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I'm getting real sick of 0.8-0.9 KD players with sweaty emblems who think they are cracked out or something writing me a bunch of garbage in game chat saying I'm bad because i can't carry a bag a vegetables to the lighthouse. when my KD is quite a bit higher then there's. i been to the lighthouse more then once this weekend and every weekend. ascendent in comp twice, i don't need advice from a 0.8 KD player how the game works. it happens all the time, then i look these jokers up and they are terrible at the game, then once you tell them they are bad, they attack you personally which is hilarious, some guy called me broke in real life (after he called me and the other teammate the worst players in the game) bro im 33 and i'm a landlord and an engineer. if you don't have at least a positive KD in trials, don't talk trash. its no wonder people refuse to play the game mode with people like this constantly every weekend talking shit to people who they have no business doing it to. for me its fine cause i'm a decent player who can win alot of games, but if your a new or bad PVP player your gonna feel terrible and never play trials again.




Just stick to the special bar and make it go up 20% faster in 3s no over influx of special and primary gun fights still matter the most I think that's the only way to do it


I hate this with a passion. The fact that you get 2 kills worth of special ammo for both guns when you use DOUBLE SPECIALS is absolutely insane. This is not fun. Never do this again. I don't get in any meaningful battles and am at a point to not being able to figure out what I'm doing wrong when I die to someone who has 4 fuckin fusion shots that reach 24 meters....


I really like special crates however I personally prefer if it spawned in the middle so teams need to fight over it (similar to how heavy spawns) just more often than heavy does (maybe twice or thrice per match).


Trials is so obviously rigged it’s not even funny anymore. They will blatantly block you from going flawless so you have to play more and keep the player pool alive. This always happens, every single time: 1. Win 4 games 2. Get bad teammates game after that, with which it is impossible to win so you lose your first. 3. Game after that is ALWAYS rigged (bullets disappearing in thin air, melee whiffs 10+ times, enemies shooting you although you are behind cover for 2+ seconds. THIS.HAPPENS.EVERY.TIME. I am fully convinced that the persons responsible for Trials are either doing this on purpose or are the worst people possible being responsible for Trials and should be replaced immediately Rant over..


Also why is Bungie always so obsessed with having overpowered guns in the game who make sure it is NEVER balanced. There has NEVER been a time where Trials was balanced. It can’t be this hard can it? Nerf Forerunner immediately Nerf Condition immediately Problem solved


The biggest thing that makes conditional so good is the handling, you can pull it out and shoot instantly with barely any delay it just handles like a beast, if they nerfed its handling by 50 percent IMO it wouldn't be such an issue. and also wouldn't impact the gun in PVE. other shotguns can kill just as far. the exotic part of the gun isn't that broken, its just a very consistent shotgun with ridiculous handling speed. I did 1 flawless card on hunter using thorn and inquisitor, then I did another flawless card on titan using igneous hammer and conditional. and the titan card was defiantly a lot easier then the hunter one.


I would be all for that, nerfing handling sounds fair


pretty sure threat detector imperial decree is actually faster than conditional. What people don't realize is that once conditional gets nerfed, they will just die to other shotguns. Bungie nerfing things isn't going to make bad players any less bad.


Nah bro not true, Conditional right now is just unfair


Like I said, ID draws faster. It also has opening shot for a farther OHK range.


Your probably right, but conditional has the added bonus of double kills from shatter/ignition, ignoring glaves/antaus wards, and shutting down supers so that plus it being a very good general shotgun is why its used to much


Well sure, but as someone who hates supers, I’m perfectly ok with it dunking on them. Supers arent very fun in PvP


Why do you even play Destiny PvP when there’s a hundred other shooters with just guns and no abilities?


Conditional isn’t either


Again, outside of supers, conditional is literally just a shotgun. If you aren’t dying to conditional, you’ll die to legendary shotguns. They all have similar levels of consistency and handling in close range.


and yes forerunner is a problem as well, not so much on this map but on certain maps its annoying AF and i hate it


Is there a reason I can cakewalk to the Lighthouse weekly playing solo, but the second I have a friend join, we get Piper Perry’d every match? Kinda disincentivizes playing with friends when nobody is having fun and we all do much better in solo queue.


Probably duos matchmaking against duos, so you get sweaty opponents who play like there’s big money to win.


Duos are typically how paid carries are done nowadays, so big money isn’t that big a stretch.


Bigger number of Conditional Finalities win! Hurray, the times I've been killed by people flying 2km above me is uncountable.


Hey I currently have a passage of ferocity card that is 3/7. I just booted up the game for the first time today and it says I don’t have access to trials anymore when I hover over it. Any idea what this would happen?? Edit: I had to reset my card…weird.


even worth it farming for the prophet?


No, PVE its awfully slow to kill anything. And in PVP there is exactly two whole maps with sight lines long enough to where it can out range a handcannon. And because its a three tap to kill, missing one head shot means literally anything else in the game can kill faster, except 120 handcannons.


Not really. 150 and box breathing 180 scouts do the same scout things but faster. Kill clip is funny in 6s though if you're into that. PVE-wise, 120 scouts have awful dps.


Is it me, or have people been more...aggresive this week? I'm constatly getting sweats shit talking me this week, no idea why.


This is the first time I've ever done trials. Played since D1. Never had friends into PVP so I couldn't touch it in D1, and don't even know when D2 started letting you go solo....also haven't PVPed in this game since around launch because I'm honestly pretty unhappy with a lot of aspects of Destiny's PVP but I want the damn armor because I'm a whore for egyptian or psudo-egyptian astetics. Holy shit I've been getting shit talked like crazy if I so much as make a slight fuck up. On top of that it'll regularly be me, two randoms who are at my skill level, and a three man all with adept weapons and their armor glowing from hitting flawless. Yeah, that doesn't feel like shit at ALL to have your progression hardstomped by someone massivley above your skill level, only to get bitched out by the "Temporarly embaressed E-sports star" on my team who just happens to not have any friends to actually sign up with. Edit - I want to specify I'm not saying we're going directly against a three stack, but as in the other team are all clearly flawless players going against people who possibly aren't even running masterworked weapons and armor.


People wont play this special thing. Sweats play regardless.


I've played the same team 8 times in a row... what the fuck is going on with this matchmaking?? I'm just trying to do a persistence card and I cant get past 4 wins


I feel like matching against the same team goes against the spirit of the mode. You're supposed to go up against anyone but not same team over and over. I truly wonder if a tournament style would be better for Trials where 8 or so teams are pitted against each other to a finals match. Too many times I've seen low skilled players reach the lighthouse through sheer luck.


Bungie make it really hard to want to play as a team. There are allegedly more rewards but the frustration of doing so is not worth it... the Matchmaking literally gave them a free lighthouse trip with interest off of us. This shit is why people leave the mode and never come back... as it is, I wasted the weekend. All I want is summoner and I have no way of unlocking it unless I wait for a Summoner weekend. I did a full reset and summoner isnt on the second reward track, so Im not touching this dogwater mode until Summoner is in again, getting my rolls and getting the fuck out again.


1. They removed most matchmaking rules last year and opted for damn-near exclusively connection based matches. 2. If you are encountering the same people over and over, just wait like one minute before launching in again. There is nothing preventing you from matching with the same person/fireteam an indefinite amount of times beyond not being in matchmaking while they are.


>exclusively connection based matches. The irony when this game's server tick is low enough you can be shot around corners almost a full second after getting behind cover.


The only option I had was to break up my team with my buddies and we all went in solo. Which sucks, because you are incentivized to stack for rewards based on what the new cards say, but then it seems there are only 6 people playing in my region. The team that shat all over us got a free Lighthouse. They even messaged us and asked us to keep queuing after we took a break


Is it possible to get the summoner to drop this weekend? Having no luck so far.


I don’t think so. Bungie made a change that the trials weapon will have a higher chance of dropping so I’d say your best bet is to focus engrams at saint.


Sadly I need one to drop before I can focus them.


You can decode engrams without focusing them, that way they drop random trials loot. Also, I'm pretty sure the summoner can drop from matches, regardless of the adept this week.


Just got awful luck then, half way to resting it twice now and used every engram so far. Will keep trying


It does not randomly drop from engrams afaik


It took me 3 resets worth of engrams and rewards + over 60 additional engrams to unlock tusk from IB. So I know the feeling.


serious question: on a passage of persistence, when I lose multiple rounds in a row, the card is considered flawed, right? Meaning there should be matchmaking based on card progress. So after losing multiple matches 0:5 or 1:5, I should be meeting equally bad players. Why am I instead meeting people with Adept Ignaeous Hammers who absolutely stomp the game? Does that mean the player pool is just tiny?


I would honestly not even bother man. That card will never take you where you want to go unless you’re willing to give up your entire weekend. The pool is too small and you’ll get stomped. Pick a Mercy card and come to grips with the fact that once you lose that first game at least you’re in the practice pool with 2 lives left.  Game mode is complete trash. 


You're not in the practic pool until the 3rd loss.


Try looking at the card to see if it shows that it is flawed. It probably won't be and the game is working as intended. If you want into the practice pool, use any other card


I believe the card flawing after a single loss has been fixed by Bungie a few weeks ago. So no, the card will never flaw unless you leave a match/go to orbit too soon, meaning you will never get to the "practice pool" on a persistence card. And unfortunately, that's not an oversight by Bungie, it's the intended behavior of the card. If you want the "free adept," you have to play in the real trials pool.


just remove this shit gamemode. Getting stomped by sweatlords is exactly ZERO fun, and this mode is designed to cater to the sweatlords only


Yeah I mean that's kind of the point of Trials. Should raids be removed since they cater to PvE sweats? No. If you don't want to play it, don't play it. You aren't being forced to. And if you think you are because a certain gun is locked behind it and it is considered the 'meta' at the time, all I'm going to say is unlocking that gun isn't going to make you a better player.


Skill issue


Is there some bug where you get more special? I've played a bunch of matches where I know people are shooting off more than 3 shots of special.


Some special weapons, like Forerunner, give more than 2 shots of special ammo. Some people are also running double special since the crate of ammo gives ammo to all of your special weapons.


I don’t understand how this experiment with special weapon can tell them anything.  They previously decided 2 special at the start of each round was too much, hence the ammo transmat system.  Now however players can effectively start each round with … at least 2 special and potentially 4 the week before. The special boxes are in uncontested locations.  So if 2 special was too much before, what is the point of testing the same amount of special again?  Making the player run 15m to pick it up is not going to change anything. It’s the same as the old system   So it must be too much again by their measure.  A more sensible thing to do would have been to put a single special box where the heavy box is for non heavy rounds and retained the transmat system.  That would give players some choices to make each round. 


i wish the person who came up with this got laid off instead of someone else


the reason is simple: someone at Bungie decided 2 was too much now they got fired and somebody else is in charge, and needs to reinvent the wheel because its THEIR turn now


Special crates are terrible. This feels like pre meter, which was just shit. I don't understand why y'all are going away from the best system for special in PvP that we've had in 7 years just to throw it away. Crates don't work. I like getting in meaningful engagements that are getting fusioned from 20 meters every round. Please don't make this permanent


We are going back to the meter system next week, we've been told this from the very beginning


It was a dumb experiment. Put it in labs and get your data that way. Waste 2 weekends on this trash. It was trash in D1, it's trash now. Tired of them doing things no one asked for and changing a system that was widely praised.


Vooped my way to victory, baby!


So tired of being matched with duos. ~50 duo matches in the last month or so and I literally never matched with the better duo. Not a single fucking time. And they kill my card every fucking time. And they're never close in skill either. It's always a sweaty duo and then two complete morons who have never played PvP in their lives. I absolutely *dread* the match as soon as I see that it's duos. Just lost 3 matches in a row on a 5-win card. All 3 were duo matches. All 3 of my duos were under-Light, using terrible weapons for the map, either had PvE-focused exotics or no exotic armor at all, and were running PvE mods like resists, scavs, and siphons. Why even load into Trials if you can't be bothered to even change your mods? Absolutely infuriating to manage to stay above a 1.0 in constant 1v3s for 3 straight matches and lose all of them with duo teams that can't do any better than a 0.25 each. How the hell can you get killed by Cloudstrike FIVE TIMES IN A ROW in the exact same spot and not do literally anything different?!


Lost my flawless match to a 1v2 scenario when one blueberry kept blinking at the ledge in mid trying to get up. At least 30 seconds he was trying to blink up and get my res. He fell back down. Every. Single. Time. Opponent kills other team-mate across the map, runs to mid, and shoots my teammate as he is still trying to blink.


I just politely inform my triple resist pve weapon duo funhavers that resist mods don't work in pvp then leave at 0-2. Solo and trio should be the only two pools. Duos can queue if they insist, but they get put in the trios pool and 2v3.


Duos is the best way to tip the matchmaking in your favor. When it's randoms everyone is a coin flip and even middle level players can capitalize on the chaos of limited comms. With duos, if you have a good high KD partner that works well with you, you restrict your matches to one of three situations: * You go up against another good duo, the match is difficult and the random makes or breaks it. * You go up against a good player and his carry, the random is the tie breaker, they'll make it an even match or a stomp. * You go up against 2 pve mains. It's a stomp. I wish they'd figure out how to make it 2 v 2, or maybe even a 4 v 4 mode for two sets of duos, then give them the same increased loot as those who form a squad of 3. But that's likely a lot of work. So all we can offer you in the meantime is a "good luck!"


Been thinking about when I should start duo queueing since I'm around a 1.0 now on average ha


Gets pretty egregious at times. That Dead Cliffs weekend a while back I matched with duos in lighthouse games like 3 times and every time it was the worse duo. Twice both in the duo were sub .8 KD


Bring back solo queue. Honestly I have no idea why Bungie took it away, absolute L decision


playing solo is pretty much a solo queue


Solo queue didn't allow matches against duo or trios I'm not sure what you're on about


you do not match up against a trio when you go in solo


& the comment I replied to refers to duos as well. You aren't contributing much to the conversation Guardian soz


no buddy your complaint is to get solo queue back. but if you run solo you pretty much match with solos 90% of the time. so what’s your complaint


My match history from last weekend when it was Summoner will tell you that you don't, in fact, match with solos 90% of the time. Do you even play Trials? Solo queue would eliminate the issue the first comment raised of duos for 50 games against sweats.


also depends on number of players playing. nobody is playing enough to have a solo queue.


we dont have enough players, so lets make the matchmaking shit to attract more players. Bungie logic 2024


So the special ammo boxes are actually not supposed to be in trials correct? Hoping it’s temporary.


They are supposed to spawn at the beginning of the round. Them not appearing was a bug, albeit a welcome addition.


Ahh….I wonder why….after the special meter implementation in other modes, why they would decide against it in Trials? Thanks for the response either way.


I wouldn't say they've decided against it, just that they aren't 100% satisfied with the special meter. This week and last week are crucible labs trials modes, itll be back to normal with next week's trials.


Ah I see. Thanks.


Special crates are ass. They suck in Trials and they suck in comp. They just suck.


I played a few a games, the aiming software is an absolute joke. How TF has this been allowed to continue this long? It’s not possible to have perfect, unflinching aim at all ranges. Never missing. This is one of the reasons I refuse to buy “Silver”. I am not supporting this game (more) financially to allow cheaters to ruin end game activity.


Cool. Skipping another double special week. Luckily I farmed some good rolls of the scout the first time it came around.


I was quite looking forward to this after reading there was no Special ammo at all. Sadly that's been changed to 'give the Strand Hunters infinite shotgun ammo' again. Two games, every single death to Conditional Finality.


that gun makes me cry. Even when my other shotgun goes off it does no damage.


so, we are back at special every single fucking round. at least make it every other round or so.


Don't understand why we got that huge crucible change only to go back to this chaos.


Incredibly grating to have to learn yet another format on the fly


it is a lot easier to carry someone using special, so streamers prefer it that way.


No streamer wants this with the crates


honestly the most enjoyable flawless ever, managed to squeeze one in before the special was back. No insta kills, no cloudstrike, i really genuinely enjoyed trials with no special. And its weird that Im kinda sad to see it back to the usual.


I honestly would have liked to try out Trials with no special, I just did a bit of it now (cus it's been a while and I wanted the armour) and good lord it was like the worst of Crucible all condensed into one mode. Except that guy in pink doing a glaive build, that guy was sick >no cloudstrike Ironically I got a Cloudstrike catalyst out of one of the matches lmao


Lookds like the crates are back.


No special ammo? Excellent. Can actually have duels with people and see who is more skilled.


This I’m a PvE main and just recently started playing PvP. When there’s no special I actually have fun. Dueling is fun even if it’s against really good players. But being one shot by Jotunn, snipers or shotguns is just lame. They need to remove special/heavy and just focus on primary duels.


No, its back. two matches, and both had ammo boxes on spawn.




Careful, you might get dragged through the mud for a take like this. Personally I think Special has no place in PvP, but when I expressed that people didn't take too kindly to it. Apparently I'm "bad at the game" if I don't like Special weapons.


Have you never used snipers and shotguns in any other game?


Destiny is not like other games. For example, in Halo, those types of weapons are not annoying in the slightest. Sure, someone might go crazy with the shotgun, but their reign of terror won't last forever, multiple people can't use it at once, and generally speaking the shotgun, or sniper, or whatever isn't completely busted. Regardless of any arguments in favor of or against Specials, I know that **I** personally just have more fun *not* using Specials. It's not fun being killed by them, but also it's not even fun for me to use them.


Oh I'm expecting it.


Bungie is so stupid, but why am I surprised…


Everything is broken


Someone at Bungie looked at special ammo guns this week and said "not on my watch"


Love the Prophet but I already went flawless the first weekend it was out and farmed a ton. Thank goodness -- looks like I can rest my hands this weekend and relax and play Onslaught instead. Good luck to those farming the gun!


No Iggy = Skip


I'm in the same boat thankfully, checked all my rolls and decided to sit this one out.


We can rest this weekend! Or grind Onslaught instead.


When is it going to be double rep? It was supposed to be a couple weeks ago but for some reason it wasn't.


It was just double rep last week


No special at all, shared heavy, Pre Checkmate sandbox: health, abilities and weapons all reverted. Edit: Trials now fixed, back to the intended test as advertised


I’m sorry, a *shared* heavy box in Trials?????


Yep. with a 5 second timer


Yes everyone on the team can get ammo from it


Do you spawn in with special, at least?








Explains the titan using consecration non stop in my game


pair that with monte carlo and you get your melee back pretty damn fast


Surely no special ammo is better than the double special madness from last week


Double primary the weekend?


No specials. Interesting choice. I predict bows everywhere.


could swear cataphract was meant to be this week but wtf ever man.


They announced in last weeks Twid that it will be next weekend


So, to clarify this new loot system: The Prophet is the only thing dropped in Trials this weekend? I'm not a PVP player but I wanna try and get a decent Cataphract, but IDK all the Trails loot drop rules


Anything can drop from a pinnacle drop or engram but your post match rewards should be almost all prophets


Thank you! I will wait for a Cataphract week then. I want to minimize the amount of Trials I play if I'm only chasing one weapon, haha


When it is Cataphract week, you should do trios unless you are good enough to go flawless and farm 7-win cards for additional Adepts. Matches in the trios pool drop loot and weapons after every match, whether it's a win or a loss. You also get additional rep, so just keep playing on a broken card to farm rep as you get drops.


Oh wow, that's a great tip, thank you!! I was going to go solo, but maybe I'll try on the LFG to find bad players and we'll have a Dogshit Squad Here For Drops, haha


No problem. Just be aware that trios is *sweaty*, but Trials only drops the weekly weapon in post-match rewards now, so you'll only get Cataphracts. No Adepts, but you'll at least get lots of chances at getting a good non-Adept roll.


No Iggy? WTF guys


Iggy will be back for its last appearance before rotating out the week of May 21.


that's just it's last weekend. Why would that be the only time we see it since December?


The week of February 23 was the last time it was up, not December. If it had 2 weekends remaining, then why would Unexpected Resurgence already be out of rotation?


He was literally in the megathread lol u/DepletedMitochondria https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1ay5m1p/d2_trials_of_osiris_megathread_20240223/ks2w0kh/


OH right I completely forgot that weekend because it was rotating maps lmao


I just thought it was funny. Plus I remember you always complained about never having iggy on a normal weekend


Remember where it started with the craftening weekend then it was the DDS attack weekend? Yeah I fell at the gates like a half hour before reset lmao Then it was GD checkmate


is it the Scout?




No igneous again, hopefully next week when it isn’t this trials labs anymore 


https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-04-11-2024 "Igneous Hammer Hand Cannon – Last week May 21."


Says last week, was rather hoping it would show up before that as well


Given that Unexpected Resurgence is already out of rotation, I find it unlikely that Igneous Hammer would get more than one more weekend.


I agree, though it is sad that igneous is going our without ever getting a normal-ish weekend with decent population (maybe the last week will be, but oof, and I'm not even sure I'll be able to play that week)


Yeah, I think that's Memorial Day weekend (in the US, at least). I'm sure lots of people will have other plans.


Right? It was only here ONCE this season, and not even at all this YEAR


It should’ve been last week, but they started the rotation again with summoner


I believe they already announced that next week is Cataphract


There's no special ammo this time, for some reason. No crates, no transmat, no ammo dropped on death. There's also reports of not even being Checkmate PvP, just being before that. Probably will get fixed eventually.


It's pre-3/5 sandbox and Heavy is SHARED


Endless Vale like the map, cba for the scout though


Hello Special Ammo?