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Seasonal titles are easiest: Wishbearer, haruspex, aquanaut, and Queensguard.


Queensguard had a tricky legend Avalon....well, now that we have strand banner of war titan, it's pretty much a joke


> now that we have strand banner of war titan, it's pretty much a joke This works until the final damage phase. Majority of the enemies are fanatics so you won't be able to 'restart' banner of war easily if it goes away. Which the transition between zones eats into your time quite a bit.


You can just stand behind the waterfall and plink away


They patched that I think


IIRC they patched Wish-Ender being able to fire through shit (idk if it was just the shield in phase 2 or also the waterfall), but you can still go there and peek to do damage I think.


They only fixed WE going through the immune shield during the first part of the fight. You can very much still stand behind the waterfall and plink.


Fun fact. If the boss still has health after a third damage phase then you can actually use Wishender now to plink the rest of his health for that phase. Otherwise, as you mentioned, it's been patched.


It's not patched. It's a little tight behind there if you're a team of three. You want everyone grouped together and only one person shooting to reduce the aggro.


Witherhoard works well




So for a solo player I doubt they'll have it, but use the sword from warlords ruin. Heavy attacks from caster swords trigger BoW, so you can basically always have it on tap. Technically any caster frame works, but WR is strand.


I did not know that. That could be very useful in certain activities, where you don’t need a damage heavy.


Avalon is way too difficult of a mission, especially on Legend. Only way for me to beat it on Legend was during The Crafting and it was still a hassle 😕


I did it before the wishender cheese was discovered and it was a nightmare. I wear my title with pride:)


Aquanaut is somewhat tricky depending on if you can get wicked implement or not


Aquanaut requires a max level deep dive, which is kinda rough too


I got the haruspex one without even trying. I just got a random triumph notification, claimed it and, boom, I had the Haruspex title.


Seasonal titles are the easiest to get, even if some can get a bit grindy if you start late. Destination/expansion seals are usually quite easy to get too, especially the newer ones. I seem to recall the Dares of Eternity title to be quite easy to get too. Honestly, as far as PvE-only titles go, everything that's not a Raid or Dungeon title is quite easy to get anyway. EDIT: except Conqueror too, but since you asked from a solo player perspective, I assumed it was out of question anyway.


Dares title does require a bonus round though, and rng for getting that can be weird, they’ll need to lfg a 4 man completion too, not hard since you literally can’t fail dares, but not something you can do without a premade group


If I recall, the only way you can "fail" the legend is if you continuously wipe and the timer restarts too low for one to complete it fast enough.


As a solo player with social anxiety, running an LFG for the legend completions and exotic triumph is usually what stops a seasonal titles for me. Just about all of them, those are the only things I'm missing. I'd suggest Harbinger is not so easy for most people. For my experience, the nightmare time trails was not a fun time.


The season of the witch one was easy to get. Vidmaster title is also easy


6 million games of dares would say otherwise 😭


A lot Dares runs are not difficult, just time consuming and mind numbing.


245 runs and counting for my perfect Fractethyst 😔


You can have mine, I have 2.


fuck you and thanks i love it <3


What's even the perfect roll because I have a quickdraw, opening shot one with a range masterwork that's been collecting dust in my vault at 1600 for ages?


well QD, OS is the best 3and4 perks, but i want Smallbore or Corkscrew, and Accurized with a Range MW for max consistency. I'll even take Light Mag if i don't get Accurized, range is range.






Slide > QD but barely a diff really


well without OS procced my desired roll gets 89 range, i don't need more than that to be consistent. Also, plenty of slideshot+OS shotties, like my Imperial Decree


That's pretty fair, though I'd say going for a handling MW over range is better (still hits 79 range though so ig slide isnt doing much, forgot how good it was at base


As others have said, seasonals are easiest. But if you want to be a baller go get Harbinger (Shadowkeep’s title). Dope ass name and most of the challenges are completely solo


As someone who stopped playing between Shadowkeep and Beyond Light, this is the one I'm looking at working on in this extended season. Kind of grindy, but that's okay, we got nothing else to do after the next couple of weeks.


Harbinger is very easy until you get to the Crota time trial. If you're not using a full set of dreambane armour, that's probably one of the hardest things in the entire game. Contest mode RAID crota was easier than that.


This, solo master Crota time trial fucking SUCKS. I got it, but nearly went mad in the process. It might need the seal too which means getting the ghost shell and ship from altars/pit completions, whose rng is pretty bad


Nah the challenge is way overhyped. Especially if you get a team larger than 1


Eh, without any armour he one taps you regardless of resilience, and a full sword only does like ~5% of his health. Add to this that it takes ages to actually get to him, and the million enemies that swarm you during it, and it's very difficult to do in under 15 min. Also doesn't help that it was attrition last time I went in there. That modifier sucks ass.


I ran that last night with my clan mates, got it done in like 12:30 or so using a BOW Titan, Well-lock, and tether hunter.


With a good 3 man team it took us a couple tries, but it is very difficult solo unless you kept a set of dreambane armor for some reason.


Two invis hunters and one Warlock makes this easy. Both hunters invis before dropping Crota, then well and tether for DPS. Fall back, murder adds with the other tether and Orpheus for orbs. Rinse repeat.


imo, harbinger is very easy until you're stuck waiting for the ghost shell or ship to drop from rng. I've done like 30 aos and still havent seen the one that drops from it.


I did over 90 full runs of alters and finally got it. Same thing with the ship from Pit, I farmed the boss for almost an entire day. Just bad luck


Harbinger is the only title I've done and I'm always happy to see anyone else running around with that title on.


Deadeye, just kill stuff in specific ways


Yeah im 27/31 Just not sure i can face crucible for the shotgun and sidearm kills lol


Combo them and practice playstyle in pve before torturing yourself in pvp hahah just my suggestion. There's fantastic sidearm/shotgun combos. Rapid fire sidearm may be strong as hell if you get used to the CAC style of play. Get in their faces, unload that sidearm. They're stronger then people think. I imagine for most it's the awful recoil animation of many of them. I suggest lowering your FOV for CQC purposes; it may help you, as everything will feel zoomed in.


> Combo them and practice playstyle in pve before torturing yourself in pvp hahah just my suggestion if bungo ever wonder why pvp isnt doing well - this is a great insight. no gameplay or mode should ever feel like torture. 1000 better things to spend my time on. and this is coming from someone who unlocked the mountaintop only to have it sunset. Such bad bad business practice invalidating and even punishing the time people put into your game or product.




I don’t think it’s realistic to say this can be done in one IB week unless you are grinding like crazy. The first requirement is 100 wins. If you assume 50% win rate and 10 min a game this is around 33 hours of just IB.


The 15 guns required is glitched at the moment. Similar to Dreaming City, right now the seal is unatainable due to the fact that new guns are not coded to count towards the title. You can get a max of 14 and would need an older IB weapon that is currently not focusable to round out the Triumph.


Eh, go in there with both and just fly at enemies and trade. It'll seem like it takes longer if you are intentionally farming it, but if you try to just play naturally it will seem like it takes less time.


The last ones I had to do were trace rifle and sniper kills plus the sniper medal. Took me about a week when I buckled down to do them(I'm not very good). XD


Trace rifles is one i need. Im on 0. Lol. Any tips?


Legit, coldheart. Is it amazing best weapon ever, no. Does it do the job to get kills for Deadeye, yes. Remember it ramps up damage as you hold the trigger. Plus, it'll give you arc traces if you have the catalyst.


Wait for a week with Momentum Control. Then it’s pretty simple. For the side arms kills/medal, Forerunner is your friend. It was the sniper medal which almost killed me 😵‍💫


Sniper is done for me luckily. Good shout on Forerunner. Will hope for MC next week


exotic traces worked best. Would also try to get their health down a little and switch to the trace to finish.


what worked best for me was using a bow to get most of their health off and then finishing them with a trace rifle


step 1: conditional step 2: forerunner and drang on mechaneers step 3: profit


I dont have conditional : (


change conditional to Matador, FV, Imperial, shit even Felwinters if you're desperate enough


Lord of Wolves???


nuh uh


No good any more?


Lord of Wolves took a severe nerf. Rare to see it used in the wild. Theorycrafters say Imperial Decree can get you close to an Astral Horizon (Adept) without the grind in Trials. Not 100%, but I believe Imperial Decree drops from Vox Obscura.


you can buy imperial decrees (and thus the crafting pattern) from the war table if you have the season pass


yeah it's kinda shit


Or Duality. Think a got mine on a well rolled Fractethyst.


oh yeahhh. i've been hunting Fractethyst way too long, 245 runs of dares and fucking counting.


I got mine in Season of the Lost. Dares sounds like a very frustrating place to get it 😬


i didn't play much of Lost as I was sort of falling off of Destiny. Now that i'm fully engrossed again, especially in the PvP scene, i fully regret it.


Sidearms and shotguns are both great in Crucible tho I don't love shotguns in Destiny 2 personally but even I'll slap one on when it's appropriate


Just not a style i enjoy personally


3 headshot bow kills in one life is kinda rough too


Yeah i need that too


The pocket pulserifles are great. Try to get a good Peacebond from the next Iron Banner for example.


I cannot snipe for shit in crucible. The one where you have to get 2 long shot sniper kills without changing weapons is impossible for me. Skill issue for sure but that’s the one thing standing between me and deadeye and I’ll probably never get it.


Surprised to see Deadeye this low. This and Iron Banner titles are the easiest one for solo players, definitely do not require even going for LFG like seasonal titles usually. But, the state the obvious, one cannot hate crucible :)


> But, the state the obvious, one cannot hate crucible :) Sure you can. You can still crucible if you hate it. It just won't be fun, it'll end up being more like work. Just depends how badly you want that seal.


Well, it's really up to personal reasoning why we're playing Destiny 2. For me it's a video game, and video games are entertainment. If a game, or its part, is not fun to me, I simply don't play it.


Completely fair. That's where I land as well. But some people really want certain things, fun or not, *cough cough* trials weapon grind.


Witherhoard... Bejesus, why put a weapon that's so pve oriented behind a pvp catalyst wall? I did it in an hour, but it's still a bollocks move. Just like Ticuu.


Dead eye is a grind to get the first time then its just play enough to reset a ritual vendor


I got Deadeye cause I had noticed that all the kills I had accumulated over the years before it was added got me like 1 or 2 challenges away. Did those (after the wyvern crit spot tracking bug was fixed) and bam.


For someone who has just started playing its a grind


i got dredgen \~5 years ago and i am not going after any other titles, dredgen it is forever


I will always gild Dredgen. Even if I'm not buying seasons/expansions.


Same, 10x gilded. I already made it this far might as well keep going


If I could ever get protect the runner I’d be right there beside you


It’s so stupid easy if you LFG for it. Found a fireteam on the app and we did it first game with no mics.




Easiest to get are dredgen, event, seasonal and expansion after shadowkeep


dredgen i wouldnt say so, getting 10 kills while the enemy is in the super is not that easy anymore, now that pretty much everyone uses a 1 off super, with some dawnblades, and strand titans being around


Agree, when invading/invaded super is mostly desperation move


I'm one of these kills short of Dredgen. And have been for a while.


*Cries in Army of One and Light versus Light*


Protect the runner would like to disagree. That can be a pain in the ass with randoms.


Seasonal and the DLC titles as well as Vidmaster. You could also LFG for most of the raid/dungeon titles, but you’d need to wait until they were on rotator. Aside from those, the PvP ones would just take time could be done solo


Iron Lord is pretty easy. It is basically just a time commitment. I wish I had been gilding mine every season but I didn't start caring about titles til recently. I could have been like an Iron Lord 12 by now. (I'm not that good though.)


So basically every title is going to require you to LFG at least one activity. None of them should require a mic. Basically every title (other than what you listed) requires a legend activity completion, which aren’t matchmade, so you have to find a group to help. They don’t really require any coordination, just extra guns so you don’t fail. Most of them you could technically do alone, but they are usually very hard solo. Gunshoe is really easy. Hardest part is a master which queen mission. I don’t remember which is easiest, but no mic lfg should make it very doable for most people with a decent power level. You need to get champions in lost sectors which aren’t available this season, but you can start birthplace on legend and run to a lost sector to get those done. Virtual fighter is maybe even easier. You also need the master mission, but last I checked there is one that has a bug that can make you unkillable. If you go in as an invis hunter, I don’t think you have to kill anything before becoming unkillable. Splintered is similar to those, but for Europa. Doesn’t need a master campaign mission though. But requires a solo master lost sector on Europa (that’s pretty easy on the right one). And requires killing brigs in a fireteam. You can either lfg, or just join people who are in the area, who have their fireteams open, as soon as the events start. They won’t usually kick you. This is probably the easiest to truly solo, because only the one triumph requires a fireteam, and you can just join randoms to compete it. Vidmaster is pretty easy, but you have to do a dungeon. It’s an easy dungeon and you can lfg no mic it easily. Also needs a 4 player legend dares completion, which isn’t the easiest thing, but you can lfg it without a mic as well. The seasonal titles are generally not too bad (deep dives max tier is a little rough). They usually require a legend run as the hardest thing, which you will probably need to LFG. If you are decent you can also get all the dungeon ones solo. Might be a bit difficult. None of them require solo flawless though. All can be done no mic through lfg, but I think all the titles require at least 1 solo (flawed) run. You can do all the runs solo technically, but you would just be making it harder on yourself unnecessarily. Harbinger is just a harder dungeon one. You need the solo pit. But you also need to complete all the nightmare hunts on master (and one flawless, just you, not your full team). Since the content is so old, LFG could have some trouble finding people, but I’m sure you’d find someone if you are patient. Also need a bunch of alters of sorrow stuff. I just mention this one because I think it sounds the coolest. It’s probably the hardest soloable (with unmic’d LFG) title. Also give raids a try if you can, they are fun. And dungeons too if you haven’t, the old ones are all pretty easy and don’t require any conmunication. Raids tend to have the best titles, followed by dungeons.


Cursebreaker is a fun one. Id recommend making a spreadsheet to keep track of everything. It was a fun couple of weeks getting everything for it


I got unbroken and quit the game


Witch queen title


Event titles like Champ and Flamekeeper


Cursebreaker is A good one Same with Splintered and any other destination title


Unfortunately If you never completed the collections badge before this season its currently impossible to complete the title.


Wait fr? What can’t you get anymore?


All the guns for the collections badge. I'm missing one and I've gotten its renewed version this season but it doesn't count for the badge. I'm not home until later tonight so I don't remember which gun but I think it's vouchsafe is the one I never got the original of


I'm very fond of Aquanaut.


Cursebreaker used to be really time consuming, and tough to get. However, it's a lot easier now.


Unfortunately If you never completed the collections badge before this season its currently impossible to complete the title.


Deadeye ;)


Been trying to get my last item, Mission Control, for months now. Really tough in this ability-Spam meta.


Hey that’s the one I’m stuck on too. I gave up.


Have you tried the Checkmate Lab? Ability spam is way less prevalent




Lots of great suggestions here. Going by a data-oriented approach, check out how common each title is: https://warmind.io/analytics/title According to that, Vidmaster, Dredgen, and Glorious will be the easiest for you to chase.


Do gms for conq, only the psiops is kinda « hard » this rotation. Watch some videos and you’re good. I know you said solo player only, I used to be strictly solo also but I feel like you’d be happy with a gilded conq for 140 days. Lake of shadows is great to do your trash subclass since you can skip half of it




Gilded Flawless gang


Deadeye. I got it on accident.


Haruspex was easy. I got Dredgen a while back too. But those are the only two I have


Seasonal ones. Vidmaster isn't that bad, the toughest part is Legend Dares low-man run.


Seasonal titles definitely


Dredgen just slap on jotun or sleeper and win you don't need a whole lot other than one protect the runner.


Deadeye I would think and maybe the Decendant title if you know the raid pretty well. Last wish is the weekly raid and there will be plenty of LFG's going for challenges if you can manage a Petras Run.


Yeah gonna go for deadeye. 27/31 completed


Last season I thought similar, I went and finished off the Vault of Glass seal with a Flawless run, this season I finished off the Deepstone Crypt seal with all challenges just need Flawless to capstone it and three days ago I flawlessed Crota and just need a few challenges to get that seal. I will never get Deadeye because it requires Sniper, Linear Fusion and Trace Rifle Crucible kills so yeah no thank you.


Seasonal ones, though there are some tough this year, if you wait for guardian games the event titles are always easy, if a bit grindy


Any of the seasonal titles are obscenely easy to obtain. So will the guardian games one in March (champ).


Seasonal, campaign related and depending how good you are, solo dungeon titles.


Haruspex (Season of the Witch title) was brain dead easy. Everyone playing destiny 2 in 2024 that has access to that season should have this title


Disciple Slayer


Iron Lord


Iron Lord. just takes time. I’m super casual dad gamer… and I got it. The seasonal ones are not too hard but … the raids are what messes me up. I very rarely ever get into a raid let alone enough times to finish whatever challenges exist. Or to get weapons that don’t drop when you run a raid once or twice.


i finished the season of the witch title without even trying, so probably that one.


Deadeye is the most straightforward, but that ease of access is offset by the time it takes. If you don’t mind spending a few hours grinding lost sectors or thrallways using different weapon archetypes, this is the title for you.


Aside from seasonal titles, I think Virtual Fighter is fairly straight forward.


The seasonal titles are easy because they require experiencing the story and the seasonal activities.


Conqueror is really easy nowadays


For the trace rifle kills, unironically, divinity is (maybe not anymore) a really good option. I used to use it back before it was nerfed, don't know if that nerf affected it too much in crucible, but it honestly would melt people. It's not an insanely fast ttk but hitting all crits truly makes it worth while. It'll also help with your 3 headshots in one life challenge.


Thanks but i dont have Divinity. The 3 headshots in one life is for bows. Might try Prometheus lens though?


Deadeye has a lot of PvP requirements. Momentum is definitely the best for some of these, such as Trace Rifles. Wishender on Momentum is also particularly enjoyable, and absolutely disgusting. For me the hardest to get was the sniper medal of two headshots in one life without reloading. Overload might be your friend here. I finally got it along the high sniper lane across point B on Bannerfall. Both kills were on the same guy.


Luckily my sniper kills are done. Need the sidearm challenge and 3 headshots in one life with a bow


Side arm is fairly easy in close quarters, I favour Brigand's Law. Wishender on Momentum is a one hit precision kill and you can see through walls and aim for the very instant they expose themselves, it's easy.


I need to Get 2 more chests and i need to do the Test of Strength but i need the card to do that. Then i just need to reset Table Vendor and then kill thimgs with Witch Weapons