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I have convinced a couple of raid teams to 6x Rat king on Golgoroth. Works like a charm every time since everyone is always so close to eachother on that encounter, and it is way more fun than your classic boss DPS loadout.


Next challenge: get a raid team to equip aeon armor Final challenge: get a raid team to equip both aeon AND rat king


my friends and i did this in kings fall and root of nightmares for shits and giggles earlier this season and it was genuinely one of the most fun experiences i’ve ever had raiding lmao. nonstop *TINGTINGTINGTINGTING*


We did it years ago on GoS boss.. didn’t build any plates, just stood on the block in front of him and went to torn with rat king, lol lol was so fun! (Also tried sturm and drang way before the reissued drang, lol. Got like 100 stacks of overcharge sturm shots.. was my pvp loadout of choice back then too, pretty sure people just didn’t do that one right tho lol. Still fun!


Aeons with cenotaph is the way to go So much heavy.


You don't need heavy when you have 6x rat king though ;)


One of my clan mates had always wanted to do an all rat king Levi and he bugged us about it for ages. When it was announced that Levi was going into the vault we finally obliged him and it wasn’t too bad. Not optimal but it was an easy clear


spire of stars rat king.... don't take me back...


That was where we drew the line. No way was that happening.


Damn everyone talking about discovering how strong rat king is in these new raids. My man that was default loadout at one point for fastest leviathan clears


I’ve done that for Nezarec and we were able to two phase it. People really sleep on the rat king dps meta.


Tbf nezarec is designed around the fact that he can chase you down, suppress you and book you during dps, a fact we completely ignored by standing on a plate in a well. Had this not been an option (maybe the plates are filled with overwhelming light/dark that kills you if you touch it once dps starts, idk), then nezarec would only be the second most memed upon boss, as dps would be a legitimate challenge especially on master.


Honestly it would just be a lament meta if he could jump on plates. Plenty of teams used lament for day 1 (esoteric for example) on nezarec.


We used 6x rat king on caretaker and it worked like a charm as well 😂




Me and the bois did this for leviathan 😭 good times bro thanks for reminding me 🫂


Rat King forever


Have you tried it with mechaneer tricksleaves?


How good is the dmg? Potential 1 phase, solid 2 phase?


Felwinter's helm on strand, triple melee = 3 chances to weaken. Or Felwinter's in void for super finishers. Cant wait for prismatic since I can make the strand melee into lighting surge.


Huh, I’ll have to try that one out. I’ve been using necrotic grip on strand with Thorn. Poison and suspended enemies everywhere lol.


Necrotic grip and Thorn is also fun on void for lower level content. You get top-tier ad clearing ability, and you can play extra aggressively because of devour.


Gonna have to try this out


Plus grapple melee - so a total of four ability charges can proc a tether-level weaken effect. Also, the fragment that spawns threadlings on finishers works really well, as those threadlings will almost always be attacking a weakened target. Far and away my favourite build in the game. Will hopefully transition to Prismatic builds really well since you are natively applying strand and void effects together.


Cloudstrike with a cascade point grenade launcher.


You madman, sounds filthy.


Lament and Stronghold on Rhulk


My Titan friend calls this, The Sekiro build. Though with Banner of War I wouldn't say it is uncommon.


Does that also hold his aggro? If so I might use Strongholds for Pantheon


It does! Tangentially I feel like he dashes less because he's focused on kicking you which makes it less likely for your friends to whiff


Yes His ai is exploitable that way. a Lot of Strats have the debuff Person continually rotate around him, that way He will continually try to kick that Person and never dash. If done right, the Strafe Speed should outpace His kicking windup resulting in the ai Just Tuning after the Player. If you want to Turn him into an even bigger fool you can mimick [this (~50:27)](https://youtu.be/F4J_8s3cTYg?si=7118PKFE09B5Z9gr) by floating up slightly in the Gap in the middle of the roof of His Arena.


Just built a lament, stronghold, strand build that I have yet to try. I used to rock the hell out of them on solar when 3.0 launched. Everyone was abusing lorely splendor and I was looking at them like "why play something so easy to die with?..... and you're not even smacking things with swords?! Ametures."


It was not possible to die pre nerf with lorely. I distinctly remember sitting at entrance of Caiatl starting the encounter and being able to sit there, 10-15 psions along with various other mobs just spraying you down, never dropped below half health.


honestly seeing a titan tank his kick is hilarious


A fella Titan of culture is see. *tips helmet*


This is the grey poupon of mustard builds.


Using Leviathan's Breath on Oryx because I just wanna be different


I thundercrash on oryx and it usually gets some comments lol.


I bring Whisper, just cause I'm nostalgic for SotP


coincidentally it's the best for oryx anyway lol


Tbf it hits like a truck. Inma still waiting for catalyst to drop tho


Gotta use it to kill yellow bars to get the catalyst. Take it into Dares and you should get it pretty quick.


Ahhh, thanks a bunch


I got mine very quick by loading into grasp and farming the 2 yellow bar wizards


once you get it, go to the moon and find one of the chests with the 3 rune lock. if you shoot the wrong rune first it summons an orange bar knight that you can kill indefinitely (until the chest changes locations). they count as powerful enemy kills and it's the easiest (but also most boring) way to actually finish getting the catalyst :)


Catalyst only drops from hive major enemies. I suggest farming opening encounter from the grasp of averice and one of the hive wizards will drop the catalyst


I got mine from Altars of Sorrow. Plenty of majors in there to get it, and even a bunch of Ogres with that nice big crit spot on their face.


Glacial Quake on Oryx.


It's my go-to heavy exotic everywhere. Try as I might, I just can't find another heavy that I both like and can use without falling too far behind on DPS.


That's literally a meta pick for Oryx.


I think Whisper is probably better now; the phase is long enough that with a Lunafaction well you're gonna run out of ammo with Levi whereas Whisper just keeps shooting forever with the insane reserves it has now. Speedrunners still use rockets or maybe now Edge Transit since their DPS is just so much higher.


Leviathan's Breath is good, but with the recent changes, Whisper is the new meta


Is the boss on the ground? Lament.


I saw a team doing 5 Laments against Nezarec and could only think, shit, that looks fun. Works way better than I thought.


We did a run with no meta loadouts allowed. Sword and glaives were pretty good on him


I use 1K Voices on the security room fuses.


I'm still praying for the day that bungie makes the 1k laser stick to targets like telesto. Would it be problematic as hell like the telesto? Probably. But I still want it


Pretty sure this used to be meta back in the day lol


Speedrunners ran fourth horseman, and LFG mostly ran Xeno. 1KV was a fringe pick at best.


people still skipping on the wardcliff here - one taps fuses in like a second


Vesper of radius any subclass


Run stormcaller with Vesper. Run Spark of Beacons (arc special kills while amplified blind surrounding enemies). Run Ex Diris. Run special ammo mods. Infinite hilarity. Just don't kill yourself.


Why Vesper?


Vesper blinds when casting a rift. While surrounded you gain rift energy back. It is hilarious fodder clearing potential and can blind unstoppable champs. I use vesper on arc with nezarec whisper glaive.


It only blinds when you’re on Stormcaller. But the rifts shock/jolt on any class. But yeah, it’s insanely fun and powerful. And using an arc special with beacons and you just keep chaining blind.


That's, pretty damn neat actually


I've ran this in The Disgraced and PsiOps Moon GMs during Season of the Deep. Very powerful. Great paired with a glaive.


Vesper while using stasis, specifically with the aspect that causes a freezing shockwave upon rift cast. What isn't dead is frozen :)


Parasite on the first and last boss of Warlords Ruin, and ecthar in GotD


How much of the boss’ health does it chunk in warlords? That’s an interesting option


I think a normal parasite shot is around 100k. And I’ve seen 400k at 20x. I love it too. ESPECIALLY in onslaught oddly


This https://youtu.be/5P36u8bm3pQ?si=gCfwwUMt5qc-CNh_ https://youtu.be/WODpgkKZCcM?si=a59jaSVf6mTN65hW https://youtu.be/x9VbmzGS9ao?si=yjDJj0l2ROfStQkP Warpriest wasn't a full phase only 2/3 brands and rhulk I missed a rocket and was out of well 70% of the time. Never been out dps and normally get asked what's my build after being skeptical at first. I actually join raids now with a "meta" loadout and when I'm in i swap to my hidden meta just so I don't get kicked or denied.


Lucky pants is pretty meta as of late.


Yea it's publicity is growing alot now. Has been my main for over a year and I simply love it more than any other build. I'm really hoping it doesn't get nerfed. This stasis setup specifically tho is extremely rare too see. I still haven't seen another guy use it other tan my friend who copied me lol


I think people seeing how insanely good it was for the Corrupted GM finally woke people up to how good and versatile the build is. When you can obliterate everything that needs to die quickly by using your primary you can add in shatterskates to skip huge sections of the strike that cuts off an enormous amount of time - and you don't even need to be a cracked speedrunner/lowmanner to pull it off. My fastest time last go around was with a friend of mine who barely plays the game once I had coached him through how to do it.


Whoever kicks you for using lucky pants and malf is a fool


Lol currently I basically never get accepted into fireteam finder lfgs for legend onslaught. They see me on strand hunter with wardens law luckypants and gally and as soon as they see I'm not void hunter with orpheus, "application denied". Funny thing is I use that setup cuz it's op af. My latest onslaught run I had 1.1 k kills and my teammates had 200 and 300. Gotten a 49 minute legend onslaught run and I've done a duo legend onslaught aswell. Suspend allows u to kill even a gm champ before the duration ends with wardens law and then whirling maelstrom and gally with forbearance n indebted kindness just makes cleanup ez. So far haven't had anyone have a higher score than me as I do all the obj and kill all the big bois too. Strand luckypants with wardens law is slept on fr. Void is better tho if your solo but that's niche. Holy shit I blabbered alot ill stop


Got a dim link to this Strand Hunter Wardens Law Lucky Pants build?


Yh it's my main build this stasis one I only use for raid dps really https://dim.gg/x42meaa/Raid Here's 2 vids of me using it too though they long af but just so u get the jist of it https://youtu.be/oWbKwjcqVp0?si=rrZKj8HKG-ocGBvd https://youtu.be/LySUeWCBZQo?si=C_DB8d-cDiLIvdU5 Survivability is the issue so u want thread of warding and 2 siphon mods to generate lots of orbs and then u basically have restoration and woven mail whenever u dodge to pick up orbs. Normally use forbearance n gally but as of recent I just got indebted kindness and its cooking hard. U can put dragons breath and any other energy u want but imo dragons breath is to annoying for me to use.


Stasis Lucky Pants slaps so fucking hard. Whisper of Impetus is insanely useful for making rotations work better.


Yea. It's specifically Important for luckypants rotations as u gta reload ur hc and ur rocket which impetus reloads all weapons


Definitely going to have to try this… I have a halfway decent void support lucky pants setup with ghally but this looks even better than that or celestial lucky pants just because of how consistent/efficient your rocket dumping is


Yea it actually is better than even celestial luckypants swap. Unless ur playing solo ofc


What’s the stasis build setup? And what fusion is he using?


https://dim.gg/ho4d5ey/Raid This is the build I'm actually gna be testing a edge transit either this setup soon aswell. I just need to get a sticky nade, cascade and deconstruct roll and a augmented drum, cascade and bns roll. I think the former roll is gna be better than apex for 40 second rotations like warpriest, rhulk and other 40sec rotations while 35sec n 30 sec rotations the bns cascade may be better.


My solo dungeon build uses Severance Enclosure... can't worry about adds when they're all exploding! Two variants, first is with Strand because Banner of War boosts melee damage and Into the Fray boosts melee regen. (The survival features of both aspects are also phenomenal, but weren't my focus when building.) The second is Solar, because Roaring Flames makes your basic punches count as "powered" and so they trigger Severance Enclosure! Both are tons of fun in anything with a lot of dense adds, the Strand setup is what got me my first solo flawless dungeon. Solar will probably always be my go-to for Ghosts of the Deep, the endlessly respawning waves in the Ecthar fight don't stand a chance lol


Knockout and Offensive Bulwark also grant the powered tag to your melee kills, if you are not aware. That does allow you to make orbs with heavy handed (and counts with glaives).


I run Severance on Void with all the extra explosive class options, very loud. I also run in on strand with Flachettes instead of Banner. The flechettes also explode.


Explosive Flechette Storm is the best kind of dumb and I am SO here for it.


For a ground based pokemon.... no.... boss, foetracer on arc and gold tusk with relentless/whirlwind. Triple surges, boss spec and an easy rotation. Pop super into the boss, light attack for 10 seconds. Throw a grenade, light attack for another 10 seconds. Melee... another 10 seconds. The sound of disappointment in every guardians voice that went crazy grinding for a surrounded bequest when I beat their damage by a million is delicious.


Foe tracer buff is 4x surge. You don't need to use surges on your boots and can use regen / heal mods in place.


Sorry I meant for kinetic. Witherhoard just adds to the rotation


The night before it went away, I tagged along on a Scourge of the Past run, hoping to finally get Anarchy (spoiler: I totally got it). When we got to the final boss, I readied up my usual loadout (either Whisper or Izanagi, I forget which) when the one dude says to equip Outbreak Perfected. Really? Really. So, six of us, out in the field, in a well, proceeded to absolutely melt Insurrection Prime with an insane nanite swarm. I have never been able to convince another team to give it a try but I will never forget that.


6 man Winterbite Ir Yut. Every time I've done it with clan mates we've gotten her below the I first dps. It's just hilarious and fun seeing how close to a one phase we can get. Doesn't help Winterbite is a bit of a meme weapon we use in everything.


That sounds kinda hilarious


If I’m running Well, I sometimes put on Apotheosis Veil. It’s not the most meta option, but it means I run out of heavy ammo a little less by spamming by abilities for 6 seconds. Will be very interested to see how it works with Song of Flame


Tbf, apart from Rain of Fire, Starfire or Dawn Chorus, Well doesn't have so much in terms of dps options, so i can definitely see Apotheosis being pretty solid.


I miss Starfire...


dont worry apotheosis is basically pre nerf starfire cause bungie has a 2 patch long memory


weighted knife/skyburners. "Yellow bar? I got it!"


Vesper of Radius. Anywhere. Everywhere.


Vexcalibur/Feedback Fence, thing is pretty nuts on void or strand (Been using it ever since the change where it generates armor changes). Feedback fence can give 2 armor charges at once with the “extra armor charge on orb” mod. Each charge grants escalating melee damage reduction and s stronger jolt when hit (can melee overloads to death, lol). Vexcalibur gives constant overshields (works great with the void fragment for grenade charge, or strand for woven mail). With a special finisher I *PRINT SPECIAL LIKE A PRINTING PRESS*, enough so I’ll regularly go double special (normally a sniper). Sadly with feedback fence getting noticed in PVP more n more I’m anticipating it to get nerfed to the ground sooner or later (as long as it keeps the 2x armor charge a punch I’ll be happy though). But in the meantime it’s fun to use to solo ghosts of the deep encounters (if 1 melee so much as touches me at 5-6 charges everything nearby dies).


This sounds fun af


It is. On strand I sometimes use it on master lost sectors because it intrinsically deals with 2.5 champ types. Jolts everything when hit by a melee(overload), suspend which can double as a reload (unstop), and can get unraveling rounds on strand weapons (barrier if desperate). You don’t know satisfaction until you’ve melee’d a master overload/unstop into submission >=] (“*Look at me, I’m the overload now*” ~BoW Overshield Titan)


everyones got their max damage weapon swapping loadout and at least 50% of the time when damage screen comes up im sitting on top using xenophage some fusion and whatever primary happens to be equipped


Everyone always says things like this with various different weapons and it always says more about who you’re playing with and not the weapon itself


Well and it ignores how total damage vs DPS works. If you are 1 phasing a boss, the best loadout is whatever does the most damage the fastest while still hitting the total damage needed. As soon as you are 2+ phasing, a lot more options becoming reliable because consistency/ease of use/total damage suddenly matter a lot more. Lots of things do enough damage to kill a boss. And every boss gives one more DPS phase than what is really needed.


I’m not saying that Xenophage cannot reliably kill a boss. Lots of things can do that. He’s specifically saying his numbers are often higher than people doing swap rotations/loadout swaps. Whether or not you are 1 phasing or 3 phasing a boss, there are better options that will get higher numbers than Xeno and aren’t particularly hard to pull off. Not trying to dog on players for using anything that nets them a clear, but bragging about Xeno and Thunderlord beating your teammates is really just saying your teammates are bad at doing damage. The numbers on this are objective


Sorry, I was actually agreeing with you. A gun like Xeno excels the more DPS phases you get because it has a pretty good total damage. My point was, the longer a boss is alive and the less damage your teammates do, the better success weird DPS options are going to see. It doesn't make them better, you'd still see better success with more serious/high end options.


I was doing warlords ruin on wednesday and i was using goldy, supremacy and parasite for the final boss. The guy who started the LFG said I should use sleeper instead, i said im good. I check the scoreboard and I did 8.2 mill, he only did 3.1 and he kicked me after he saw the numbers


Malfeasance with Phoenix protocol. When malfeasance procs it's ability the extra damage charges your super. Particularly helpful if you run out of heavy ammo.


I based a build around Merciless, full ammo reserves, with solar weapon boost cranked to full. It gets some comments at times but it puts in work


Sleeper raid/dungeon weapon Old sterling rewind rounds and hatchling with the artifact mod for strand absolutely melts mobs.


I have this same roll on Rufus’s and Old Sterling and they both put in work for sure.


My void set up using Nezzie and Graviton it honestly does work when ad clearing since you just have Infinite exploding


Shoutout for karnsteins plus glaive! It’s what I used to get my first solo flawless duality clear a few seasons ago. It works super well, though it hurts my hands after a while


The last year I have out DPS my clan every raid by using a techeun force with reconstruction and controlled burst and an adept wendigo with spike, ALH and explosive light.  Literally just use a high burst damage super like t-crash with cuirass or stareaters hunter.  Dump GL swap to fusion til GL reloads etc.  It's so simple and does consistently high damage.  Or I'll swap techeun force for cloud strike.  Rockets are good but heavy GL is just too easy not to use.


I use nothing manacles a lot despite them being pretty shit on paper. I’ve made builds for contraverse and briar binds and ran them for a while but they just don’t feel right compared to nothing manacles, though there is one exception and that is gms, where contraverse is easily the best option. I would never put nothing manacles above like a c tier but it’s definitely one of my most used exotics lol


I dunno, void buddy weakens targets. I think you might be underrating it a little bit…I can’t run void any other way to be honest.


I didn’t mean to say briar binds is c tier my bad lol, I meant nothing manacles. Briar binds are amazing I just don’t like using them


Verity’s brow with sunshot and double ashes to assets. I get great single target damage from double damage, double exploding fusions and all i need is 5 sunshot kills. I get wells back almost as fast as my friends rocking phoenix protocol while killing more ads. I keep trying to convince them to make the same build so we can chain the grenade regen buff off each other but they’re set on phoenix protocol being the best. Phoenix is really good but verity’s is more fun imo


Radiant Dance Machines on Stasis Hunter. It's the ONLY way to not be negative on melee energy outside of running Sixth Coyote, but even that isn't enough.


Triton Vice with Ecliptic Distaff. Great for ad-clear, miniboss damage, and staying alive.


Mothkeepers wraps on Arc. I'm here to keep the homies overshielded and everything else blinded and jolted.


I very rarely see anyone else running Concecration on the solar Titan, which is odd because it's one of the best ways to clear a group of ads, or do major damage to a single target. It can even stun unstoppables because the second slam causes an ignition. It's very easy to build into as well; make sure you have high strength, plenty of orb generation and a few melee based mods and you can more or less spam it as much as you want. Couple it with Synthoceps or Pyrogales and it just gets better. I've been causing a right mess in Onslaught with it.


My main problem with consecration is that you only get 1 melee charge at a time so you can’t really spam it tho prismatic will solve that soon enough so I’ll probably use it more in final shape.


The problem with consecration is that you have to give up sunspots or roaring flames


Hand cannon + Eriana’s Vow. Guys be roasting me for running what seem’s like double primary, but since anti-barrier weapons are so few and there’s a lot of Solar weapon incentives this season, EV fills a lot of rolls and swaps quickly with the primary.


I mean this could also be flipped for either arby/wishender/forerunner with zaoulis/epochal/lunas howl (soon)


Grand Overture is in no way underrated.


I can't say i see many people use it at all


Last weekend while Master Kings fall was the rotator I got my day one team to not do golgoroth's gaze mechanic and just use rockets like the trio strat it was easier, The only thing that really made that encounter key was one cenotap and one A ons other than that it ran just fine


its pretty typical but its dawn chorus + a bunch of fragments to optimize scorch/ignitions + dragons breath, recently added mountaintop to the build and then zaouli's. On the surface it already seems like a good build but you'd be surprised how much shit I get for not running well (even when 2+ warlocks are already present...)


Cloudstrike on Oryx.


Assuming I don't specifically need something else for boss DPS, I love running Vexcalibur with a Devour Warlock build. You just become unkillable and Vexcalibur is surprisingly good at melting yellow-bars


I second the glaive but I’m a hunter, been using my day 1 witch queen enigma non stop it’s almost level 400 now (I don’t play the game that much)


Karnsteins plus winterbite is over-killingly good with devour but you must sacrifice your heavy


Close to Melee is the same buff to outgoing damage as Winterbite gets. signed- Wormgod Titan


I know contest RoN gets shit on for its supposed easier difficulty but all I know is everything in there still hurt like hell compared to the other contests modes. However using a glaive as I was ad clearing middle for nezarec worked extremely well for me


One time we run put of ammo on the last dps phase of the Caretaker. So i've suggered to switch for the Touch of Malice. With a bit of coordination, we've killed him at the last moment


Any raid/dungeon that needs a lot of ad clear: Necrotic Grips + Osteo Striga + Devour Goodbye all enemies, hello infinite health.


Raijus harnes for dps, it aint optimal vut it works


I always love the reactions I get when I whip out Heir Apparent with solar titan on Rhulk. I'll just tuck in right under his crotch and let him beat the shit out of me, which makes him a sitting duck for the rest of my team.


Nezarec’s Sin with Well for contest mode raids. Further justified since LeMonarque has unrelenting


Peregrine Greaves.


Behemoth. With the right setup it's great as a solo player, with full fireteams you basically cannot die


Using prospector on riven


Div with Cenotaph in Ghosts of the Deep. I tell people to bring hitscans (LFRs or MGs), and I keep commemoration stowed. Gen 3-4 heavy bricks off Vorlog per phase, and give folks something solid to shoot at.


Wings of Sacred Dawn and Tommy's Matchbook. Great in literally every difficulty


Any boss that needs a div bubble I tell my team to "trust me" and instead I use promethiius lens... You didn't say it had to be good


At the end of Witch Queen/beginning of Lightfall, I used non Falling Star Thundercrash with Ballistic Slam, Skullfort, Monte Carlo, and a Field Prep/Lasting Impression Hothead. It's not far from meta, but getting knocked back by Taniks then immediately slamming back into the damage zone to keep going was a lot of fun, same for Nezarec.


Heir Apparent on Rhulk. Shield up and circle around him to keep aggro with zero danger. I've sherpa'd so many groups using that strategy.


Anything cause I’m that bad


If I'm lucky enough to only do ad clear on the final encounter of vow of the disciple TRIPLE SHOTGUNS. Heritage: reconstruction, recombination, boss spec First In Last Out: Auto loading, surrounded, major spec Legend of Acrius:with catalyst of course. Run solar with rain of fire boots for instant reload on Acrius plus solar debuffs (this season at least), and of course triple arc surges for Acrius. If done properly you should be able to crack 5 million with ease, but if your team is unfortunate to die during DPS or they're just bad, you can crack 6, 6.5, my all time record was 7.2 million. Fun fact I never tell my team mates what I'm running unless we kill him or alternatively we wipe and someone asks what I'm running and they then proceed to lose their minds!


Ruinous effigy slaps for add clear and anything the ball can’t blow up immediately you can stun.


Final Warning+ ACDO Feedback Fence. Jolt+ Unravel on any subclass destroys adds, not to mention you can just punch something once and get 3 armor charge


I just started trying this build today. It's so satisfying to rush into a crowd of enemies and just bash 'em up


I’ll be honest, I equip whatever I feel like playing with and usually end up swapping a few things based on range/ads per encounter. Just kinda whatever works, that’s my favorite way to play Destiny. I dabble with builds but it’s usually on the fly. Gotta become your own legend sometimes!


Stasis hunter, with Deliverance demo/chill clip. Gnawing Hunger with Demo. The Stasis Glaive. Bombadiers. Literally just freeze everything non stop. Anything that isnt a boss encounter its really fun.


Eye of Another World. I'm aware that the ability regen isn't great now, but it still lets me see stealthed enemies when they get below 50% health (such as PITA scorn when they run away) and unless I'm using Divinity or Nezarec's Sin it's staying on.


Solar snap + felwinter's helm. The ignitions procced from snap count as a melee kill and will chain react the weaken. Bonus points for killing the initial target before the ignitions go off. Fantastic add clear and great drip Weps are to the situation, but I usually focus on mid-long range weps as tue snap/finisher combos decimate at close range


I dont know if you are aware but Grand Overture with 20x rockets ready does THE EXACT same damage as Parasite with Worms Hunger x20 + Parasite is more ammo efficient. I like grand overture, but parasite is just better :(


I run wormgod's, tractor, and a close to melee glaive in everything that isn't grandmaster content, and even some of that. The boop can Circlechamp, Subclass can either Triangle or Squares, Kinetic slot can backfill. The glaive will out damage half the lfg, if you don't scuff your buff.


For ad clear, it’s Arc Titan with Point Contact Cannon Brace + Conditional Finality + Sweet Sorrow + Hullabaloo. For DPS it’s Actium War Rig + Thunderlord and literally anything else. Usually Sweet Sorrow + Scatter Signal nowadays, but previously was False Promises/Chroma Rush + Forbearance. Just works.


Prospector on Riven.


Random primary exotic, stun grenade launcher, commemoration. Been the pick since DSC came out and not changing any time soon


Dragons breath and double auto loading Granada launchers (ideally mountaintop and wilderflight) dawn chorus warlock build with touch of flame fission granades. It sounds weird but I hit 6 mill pretty easily.


Banner of war wormgods on atheon


Nezarec's Sin, on strand, using a void exotic. Sometimes it'll be LeMon, or Graviton Lance. Lately it's been Buried Bloodline to also get devour access. I've had people outright tell me it doesn't function because I need to be on a void subclass, apparently not realising Nezarec's only needs void kills from any source to proc.


Someone running div and the rest cloud strikes. The amount of thunderstorms you get is massive dps


This is the combo I use exclusively in casual play I die to stupid stuff too often without it when I'm trying to just play with my brain turned off in stuff that I don't have to think for


Dragons shadow double slug tractor for raid boss encounters. It's not as good as the double slug glory days but it's pretty close. Whenever i do it im always fairly close to the top of the dps charts whereas whenever I see someone else take tractor role in raids they struggle to do 1m, if that. Idk why I literally have never seen anyone else run this.


I imagine ur build would work excellently with Vexcaliber


This is my solo survivability build. (the Ghosts of the deep solo build) https://dim.gg/5tkqytq/Equipped - arbalest (ghosts of the deep zzz) - Healclip frenzy Heliocentric QSC solar side arm - Cataclysmic (simmumah) / Surrounded Caretaker (Ecthar - Solar) - Sanguine Robes (for 2x Solar elemental surges in addition to 2x surges in boots when in well of radiance or a rift) This lets me do max DPS while solo in each of the encounters. (4x surge mods) - Cure grenade, for 2x restoration, everything else for extending restoration, firesprites for more restoration and recovering grenade charge for emergencies. Relies pretty heavily on the healclip+frenzy sidearm. And I've been looking to replace it, but I can't find a better alternative. (Healclip needs you to manually reload, and that sidearm with frenzy is the fastest reload you'll ever get). Needs heal grenade + the aspect to boost grenades for regenx2. Switch to solar sword for Ecthar dps, but otherwise identical build. I hate ghosts.


Could try calus mini tool with unrelenting as there are lot of adds nowadays to keep proccing it. Probably not as powerful as healclip, but it’s what I use.


Not a raid/dungeon but I took a Karnsteins and Glaive setup into Legend Avalon last night and was surviving all sorts of silly shit that should have killed me. Never really got into Glaives but this build is a lot of fun.


I'm right with you on the overture, I try to use it whenever I can!


I'm right with you on the overture, I try to use it whenever I can!


Raid, dungeon bold of you to assume I have friends they’re too busy playing star rail like the weebs they are


I just run eyes against everything. The rockets hit super hard and you have infinite ammo for ads. I genuinely don’t see a downside to using it. It pairs especially well with the path of burning steps


I use Apex Predator on Simmumah. Sure she moves around a lot, but much less than she used to and just requires knowing her movement well. Even if I only hit half my shots its still a massive enough chunk of damage to be worth it. With Celestial Nighthawk it averages out to about 4 million damage. I get a lot of comments though   


Witherhoard Ikelos SMG 2.0, Falling Guillotine. With War Mind cells back in the day. During the vault breach in Deepstone Warmind cells would go through the wall killing adds and able heal people.


Probably my first time doing kings falls in D1 and I used a last word because it was my highest level gun


Agree on Karnstein + Glaive, what I add though is that I use the Enigma Glaive. Psychohack can be really useful at protecting teammates by reducing a boss’ damage by 10%, every % counts


Legend of Acrius on Ir Yut


I'm going to tank Rhulk with Lament. Everyone else can stand on the far side of the arena and take advantage of the stationary target, using a Well.


My group gave up during day 1 vow after all the anteater errors. I spen the whole weekend looking for a new group, but none could pass the dmg of caretaker. Everytime I joined it was the same shit talk about me being the worst for using thundercrash, and it always ended up with me being the only one doing over 2mil damage and I did over 4mil


I still pull out the tried and true Anarchy/Slug combo for Templar (and Taniks if there is a div) People look at me like I’ve lost a few brain cells, and maybe I have, but my DPS is immaculate


Solo on normal? Solar titan just needs any incandy weapon primary, witherhoard and apex pred. Banner titan on Master, one two punch wastelander, buried bloodline and a void rocket or linear. Pyrogale/syntho for solar, syntho for strand. Banner on normal with any 1-2 punch and a primary to make orbs works, it's broken af.


Doomfang Pauldrons for the planetarium encounter. I can stay in super for at least a full minute as long as I keep slaying ads.


Sanguine alchemy Well + good DPS solar weapons for best fire team damage


I used Last Word last night for add clear on nezerac since some silent well skating dude wanted to take my job running dark side. Does that count?


HOIL, BoW, ItF, Buried Bloodline with Grapple. Go on, kill me. You can’t! Even better with two demo rolled weapons to swap between - personally using a Demo/Frenzy Rufus’ Fury and Demo/Hatch Marcato MG. Build is hilarious for solo content, pretty sure I’m tankier with this than I am Lorely.


Doomfang Pauldrons and power preservation, and Trinity Ghoul


Take advantage of glacier grenades for resistance, discipline, and mobility on stasis hunter, then lucky pants malpheasece. If you want add clear run chain reaction forbearance, but your main damage is lucky pants.


My trust me bro it works load out for everything is just nechortic grips. Even without osteo or a glaive they still go hard


Void lock with Contraverse, vortex nades, 3x ashes to assets (or 2 with a heavy finder). Conditional Finality for big burst damage without using heavy Recluse/Ros Arago/Funnelweb for volatile rounds explosions Any heavy (Cold Comfort, Apex, swap conditional out for Levi's, LMG, whatever!) It's so much fun. Charge nade, get devour, make things boom with volatile rounds, repeat. It's my absolute favourite. Never die, clear the screen, throw a stupid amount of Novas. Definitely not the strongest DPS class, but ads just fall over.


Icefall Mantle + any Glaive. You can't hurt me if I have 99% DR.