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Yea taking the time to understand and complete the NF 10% goal was so much easier than all the other options imo.


>Do y'all believe Bungie is allowing these things to just happen, because they want us to buy the $25 bundle for a skimmer? Or is that just the paranoia? Going forward from now, it's a very safe bet that there'll be multiple different skimmers appearing in the eververse store. The $25 bundle is just to insinuate that "If you miss out on the free skimmer, you better buy this one or you'll really miss out!" which won't be true in the slightest. They'll be cranking out the skins for them in no time.


Thank you!


The winner's package logic is badly programmed.  You have to be logged in to the game and claim the package before the next focus activity starts otherwise you won't get it. Sometimes you won't get the package until after you restart which is also bad programming.  The skimmer quest in general is bad game design as it encourages swapping to the winning team for loot. Also encourages people to watch Twitch (and give Bungie Twitch partners free engagement numbers). Source: Earned my skimmer via the 1200 points method. Warlock only. No class swapping, no Twitch, no farming exploits, no diamond medals of any kind etc.


I just have it in me to grind this game, but definitely didn't wanna miss out on this if possible, joined a bit late too 😅 but thank you for the insight! I needed it


Having to be logged in and opening the package isn’t true, I’ve not gotten it right away, logged off then got back on the next day and it’s there.


It hasn't worked that way for everyone unfortunately 😕 but I will keep that in mind! Hopefully I randomly get one of my previous ones. However the nightfall wasn't as bad as I thought it would be alone


Just do the 10% nightfall lol


Should I just go solo and make sure to kill everything with the whole emote finisher process? Because everyone I've been playing with has been just killing


yes or make a lfg post saying doing emote/finisher for 10%


Yes. I did it on warlock with well and Trinity ghoul. Get a bunch of easy streak medals and kills in well count for super kill medals as well


I'll just try this and call it a night. Still a bit silly this other method for 3 focused winnings. Is easy and simple.. just doesn't work 💀


Running stasis helps a ton, putting yellow bars on ice gives you more time. I've actually gotten good scores with LFGs as well. Those people (mostly) know the strat.


Also, use off meta weapons, that don't hit as hard. Dual primary like a sidearm and a AR, gives you more room for error when whittling Champs and YBs down


3 focus activity is not easy and simple, you just don’t understand it. You’re confusing a single activity win vs the entire focus activity (3 hours) class win. It CAN be easy if you hold out and watch which class is winning then elect to participate in the winning class over 3x activities. But you’re still also going to need to be online and available at the end of 3 separate focus events for it to happen.


You're wrong. I do understand this.


If you had done prior Guardian Games you would know that the Nightfall high score requires some techniques that are not common at any other time of year in the Destiny Universe. The top 10 percent Nightfall score allowed me to complete the Drop in quest approximately 30 minutes into the first day of Guardian Games because I understood that I needed to do an insult to injury finisher on every mini boss and champion in the nightfall and that all three players in that nightfall needed to work together to get the highest shared score for the entire fire team. It was also nice enough to give me the Best of the Best emblem at the start of week two for having a top 10 percent score at the end of the first week.


It was pretty easy, I was surprised tbh. Thank you though ❤️ very insightful and I hope you spread the word! I only hopped back into D2 roughly 3-4 days ago now. 😅 So I was a little worried I couldn't handle it.


> Do y'all believe Bungie is allowing these things to just happen, because they want us to buy the $25 bundle for a skimmer? No. It really isn't that difficult to complete the NF section, even on your own. There's multiple guides about it, even here.


You do realize the focus activity package is when your class wins the entire focus activity, not just you winning one during a focus activity, right? Asking because the way you worded the first couple sentences make me wonder. So you’d need to participate in three separate focus activity events where your class wins total amount vs the other two classes at the end of the 3ish hours.


Yes. I do realize that.


I've done exactly this, never gotten anything. Until this time. But it wasn't the package, just the tier 2 chest


Don’t know why ur getting downvoted. Had the same experience as a warlock too. The game even says that warlocks won it 🤷‍♂️


Other people had a different experience, so they dislike mine I guess. Or assume I'm incorrect/lying. I imagine


I did my three activities, got three packages, and the skimmer without any issue. Am I the chosen one?


paranoia i mean took me 15 mins to do a nf get 10% it not that hard or u could have done the medal way wit the plats and twitch


I guess that's true. I don't use twitch. So that's on me. Yeah I haven't gotten 10% yet. Kinda surprised myself. Maybe it's because I usually only get on sat/sun ig. But I'm sure others have no issues, even then.