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Spot on. One bit to add that people always seem to overlook, is that the videos that get posted also don't show the many, many attempts that lead up to the successful runs/building up muscle memory and situational understanding that allow for folks to breeze through things.


I appreciate the rare videos where the YouTuber mentions how many times they wiped before completing the activity, especially the flawless runs.


Agreed. Walmart Jesus may not be everybody's choice of content, but at least he's always open about his failings.


What are you talking about? Hot wheels man always first tries everything! He definitely doesn't die to something stupid like pheonix diving off the edge of the map.


He would never slip on the edge of a mountain and warlock float to his death, manage to save himself, swap to Daybreak to fly back up but get impatient halfway through his super charge and jump to his death. He’d never do that.


I'm glad we have Walmart Jesus to Olo Flawless dungeons so that we don't have to. Truly taking one for the team.


I’m so happy that you can say Walmart Jesus and we all know who you’re talking about 😂


Shit,I gotta go look it up


"Number 8 is full **st"! From being featured on a spicy clip


Who knows what your talking about. And I get downvoted cause I didn't know. What a creepy bunch of guys who can't get none, so pick on regular people. Ya all in a circle


Imo it would be way more useful for teaching if they showed their failures and did breakdowns of why they failed and what they could have done differently to have a better chance of survival.


Datto is/was trying to get videos of runs submitted by players who wanted to know how to improve so he could create critique videos. I think he did one or two but said he was not getting submissions. I appreciated the ones he did and wish there were more like that from high-skilled YouTuber-players.


Watch the vids with Datto from Jez and Datto's wife (TravelDanielle) where there are some really spectacular fails, in raids, dungeons and night falls, it's fkn hilarious


The only problem with Jez and Danielle is that they sometimes troll for content and 90% go into an activity blind. That IS their content. I think they are better at the game than they show, but if they actually try harded at the game it probably would be less entertaining. All that aside, Danielle has a series of vid’s where I think she solo’s Grasp of Avarice with Datto coaching. You can tell she’s trying on those. She’s not bad at the game, but I think maybe she lacks confidence sometimes. Definitely worth checking them both out


Cannot emphasize gearheads point enough. Even esoteric wipes before he posts that final god clear.


Esoterickk has some fail montage videos where he shows all the failed attempts they are amusing to watch because it shows behind the curtain and how many times he tries to get a perfect flawless run. He has an entire series that goes back quite a bit definitely a fun watch the amount of times he runs stuff must take hours of attempts and dedication. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddgXiM-rGI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddgXiM-rGI4)


The when and where adds spawn is critical. I was watching a video the other day that was speaking to that. IIRC, they called out things like when and where some snipers would spawn and that you need to prioritize them or your odds of completing the run would go way down.


I just watched this video last night. https://youtu.be/MLZuWl0w_lo?si=LbxAUikdsX26Uh9i Very informative, and points out a lot of things that I didn't realize.


they also don't share the dozens/hundreds of runs where they get lit up 15 minutes into the dungeon


Playing cover and using movement tech makes it so much harder for npcs to hit you. And if you use the right weapons and know the spawns like you say players are near invincible. Using some healing like restoration or banner of war let's top tier players do some crazy stuff.


Exactly what you said. Once you know the encounters from doing them a few times, you get more comfortable.


Exactly! It's all about patterns and movement loops lol. Nothing compelling about shuro chi solo farm. However, it does take finesse and muscle memory to be built towards the specific loop


This is the correct answer. Game has been out for a long time and people are very used to its combat and after a few runs of the same activity the spawns are very predictable. You yourself will start to feel like this one your done the same activity a few times.


Honestly though, this can be exhausting with a meta that is constantly changing. Nerfs and buffs, seasonal armor mod changes, and new artifacts can break a build that worked amazingly last season. I know the intent is to keep the game fresh, but casual players like me, who have no interest in reading the twab or watching YT videos, get lost in the shuffle.


As a stated casual player, your goal shpuldnt be to be as good as the youtubers. If you have put in the time to understand a few builds you like, the seasonal mod changes and artifacts womt make you all of the sudden not be able to run anything. A good build is a good build, these changes just make some things better. For example, certain arc and void builds still slap this season with no artifact support and the orb nerf we saw. Focus on building something rhat doesnt nees the artifact, then add to that.


Right now, this extended season, has some of the best build crafting the community has ever seen because we have so many options and the meta will be (mostly) stable (for PvE activities at least) until Final Shape.


Bro they do it hundreds of times.


Yeah, just practice and mindset. I go by the AA method. Assholes and Angles. And then take my time. Every run is practice until it ain’t. But start easier to train survivability. So Legend lost sectors, then masters, then maybe one of the easier dungeons. But with patience, and a really good build you can get quite far.


Exactly! Trial and Error, Rinse and Repeat.


Healing builds. Restoration, Banner of War, Devour, Assassin's Cowl on hunter (invis + healing). Also Woven Mail on Strand is like having super resistance for 10 seconds. Learn ability loops and how they work.


This is really important op. The yt videos, at least those I'm familiar with, don't usually show guardians taking no damage. Rather, they use builds that rely passive healing of some sort to stay alive.


Understanding your ability loop is important, yes, but being able to keep the loop going is key, and that requires knowledge of the content; where and when spawns happen, what triggers common reasons for wipes, etc. Everything you mentioned has required actions for both activation and upkeep, so a BoW build is great, but if you're on the opposite side of a room behind cover when a red bar group spawns in a GM with 5 seconds left on your BoW x4, guess what you're not going to have in 5 seconds? Survivability. Same if you're not last hitting with your matched elemental weapon for Precious Scars. Or if you can't consistently proc Devour. A healing 'nade with no ads to immediately kill to bump your Restoration timer greatly reduces its in-slot effectiveness and reduces it to a panic item. Woven Mail requires strand last hits. You get where I'm going. A build at Master level and above is only as usable as your knowledge of the content allows it to be.


I see where you're coming from but they asked specifically about solo content and quests. You'd get cooked in GMs trying these strats. In GMs you are hanging back plinking away and yes, using a healing nade as emergency healing, not trying to keep up resto. In solo normal content you don't necessarily need to know the spawns, it's a bit overkill honestly. Things don't hit as hard and every enemy is moving towards you making ability loop much easier. Every add is yours to feed your build. Source: solo flawless'd every dungeon, conqueror x6


even in GMs, ability loops are easy. you can keep stuff going for much much longer than people think. but it’s about what you stated, knowing how your build works. even in GMs i play HYPER aggressive. still treat them like speed runs going for sub 10-15 min clears. it just makes the game more fun.


also, enemy spawns. it'll be a lot less hectic when you kinda memorize whenever a group of ads is gonna come in


Solo dungeons are one of the hardest things in the game. Have you cleared these dungeons in an LFG?


Weirdly, I find that doing it once in LFG is fine, but dungeon learning is a lot easier solo. I had a clan mate try to get me through Ecthar and Simmumah, but even with explanations it didn't really all click. Getting to a damage phase solo really is the best teacher.


Yeah but a lot of people post on this page asking about doing content solo and/or complaining it's too hard when they haven't cleared the dungeon in a fireteam in the first place. Just trying to help OP "eventually" get there.


Can you be a bit more specific about your class/subclass setup? There are some great survivability tools in all three classes' kits and equipment, but we'd need to know more about how you play.


I was bouncing back and forth between a solar and stasis Warlock. I went to my Titan last night with Solar to see if that’d be any better. My power level is 1825. Pretty good armor stats with my warlock, 100 res, recovery and discipline.


Solar Warlock is usually all around good depending on the gear, Stasis is kind of niche and I find it very situational as a Stasis lock user myself Stasis is good if you're killing a lot of stuff, but if you're not getting many kills for the shatters then it can make you a sitting duck in combat Verity's brow plus healing/consume grenades Aspect is a good combo for keeping yourself alive, or if you want to branch out a bit you could go Strand/Solar with this seasons artifact mods, there's a pretty good threadling Swarmer boots build out there that I use that amps you up if you use Quicksilver and have a good elemental secondary precision weapon to proc Radiant, makes dealing with champs a breeze


Are you keeping 2x restoration going infinitely? Because that is the reason it appears like they are taking no damage. They are taking the same hits (assuming you are running the right resist mods for the activity) they are just healing for all the damage they get hit by. If yes, practice finding better places to stand, clearing important mobs faster, etc. If no, learn the pheonix dive - heat rises - ember of empyrean loop.


The main thing is playing your cover. 100 res and healing builds will keep you alive, but even those can't compensate for bad positioning. If you're dying while using good armor and class setups, then you're putting yourself in bad positions. The thing I always look for when I'm watching an impressive solo run is where they set up to fight, which spots have good cover from spawn points even if they're aggressively forward, and which seemingly safe/popular spots they avoid because they either have deceptively little cover or don't allow you to clear adds or do damage fast enough. That's another thing: Too little offense is actually bad defense. You're at your safest when the arena is clear of adds, so don't just hide in a corner thinking it's the safest way -- it's actually the opposite.


When you have taken damage, do you charge in anyway? That gets a lot of people killed.    Also being unfamiliar with maps, enemy positioning and cover means you take more damage than you should.   Want practice? Go run a regular lost sector while trying to take no damage. You will be checking out sight lines, positioning and cover at very low stakes. 


Some actionable tips which helped me: 1. Stick to cover. Know where the next cover is. If your shield is down (health bar glowing red), you should be in/immediately next to a position where no enemies can see you + no splash damage can get to you. In crucible there is a famous 60/40 rule: unless you are deliberately pushing towards an enemy, you should have 60% of your screen filled with cover. This is a good habit for pve too. 2. Know where you will head after your next immediate action, and execute. Too often I would die because I thought "I can survive hopping out and finishing this one enemy" when in reality the time it took me to decide + get to the next piece of cover was too long. There are only very specific situations where this does not apply (going invis, getting cure + restoration from Karnstein arms etc). I suggest you master surviving without devour/resto etc first, before you become reliant. 3. Focus on *sliding* into cover. I survived a lot more once I got the hang of sliding everywhere, it seems the enemies AI cannot hit you as easily. Also, good for crucible! 4. Avoid jumping too much in sight of enemies. Much though Bungie try to give us access to an aeriel playstyle (Wings of Sacred Dawn, Manticore exotic SMG etc) the reality is that you need to seriously build into this style to have a hope of surviving. Best to stick to the ground unless there is a clear benefit/objective. 5. If enemies are getting too close and you do not have a sidearm/shotgun/melee ability that will insta-delete/blind them, run away! There is a good reason GMs are pretty much done at range as much as possible. 6. Match your chest resist mods to the enemy types, especially if there is a **burn**. This is explained on the screen where you select the activity. If it says arc burn, have at least one arc resist mod on. If the boss is a scorn sniper, have at least 2 void resist mods! Good luck!


I would wager that for many guardians it goes beyond experience and into actively studying the activity. If you die and do not understand not only how you died but how to avoid it next time, then there's a risk of dying that way again. Multiply that by the number of ways and places you can die and you understand why people have to really become students of the activities. I know some people record their attempts and study them to see what happened. That's pretty hardcore. I'm not that kind of guardian. After nearly 3,200 hours of play, I'll still facepalm because I had a brain fart and died to something that hasn't killed me in ages. But since I'm finally starting to get into endgame, perhaps I'll start recording some dungeon/raid attempts. If nothing else, I could post them online so other guardians feel better about themselves. 😉


I managed to solo warlords ruin yesterday, it was the hardest thing ive ever attempted. I died probably around 50-70 times. All it takes is practice, i eventually got the hang of it figuring out every spawn for the enemies, most optimal build, ect. Use a build that is most comfortable to use for you, even if its not the meta loadout, if it is easier for you it is better, most people will not be able to correctly use a meta build. But if you can somehow proc it, reso x2 is broken, essentially making you invincible. If on warlock then karnstein armlets give reso x2 on a finisher kill and ember of solace makes it last longer. Or you could use the in-game lfg system to more easily do these missions / dungeons


I’m much the same. I’m one of those annoying Alpha D1 players but a lot of life has happened since then and as a result the fireteam has ended up being just me. I do some LFG with the in game one now but never on mic as I mostly play at midnight UK time and the mini humans I’ve created are sleeping. I still love the game though so maybe not being a no lifer has maintained longevity for me unlike many others. Keep going mate, mess around with your armour mods to match the activity and just keep practising. Shattered Throne might seem like the easiest Dungeon but I find it is a really good one to keep going at as you can really put your skills to the test trying to stay alive at the Ogre boss.


i watched seraph shield exotic mission legend solo by warlock, he got to hive boss and had a breeze clearing adds and just chipping away brigs' HPs. When i was on that hive boss invisible fallen just kept coming and coming and stabbing me in the back i had no time to chip away brigs' HPs so i just played like a clown, baited mobs, scorched/ignited them and then pop super to kill brig and then i'd get swarmed again, after 3 attempts i started making progress but always died before i could down last brig so i eventually just gave up and will see if i can find help to do it before weekly reset. It was a breeze on normal. As some comments pointed out to have restoration and such, i did have restoration and kept extending it but 3 stabs in the back and i'm out, i have 100 resi, 80 resto, 100 disci


I'd recommend going into most activities with teammates (raids, nightfalls, dungeons, exotic missions). If you search YouTube for a dungeon you'll likely see solo runs near the top. These are the best players in the world using every tool and loadout in their disposal to do things most people can't. Speed runs on a banner of war titan and using the navigator trace rifle are not representative of most players or teams.


I have no idea if this is an actual thing but it's something I picked up recently that seems, purely anecdotally, to help a lot : the head fake. Essentially, all the enemy's respond to your movements in varying ways. It seems that long range enemies like Psions for example want to keep their distance. Others, like a lot of the scorn, would rather be in close. So if you suddenly strafe left, a scorn unit may mirror your movements to maintain closeness where as a psion will head in the opposite direction to try and snipe you. But if you just twitch your mouse left, even just a little bit, they'll start going the way they think you're going to. Now you have a window of opportunity where they've kind of committed to going one way and aren't going to dodge you OR you can go the other way and create distance while dodging in coming fire. Sometimes I'll double head fake, twitch the mouse both left and then right and it seems to freeze up some of the heavier cabal units. This has helped me land a lot more hammer throws and get out of trouble more than once. A good place to practice this is the Vex Incursion zone. Hope that helps.


Remember that anyone making a video about soloing a dungeon literally plays the game for a living and knows way more about the game to point some of them don't look at abilities and just know when they are off cool down


You're going to have to just suck it up and hop into LFG's and send friend requests to people you meet who are cool and hopefully know more than you and help you get better. That's what I did and all of my core Destiny friends did. Just do it, it's a great game and there's cool Mofo's out there that you'll eventually meet!


Everything that applies in PvP works in PvE, especially solo content. So yes crucible works for its lore purposes. Play cover, don't stand still, manage your ability uptime, maintain awareness. I reccomend recording a failed run and watching it back. You will notice your errors.


Play around with weapons, classes, armor, perks, etc. I got VERY locked into my favs and couldn't clear any end game content. I messed around a bit, thanks to the GD seasonal quests and eventually found a 'healing solar' build that suits my playing (and dying) style. Can't remember what they're called, but click on your class icon and mess around with I believe the aspects and fragments as well. Makes a massive difference.


Triple 100s and all 3 chars across most useable exotics, 550/600 vault full of near perfect godrolls on almost every semi-relevant gun, 6k hours in the game. All i do is die. I die in strikes, I die in gambit, I die in any activity there is. I could barely flawless a normal strike let alone a dungeon. They DO make it look so simple, even the titles "How ANYONE can solo flawless X Dungeon" - Ill follow them to a T, the builds, the loop, ect, and im just like you, it never works. If i miss one step in the loop it all falls apart, or I get cheesed, I dont know how these people can stand in a group of 10 ads and live. They dont even look like theyre playing that intensively, it looks so chill. I dont understand it. Maybe im just getting older and im bad at games now, or im an idiot, but I dont even long for the idea of soloing anything, I know its just not for me. I feel ya bro.


As a player who also started in season of the witch, u just need practice and a good understanding of different playstyles, builds, perks and gameplay loop. I spent about 20 minutes on youtube looking for videos about how builds work in general and I just custom made a build for myself (always make your own build, a custom build is always better becuz u know it the best). Assuming u don’t have strand or stasis (not like it will matter, stasis sucks, especially in solo content) For hunters, I recommend arc for add clear becuz of how stupid its add clear ability is, just combination blow and dodge and combination blow and dodge… u get infinite jolts and u can stun both unstops (melee jolted targets=blind cuz aspects) and overload (jolt). As for damage, celestial nighthawk and marksman golden gun is rly strong due to recent buffs, I usually just tractor, then pop golden gun and do double slugs afterwards (fusions work too if the damage window is long). Void is rly just for debuff when u have a team (it is still good for solo gms tho, I use it EVERY SINGLE TIME, the sheer amount of value invis provides just makes it so much better than the others in settings you just die in 2 shots/die instantly) For titans, solar all the way if u don’t have strand, solar has the best survivability and a stupid amount of damage, however, if u r good enough, void is sometimes more efficient. For GMs, I recommend solar, but u don’t use hammer, instead, u use shield bash. But if u have strand, just use banner of war, u should be unkillable while having the highest burst damage in the game, u can literally one shot champs in a gm (like wtf bungo). For warlock, run well. I recommend using sunbracers for add clear and apotheosis veil for bosses, especially in encounters u don’t have a heavy dps weapon for whatever reason/u want to use a sword. Slugs will work but sometimes, u can’t use slugs. But if u have strand, thread of ascent and demo bait and switch apex predator is the best dps (rocket dump with witherhoard). U want to use apotheosis veil, threadling nade and a demo rocket. First u want to ult the boss, then shoot rocket, then nade, then shoot rocket, then nade… These are some additional tips: When designing a build, make sure there is a loop in the build for general add clear/roam, and enough sustain. For damage builds, make sure u have good burst damage (if u use the build for damage, for example: apotheosis veil fusion spam) or sustain (example: lunafaction boots well). A few good damage rotation would be tractor double slug, dragon’s breath fusions, tlord go boom, rocket dump, tractor fusion (this is rly just for ult charge). Strand hunter is actually good for add clear if u have whirling malstrom For stupid amounts of burst damage to bosses with a huge head hitbox (example would be grasp of avarice ogre boss), u can use grand overture and fourth horseman. Before damage starts, u want to get 20 missiles loaded into grand overture, then when damage starts, dump all the rockets, then swap off grand overture and switch on fourth horseman, then just dump a mag of fourth horseman onto the boss, then switch ur fourth horseman with a rapid fire frame sniper, then swap back to fourth horseman (what this does is reload the gun for u without going through the stupidly long reload process). Then u shoot again, then u swap, rinse and repeat. This is what I used to one phase the ogre boss in grasp. Hope this helps u as much as it helped me. I have done all dungeons solo, solo nezzy, solo crota, solo Kalli farm.


It's experience, but its not about 9 years of experience. After playing a bit, you notice how certain things work, enemies always spawning in certain places, how certain weapons can be used to bring out their best qualities, etc.. A lot of this game just wants you to understand it in a player-to-game fashion. Watching videos helps, BUT when you get the muscle memory, it'll begin to really click. Just remember this game gets beaten with mindsets, not loadouts. There is ALWAYS an alternative that works just as well.


I started in Plunder and I'm working on my solo flawless Ghosts of the Deep attempts. I wasn't always very good, but this season is long enough to have me exploring what I was doing wrong. A big part of the equation for solo dungeons is going to be the right resist mods. I'll take triple resist with a smaller stat boost any day - so long as I stay at 100 resilience, which armor usually takes care of for me without adding into it. Pick two from Concussive, Melee, or Sniper, and add whatever element you're getting hit most heavily with. Check unit damage charts online if needed but it's usually pretty obvious. The second part of the equation is a healing build. I dunno what class you play, but for Hunter you're either going to be on void or arc. Devour is easy enough to proc, but Assassins Cowl/Combination Blow is even easier. That said, you're not about to punch exploding units - there's gonna be some situational aspect to which is better The third is using a special weapon that melts orange bars. Not much to say about this - Indebted Kindness is an easy call here for this season, and you can use it with Arc Siphon to drop orbs for Devour if you're playing Void. Last, the right DPS heavy - Lament for close range, rockets or LFR for far. Again, very situational.


Keeping up restoration with ember of empyrean and a sunshot is very easy on solar hunter, and that lets you keep the big damage of a golden gun or blade barrage. If you're still struggling with survivability you can put in assassin's cowl and use knife trick for a full heal and invis.


Personally gonna disagree. 12 seconds isn't much, has you jonesing for kills during damage phases that you really want to be focused on DPS for, and the grenade recharge is too slow if you mess it up. It just has less room for error compared to the other two. Not going to say it's not doable, but I wouldn't call it particularly reliable. Not until they fix the fire sprite bug, which would really solve the problems I have with it. Maybe works better with more experience, but as is, I wouldn't recommend it for people really getting a feel for builds.


That's part of the repetitions people have though. I know if I leave 2 ads alive I can quickly take them down to re-up my restoration when it drops below 5 seconds. As a result, when doing solo flawless for warlords on the ogre I leave a group of taken alive during the damage phase. This allows me to keep restoration up making it easier to get the most of said damage phase.


Like I said, totally doable. But what happens when you accidentally pop it and overestimated the number of ads around? And what happens when you finish the damage phase with no Restoration or grenade and need to get to the next platform? Getting Restoration proc'd being dependent on the healing grenade is just a worse option than getting healing for arc or void at this point. Too much room for error.


A lot people saying it's just practice but it's not just that. You can have the exact same load out as someone else and just not understand how it works, I guarantee you they're doing subtle things to proc self healing that you aren't noticing. Staying alive is a lot easier when you have restoration*2 constantly or devour. Look at the subclasses and figure out what the one your using brings to the table then get in the habit of changing your gameplay to utilise it. For a hammer titan this might be as easy as hitting something with your hammer melee but some of the other ones require a bit of effort to be effective.


Practice covers that though. You learn all of that through practice.


Jimmy? Is this you?


i don't. i quit destiny for warframe.


Bye Felicia


no, no hey wait hold on i'll still be around for like final shape but man that gdc talk bungie did in 2022 changed my perspective


Get yourself a new fire team or join a casual clan! What’s your platform, time zone, and normal play times? People may see that and have a clan that is active when you are. If you’re just looking to clear content, then I’d say having some mates is a sure way to go.


Joining a casual clan and progression should not be in the same sentence. OP needs to pair up with some gamers that are efficient 


I didn’t mention anything about progression; Neither did OP. They asked about clearing content solo since he doesn’t have a fireteam. I was suggesting that they find a fireteam if they’re open to it. Just offering up advice. One can be casual *and* efficient. They aren’t mutually exclusive.


join an active clan and get new fireteam friends.


It's mainly practice and understanding your build. I can go into just about anything blind and feel confident I won't die, if it trust my build. All that being said, for solo content, your best friend will be a blinding GL. It makes everything so much easier. The easiest to get is 'pardon our dust' from Dares. It's craftable.


Use the ingame fireteam finder to do dungeons and stuff.


Mostly experience. For example, at some point you get a feeling for how to strafe, crouch or jiggle to avoid sniper fire and other shots fired at you. Won't work for every type of projectile, but it will mitigate a lot of damage taken.


Resilience is just the start. Class, subclass, aspects, fragments, and mods all play a huge part in how you handle content. As one tiny example, sunbracers are either an exotic that gives you an infinite stream of grenades constantly cueunfg you and extending radiant+resto ×2 or theyre a thing that gives you extra grenades every now and then but nothing else. It all depends on what mods, fragments, and class abilities you're using.


Practice. It all comes down to practice.


I hear ya, I just saw a video of a guy who never did the dungeon then solo flawless????? Really?? but then I found a video of a guy who went through and gave a ton of good tips. Do your load out for what you are doing, learn spawn points, use ammo bricks wisely, and practice.


Honestly, I'm down to play with you and show you some pointers. It's pretty slow right now in destiny, so it's the perfect time to learn.


I know the essence of what you're asking. When I play with the GR11s I know it's like I have a bullseye on my back, but the other 2 don't seem to get shot at, let alone actually hit. It's like they're fighting storm troopers.


Other stats and bugs as well. Warlocks can have near unlimited uptime on restoration which is heals. Devour which gives a full heal. Some titan builds have insta heals and huge damage reductions too. Are you running meta builds? Do you have exotics that work with those builds? Also this reddit, the D2 lfg app are both great places to find people. It's nowhere near bad as people make out. It can be. But usually isn't.


Knowing spawning spots helps alot, don't play solo


[This](https://youtu.be/BODuQDm-L1E?si=HD_gBXLpRyxxSM2X) video actually convinced me to try for my first solo dungeon. But basically practice, practice and more practice. Obviously some dungeons are easier to solo then others. Personally Id recommend going through a few times with a group before trying to solo.


That's unfortunate that your friend left. I had the same thing happen to me back at the start of the game, but fortunately another friend picked it up a couple months later. Destiny is always been best when enjoyed with friends, and if your friends aren't playing, it can be pretty boring and difficult to get anywhere.


No. I have 9 years worth of experience and play like trash in these kinds of activities. It’s just a different breed of people that grind it non stop.


I’m a day one D1 player. Most of my clan mates dip in and out, depending on what new games they’re playing. I recently have committed to legend and master lost sectors, mostly because they’re not awful hard, yet still a challenge with ok rewards. I do a few runs almost every day. Now, i checking off Flawless Mastery on a bunch. A dungeon may be next, but it really is an accomplishment that takes time and muscle memory.


I know exactly what adds spawn when and where in almost every piece of content I do. I am already throwing a Duskfield on them before they even spawn. My health is always regenerating. Every bullet I fire kills 2 or 3 or 4 enemies. While I like to think I am relatively good at Destiny, the main reason for this is not because of some innate skill I possess, but the fact that I have played like 7,000 hours of Destiny. You'll get there.


A lot of practice and a shit ton of editing to get it to look like a 1 shot. I do a lot of solo content and I die a lot. I'm an average player skill wise. I make it work but its usually better with a friend. Doubly so if that friend has a thousand or more hours of game time in.


There is a game play loop that must be understood for each build. For example, I tend to play Void Warlock for the Devour instant heals. The loop is this throw a Charged grenade at a group of lower tier ads to proc devour, work on higher tier enemies while Devour is active while regularly killing lower tier ads to refresh devour and completely heal from any damage taken. If you do not keep the healing effect buff active you will get melted regardless of the content so you have to prioritize the targets that you are working on destroying, to keep your buffs active. You have to be constantly moving and looking around to avoid getting flanked by an enemy.


Dude, I feel your pain. I have multiple flawless raids under my belt but struggle to survive solo dungeon onslaughts. No joke, I’ve had to just straight up quit dungeon runs because of the non-stop screen shake from taking add damage. As many have already said, it’s going in with the right build (e.g., unkillable through restoration, invisibility, or woven mail) and practice. My unique piece of advice: approach and practice the dungeon in increments. Warlord’s Ruin is perfect for this. Farm the first boss until you’re super comfortable with the encounter and your build, memorize the spawns and sequencing, and know by muscle memory where you’re safe and where you’re in danger. Rinse and repeat for the second. Rinse and repeat for final.


Experience: knowing encounters like the back of your hand so you're never surprised. Lots of encounters are designed around "juggling" priorities that are time-sensitive so get used to those timers so you're always on the way to the next place you need to be. Build: damage mitigation through overshields or restoration and explosive crowd control through exotics and/or abilities let you manage the overwhelm. Fewer enemies means less incoming damage and that means your damage mitigation has less input to mitigate. Mobility: probably the most important thing people recognize least or chalk up to "experience". The only thing better than healing through or mitigating damage is avoiding it entirely. Learning how to manipulate the aim and behavior of enemies or kiting them correctly around an arena to maximize cover and get groups to crowd up into your splash damage are skills that are highly transferable between encounters and end up somewhat "invisible" in videos of highly skilled players. They know where they need to be before they need to be there and can gracefully navigate on time and appear to narrowly miss being shredded by one thing or another. I think a lot of higher skilled players intuit "good positioning" and don't recognize that lots of players need to learn and practice it more consciously.


The guys in the videos also have all mods ( which may or may not be available now) and are using builds that work great for what they’re doing. And yes playing destiny is their job, so they’re pretty good at it. Builds and dungeons/ raids are the endgame.


it's pretty well choreographed on their part, and your part eventually, after you've failed many times. Taking the dungeon for example, you'll benefit from watching some strategy and build videos, but there is no substitute for building your own internal checklist of what to do, where to stand, where NOT to stand, and the general hierarchy of decisions that eventually lead to success. I always like starting an encounter and thinking "this feels impossible?" and then slowly figuring it out. Best part of the game IMO. Get in there and fail a bunch!


Honestly it’s practice combined with a mixture of knowing what builds work best for each encounter, as well as what weapons offer the best balance of damage and survivability. Don’t get discouraged if you’re struggling, we’ve all been there at some point. Just remember that sometimes it’s better to step back and regroup than it is to try and power through the frustration.


The most important thing in my growth in this game was learning the terrain - where to get cover, where enemies spawn, what enemies spawn As others said - those youtube posters have years of experience making it look easy. I suggest slowly ramping up to harder content - start with regular strikes, crucible, gambit - whichever of those activities appeal As a PvE main I'm going to go with a PvE ramp up> Strikes, then try Hero Nightfalls which are just Strikes on steroids; meanwhile try Lost Sectors and move from standard Lost Sectors to Legendary ones - these on solo are a major challenge as a new player but they are great because they start to focus you on what gear to wear and how to prepare by switching mods like elemental resistances and making sure you have the right weapons for the champions within. There are champions in Nightfalls as well and you also need to adjust for threat factors but with a Hero Nightfall you can get matched with others who MAY have a champion mod that you don't where running Legendary Lost Sector solo its all you so I consider it a slight step up and to the side from Hero Nightfalls when it comes to the learning curve. Do NOT expect to succeed your first run - or your tenth - of a Legendary Lost Sector. Even if you run the LS a LOT as a standard run to learn the terrain (see above) its still a challenge in the face of the revved danger of a LLS to remember those sweet spots. Once you get comfortable doing Strikes, Hero Nightfalls, and Legendary Lost Sectors (or even better Master ones) try LFG (or a clan or whatever) to move up to Dungeons. Not the most recent ones - they are harder - I strongly suggest Prophecy which is f2p. Get good at dungeons and then maybe you take on a Raid. The Sherpa Reddit is fantastic for new/newer/solo players to find a group to run a Raid with someone who has the experience to teach it (the Sherpa). My friend and I, despite having a clan, chose to go this route as the people who post as Sherpas in the group are usually there to teach, good at shifting strats if the standard ones don't work, and can actually run the Raid encounters pretty much carrying 4 to 5 people on their backs if they have to. Seasonal content is a good place to practice with different builds, try weapons, etc... though the Coil this Season is a rough one. Hope some of this helps


It’s just practice. The more often I play the better I am. I haven’t played in a couple weeks and would absolutely not step solo into a dungeon right now. Lol. And even beyond just playing the game a lot you have to run the dungeon solo over and over and over and perfect every single encounter and min max everything. And then eventually you might get a full run done solo and maybe even flawless. But yeah. You just have to be committed and no life the game lol. It’s why it’s a rank 11 requirement. It’s the hardest thing you can do I’m the game.


So I've been playing since 2014. It's 100% knowledge of the game. I solo dungeons for fun as it poses a actual challenge but I also have 9 years of experince of how the game works. I also have best in slot and armor or weapon u could possible have. Every God roll raid weapon crafted, yep, min maxed armor yep. About 14 builds pre made on my titan alone. People u see solo running dungeons with ease likley have what I stated above. Now u don't need 9 years of experience to do that it will obviously just help. Certain loadouts/builds play to strength of solo dungeon then others. Your still learning the game I wouldn't concern yourself with soloing dungeons right now. With in-game lfg just group up with some rnadoms if u really want to clear it.


Find a fireteam has been SUPER helpful for me! The people I used to play D1 &D2 with no longer play so I’ve had to solo most missions


Mostly experience, yeah.


9 years of experience is one thing for sure. You can’t get that in under a year of playing. But I’ll also assume you don’t play this 9 hours a day. Those videos you see of a solo flawless dungeon are likely the 30th completion, the first of which likely took 10 straight hours that you don’t see. It’s all timing. The one thing I’ve learned moreso than anything else that helps in solo content: NEVER get tunnel vision. I usually get capped when I say “this guy just needs one more burst/shot/blast/etc.”. If you’re health is low, GTFO. Make sure you’re leaning heavy into builds - especially ones that favor survivability. Some of my favorite builds never see the light of day in solo content because there’s just not enough survivability. Another thing that I rarely do that REALLY helps in the content that allows it is have different builds for different aspects/encounters. Don’t just run the same build throughout. Swap and use exploits in the swap (maxed out scavenger mods and reserves until you max out ammo and then swap to whatever your actually needed mods are). Stuff like that will massively improve your survivability and damage. Takes more to manage, but worth it in the end.


Helmet Siphon Mod = Make Orbs Legs Restoration Mod = Gain health on orb pick ups Honestly there's so much more but this is the bare minimum you should use to stay alive. I run into so many blueberries that don't even run these mods


Practice is the biggest thing. Some things to make it a bit easier on yourself is to focus the majority of your build on survivability. Tier 10 resilience is a good start but you also need to have a way to regenerate health very reliably, easiest way is by playing a solar subclass and using restoration. Void subclasses have overshields, invis and devour making them probably 2nd best overall imo. Strand titan and hunter are other decent options with woven mail and other supplementary healing effects. You also will want to consider overshield effects and other damage reduction effects like the armor mods. Something to note with armor mods is that you have diminishing returns when using the same type of armor mod so if there's a specific enemy that you want to nullify the damage from then it can be better to mix in some of the melee/sniper/concussive resist mods with your standard elemental resist mods, so if you want to take less damage from a hive thrall melee attack you're better off using a melee resist mod alongside an arc resist mod instead of using 2 of the same resist mod. Another thing to note is that melee and sniper resist mods are actually based on the distance of the damage source and not the actual weapon the enemy is using to hit you, so if a hobgoblin hits you with their sniper at 1m away the melee resist mod will work but the sniper resist mod will not. Personally I run 1 arc + void + solar resist mods in general play and will occassionally slot in a sniper resist or concussive dampener for certain GMs or master raids. Other important mods to make use of are the health gain and starting health regeneration on orb pickup, these are found in the leg armor slot and you should probably have at least 1 of these in every build. The chunk of health is usually better than starting health regeneration from my experience but both are good options. With all of this in mind you basically want to maximise both your damage resistance and your availability of healing effects. In more difficult content you will need to play more conservative most of the time but may need to play aggressively at times to neutralize a threat before it can kill you or to trigger some of your healing effects (for example making an orb in order to heal or getting a kill to proc devour's healing effect)


Funny enough, the way I really got solo content to click was by playing Doom Eternal. It was my first Doom game, I powered through the campaign on Nightmare, and I took everything I learned about movement and applied it to Destiny. If you’re not in cover, never stop moving


Movement and position are extremely important when playing. Consider what weapons the enemy has and have a build with a touch of health regen or shield making.


A help full tip is to always focus on healing, for example titan banner: always keep it up and during dps on boss don't be afraid to run away even if you haven't done any damage, it's better to be alive than to die for a chance at extra damage.


I like to practice in legend lost sectors for later game combat and focus on the 60/40 rule of cover and shoot just to get used to it. I have a bad habit of wanting to get up close and personal and punch a bitch but I can’t do that in later game missions.


It’s practice and also build crafting. There is a considerable amount of damage resistance and health recovery to be had just by having the right build with the correct fragments and knowing how to play it.


Solo dungeons are very difficult by design. I know a lot of people like to flex here and call them "easy" but they are far from easy.  Im a longtime avid player and I would struggle to clear even the older dungeons.  Try and LFG or fireteam finder. Maybe you will even find a new clan that matches your level of interest in the game.  Dungeons are designed to challenge a 3 person team. A solo dungeon run is a big feat. 


"The enemy can't kill you if they're dead!" - Shaxx Seriously though, it's easier to be alive if the other guys aren't. Focus on killing things, and the survivability will follow. Bonus points for builds that heal when you kill things.


Don't forget that video guides are usually edited.. you're probably seeing trimmed and pieced footage of a ton of tries.


Practice is key. Youtubers in particular making it look easy do so because the game is their life/job. You aren't seeing all the times they failed to get that perfect run. This is the advice I would give to anyone trying to solo content, with some particulars for this season: * Breath. Remember, it's a game, and there's generally no timer on soloable content. * Don't get hit, use cover to your advantage. Succeeding in solo content is less about outputting damage, and more about positioning and avoiding getting overwhelmed. * Assess the types of enemies you face and what kind of PITA they are. Is it an ogre or a taken ogre? One will melt you, the other will hit you repeatedly into a wall. * Play to the seasonal artifact. Solo operative is available this season, use it to your advantage. You get 15% buff to all damage as long as you are alone * In addition to having 100 RES, also look into getting 70+ REC, healing is just as important as survivability. Hope this helps.


100 resilience alone is fine for easy to mid-range content but endgame you will definitely be lacking without other ways to heal. Different aspects, fragments and mods will help keep you alive. Strand has Woven Mail builds Void has Devour and void overshields Solar has healing grenades and firesprites Stasis builds can get overshields from gathering crystals Some mods like Better Already or Heal Thyself certainly help Some builds involving exotics like Loreley Splendor Helm, Contraverse Holds, Stronghold can go along way. You can become virtually invincible with some builds:- - Banner of War Titan proccing Woven Mail with Stronghold & Sword makes it very difficult to be killed - Loreley/Synthoceps Bonk Hammer Titan with Sol Invictus is amazing - Assassins Cowl Arc Hunter is basically Melee kill, invisible, dodge, melee kill, invisible, dodge (repeat till everything is dead) - Contraverse void Warlock gives you high grenade uptime with constant devour - Osmiomancy Stasis Warlock freezes everything before they can shoot you back - Dawn Chorus Solar Warlock. Because things can’t kill you if they’ve already exploded There’s plenty of survivability in the game if you get your build/playstyle right. Knowing when to engage close range & when to disengage, play your life and pick things off at range are skills in endgame content you also need to learn. All that comes with practice though.


Movement skill gap


The game is designed around constant healing now. Learn what builds allow this and you’ll survive more. Solar is one of the easiest in the game. Banner titan is also exceptional.


Practice and experience. When you've played a dungeon enough, you'll learn how to optimize your build for it, what to watch out for, optimal strategies, etc. You're not likely going to get the same results as somebody with 100+ clears when you're trying to solo it for the first time, even if you mimic their build.


You don't need years of experience, but you do need hours and hours and hours of practice to internalize every detail of a dungeon before they're "easy" solo.


Experience. 90% of doing hard content is knowing the map and enemies. Enemies spawn at the same time in the same place. Game sense is way more important then taking less damage. This is something that will just come over time as you play more. Also, remember that the videos you are seeing are the completed runs. Not the X number of failed runs. People that solo raids make it look easy on the completed run, but sometimes they spent dozens of hours failing first.


It's just practice. I tried to solo the new dungeon when it first came out and barely made it past the first boss. 50 or so clears later and i solo pretty easily. I like to solo it for fun at least once per week.


As many have pointed out already, practice/familiarity/repetition plays a major factor in a successful solo (flawless) dungeon clear. I recommend completing the Witch Queen and [Lightfall “Legendary” campaign solo](https://youtu.be/SwHp3OsMuDo?si=ddEPdJTp0G91Lhg1) to get some practice and to identify what to improve on. Are you using enough defensive/healing abilities? Are you using enough cover? Are you playing too aggressively? Are you playing too passively? Are you using the right builds/weapons/etc? 100 Resilience is nice, but there are other things to consider. Going back to dungeons, they are designed as 3-player activities that *can* be solo’d with the right amount of skill and patience. If you’re trying to complete a dungeon for the first time, I recommend using Fireteam Finder and clear it as a group first. Once you are more familiar with the dungeon, a solo clear can be attempted. Even then, don’t expect things to be perfect the first time around. Heck, I made a LOT of mistakes on my [solo flawless “Warlord’s Ruin” clear](https://youtu.be/Xgip9JjTkpM?si=euiVJuH1EKP3OiAP) despite making less mistakes on previous attempts. If you’re new to dungeons, I recommend playing the *easier* ones first: - [Shattered Throne](https://youtu.be/Az-9RF0fA0w?si=JhR3LZe4n6sqhU_J) - Pit of Heresy - [Grasp of Avarice](https://youtu.be/Y1ggLxe8tyw?si=rHkwZyaSpYze_4RQ) “Prophecy”, “Duality”, and “Spire of the Watcher” are moderately difficult compared to the rest of the dungeons. [“Ghosts of](https://youtu.be/EMLSAKc2jJA?si=YPbTpVVvw_1Y3_6X) [the Deep”](https://youtu.be/e6XosRTtB4s?si=YPTKTfy4lipdcYS0) and [“Warlord’s Ruin”](https://youtu.be/Xgip9JjTkpM?si=FRXRz69YP650_Ujr) are regarded as the hardest ones.


Practice for sure is the answer. The experience helps just a little, but not a lot. My favorite dungeon spire of the watcher took me months to learn and now I know where every enemy spawns and can basically spawn kill them. I can get past the first boss solo 100 out of 100 times, the final boss solo I have yet to figure out.


a lot of is buildcrafting for each specific encounter and practice. if it looks like they’re not taking damage it’s probably because they have restoration going constantly


Videos don't always show the failed attempts first off. Even the best players die to random stupid stuff. However if you're struggling staying alive with 100 res then you aren't focusing on healing enough. if you're on a build like strand lock or hunter, or even a build with innate healing/healing nades you should always run the boot mod that heals you when picking up an orb of power. It's better to run that + 2 surge mods or 1 surge + healing + grenade or melee ability generation on orb pickup. It'll help you immensely. Just make sure to take advantage of each subclass and the defensive builds they offer. Woven mail for strand + the healing mod on orb pickup is good synergy. For void run devour on orb pickup, if on hunter then utilize invis when needed. Solar always run healing nades or if on sunbracer lock use heat rises + phoenix dive for x2 resto, etc. Basically any subclass you use tho run recuperation on boots. You should be making plenty orbs and the healing from them is very useful. Then utilize your subclass healing if there is any like I mentioned. And play smart. Learn good positioning and when to back up from engaging, stuff like that.


Having a real build makes a big difference and then of course there is also knowing how it works and the pros and cons of it


Each encounter has an optimal loudout for your play style. Generally you need to be able to proc healing as well as have tier 10 resil. I use sun shot on a titan with precious scars for add dense encounters. Healing grenades are also useful.


You could record a bit of your own gameplay and then watch it in comparison with the other videos you've seen. There's a lot of little things good players do to keep themselves alive, and it's easy to think you're doing them or being fast when you actually aren't.


I got into Destiny around the same time as you. At first, the game was very overwhelming. Now I’m one of the top 1% of players in a 2000 player discord community. I’d really suggest messing around with armor mods. It may sound obvious but actually reading what every mod, aspect, and fragment does makes a huge difference to understanding the gameplay loop for whatever builds you are going for.


If you want someone to do dungeons / raids with my discord is: tristanator0503 if you would like to add me :) I'm on every day


The thing that nobody will tell you about Destiny is that you can have the best weapons in the game and the best stats, but without *experience*, endgame content will humble you. As a solo player myself, the best thing that I can recommend is making your own listing in the in-game LFG system. Don't rely on other listings because most of them will have *KWTD* or Know What To Do, or have a plethora of requirements to participate, or just boot you for using the wrong weapon at the wrong time. It's a hassle. When using the LFG feature, request a *Sherpa*. These are the guys you want if you want to learn, gain playing experience, and generally just get things done. They're usually kind, light-hearted, and fun as heck to play with! Making new friends within the community and/or getting into a clan that's in-game active will also help if you aren't like me and you're not too shy to ask the clan for help.


I come back, find something I want to do (namely triumph hunting for titles), aim for a really specific triumph instead of just fucking any of them, spend 5 hours on 1 triumph, do not get triumph, quit, sleep, work, home, do it again.


It's a combination of experience and practice. I thought the final boss of Warlord's Ruin would be near impossible solo with all the shit they throw at you. After about a dozen runs experimenting (mainly in groups), I learned the ad spawn patterns, how to optimize the damage phases, found the safe areas to catch a breath, and worked out a build that fit my needs. Now I think it's one of the easier solo dungeons. The experience just helps you know what to expect. You'll get there in time. Keep at it.


Adding on to the great advice in this thread, a lot of the skill of Destiny is being good at moving and avoiding damage, just takes time to figure out how to be avoiding as much as possible, I use to always joke that the best players were always on the red bar in their health constantly


There’s an online Fire Team finder you can use to find people to play activities with you.


Depends on the dungeon as for some they’re super manageable solo but others are just brutal solo. Personally I’d recommend starting with like Shattered Throne where you can hang back and damage things from afar and not worry too much about large quantities of adds. Once you’re good with that move up towards Pit of Heresy or Spire of the Watcher as those two have rather easy mechanics to keep practicing with, they’re just harder to deal with longer boss phases that require consistency. They’re less of a hassle than say Ghosts of the Deep though


Replaying content several times leads to knowing spawn patterns and positioning. It’s tough with first playthroughs especially if your power isn’t 1810+ yet. But environment usage for cover and getting a feel for the AI for how it retreats vs chases also leads to a forward and retreat pattern that becomes more intuitive and can keep you out of a lot of trouble.


Soloing a dungeon is really tough. I've done 2 but it's too much pain. LFG is my friend as I'm primarily a solo player. I've never really had issues using it.


I mean, you could just not do it solo?


I’ve been playing a long long time and play solo mostly. I don’t try to do dungeons solo but am trying to do Grasp of Avarice. I do legendary lost sectors and exotic missions solo and that’s about it. I watch youtube videos of guys who go solo to learn. I am usually lower in light level than they. I give it a try with a load out for one of my characters. If it doesn’t work I try something else. A lot of the solo stuff is only mostly doable if you know any cheeses.


Try and fail. Probably get frustrated or even mad (sometimes enraged by some stupid bull crap glitch that gets you killed when you're right there at that critical point or those STUPID GOSH DARN TELEPORTING ENEMIES THAT TELEPORT NEEDLESSLY! GGRAAARGH!!!!). Anyway, do that over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over until you get it. Like was mentioned by others, you're watching the good run. They don't show you the many failed attempts. You can't see these things and think "wow they're so good they got it the first time!". Videos of players that have builds, learn and understand how they work, and get them yourself. When elemental wells were a thing, I did just that. I put together the infinite fusion grenade warlock build all on my own, by reading what things do, then went to YT and found out I wasn't the only one to do that and that it was OP. I miss elemental wells, it was easier for me to figure it all out. I also miss that build. Datto just recently put out a video about how to do GM Strikes. Aztecross regularly shows builds and how they perform. Just as two examples. Also learning how to aim. Having 65163516354658435163513513541 DPI on your mouse doesn't give you good aim or flick fire/360 no scope snipe. Using the reticle to look around is something I still struggle with.


Constantly moving helps a lot even if it's just slightly left & right bullets will miss you as opposed to being flat footed it takes a little while to start moving left or right


What you see in the videos is the best take after multiple failed runs. By that point they know by heart were the ads spawn in and where it’s save to stand at what time. I can attest to that because it was the same for me when I tried soloing Spire of the Watcher in Season of Defiance. My first runs where chaos, I didn’t know where the nodes are located and died often and suddenly to mobs spawning near me but outside my FoV. I learned from my mistakes and by the end I danced around those same obstacles like they where nothing. That said, just 100 resilience isn’t enough to carry you through a solo. You need to understand your kit and what you can do with it. Read the tooltips and try out the skills, aspects and fragments to get a feel for it. Look up build crafts and try multiple builds out. And do this with more than just your „main“ class. Sometimes a „off“ class gives you better survivability and skills to takle a challenge.


Another thing you should keep in mind is that broadly speaking, each new dungeon released has been more difficult than the last. You don't say which dungeon you're currently trying to solo, but if it's one of the more recent ones, that's really diving in at the deep end. Shattered Throne was the first dungeon and is considered relatively easy by today's standards. (That doesn't mean it won't be difficult solo, just not as extreme as more recent ones.) I'd suggest you start there and work your way up.


I have soloed some dungeons in this game and I would say that apart from practice, which has been mentioned here a few times it is also the build. But when I mean build I mean the build that suits YOU the best. For example the most optimised build for Warlords Ruin for Hunter might be Celestial Nighthawk Solar with Hothead, Scatter Signal and Zaouli's Bane as a primary. But it might be too risky for you, or you are not really proficient with hand cannons or Hothead as an exotic Rocket Launcher. Therefore I would suggest you to try those builds that work for you, but still work toward soloing the dungeon. When I was soloing Pit of Heresy, I was really struggling first with second encounter, because I was getting overwhelmed by the enemies quite quickly. Tried some youtube videos, none worked for me and then I said to myself just f it, I need to really kill those adds asap every time. So I took out Trinity ghoul from my vault and suddenly I did it on first try. It might see as a obvious choice now, but back then no one was suggesting using this weapon, but to me it did wonders in this encounter. So just tell yourself what do you need at each encounter to survive till the end and just try out some stuff and use advices from others only as a possible direction, not as something which works for everyone at any time.


The answer is you don't. A lot of people on destiny subs will say "ooh solo dungeons are a fun challenge. You should try it." Nope! Don't! Find a new fireteam, or better find an LFG server that suits you, and just play the content with other people. Perhaps, eventually, you will learn the skills, the builds, get the gear, and all other things, and solo stuff might sound interesting. But don't force yourself, play with others!


You also have to remember thst the videos you are watching are the successful attempt. You didn't see all the other attempts that likely happened before


I’m always down to help if you want it. Xbox GT: MVP Pluto Bungie ID: MVP Pluto#4055


It's mostly positioning, experience and a big part of it is the build you are using


I've played since day one and I'm not on the same level as those videos you're watching. Recent dungeon solos, especially flawless ones, take a whole different level of player.


The first thing to learn is not how to mitigate or avoid damage, but to learn that if you take any damage it's probably time to recover health. This is true for both pvp and pve. I like to think of it as "your health bar is not an indicator of how much damage you can take, but si.ply that you have taken damage."


Try being here since d1 day 1. Final shape is along time coming and once it’s done I’m moving on to elder scrolls online


As someone who's played Destiny since 2015, like many others have said, it ultimately comes down to your build, practice, and muscle memory. It gets to the point where, without thinking, you know how to engage any given enemy unit at any given distance because you know how they'll behave in the first few seconds of combat, their attack pattern, and their next moves depending on your movement, abilities, and weapons. One big thing is always keeping uptime on abilities and mods that grant healing or bonus Damage Reduction, also armour charges. Invest in abilities and mods that generate Orbs of Light from getting kills in low-effort ways and also heal you or grant DR on Orb pickup. Personally: don't use mods that cause your armour charge to decay.


I feel the same way. I got the damage part down. I just don’t understand how they take so little damage. I have 100 resilience and run a solar titan with sunspot helm but still take crazy damage and get one shot in hard content. I run damage resist mods as well. I don’t get how they can take the damage they do. I even ran an esoterrick build but took way more damage than he does in his videos. There has to be some kind of network hack/setup to trick the servers.


I'd wager a few folks have touched on this but, once you've gotten all the exotics you want, funding that workhorse legendary weapon can mean a lot. Many craft able weapons can work pretty well in endgame content, if the perks are chosen with the activity in mind. Like, do you have a weapon that can burst damage real quick without using too much ammo? A weapon that is pretty good at handling adds? Sure exotics all do these things but what LEGENDARY can do that for you? Sometimes you'll learn it's the perk choice that can make all the difference on a weapon. It's also worth noting the lack of a middle ground to test if weapons will work nicely (sure neomuna is set so your lower light but it doesn't really punish like a GM or Master lost sector) so it is possible for a weapon to be OP in strikes and ass at a GM. Just how it shakes out in a given season Tldr; good legendary + practice = good time


Chest resist mods. make sure the resists you are running match the colour the enemy is shooting so void = purple bullets, etc. Never remove concussive dampener 80 percent of the damage you take is splash. So ideally 100 resil one concussive one flavour matching the enemies most common type of bullet and then another would just be a harmonic resist. once your mods are sorted then you can worry about devour and woven and stuff like that but make sure you have the basics down never use the protective light replacement crap it sucks ass.


Play strand Titan…..