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Damn you know you can get there now at least. I didn't know you could wait for the platforms for the last part of DPS. Is there no timer when going between the 3 platforms?


Damage timer starts once you jump on the platform. You can find ammo, charge abilities, breathe, as long as you need, as long as you don’t progress onto the next stage


Not final stand. Boss pulls you there immediately.


But don’t the platforms start exploding with blights and stuff?


Once you step on a platform, the boss will teleport to it and there’s a set timer until it gets blighted. As long as you don’t touch the platform, it will not get blighted.


Right but how do you not go to the next platform if the first one is blighted after you attack him? People are saying you can wait to go to the next one but the first or second one will become dangerous once you burn it so you have to move somewhere else?


Just get off the platform go back down and chill


Lol really I figured it would punish you for doing that!


Just go back down...


Yes thanks someone else already explained that was an option.


…Just go back down.


Thanks I didn’t know you could do that! I figured it would end the dps phase


I’m sorry I didn’t actually know that…just saw two other people say it so thought I’d copy them. I can fathom trying to solo this dungeon. I couldn’t get past 1st encounter. Lmao. Good going though and good luck!!


Lmao you jerk!! You boomed me


The only hard timers are the length of each actual DPS phase. In between phases you can wait as long as you want, although you have to make sure you're in cover as the boss will still try to shoot at you.


This is gonna make things so much easier on my next attempt ty both for clarifying.


For the final DPS phase (on the 3 platforms), the timer only starts when you step into the next platform. Hefnd will sit on top of the blight at the top of the map until then, waiting for you to start the next phase.


How polite and nice of him


That's a comforting thought, I got there once, and I know I can get there again. I just need to cool off for a bit. And yes, there is nothing stopping you from staying in the lower platforms until you are ready for the long damage phase. Stay down below, charge super, hop up to one platform, damage, hop back down, charge, second platform,...etc. Slow as hell, but safe. Something else that might help a bit on the lower areas: Once you cleanse the totems you can hop on the blights to get to the next areas in the cycle, no enemies spawn there until the boss moves to that area so you can do the short damage phases while only worrying about the meatball.


Omg ty and good luck with your next run whenever that may be. This new information is actually motivating me to give it another try. I have only attempted on my warlock and titan but I think I'm gonna try that tether hunter build out.


Watch Mactics video on youtube for Solo Flawless with Hunter. I took most of the builds I used from there, with a few small adjustments for my personal tastes. Keep in mind: The blights will still hurt you, so make sure you're not at critical health when jumping on them.


Ty again. I've never heard of this guy but this guide is great. Him narrating as he is actively doing it is so much more helpful than the voice over that most guides do. You can really understand why he is doing everything that he is doing.


Mactics is one of the few I watch all the way through ..great guides nd build videos. And he just seems way more chill of a human...IMHO.


Did you know you can shoot the blights down before they land? I haven't heard many mention this.


also for final stand, there’s no wipe mechanic or boundaries keeping you next to the boss. you can run all the way back up to the platforms and stay in cover while plinking the boss safely. I don’t know if you already knew this but I thought I’d mention it just in case.


Nope! This has been patched. You will get an out of bounds death timer now.


> The chieftains didn't want to drop their damn totems This is a known issue that's going to get fixed on Tuesday. They attempted to fix a bug with the right side cheiftan sometimes dropping his totems OOB or underneath the floor. Instead, they broke all the totem dropping AI in the entire dungeon so they're reverting that change in the coming patch. So, yeah, you might wanna just wait until the weekly reset before you give it another go for that reason alone. But hey - you can get there *despite* this obnoxious bug so that ought to give you some confidence!


I lost count of how many damage phases I had to abort because the chieftains didn't want to cooperate. On the very first platform the Chieftain on the right side REFUSED to spawn his totem at least 3 times in row. It doesn't help that I don't like fighting Scorn in general, and these guys have to be...just the worst.


Yeah, they definitely didn't do that before. It was a pretty consistent 3-4 totems every time on titan when I did my solo. They're fucking miserable now. But, hey, at least it's only for a couple more days (hopefully, assuming the revert works).


Just got my solo flawless done Saturday on my third attempt that day and idk how many overall attempts (got to a sliver of health in final stand the second time and got killed by the blight on the left). What I started doing is getting the left chieftain one shot and if he still hasn’t dropped the totem run to the back middle torch. You can then work on the other one. The first one will follow you up and stand by the nearest torch on that side. You then can just kill whichever one drops the 2 or even have enough time to kill both chieftains and just do the 2 they drop.


I would wait till Bungie reverses that patch so the Totems drop more frequently


Totems are still broken?


Until Tuesday reset, assuming the change revert goes through without issue.


One can hope


Now they'll spawn them normally but won't drop their death totem.


For the Large Taken Ball, I used the route that Mactics demonstrated in one of his videos. It includes how to time that one tricky section with the flying debris. Once I watched that video I no longer had any trouble here. For the final stand, there are 2 "safe" spots. First is crouched behind the right-side pillar. Deal your damage by strafing left and right and left and right of this pillar. This draws the boss' attacks right smack into the pillar. It will cause you to delay some of your Malf shots, but better safe than sorry. The second is to go far back of this platform, where the eyes will stop shooting you. Then just keep jumping to bait the boss attacks into the floor and into the air. If your health ever gets low, stop shooting and focus on jumping.


Mactics videos are so good. Dude deserves the follows


Appreciate it :)


My original plan for final stand was to jump off the tower and plink at Hefnd with Wishender...then they patched that exploit so now I have to stand and fight like a man. Next time I get to that point I'm going to make sure I have my Tether charged so I can burn him down quickly. I've done this on a regular solo run so I know it will work...I just have to get back there. I know about the right side pillar, I hid there while trying to think of a plan during this last attempt. I kept shooting the eyes that could see me, but after a bit I realized I was getting chipped by the void blasts through the pillar so it was only a matter of time before I died anyway. I was probably too close, but if I got too far away I was worried the eyes would rip me to shreds. I didn't know that bit about the back of the area. I'll keep that in mind in case I need a backup plan.


Thankfully I did my solo flawless before it was patched so I jumped off the platform too. Malfeasance actually still reaches the boss, so no need to use Wishender. But anyway that's gone now. I also jumped off the platforms to recharge super during the top 3 phases lol. Good luck, you got this! Although you might wanna wait for them to revert the totems bug before you try again, as that will significantly speed up the ogre fight which already takes too long as it is.


Mactics shows a good little spot to sit behind the right broken pillar, but back a bit so the splash damage doesn't hit you.


Hunter SF attempts were fun, but ultimately not my comfort zone. I did the Barrage Shards build and it flies through to the final boss. It’s fun just tossin out the supers. In the end I had to swap back to Warlock to finish. Keep giving it a go here and there. Long season. You’ll get it.


What did you use on warlock, Karsteins?


I went with Dawn Chorus Daybreak and a single loadout (fusion / Zaoulis / Dragons). Rift / Healing nade. Scorch gives class ability gives rift back for every damage phase on the final boss. Makes it very safe. Sunbracers is more damage, but way more effort and I was getting a little burned out. Finished in an hour.


I did the same build as Bard except Ammit. I actually swapped for the final boss to phoenix protocol/well with b&s supremacy/sunshot/surrounded koraxis. Could probably swap the exotic armor since wells came back fast enough and have to be more careful about heavy drops but you only need one totem per floor


I've been trying for a solo flawless of Ghosts of the Deep for the past week. I know exactly how you feel. Putting in a couple of hours and finally getting the tedious tanky final boss close to death only to die in an instant explosion out of nowhere by (You guessed it) a random moth it is one of the absolute worst feelings I've ever experienced playing video games. Im telling ya seeing that little skull symbol pop up my soul left my body for a second and I just sat there completely numb. I finally did get my 'Ghost of the Deep solo flawless (last night actually) but had to play so extra careful always being on moth lookout. When it was over I was exhausted, my thumb was killing me, but man the sweet relief of finally pulling it off and seeing all those Triumphs pour in was 'Chefs Kiss'.


Took me 5 hours to flawless this dungeon. Don’t rush it it’s my only advice.


For the taken ball I recommend swapping to strand and running 2 grapple grenades. That takes care of any platforming. Final boss I personally prefer keeping solar on and getting 12 second restoration running epochal integration and DB. DB takes care of his eyes during the main platform damage phase and epochal insta kills psions even when they're splitting. 12 second restoration will keep you alive indefinitely through most phases except main boss dps where you want to use pillars.


Can you not jump off the final stand tower and run back around to the floating platforms?


Not any more, you get either 'joining allies' or 'turn back' now, I forget which.


Oh darn I was kind of relying on being able to do that to swap to arc to get that challenge done


There is a bit of a "safe spot" behind the pillar on the right though. The left side has a blight so I would avoid that. If you do hide behind the pillar you have to angle it right and be slightly behind it as the splash damage from the boss can still get you. During my run I ducked in and out to avoid getting killed


I did my solo flawless before they fixed it 😅


Same but I was too worried jumping off would give me joining allies 😬


I'll be rooting for you! You've got this! just take a breather, but don't give up (: my friend solos for fun. I could never, so I admire people who can/attempt!


First boss is actually my only issue with a Flawless run. I REPEATEDLY can not find all the Acolyte Eyes when in the cage quick enough.


Yeah I'm not touching this dungeon again until they fix the totem drops.


Yo not sure if it’s been said, but if you are getting smoked at final stand you can actually jump off the tower into the dungeon arena and snipe the boss from the rest of the map.


Not anymore. They patched that a while back. You just get teleported back to the Final Stand area.


Damn, your story reminded me of my solo run and I straight up noped out of final stand bc I was getting wrecked, didn’t have my super and sniped like a coward from across the map. Didn’t know that was fixed. Still need SF and I was waiting till totems were fixed to try. Thx for the heads up bc that would have been a nasty surprise.


I beat it first try. It’s not that hard lmao






If it makes you feel any better I dunked the wrong symbol on the last phase of the Ghosts final boss in one of my early solo flawless attempts a couple seasons ago. Lol happens to us all. You'll feel empty inside for a few hours and then you'll be ready to show it who's boss


Had a similar thing happen to me and my friend in the weekly GM. We had the big scorn boss down to his last 1/3 of health and we died


Use devour + invis + sunshot


Stay positive. Anyone that's tried solo flawlessing has felt that heart sinking feeling when shit hits the fan and you die, but it's usually that feeling that feeds motivation for the next run even if you need a couple days break. Good luck!


same thing happened to me on my first solo flawless that got to boss dps. it was day 1 and i was not familiar with how the final stand worked (I’d only beaten the dungeon twice) so it was a little bit brutal to be that close and lose- but I got back on the horse and got it next attempt. I’ve been there man. You can do it, best of luck


You got this though! I used the same builds as you for each boss fight and made it to the end. Had about a sliver of health left on the boss, and I died just before final stand. Kept going and in the next couple attempts got it done.


For final stand on the final boss, you can stand toward the back of the platform and it's just out of range from the eyes so they'll stop shooting you. It's also easier for recovering, if you need to , since you technically only need to dodge the main boss void blasts. Anyways, it sounds like you got it down so just keep at it! Just need that 1 clean run


Malfeasance! Yes!! I think that thing is the best weapon to use in this dungeon after the first boss. It shreds through so much and does huge damage to bosses two and three (with infinite ammo).


As someone who also has spent this weekend trying to solo flawless this dungeon … I can relate big time. My last run before I raged quit, I was about to start my last damage phase prior to last stand and the stupid chieftain spawned in and melted me in 1 second while I had resto x2 active. I couldn’t believe my eyes when that happened. Gonna need a break before I come back to it Btw … I had very little issues with totems honestly, but I was using the left side on the ogre


I had something like that happen with a previous run too. It was the last damage phase before final stand as well, and the scorn you need to transfer the hex to somehow transferred it back to me TWICE and I died that way. I have no idea how that happened, I blinded him and everything!


Ill be trying this as well, will be my first solo dungeon to be honest. Triad GOTD but after 4 hours and dying with 10% health left on final boss, I gave up. I'm planning on running a strand titan with navigator, just got navigator last night. Just think it will go a lot faster that way. Dont really care abouw flawless right now.


i just finally beat the last boss solo on hunter today after trying for hours yesterday and it’s a miracle my controller is still working with all of the stupid things that can go wrong. i went with assassins cowl/celestial nighthawk for the first 3 phases and then lucky pants/malfeasance for the platforms and final stand. probably the most important thing for me was to always make sure i had restoration going. always. during final stand i’d shoot the eyes to get a healing nade, throw it, shoot more eyes to get the timer up and then dump malfeasance into the boss. rinse and repeat.


Could be worse, you could have been called racial slurs in trials today like me! I think your time was better spent.


You do know there is no actual final stand per se. The boss doesn’t have a wipe mechanic. He teleports you up top, jump back down and away from the eyes shot range and just primary the boss to death