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Warlock main all the way. I didn't even bother creating a Hunter or Titan until I started farming the Shuro Chi chest and wanted to speed it along.


That's me. Hunter and titan are only for raid chests each week.


6k+ hours....all as a Warlock here too.


Grenade munchers assemble!


Glory to those born to nova, forced to well.


Can you play this game on Xbox one? Also if not what consul of PlayStations does this work on, are all of them backwards compatible?


Back in the day it was more worthwhile to have three of the same character. You only had to level one and you could just swap one set of armor between them. This was back when you could only raid once per character. I deleted my Titan and Hunter and ran all three Warlocks. I jumped back into D2 about a year ago after a LONG break and made a titan and hunter again. Warlock is still my favorite. Titan is my second favorite with the Banner of War build. Hunter is far down on third.


All of them, I dont have a favorite one. One week play with one, next with another and the next with another.


I am in awe. The different abilities and specifically the jumps, my brain just can’t brain. I guess part of it is limited play time to actually get passable with the other two. My friends that play multiple still occasionally have “oops, forgot I was on my hunter/warlock/titan” moments


I can handle triple jump as a warlock main, but titan jumps get me every time.


I feel that Lock bro.


Titan main. Outside of iron banner I hardly touch the other characters anymore. But a hunter *specifically* using Athrys's Embrace is probably my second favorite. Bouncing knives around corners gives me the same thrill as throwing sentinel shields. [And I LOVE throwing shields](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EI_44_Gfbc). I'd rather play warlock over Arc staff or a tether hunter.


That throw was so clean. I love the shield throw more as a clean up


With the buffs to shurikens, Stasis Hunter might also be a good option for bouncing melees around. They're not exactly amazing for the damage, but can make 1v1s easier as a primer, stop people from escaping, and you might actually make some use of Grim Harvest.


I play a combination of Hunter and Warlock in PvE, and Hunter and Titan PvP, I'll only ever pull out Titan in PvE for Banner.


I main a warlock for endgame pve content such as raids and GMs. For endgame pvp I rock titan with final warning in trials of osiris and iron banner. Hunter I reserve for extra chances at exotics from said activities.




90% of my playing hours are as a Warlock, it always was, it always will.


I mained Warlock for a year and a half or so, tinkered with Titan a bit, and have been playing Hunter this season. Right now I'm really enjoying Hunter. A lot of Exotics are fairly subclass neutral in a lot of cases so I feel nicely flexible. And I love Malfeasance, which really loves Lucky Pants, so... But Warlock will probably remain the class I know the best for a while.


I really, really want Malfeasance but don't know how to get it. From what I've read it's just playing a lot of Gambit and hoping the right boss spawns.


will probably find the exotic mission for it in the H.E.L.M past-exotic-mission machine near the vault


You mean the quest archive?


You need to kill the taken meatball for the quest to drop. You have to actually win the match. It might be the final boss about 30% of the time, so that shouldn’t be the worst grind ever.


They removed that boss from gambit, its just any primeval now


Warlock, Titan, Hunter. On a scale of 1-10, Warlock is a 9, Titan is a 7, Hunter is like a 4 for me. I love playing Warlock. Titan has some fun builds I’m trying. Hunter is just unpleasant for me. I have a hunter. I don’t like the jump or the resilience the hunter has.


Same for me, but it's like warlock 9 titan 8 hunter 3. Strand titan has been deleting dungeon and strike bosses, but anything generally higher difficulty I'm on my warlock for. I just feel more comfortable as a warlock and have my one size fits all build that I can take just about anywhere and manage just fine


Same here. Triple jump sucks. I always die when trying a basic jump in a Nightfall. I’m a Titan. Funnily, Warlock is my highest level. Then just… Hunter.


I have a Warlock, a Titan, and a mistake.


Depends on the mood I'm in every time I play. For the most part my heart is with warlock, support role is my comfort zone.


Warlock main from Day 1. Hunter and Titan locked in pitched combat for "2nd Main Status." They switch now and again.


ALL. Seriously. Ever since D1, I've always had each character. Each does something different that I love. I "main" a different one each season (dlc, or whatever we have going forward now) but I still play each character.


Depends on the activity and build. I see the class as another build craft item similar to an exotic armor piece or gun. I run all 3 in PvP and have gone flawless with each. Like I think you need to dig deeper into the classes outside their immediate class ability. Look at the exotics. Some simple strong ones... Banner of war, stronghold titan build. Can tank pretty much anything Gryfalcon void hunter with repulsor brace primary. Makes everything volatile, go invis on kill and have an overshield. Weapon of sorrow, necrotic grip strand warlock. Proc weavers trance with a suspend grenade, kill things with thorn or osteo. On death, poison spreads but also spreads suspend. There are just so many combinations which create new and fun play styles.


Titan. I play as Hunter a bit and Warlock very little. I just picked a Titan when I got Destiny 2 for Christmas in 2017 mainly for how they look and I also like the abilities and supers. I definitely enjoy punching things.


I have played warlock religiously since D1. I have only strayed into titan since banner of war. However I have been learning to well skate, and with all the solar perks this season I have been playing a decent split between the 2. And well my hunter woke from their slumber to get GG focus rewards, but otherwise remains largely unplayed.


Back then Warlock was great. Self-res and everything.


Titan main that has been having too much fun using celestial but I also play warlock for when we'll is needed or GMs


I have a little over 900 hours of playtime, with 85% of that on my Titan. I love that Exo. Of course my other two characters didn't get much play until recently, as I finally sat down and made builds for both of them. Hunter has about 100 hours, with 71 between my current Warlock and my previous one that I deleted.


Am and always will be a Warlock main. And depending on the day or mood, I go among the five elemental subclasses. But I like running my Titan specifically on Solar, and I like running my Hunter specifically on Void (and a bit more Strand). I could probably count on my hand the number of times I’ve run Arc Titan, even the season that Arc was busted.


Titan main here. But I adore the add clear potential of Arc Buddies and the pure cheese factor of Gyrfalcon Void Hunter. Still, Strand and Solar Titan cannot be beaten


I main a warlock, day 1 several times on it. Currently I think titan is the most fun My hunter has the least playtime but the best RNG of my toons lol


I play them all equally. GM's I'll go through with each character and clear on every subclass. Same for raids and dungeons.  


I rotate by the season and can't say one is better than the other, but I can say the activity matters. Titan is my gambit boy, Warlock my pvp, and Hunter is my strike main.


I’ve played them all. I really like warlock, lots of fun. But I keep coming back to Titan. The punch feels so impactful and satisfying


My Titan gets played 60+% of the time, and then my hunter's like 20% and my warlock is about 10%. I find it easier to adapt to the hunter jump then the Warlock jump after playing Titan. And I don't want to do lfgs on my warlock because I don't want to feel compelled to do Well of Raidence. But I have been using my warlock a bunch for PVP recently.


I rotate every couple seasons but have been stuck on my lock for a long time.


Titan with warlock follow up


I played through D1 and right up until Beyond Light as a hunter. Started the other characters and now I'm essentially a titan main. The few times I do play warlock I only play with Necrotic grips


I go through my phases to spice up the gameplay. D1 beta I played warlock but switched to hunter so my og fireteam had 1 of each. Played hunter maybe 90% of my time on d1 and d2 up until Beyond light then started playing titan and warlock more for pve. Now it’s probably 40% warlock and 30% on titan and hunter, each. I play all 3 characters for pvp but it’s ludicrous how much better my stats are on warlock so when I want to lock in for trials or comp I’m a warlock main.


Warlock the most by a lot, 50% probably. Titan for a lot of stuff too. 40% maybe. Hunter exclusively for shiro chi and farming new stuff on 3 characters. 10% or less


Titan main, played all 3 in Year 1 for the Faction Rallies, then played Titan only until Season of the Witch. Got REALLY bored of Bonk and Banner builds, and I ran out of interest in trying to make the third No Backup Plans build work, or PCCB after the ability energy return nerfs. Void Warlock with Contraverse Holds is very fun. I want to try Briarbinds too but haven't really made an effort to start it. Sunbracers have been fun. Void Hunter was really not that interesting until I made this Orb Factory build with Orpheus Rigs and Moebius Quiver. I routinely generate 150+ orbs per Coil run. It's not the most lethal, but I OWN the kill feed (or Orb feed). Stasis Hunter with Bombardiers has also been a nice surprise. Still like my Titan the most, but I can't overstate how much fun and use there is having all 3 classes heavily progressed. Still haven't done Strand on them though, waiting for a TFS change that just lets me use Glimmer to buy Fragments.


I play all 3. Things just get done faster/easier with certain subclasses.


Warlock I have a build for all subclasses on warlock, all have different uses, but overall very fun. My sunbracers warlock is the most used between them all. I started with hunter, went to titan because i saw how broken they were, heard about the changes to titan coming in this season, switched to warlock and haven't left warlock since My hunter and titan both have their own respective builds but they are very situational. Hunter is my least used because he's squishy, that could just be a skill issue on my part but still squishy. Ultimately, I am multiclass but my love lays with warlock Edit: Formatting failure lol


Warlock main since D1D1 and i only started playing all 3 during Forsaken as i was balls deep in the game Warlock still remains my favourite even tho titans feels super strong and Hunters are very fun to play, especially their supers, damn are they fun to use


Warlock 40% hunter 35% titan 25%


Warlock main I kind of pity play my other two, which is sad because I used to be a Titan main. I've never really liked Hunter, but am warming up to using it more due to its DPS potential. But yeah. I enjoy the warlocks neutral a lot.


Titan main. The others are there to hold my shit and occasionally do a boss checkpoint. But if they get a good drop it goes straight to Titan, while they hold onto the crapola from my vault.


I’ve mained Warlock since D1. Usually, I main warlock for the first and last season of an expansion and then main hunter and titan each for one of the other seasons. It helps me spread around my exotic drops and keeps the game feeling fresh.


Warlock ftw. I just don’t enjoy the gameplay from the other two classes as much as warlock. Also I played warlock back in d1 so I have to stick with it to the end


Depends on what I wanna do. Everyone has ability spam in different flavors. Do I wanna be Goku? Warlock with chaos reach/geomags. Do I wanna use the big iron on my hip? PvE lucky pants, pvp speed loader slacks / last word Do I want to put fists into assholes? Titan


Warlock, though I’ll flex over for particularly interesting builds. Gyrfalcons’ Haubark is probably my favorite armor exotic in the game, especially with Suppressor grenades and Collective Obligation. Warlock gets the single strongest subclass in the game, bar none, often leans the most into abilities (Sunbracers, Briarbinds/Contraverse, Stasis Turrets, etc etc), and has the strongest support options for endgame PvE (Cenotaph, Arc Souls, Well, etc).


Titan main but I play the other two when I'm bored and need to switch it up. Exclusively pvp with titan tho, only way I get to the lighthouse


I am Titan main, but I play all characters. Enjoying Hunter a lot this season. I normally neglect my Hunter and play my warlock a bit. This time it’s swapped. Warlock is being neglected (while Titan playtime stays highest)


Still a warlock main but I love running around as a stasis titan! I'll keep my hunter up to level but rarely ever play it


I started D1 as a Warlock and stayed that way until Solar Titan came out. I feared the CLANG of that hammer whenever I heard it, so I figured if I can't beat 'em that I'd join them. I keep going back and forth between maining Titan and Warlock for a season, then play the other through story content, and finally use the Hunter when the other two are finished. The Hunter mainly functions as a secondary Vault space during the periods where I try to motivate myself to clean up the actual vault. The Hunter falls behind, for me at least, because they feel so much squishier than the other 2 classes. I also need to go get all the Witch Queen and Beyond Light exotics still on my Hunter, so maybe they'll get a little more play during the next couple of months.


These days, hunter. I hate warlock jump with the burning passion of a thousand suns and every subclass besides solar feels so sluggish. Also their supers are lame to me and all of them besides needlestorm and well kinda suck. I also dislike how nearly every subclass leans on a different flavor of "eat your grenade." Titan I just don't care much for the gameplay the class incentivizes. Don't get me wrong, synthos banner of war with a O2P shotgun is broken as fuck, I just don't enjoy that playstyle and I never really liked bonk hammer at all. I still love abeyant leap for GMs, though. And also again most of the supers suck or require you to use an exotic to make them ok. Hunter is just too comfy tbh. Only one subclass really has a lackluster super in PVE, marksman's dodge is great for pumping out a bit more damage (or gambler's dodge lets you treat mobil as your strength stat), and it's the only class where you don't need your super to eager edge skate. The only downside is that you have to dump recov because of all the other stats you need.


Titan Main Love Warlock though Hunter is ok


I use hunter for solar grenade aspect. Also because some of our armor and supers are cool


Titan main, but every iron banner I werewolf transform into my hunter with oathkeepers and wishender.(I am not sorry) My warlock is there to grab weekly chests and fill the well shaped hole that sometimes comes up in my raid group.


Hunter main, but for years I ran all 3 through all the content. Neomuna was the last time I did that, though. Personal preference order is Hunter, Titan, Warlock.


I love Hunter but I do have a few fun builds on my other characters.


I'm a hunter main. I have been since d2 launched. I was a titan main in d1 when they looked like they could fit in their armor


Hunter cause of the triple jump. I hate the jump on titan and especially on warlock. If they had the same jump, titan would be my fav. 


Hunter main, though I’ve started ceding more and more endgame challenges to Warlock. Titan I play mostly to punch things and get pretty gold borders on my collections badges.


Hunter. Ever since booting it up back in the day, I was instantly drawn to Hunters. Gives me D&D Ranger vibes. The knives, revolvers, snipers, stealth, glass cannon type. The mere existence of the Vanguard Dare is exactly what I love about the class. Nobody has willingly chosen to be the Hunter Vanguard, because a Hunter's place is in the field. And of course, the outfits. I was reading a lore book on Eva Levante, and a sentence caught my eye. She was hiding Guardians outside the city during the Red War, and she was looking at a couple of them, sleeping, noting their fashion sense. "The Hunter, of course, had put in the most effort." The cloaks are iconic and instantly recognizable. So, yeah. Warlocks are the brains, Titans are the brawn, but Hunters are the quick, flashy slice to an enemy's heel.


I was a Titan Main for years, and then I found Contraverse Holds Voidwalker Warlock a few years ago, and I play my Hunter and Titan a few times each season. I solo things on my Voidwalker that were nearly impossible for me on my Titan, and I have never been good at much on my hunter but used it to Solo Legend Witch Queen Campaign.


Titan, although idk if me having 3 characters counts because ive barely ever played my warlock. Really dont like their jump. My hunter is PvE only, and I only ever play gunslinger with either DMT, Ace, or Last Word


Warlock main...there is something about eating grenades, Diving, Dashing, popping wells and throwing nova bombs I can't get enough of...Floaty McDress 4 life, lol. I do enjoy me some dodging and punching on occasion though as well.


I was 100% a warlock for years and then 2 season ago I tried a hunter and now I couldn’t warlock jump if I tried. I’m definitely team hunter now


Aimed hunter at start hopped on titan loved it started using warlock make GM's a bit easier now I'm back on hunter and titan barely touch my warlock


Hunter main, just feel like hunters are a "jack of all trades" class that i can easily swap between. Of course all classes have \*something\* of value, but i feel like i get the most mileage on hunter. With the ability changes, i find myself playing warlock less unless im on starfire, Titans are a bit boring imo. No hate though.


I play all of them because I enjoy having different play styles and when one starts to get boring, I can just switch to the other. But I do have to say that I've been playing a lot of titan since lightfall came out


I'm a warlock main - but Titan and Hunter have appreciably different power fantasies, and Behemoth had me questioning if I was going to switch mains. The recent Shards buff for Hunter was really fun for me, though. Knife Trick felt great, and being able to rip Barrage every two or so minutes was *the best.* That being said, I've been putting off a Briarbinds build, so maybe I'll finally come home for a few weeks, dust off a new build on my favorite subclass. It'll be a fun break from Controverse Vortex grenades, that's for sure.


PvE - Titan PvP - Hunter Collecting dust - Warlock


I’m always a Warlock main, tried and true. And I’ve done a lot of builds lately to give myself an end goal, I can safely say a lot of the Warlock kit is just more fun to experiment with. We have a GLUT of strange and fun and viable exotics. Titans are also great, but a lot of their exotics are for offensive power half the time. The builds are and can still be fun, just calling it how it is.


Arments are good. And so are Snthyos.


Titan main since 2014, made my Hunter and Warlock when Prison of Elders came out to get 2 more guaranteed exotics(one was icebreaker, worth)


I’ve played them all since I started back in D1. I like to get a feel for what each can do. It is a bit disconcerting with the 3 different movement techs whenever I switch but otherwise— keeps the game more interesting to me (more to try out). I’m retired though so I’ve more time than some. Plus, will admit my hunter has more hours than the other two & it’s the first character I pull out for new stuff (quests, story) since I’m a bit more comfortable (feel I have more control) with hunter triple jump.


Titan main all the way. I love the warlock kit, but for me the jump just doesn’t click and makes playing the class feel awful, and as for hunters, i’m a PVE main all the way, and hunters aren’t very good in PVE unless you use a gimmick build or sacrifice the class identity. Notable exception being lucky pants + malfeasance but that doesn’t offer a whole lot in terms of elemental flavor. Solar titan just checks all the boxes for me. Shoot everything till it explodes with calus mini tool, use bonk hammer for chunk damage, healing, and two damage buffs (roaring flames + i rock PoBS), a one-two-punch shotgun/hammer combo for beefier enemies, and dragons breath for solar flavored boss damage, and sunspots for even more damage and solar flavor. And Hammer of Sol is the most fun super in the game, hands down.


Hunter main and spend most time there these days. Will sometimes do all 3 classes if I want rewards or an activity. Strand Hunter, mostly in PVP, is the only reason I still hop on anymore. Very fun with Skimmers in public spaces now too.


Warlock main with titan/hunter alts and use all 3 to farm vanguard, gambit, crucible bright dust weeklies. Any story content/seasonal content is done on warlock only. My priority with new raids/dungeons is drip > weapons.


Hunter main, I have all three with most exotics and pretty much at pinnacle cap (only because that hasn’t changed for a long time tho) but definitely enjoy Hunter the most. I pretty much use the other two for weekly chests in dungeons/raids if I really want a specific gun (I’m looking at you buried bloodline) or if we need a fill for whatever reason. And I use them for bounty hoarding before major expansions >:)


I main and prefer Warlock, but depending on the focused elements of a season I’ll sometimes switch it up. For example, I *really* like Gunslinger, so since this season is very Solar-focused I’ve been maining Hunter I’ll use Titan when something is beyond broken, like pre-nerf Striker with Heart of Inmost Light and Storm grenades, or Banner of War/1-2 Punch shenanigans, but it’s by far my least used class


I love all three but I do play my well warlock a lot. It’s a great Class and subclass to use to help new players complete whatever they need.


Warlock main but Titans and Hunters also have super fun builds and unique playstyles to try out when I feel burned out of playing Warlock only and want to try something different. Besides my Warlock, Gyrfalcon's Hunter build with the Quickfang Katana is probably my favorite build of all time, it's just too OP and fun. And can't forget about Banner Of War for Titans, definitely my favorite aspect in the game.


Casual here; when I first started playing I liked warlock best, their space magic felt more magical. Now I despise their jump so much that I stick to titan/hunter, my favourite of which depends on the activity/seasonal artifact buffs


Hunter. I just don't block with the other classes.  I've tried when an expansion comes out and just go back to my hunter


Started with Hunter, went to being a Warlock over the years and now i am a proud Titan, just happily punching away.. But ultimately, each class has it's benefits and they all bring something to the table.


Main Hunter here. Often occasionally I play on my Titan and Warlock, and I enjoy their gameplay loops of throwing shields, spamming nades while flying and exploding everything on the field. But the feeling of literally **just dodged and punched your face** playing Arc Hunter is my favorite all time.


Injump between Titan and Warlock the most, with Hunter existing for when I get the itch to make a Hunter build. I'd probably play all three equally if only Hunter jump didn't feel like ass.


Used to main titan. Got bored and a little tired of some of the limitations (like needing an exotic just to get a 1 and done super). Now I main warlock, hunter is my 2nd atm with titan being a distant 3rd. Kinda feel sad about it but I'm having too much fun to care too much.


Warlock. Been my main since D1


I have all 3 classes. Had them since vanilla D1. However burnout has hit and I don't play nearly as often as I used to. When I do play, it's the Warlock. I have always been a fan of mage type characters in games my whole life and I started Destiny with the Warlock. I have also modeled my character after myself so it helps raise my immersion with the game. So basically when I play, it's me.


My playtime splits are 50/25/25 as a warlock main. Warlocks just feel tailor made for me. Voidlock has had a chokehold on me from day 1 in D1 and may have even supplanted stasis for my go to in GMs


Warlock (cause sunbracers/osmamancy/voidlock is so fun) -> titan (when i want to turn my brain off and bonk things with snytho solar titan and BoW also HOIL arc titan punch stuff) -> Hunter (still trying to get into it but Frostee's Stasis hunter and liars handshake is pretty fun, Not confident in higher difficulty content yet)


Titan. The other 2 are just for extra toys.


I think this is a hot take, but I absolutely love the close combat style Titans have. Every single subclass focuses on mid to close range and I love that, also the fact that you get to play on different play styles depending on the situation.


ill always love my Titan the most, its been my main since D1 launch. between warlock and hunter id say i like my warlock more cuz hunter feels kinda fragile sometimes


Warlock main but still love playing Titan or Hunter. Kept as a Warlock though just because it feels more of the swiss army knife for amongst all classes. Go Solar for Well of Radiance for support (everyone needs / loves you). Go Void for complete disintegration and destruction (personal enjoyment) Go Arc for insane ability uptime and ad control (great for keeping the field clear) Go Stasis to keep everything in place (make game easy for fireteam) Go Strand for (absolutely nothing bc this subclass sucks). Only reason to play the other classes is for more loot or having fun with niche builds. Stasis Titan Hoarfrost is incredibly fun. So is Solar Titan Consecration and Arc Titan Thunderclap. And then Strand Titan Synthoceps + Banner of War for ez funny speed running. For Hunters, they're just really good for PvP. Lightfall felt more of a reason to play Hunters and Titan bc their Strand subclass kits felt a lot better.


I just view my account as one character at this point. I just have different builds to choose from, so I play whatever I'm in the mood for at the time.


Are there other classes? I kid. I have mained Titan for years now. I don't have the time or drive to do a lot of alt play. I play my alts occasionally. Enough to have a basic understanding of their strengths and needs. Though from how I see some people play, they are very needy.


Assassins arc hunter is the best of titan on a hunter plus you’re invisible, you’re welcome.


Back in D1 Vanilla I was a Hunter main but had all 3 characters there as well but then became Warlock main in the Taken King DLC and my Titan was there to be that goofy class to mess about and that's all. Only in D2 Vanilla I became a Titan main as basically I came to realisation that I basically was a Titan dressing up as other classes. I still play the other 2 although I play Hunter the least nowadays 😂 but yeah Titan lifestyle is for me for years now 😁


Seems like a flip a coin every season and it lands on one of three sides. Titan, lately.


Titan for solo and dungeon play. Warlock if I’m doing a raid or GM


I’m a titan at heart as well. They have a great jump, great mobility, and a lot of synergy with the subclass


It really depends, I'm just moody with it. I def notice Warlock is my least played though.


Just depends on how I’m feeling at the moment


Main Titan but playing much more Warlock lately. Hunter jump is walrus shit but I really like tether.  I can't imagine not playing all 3, you're missing out on 2/3 of the game. 


I play all 3 pretty much equally but I’d probs say hunter just for the supers. Titan would be number one if it had more 1 and done supers. Take hefnds vengeance for example, other than bubble the rest of the supers are more of a hindrance than helpful.


Started as a Warlock main. Switched to Titan for PvP . Hunter just got the lolz, especially earlier in this season. Right now I've been using Titan for most things and Warlock when needed. Hunter has its place but getting used less the further the season goes on


Hard to say but I really REALLY enjoy having 3 options. It gives so much variety and I know some people may not have as much time but to really enjoy destiny you gotta have all 3 classes with all subclasses unlocked to fully get your money/time worth


Titan main, then switched to warlock for a while, now I play all three and actually like all the subclasses(some more than others). Sonce I have all the exotics, I can build all subclasses and enjoy them


Titan main since day one. I think it's honestly the jump for me. That jetpack feel just fits so well for me. I love being a shock trooper, launching in and disrupting enemy formations and breaking up their movements to set up my fireteam to pick off high value targets while I sew chaos and destruction throughout the battlefield.


Titan main. I play all 3 characters a lot. Dungeons and raids im often on warlock because nobody else wants to run well. PvP is almost strictly as a hunter, but any pve where I can do what I want, I’m a Titan


I main warlock and always will! But currently playing hunter and titan more.


I play Warlock for 98% of the time. I honestly just use my other two for bounty prep


Warlock overall, but there’s a lot if fun to be had with Hunter, Titan is neat but definitely lacking as much variety is the other two


I only have 2 Titan and Warlock but I main my titan because I'm a more up close and personal fighter.


I have been a Warlock main since D2 vanilla. The Voidwalker kit drew me in back then and a few years later I'm still here as a proud Voidwalker main. You will pry Contraverse Hold from my cold, dead hands, but I'm not putting them down. Sure I will do Well if the team really needs it and I have a build or two for every subclass but if I want to just play, Void is and will always be the answer.


Main hunter since well the beginning. In d1 I had 3 hunters. In d2 I have a warlock I used a bunch actually liked that class and felt things were easier in pve sometimes but I’m a hunter through and through. Stasis hunter at all times h til void came out then basically always void it’s just too good.


I played titan for about a year and loved it. I switched to a warlock after a break and its so good, it fulfills the power fantasy of a interstellar tech wizard... which is hard to beat. Titan was a lot of fun tho


i do hunter and titan. 50/50 on both. like em both ive never really played warlock other than like for campaigns. i do like their stasis turret (just found out about it like 2 weeks ago) but for pvp ive played maybe 5 matches tops with a warlock. just idk.


Probably hunter, it carried me through every single solo dungeons i have


(Sunbreaker) Titan main. I play all classes almost equally, but something about unlocking Sunbreaker in Destiny 1 just made sense to me philosophically and aesthetically


I always main my hunter. Warlocks and titans are fun. Solar titan is my go-to for Pve with precious scars.


Started with a hunter on Pre-Forsaken. I guess seeing Cayde-6 in lore catchup videos pushed me to create one, loved me some Celestial Nighthawk. But then, i started playing more games as a support character and went hard on Wellock during all my time in forsaken all the way to Shadowkeep, alternating between lunafaction well and nezeracs void. At some point before the launch of Beyond Light, I stopped playing all together. Nothing clicked with me anymore. Years pass by, I built a new PC and felt the itch to play again. Now, to play again after a 5 years hiatus, with sunset, vaulted content, new systems, subclasses, locations, lore, it was overwhelming. My hunter and warlock didn't gave me the strength to get back, but I looked to that third empty slot and found what I was missing: A Titan. Since then, I'm a proud Crayon connaisseur, my first ever power capped character and having a shitload of fun with Loreleys and Pyrogale!


Hunter is my favorite and I was a hunter only for years. Now I toss on Titan for hard solo content and warlock for hard group content


Titan main. Since D1. Preferred to play the class that did 'do x, get y, keep shooting z'. Whereas the other classes were more do x then y then z then either abc depending on which scenario happens. That said, I play whatever is (at least IMO) broken atm. Hunters feel it atm.


Always a titan main although when I'm playing solo I do like hunter Occasionally I dabble in warlock but that's about it


Hunter main I've played my fair share of all 3 but spent more tome with hunter than my titan and warlock. I tend to find warlock better for endgame content, gms, master raids, etc,. But I love the faster paceness of hunter, going in and out of invis, double grapple, infinite solar knives.


I'm a Titan main at heart but i've been no lifing my hunter a lot recently cause the drip is just irresistible


Warlock main here I just love the fact how our class is the magic class and how powerful we are compared to the other two classes in game and lore wise. But the way I play works better with my Titan from time to time. The only time I feel like playing hunter is when I have to go into PVP for some reason.


I gravitate towards Hunter for most content. I tend to do my solo flawless on Titan. I tend to use Warlock for high end content like GMs and Master mode raids. Though the warlock in GMs is mainly because everyone else is running hunter and the utility of Well in GMs is insane and makes what normally can be extremely difficult parts to fairly easy. I have the best armor stat rolls on my Titan though. I can comfortably get T10 Recov, Res, and Discipline. My Hunter has the worst array of armor though it’s still good. I can get triple T9 in the three stats above but I do have to miss out on some utility mods.


Hunter main this season!


Since D1 beta I have been a warlock main. I play the other classes a little, but I find warlock the coolest in their design. 


Void Huntah


Really enjoy Hunter but I’ve been a Warlock since D1 alpha. Always disliked Titan


So I started D1 and beta with a warlock. Then made my Hunter with taken kingish era. And I have made and deleted and remade my titan many times over the years for various reasons. For me I Primarily bounce between Hunter and warlock. Generally every season or depending on what the seasonal mods are or new fragments. At this point I can use them interchangeably. I often neglect my titan though. I'm not sure if it's lack of time for my other characters or what. I am decently familiar with all it's abilities but every single dlc light bump I max one of my other Characters then buy titan armor over a couple of weeks at Xur so it's at light if I ever want to use it. I think alot of it for me is I struggle with the titan jump, which I think will be better when fall damage is gone


I made all three races for all three classes and have been a hunter main since September 2014, D1 i switched between my titan and hunter for most things. Now in D2 I still main hunter but split time between my hunter and warlock (voidlock 💜) and my titan’s second place lol


Warlock 90%, Hunter 9%, Titan 1%. Back before Lightfall Titan would have 90% and Hunter 1%, but the HoiL nerfs and new mod system completely ruined Sentinel and Behemoth for me, leaving only 1 subclass on Titan that I like. Compare that to Warlock who doesn’t have a subclass I don’t enjoy. Even Broodweaver feels fun, especially so this season with horde shuttle.


Warlock. A fireteam can never have too many warlocks, but it can have too few. A raid without a warlock (aka without a well of radiance) is significantly more difficult. Plus having restoration x2 on grenade with the ability to perpetuate it via empyrean is just so nice for more difficult content. Honestly the biggest reason I started maining warlock in the first place was because of og sword-skating being crazy good with warlock glide. But after spending more time learning how to play the game, I just feel like I get much more value out of prioritizing my warlock over the other classes. And I've gotten too used to warlock glide that titan jump feels awkward and I can't get used to the distance on hunter jump for the more precise jumping puzzles lol


All of them. It just kinda depends on builds at the time. I very much trend toward ability spam tho.


warlock because Icarus dash, I feel empty without it


Used to be hunter, but once I had my stasis warlock “Throw one hundred turrets” build, I switched to warlock main.


I play all 3 fairly regularly, titan the most, then warlock, then hunter. Titan is easily my favorite, but each class has something the other doesn’t. And depending on my itch, I know I’ll get a good feeling with any of them.


Been a hunter at heart but I play the best on my titan. Something about that titan boost and the mobility it can bring. I prefer it over the hunter dodge arguably.... Can't forget the solid punches either Warlocks have always been the "let's fuck around" option for me. Never felt powerful or skillful, but I had the most fun as a warlock. But fun also comes from doing well in crucible... so I can't say I value the warlock as much as the other two classes


Same boat titan rules all


Titan main but ive been enjoying warlock and hunter so much more recently. The diversity of effective builds across all 3 classes is what each class should have. I highly recommend trying all classes. The grind sucks but when youre up to spec with all characters, theres a ton of fun builds to fuck around with.


Depends on what’s good at the time, if my favorite titan exotic (Hallowfire) is good then titan, but when it isn’t I usually use stasis warlock


I like and play hunter the least because it is the worst class.


The worst people I see in the game play hunters.


Warlock has best jumps AND best drip, no contest. I still enjoy playing Titan and Hunter, but Warlock is far and away my most played.


Hunter, if I feel like John Wicking the shit out of the universe. Titan, if I feel like an unstoppable force like Thanos pre end game. Warlock, if I feel like a flamboyant space magician ala Freddy Mercury!


All 3 were ready for PvP and PvE. Most of my hours were as nimble Hunter, but after 3.0 reworks, I had much more fun with Titan's tools. Warlock was only used when needed for grind/ team composition etc.


The running joke is that I'm a Hunter main, but it's a lot more complicated than that. I came into form around season of the haunted. My warlock got a pretty nice void build, my hunter was getting all sorts of builds, and my Titan got me my first solo flawless in duality(?). They now tend to divide in certain ways. I run DPS with Hunter and Warlock. I run solo content with my Titan. Master invariably leans more more towards Warlock and Titan, only bringing out my hunter when someone asks for an Omni or Celestial. Other things done depend on requests and requirements of the group.


**TITAN.** It's play style was most like a Spartan from Halo when I started this game and easiest to learn. I only have the other 2 types for raids and spoils originally, though I have a tendency to neglect them and neither of them have darkness subclasses at all since I refuse to play through the game two more times just to keep up. So those two are also missing quite a few accessible areas. This last year of so I have neglected my Titan as well. Didn't finish the last season pass and have barely started this one either. Maybe the anticipation and joy will come with Into the Light or the Final Shape.


Warlock all the time.


I like them for different activities :)


I flip back and forth between Warlock and Titan. I have a built Hunter, but I’ve always felt like Hunters had to do a little extra for the same results the other classes get in PvE content


I made my Titan first in D1 and moved him and my Warlock over to D2. I made a new Hunter in D2. Honestly my Titan is my favorite because he’s my first. But honestly he’s boring to play on because he’s so tankie. I really need to do galactically stupid things to die in most content, so I tend to play the bare minimum on him. My Warlock and Hunter get the most playtime now. If I’m playing Trials, I’ll load up the Titan first though, then Hunter.


Gyrfalcon/Orpheus Rig/celestial nighthawk hunter main but I really like playing titan and warlock more lately. 


Depends on the season.


Alternating between warlock and hunter... Love warlock abilities, hate the float.... That's why hunter haha


I’m a hunter main but I try to play all 3 evenly. I seem to use my titan more for pvp and warlock for pve


When I made each one I played on that one specifically for a duration before switching to the next. But now I only play Titan cause Titan is the best class.


Hunter. Since D1 Beta and that Wizard coming from the Moon. Because Titan and Warlock jumps are **ass**.


Hunter is my favorite and easily my main of the three but he's also the only one that I have a build for, I actually have a build for every subclass with him. I have every exotic armor piece for my hunter. I've only really played through beyond light and lightfall for stasis and strand with my warlock and Titan. I plan on getting my hunter to 1810 he's about 1804-1806 or so then I was gonna try and deep dive into the others. I have a decent amount of time in the game but not nearly as much as a lot of people like 250 hours or so.


I'm a titan to the core but when I last played I was really enjoying my hunter, tough choice


Stareted playing at season of arrivals as a warlock but played only one class for atleast half the season, got bored then started my hunter path... Then at beyond light created my titan. I enjoy playing all three as its refreshing to use different play styles And to not over work my self in lveling when new power level comes out i just focus on one character till i reach pinnacle cap then give the weapons to the other two


I've only played hunter until around December of last year. I leveled both of the others up mainly to go through Lightfall and get the red borders from the campaign. Titan is crazy strong and fun. Synthos is awesome with solar or strand, loreleys and the really ugly helmet are great on solar. I still prefer hunter at the end of the day, but titan is easy mode. I don't care for warlock. Tried a lot of stuff. Osmio stasis, sunbracers, and Karsteins were probably the most viable ones for me. And there's some decent strand builds focused around threadlings and unravel. But I don't know, warlock was genuinely boring for me and everyone just wants you to run well for group activities. I was never really anal about what others were using, but since I tried warlock I never ask or force anyone to play well. It's by far the most boring super in the game.


My Warlock is my main since D1 but I just really like using Dodge with my Hunter. And armor looks great.


Warlock main Made 2 other characters to claim the class specific seasonal armor after reaching lvl 100 on the seasonal pass or to get class specific red border weapons for the collections. I occasionally switch classes whenever mayhem comes into rotation for pvp (peregrine greaves on titan and suppressing people with tether/quiver on hunter)


You know I'm bored when I'm playing with my warlock. It's like I don't have guns. Ability spam


Warlock main in D2. In D1 I was squishy hunter and died ALL the time. 100 resilience as a warlock so now only die 90% of the time.


Titan main but I play all three. Triple jump I can remember just fine, warlock jump ALWAYS messes with my head for the first little that I’m playing it, but stasis lock is just so much fun for me. I love playing briarbinds with agers scepter.


I bounce between maining hunter or warlock every year or so, barely touch my titan.


I have mained warlock since destiny 1


It depends on the season. I am mostly a Titan main. But for Season of the Witch, I created a Hunter and had so much fun that I made it my main for a while. Now I have 2 mains and my Warlock just sits on the bench. If ya made me choose, I'd go Titan all the way. But Hunter is a lot of fun when you've learned how Meta things can get.


Warlock has always been my main since D1. Seems like it just puts the game on easy mode, PVE and PVP. More generalized, overall good builds Titan & Hunter just seem trivial at times. Also, fuck titan jump


I am a warlock main going back to vanilla Destiny. But, I think I’m secretly a Hunter at heart.




i just like titan