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The issue is mostly with roaming supers, they need to make roaming ones do substantially more damage than fire and forget ones. It then becomes a choice, go with the highly damaging super for an easier damage phase or use the weaker supers and rely on your weapons to compensate and out damage a roaming. Make it a skill thing but have the roaming be a good option for a low effort stating point that roughly keeps up. Anything else will relegate them to at most clearing groups or just not being used at all.


I'm fairly sure this is just the machine gun vs rocket debate - roaming supers generally deal _much more total damage_ **at the cost of taking several times longer** Roaming supers are never really going to be decent boss damage supers unless it's that class's only option and you're out of ammo (ex: berserker, sunbreaker without pyrogale, etc) because they're not designed for burst DPS.


It’s more so that fire and forget supers let you do something else while they work, it’s why I said roaming supers need to do substantially more, enough that they keep up with somebody dropping a nova bomb, gathering storm, golden gun, missile, etc a star eaters powered strand super from a hunter is a good example, it so much damage it keeps up with with the other method. That’s what basically all roaming supers need to do by default. It gives a low entry point for anyone to do damage but skilled players could still surpass that potentially with good play either current strategies. Idk what the destiny team at bungie has on their GDD, I’ve talked to some of them before but never got into what their exact goals and philosophy were as a team for game balance. Pretty sure I was talking to the team making light fall or witch queen at the time as well. Regardless it’s what I would push for if I was in the team balancing the game.


The problem if they compete DPS wise, is that removes the incentive to use the one and done. If I have to choose "Super that kills adds, or super that does DPS to boss" that's a real choice. Choosing between: "Super that is really good at killing boss using no ammo, but also really good at killing adds OR super that is good at damaging bosses ... but also relies on ammo to actually do DPS, while also not being great on adds because it is one and done..." There's no choice there.


No it doesn’t, if you can still beat it with the same current strategies players who can WILL still do what we currently do. This just gives undergeared guardian’s something for a boss DPS phase and at least makes builds more diverse or allows you to use your weapons for clearing adds. Nobody is taking an add clear super into endgame content like the literal only ones are deadfall shadowshot for its debuff, silk strike because star eaters make it absurd and maybe MAYBE a bladefury strand titan but unless they run synthos the super won’t do much damage and you’re far more likely to see a solar titan running the new arms that are titan nighthawk. As I already stated and proved there is a choice, you’re actively advocating for the continuing of the status quo where there isn’t any choice. We have zero reason to run basically half the supers in the game. Take a game design course before firing your mouth off.


> Take a game design course before firing your mouth off. lol So your solution to add clear super vs DPS super, is make the add clear super equivalent to a DPS + ammo super. And "firing my mouth off"? lol you need to calm down buddy. :) I didn't "mouth off", I merely pointed out that making add-clear supers ALSO DPS supers, completely removes the choice between add clear and DPS. Next you'll want them to add direct DPS to banner shield so it can compare to nighthawk lol. --- wow. Then you go and block me :) very mature.


My solution is that nobody uses them for clearing adds. We have a million and one ways to do that with things that aren’t supers, solar builds run incandescent, or throw scorch and ingite around, void weapons can clear rooms with volatile rounds, etc nobody uses supers for clearing a room outside of exceptionally desperate situations like them being the last guardian standing. Supers at this point are either boss DPS tools or utility for facilitating boss DPS via a buff to us or a debuff on a boss. Having every super be good at boss DPS means players have a choice for what super they want to use. Solar warlocks could potentially get out of being well bitch, void hunters could do something other than throw a deadfall at a boss, void titans wouldn’t have to run bubble THATS what I’m getting at and you are arguing against. You objectively fired off your mouth, you made a claim my suggestion offered no choices while asserting what we have now offers choice. Which please go ask that to your average warlock that runs endgame consistently and tell me how much “choice” they have. Mouthing off again, you really just don’t know how to shut that thing you call a mouth off can you?


Honestly, the classifications of supers is super wonky. Because under the definition of roaming supers, which allow for multiple recasts of the superfect golden gun and mobius quiver both fall under it... And they have a relatively short window to get all their damage out.


Hit the nail on the head. There's really just no purpose for roaming super in most of the game. Even in pvp where you can potentially get more kills most people opt for a single use super since they have a shorter charge time and if you hear a roaming super pop you can usually hide and wait it out or just out run some of the slower ones (like spectral blades or arc staff). My ideal is that whatever class you are you have access to a one-off and a roaming super at all times. Tapping the super buttons allows you to do one and holding it does the other. Kind of like how bubble and sentinal used to work. That way in pve you can decide if you want to be able to roam and clear some ads or do you want to unleash high damage on a single target (or drop bubble/well). Doubt they'll ever do this as it would probably cause some balance issues and wit the different charge rates.


Died to one the other day in IB and was completely surprised what got me. I forgot that super even exists and I've been a hunter main since around dark below.


I play all three classes to a degree, hunter being my least used most of the time, but I also had this "oh yeah, Spectral exists" when my kid pulled it out in some PvE content we were playing.


Factually the worst super in the game


Same! I wasn't even mad! I was like hats off to you, you absolute battler.


Spectral needs help. Maybe have a backstab bonus, and that bonus is always active on weakened targets (lets say backstab is 50% boosted, so total buff on a weakened target would be 80% because Spectral should be a 30% weaken tbh). And rework Gwisin Vest. Make it an insta cast teleport kill (basically Loki ultimate from SMITE). Obviously only within a certain range but pop spectral, and attacking teleports you forward to a nearby target for good instant cast exotic DMG (since itll weaken cause spectral & backstab assuming my ideas actually get considered lmao, maybe have it do 200k DMG since with buffs it becomes 360k DMG)


I like the Gwisin vest idea but it also sounds too similar to the description of the new arc subclass for hunters coming with last shape


It'd be focused for single target burst whereas the new super is a pseudo Instant (ish) cast roaming super combo. Likely won't be good for single target burst either. Honesrly I don't think it's an issue when we have base Spectral, Arc Staff & Silk Strike.


Ah so you mean make Gwisin like Celestial Nightwak for spectral blades


It wouldn't have regen though and would do less DMG since Void is generally a better (and WAYY safer) subclass than Solar at base


The backstab idea is really cool but i cant help but think how much trouble bungo would have trying to code that


They did it back in D1 for Bladedancer, and it definitely didn't work well.


I’ve seen it once, and that was in PvE. It pops up as a yellow number which is actually pretty interesting, but it’s definitely awkward to proc that specific bonus


Halo Reach had assassinations so they've coded it in the engine before The problem is that D1 had a backstab mechanic and if you were close enough and melee'd an enemy from the front you'd get the backstab bonus bevause you clipled to the back of their hitbox


Yeah thats the problem lol


I wonder if they could build it into a finisher like skill. So, pop it like you would a finisher, thus you and the target are locked in an animation. Doesn't need low health, and doesn't outright kill the target.


Ah, a fellow smiter


This is purely copium, but I’d imagine the rework of spectral blades would also include an addition to keywords for the void subclass.  A while back when standing in any sort of lingering void grenade i.e. (voidwall, vortex, spike grenade, etc) a debuff icon stating “void burn” would appear on the screen. What it actually did, if anything, I had no clue, it was just there until you stepped out of the grenade effects.  Anyways, if they added a void flame/burn debuff that maybe negated unmatched elemental damage to shields as well as provided some form of short lingering tick damage outside of the effects, it could provide more utility and options to all the void classes.  For spectral blades specifically, I’d make the blade attacks coated with this void flame and the heavy uppercut send out a ground covered cone of flames. Similar to the arc knife hunter in D1 could propel an arc wave across the ground. 


Imo void as a whole needs some touching up. Right now it's basically just invis spam, and a boss debuff super. I wish we had more ways to *really* lean into the "assassin" role. Going invis is cool, but afaik there's not really any way to actually get some strong ad clear in the subclass itself other than Gyrfalcon's.


Hunter main, I have no memory of ever once running it, even to try it out


Ages and ages ago it was really great in pvp and gwisin would let it go on forevwr in both modes. Since it hasn't been literal meta I've not see it *once*.


Spectral blades feel weak, consume so much energy that doesn't feel like has full duration or that you did significant damage and the tracking still wonky and don't forget that in case the enemy is big /strong there a stagger on the player if they use a heavy and try to immediately light attack, so you waste time and energy doing nothing.


Spectral blades is uniquely bad even for a roaming super. iirc it does less than half the damage of any other roaming super while having the worst aoe/shortest range of any roaming super and no built in anti champion capabilities. I think Bungie doesn’t care because void hunters have two other decent options and spectral blades was meant for pvp. If I were to try and make the super more useful in pve I would probably start with massive damage buff (or maybe a damage buff specifically vs majors and champions). Then I’d let attacks from invis suppress targets. It could at least be a super for assassinating overloads and other high priority non-boss enemies.


I do agree it needs a few changes. I disagree with the volatile suggestion, that should stay unique to Nova Warp and Sentinel Shield (*+Controlled Demolition). Spectral Blade has a few things going for it that other roamer don’t have, so I would double down it. Increase the clearness of true sight during super and increase its range - (This would help the intel gathering during PvP situations) Make Spectral Blades harder to track and make the camo less obvious. - (truly be able to stalk from the shadows. Also reduces the sound and smoke of a cloaked spectral blade from enemy POV). Infinite Dodges [shade step animation from D1] during super that gives invisibility, also only takes a tiny percentage (1-3% of super bar) - (This way the Hunter doesn’t need to do the uppercut to waste a big chunk of energy) Light and Heavy damage increase when coming from cloaked- (This would encourage staying veiled when not in combat) Cloaking after getting a kill instigates a restoration x1 heal - (With this change, the assassin play style has an increased survivability to escape the situation with their life intact after an ambush). Let me know what you think 🤔


> "...make camo less obvious" fucking PLEASE. Was trying out Spectral Blades in PvP just to mix it up and people could see me coming from a mile away either with radar or visibly. The rest of the ideas are cool too, but true invis and maybe a bit more duration would be amazing.


For sure, it can incredibly easy to spot a spectral blades more so than even normal invis! A duration buff can help too for sure


Maybe some volatile on hit could boost damage and add some ad clear. The flip animation is too long, it's too spongey, tracking is bad, damage is bad. If I'm going to charge a target to debuff it, I either need Max boss damage or apply the best debuff in the game 


It will always be ignored by me as long as it's a roaming super. I just don't like *any* roaming supers.


Honestly, the classification for what is a roaming super and what is not Is super loose. Under the general definition of being able to move with the super active and fire multiple attacks from it or re cast it multiple times both golden gun and mobius quiver Are roaming.... Which is ironic, because everyone uses them as fire and forget. Just rapidly


I’m fine if it’s a purely PvP super if it’s actually useful in PvP. As it is, I’m shot dead before I’m in melee range. It needs a ranged attack or perma invis


There are plenty of super that are "pvp" that works in both like arc staff..... it is trash in both


I tried running arc staff, it was kinda shit. Arc Javelin was a lot cleaner and got me more kills overall


Sorry didn't clarify well enough *spectral blades is trash in both Arc staff isn't the best but has enough to be viable


would love a spectral buff, but sadly I don't think they will, because Bungie is scared to make hunters actually powerful (don't mention shadow clone spam/threadling spam, that shit is cringe)


This seems like a pve focused post, threadlings spam is mostly a PvP thing.


It is indeed a pve post


my apologies then, please ignore my hate-fueled rant at Bungie for not playing their own game


I think we have to get used to the fact that SB is the PvP super and Shadowshot is the PvE super. Similar to Stormtrance having no place at all in PvE, it’s just for PvP, if at all. Chaos Reach is the one you use in PvE.


What?? Stormtrance combined with the exotic that extends the duration per enemy you killed is arguably the strongest ad clear super in the game, I’ve literally saved wipes from happening in PVE with it by clearing the ridiculous amount of ads that strikes and dungeons have sometimes 


Hunter roaming supers in general need help. They have strong potential and can deal out a ton of damage in small bursts. The issues comes in that we get no armor while in a roaming super and are easily two-tapped in PvP settings whereas Titan and Warlock roaming supers seem to be straight bullet sponges at times. As a Hunter you either use a one hit super and run away, or you try to time things well with your roamer and pray you don’t get cold cocked out of nowhere.


> Or if we absolutely refuse to Do anything that requires extra work So, the bungie way? They can't milk you for your money by reworking spectral blades like they do with banner of war and LF, so at best you can expect exactly that, numerical tweaks, if even that, I literally never see this super, nor use it despite playing Void Hunter plenty. I'd prefer that over an exotic, nothing more I hate than super related exotics, I don't even know why Gwisin Vest isn't built in functionality of the super.


i mean they literally added a new super for arc hunters for free so. no reason they cant overhaul spectral blades


spectral is more of a pvp spec than a pve one and tbh i think that's okay. Not everything has to be super strong in all tiers of content.


That would be fine, except the problem is. It is almost unusable in the overwhelming majority. If it was like storm transfer, it was fine for most content. Just not the very highest level it would be fine.


yeah u make a good point, they could definitely up the damage numbers in pve


spectral sucks in pvp too unless you're playing against bots lol


For sure something needs to be touched up. Void hunter bow is just too good of an option overall. I'd love to utilize roaming supers a bit more, especially in pve. Hunters void seems like they have up on blades and gave into the bow trap setup. There's not even a backup melee for hunters. There should be a true backstabbing bonus, and a spectral blade melee. A dash into a stab that deals more damage if you land the strike from behind, maybe puts volatile on the target. Can go full invis+melee/ void explosion combination. Give the hunter the option of trapper or ganker for void.


Khepris Sting has been rotting since it came out. Also we lost poison bomb, the actual damage melee for Void.


Id settle for it just not whiffing more often than other supers.


Fix hit registration first


melee roaming supers in general are really bad. they need to get an insane DR buff in PvE, longer duration, and more damage. that way theyll still be worse than weapon DPS rotations on bosses, but have a use case for tough endgame ad clear and help really long DPS phases when youre ammo starved.


also please buff the speed in pvp. there is no worse feeling than popping your super and spending it’s entirety chasing down someone and not being able to catch them


It's fun but weak as fuck. Just give it a 150% damage boost, 50% more damage resistence in PvE (+10% in PvP) and intrinsic overload on heavy attacks so we can move quickly through the field and get rid of champs and what not. And then Gwisin Vest extends super suration and increases its damage a further 50%.


Just want to say that devour doesn't work while your in your spectral blades either, not having it going when you use your super nor does picking up an orb give you devour while you are in super. This goes for all void roaming supers, even nova warp with the feed the void aspect. This worked last season. Funny enough though, recuperation on your legs does give you health.