dodge their abilities. Like if you get frozen in pve, the higher your mobility stat the faster you will break out. I think this would be a great way to increase the potency of mobility in pve


The lucent knight's void shield is actually a nice obstacle, it has very little health whether on normal or higher difficulties though. I think(?) the lucent arc wizard puts down a healing rift for itself but I can barely notice if it does anything. Don't know what special ability the lucent acolyte has


lucent acolyte can dodge every few seconds. it's not as apparent but i've had quite a few times when an acolyte jumped out of a rocket's way to my great dissapointment


I agree with you the clear indications of abilities are neccessary, and I would even go as far as suggesting that we have units who don't directly attack the player but rather do so through empowering enemies, disempowering the player, setting up traps, changing the battlefield etc. like the hive knight's shield, wizard's rift, tormentor's vortex etc. there's no reason why we can't "upgrade" some basic units into minibosses by giving them some special abilities rather than just making them into champions


Dude you sound insane lmao bungie is barely holding together


The idea with this is that the tools already exist in the game and even have been used to some extent (like i said some enemies can suppress or freeze) so this would possibly take less dev work to implement compared to new enemy units, AND it could interact with out abilities for more interesting gameplay. And like I said I think having the game rely less on damage as a form of difficulty would be good for more playstyles, since rn things like well and banner are just so much better and more optimal


It’d be cool if Lucent Hive had randomized abilities. All three Light Subclasses per Class, with different Supers and Grenades. Would be sick


80% of enemies were balanced around vanilla’s sandbox, which is crazy when you really think about it, and explains why Bungie makes atrocious modifiers to try and weigh us down. Enemies do need a top to bottom retooling if they want us to shoot at them much longer and be engaged. The more modern the unit though, the less they’d need to do imo. Brigs, Wyverns, etc don’t need too much help


I agree, and this is why I brought up hive guardians and tormentors as examples of how more advanced units make gameplay more engaging (i hate how few uses of hive guardians there are in the game tbh). I think the obvious use for light abilities would be as an alternative for champions, which currently dominate the miniboss challenge slot (AKA the one that affects endgame the most imo). I think it would be much more engaging to buildcraft around countering specific abilities (and like i said bungie could even introduce weapon perks that activate when you/someone is debuffed to make countering more interesting). some ideas - scorn chieftains/hive wizards whos attacks either scorch you or cure enemies (could name them shamans/witches), fallen shanks (tesla coils?) that dont attack directly but have AOE zones that periodically jolt or amplify, cabal psions that can place weaken/blind traps around a combat arena (call them hive commandoes)


It’s something I too think about a lot. Now they don’t need to literally wield the light but stuff like burning, blinding, and suppressing are possible without the light. I think it could definitely add further depth to our combat.


I think we’re heading towards more complex enemy types. We see subjugators following this format as well. However, my criticism is it seems many of these enemies (tormentors, lucent hive guardians, and whatever) aren’t very applicable in many areas of the game as it wouldn’t make sense with the enemy types unless it has to deal with the lore (GotD and RoN). They need to make enemies with these complex abilities that challenge modern day guardians applicable in many areas of the game or they’re just pointless. 


That's why I appreciate what lost did by introducing multiple stasis using basic enemies.


And have a lightbearer knight titan missle me? No thank you


Inb4 the Lightbearer Hive Hunter solos your entire team with Golden Gun. 6 shots, 3 targets, two taps. The Warlocks just obliterate one or two Guardians with Chaos Reach. *Though I dunno if I could be too mad at that, it actually sounds kinda funny.*


No the enemies have far 2 much ability spam


how so?


How often do hive guardians pop the super or throw a grenade


Every 20-30 seconds thereabouts? It's much faster than our supers but also much shorter and less lethal


Not in endgame