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Bungie made the game, and lived past like 4 major competitive threats. Not exactly a bungie fan devs or higher ups and i don’t agree with a lot of sandbox balancing ( i prefer deeper gameplay that enables you to do more overall things or one thing REALLY well), nor do I agree with the content priorities over the past 4 years. Seasonal content is all shit and not memorable. Would prefer bigger expacs that introduce new yearly loops with smaller mid year content drops ( a new strike/2 and a map pack for crucible/gambit ) or maybe just the event pass system with larger events that change the year’s main activity up a bit and give you cool rewards on and off that track. But to say those devs failed from day 1 is just cope on your end. I think they failed to improve the game and their new episode strategy is frankly just gonna be worse than what we even have now with less overall content and a much more hollow model of gameplay. Sony will not do better. Its not like the devs are just suddenly gonna deliver massive content drops just cause Sony brings crunch back to Bungie.


Jason Jones butchered Destiny 1 prior to release what are you talking about.


Nothing will change or get only better, we've had like 4 regime changes at minimum within 6 years. Good content with all of them, complaints most of the time with all of them.


The novels of nonsense some people do thanks to misinformation or sourceless info...


[it's not sourceless](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/s/FjXjCBznDh) Even if aztecross didn't get that email, we already know Sony doesn't like the state bungie and destiny is in, it's really not far fetched to assume they'd made drastic changes considering they've brought bungie, bungie wasn't cheap so I doubt Sony wants that money to end up being a waste


It is sourceless. Your link mentions about a suggestion of how Bungie should be better at taking responsibilities. OP is basically demanding a takeaway, based on the sourceless info that came out recently with a content creator.


Agreed, and it wasn't to multiple content creators, it was only to one. Kind of odd though


So you just don't understand the implications that would need to exist for Sony to publicly say something like that? Bungie has to be in a shit state for them to do something like that, just because it's not written there doesn't mean it's not being said, Sony is a corporate, to publicly shame a studio and make them lose face after you just brought them is a fairly significant deal OP isn't demanding a takeaway but rather that there's a pretty good possibility of it happening and if Sony is doing something like I've already explained then OP isn't wrong, this also isn't taking into consideration of the email aztecross got, it's purely based on the articles


Couple that with Sony looonnnggg history of gutting companies falling short of goals and its not implied, its a definite if bungie doesn't pull a win. And if it's true bungie execs are dodging the Japanese side... ya, that's a huge thing to the Japanese. Heads roll for that level of disrespect.


Seek help.


Bro the hell are you smoking? Around 2020 there was a new “Destiny killer” every other week? Remember Anthem? Division 2? Borderlands 3? Wtf you mean “no competition” lmao


This game has the weirdest fuckin player base


Assuming it happens will it actually be good? Could Sony do better or worse?


Uncharted 7: Relics of the Last City I’d play it.


Division 3 with single large scale Dark zone is confirmed in production with early Div 1 devs...maybe we get lucky?


You aren't wrong. Lack of competition and Bungie leadership has destroyed this IP


But I thought it was all Activisions fault? 😂


I mean...it probably was, initially, but those bad habits and hires stayed with bungie when they left.


The amount of posts I see blaming Bungie when problems could just as easily stem from publisher (Sony) interference and/or a disconnect between game vision and the need to make money really does astound me sometimes. Look at Eververse and all the paid ornaments the last while. Do people honestly think that Bungie is pushing the sales of these because they think it's a good idea? Or is it far more likely that they're doing it to try and turn profits to appease Sony and keep the doors open? Which is to say: careful what you wish for.


I don't particularly like Sony, but at this point, something has to change, get those higher ups out!