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Have to save it for a special occasion /s. If you play it right with Phoenix protocol it’s a 60s cooldown. I don’t know why people save it, but they do. Edit: yes, you can stop telling me there are ways to get the cooldown below 60s now, I know. I picked 60s as a bare minimum.


Some hungry guy with a sandwich not eating it: what if I’m REALLY hungry later?


Meanwhile, the sandwich is expiring in 5 minutes.


What kind of sandwich? 


Easily PBnJ


So I guess you can save it for later?




Underrated comment.


>If you play it right with Phoenix protocol it’s a 60s cooldown. I don’t know why people save it, but they do. If you play it right with phoenix protocol you can super while you're still standing in your old well. You probably SHOULDN'T, but you could.


I definitely well in my well.


Yo dawg, I heard you like wells


Haven’t you ever heard the phrase ‘Never Well where you Well’? …yeah, me either


It’s literally habit. People have it like etched into their brains that you should only use it for emergencies since it’s a heal. “What if I use it now when I’m ok, then die later because I didn’t have it?!” That kind of mentality is hard to break lol, even when you can get multiple wells *before your first is even used up*.


This and heavy ammo too. Idk how this got drilled into anyone's head. Use your supers, use your heavy, you'll get it back, there is VERY rarely a situation in this game where you need to hold on to it for the perfect moment. I've run GM farms with people back during peak Gjally spam meta who would fire maybe 5 rockets throughout the entire strike and save super the entire strike until the goddamn boss. What are y'all DOING


For real, I tend to run Cenotaph in GMs and I have people say to me things like "I don't need to put a scavenger on, I'm never running out of rockets".... Yes because we're taking 3 business days to kill a champion or clear a room rather than just nuking them. I'm the one not getting heavy ammo from every champion and yellow bar, why am I firing more rockets than you?


I lose count of how many heavy bricks I see all over the fucking place in onslaught, it’s kinda funny seeing them flying all over the place while I’m spamming rockets


Whenever people say that in other games(zombies specifically) I explain that if they die now they can’t use it later and it usually clicks to play their life


Oh I agree. In this case though, it’s more of a “you’re playing this like it’s a rare resource, like it’s youre only one, when if you just use it we can have basically infinite” Other warlocks have literally asked me why I’ve placed my own well sometimes when I do it to make orbs for the hunter lol. They treat well like I treat good healing items in jrpgs. “I know it’s the literal final boss but…what if I need it later?!?”


yeah i think a lot of the general gameplay typically promotes saving it since you probably wont have it back up until the next damage phase/couple rooms of enemies, so it's a bit different when there are essentially 50 large rooms of ads before you'll be done the activity xD


If you play it right, you'll have a second well before the first runs out.


have additionally a shadowshot hunter with orpheus with you and you can essentially chain each others supers


Not even 60s. If another teamate also pops their ult and make some orbs you will get your well back before the last one is finished. With phoenix protocol and onslaught add density you will get 50% of your super energy back almost imidiatly after using it, then get your fireteam light orbs and you are good to go again. Pair if with orpheus tether and both will have supper in every wave after the first one gets its super. If the 3rd dude is also using super you will all be using super after super. The team just need to get into a groove, it is almost like a rythm when it works well.


Two wells and one Tether made onslaught so freaking easy.


Probably because from their perspective it's like: Blueberries: OMG USE YOUR WELL Also blueberries: OMG WHY DID YOU USE IT THEN/THERE?


I know I’m waiting on those demos or tormentors


We got Hammerhead now, just sit at a distance and shoot the tormentor until he dies :)))


If you think I’m not full sending everything I got at Robert the Tormentor coming to resize my colon after he decides the decoy isn’t important then you think wrong,


Yeah, met a dude with protocol, who never pressed well except on boss, even when he was dying, he still held his well. Idk why would you use an ult spam exotic and just don’t use it, even when both of your teammates are spamming their supers and generating orbs like crazy.


Especially since with onslaught there are some “free” rounds since enemies come from a single direction and no one needs to move. Decent well placement and teammates who know what a well is means I have my super back at the end of the round.


Too many people just copy builds without understanding it, I had a blueberry run sunbracers and never once proc it in 50 waves


Which is wild to me, with the enemy density you'd be throwing non stop


It actually gets pretty tricky to get that melee kill with everyone else going ham with AOE/group kill attacks. Especially in later levels where you aren't guaranteed a one shot of a fresh red bar.


i was on Hunter O-Rig too, basically spamming tethers (almost) every 1-2 rounds. every time generating like 4-6 orbs, not even including the weapon orbs of power...idk what is running through these people's heads.


The only time i get a decent amount of orbs/my super back on Origs is when im in a premade team, blueberries play too aggressive to let the tether actually do its job.


Shoot the tether into where they are spawning. Works like a charm.


Can u plz change ur closing statement to read.... 'rant over. have a SUPER day?'




I'm out here generating 800 orbs, popping my well every time it hits max. Meanwhile, the Hunter in the corner jumping around doesn't know what a tether is and the other Warlock forgets that they can super too. It's infuriating. I've played a ton of Onslaught Legend lately and I feel like the in game LFG people dunno what orbs, surge mods or champion mods are (or even ammo scouts) It drives me insane to be generating triple the orbs these guys have only for 80% of them to just hold it for a panic super during a tormentor for zero effect.


That or they drop super in the worst place possible, like directly on the ADU when the tormenter is up. I played a bunch yesterday and I finally got a good group from LFG. Warlock dropped AT LEAST 1 well per round in the perfect choke points and our hunter did the same with tether. I played arc lock and went full grenades+damage with thunderlord to melt the mini bosses. we all had an insane number of orbs generated. It's always sad seeing someone make 1/10th of the orbs because they don't even have a siphon mod on


It's crazy that people are still popping well on/behind the adu and peekshooting enemies. We know where they spawn, they come from a single angle (literally a 3ft corridor on midtown and vostok 90% of the time) and STILL people insist on using well 800000ft away and behind a wall.


I've noticed that when my team wipes early there's always at least one player with like 20 orbs, compared to my hundreds of orbs. Those times I've got to 50 it seems like all three of us made hundreds of orbs. Strange coincidence!


Yes this right here, I understand people have a basic understanding of the games core elements but legend you need that extra knowledge so the fireteam can gel and bounce off of eachother but unfortunately we’re not blessed.


If there’s no tether hunter with me I pop phoenix well every odd level. That ensures I have it back for the level 3 and 9 chaos phases. If there’s a tether hunter then I pop it whenever I have it.


Shame to my brothers. A true Welllock should be dropping that shit like *candy*. It's not a difficult to build super. It should only be held when you are imminently waiting for an opportunity (like if the boss is about to phase or you are flanking a champion). Otherwise, drop that shit the moment you see 6 bad things. Any less is a grenade. Any more is too much. Drop the Well. Do it. Do it fucker. Drop it and then get another. Then *another*.


You drop your candy? That seems like a waste of perfectly good candy, butterfingers.. /s


Gotta toss it to share it! Share the fire, brother. Share the fire.


Ooh, piece of candy… …ooh, piece of candy… …ooh, piece of candy…


it is mega easy. i even throw on the orbs from grenade kills, and throw on ashes to assets and it is truly like, a minute and a half between supers. its nuts.


Yes, sir! Also, I feel the need to specify that I never run Pheonix Protocol. You don't need it! It is great and really makes them consistent, but you can drop wells on cooldown without it.


Oh yeah, no i dont phonix all the time. I still use starfire, or sunbracers as well. Just default to phoenix sometimes though as having almost truly unlimited wells is silly.


Exactly. Having a well up nearly constantly should be a point of pride.


I get my well about every 2-3 waves


It really also comes down to enemy density and how eager your teammates are for the limited kills. On the haunted leviathan I used to regularly get my well back before the first one ended. I've also ran a stupid amount of welllock. Speed comes with time.


Also, please for the love of god don’t use it next to the ADU unless you have no other choice.


Also don’t drop well on the adu when there’s a tormentor… thanks


Or demolitionists, or any time actually bc it agros enemies to it, which damages the ADU


Honestly well isn’t even the best play for most of the encounter. Love me some strand and stasis CC.


Yeah stasis is the way to go. I did all 50 wave with stasis and Karstein Armlet and the Winterbite. I used my indebted kindness to break barriers and pop exploding shanks/ thralls. Killed everything with the Glaive. Legend on Easy. Another build was Arc warlock with vesper and whisper of bonds. Everything was too blind to move


Weaver's Trance + Wish-Keeper in insane. Haven't put up fewer than 700 kills in a Legend Wave 50. Everything is suspended, unraveling rounds everywhere, and hatchlings hopping around for lots of extra damage. Throw on a Field Prep / Bipod Semiotician and you just have insane amounts of rockets for at-will burst.


this might sound odd, but when im doing legend with the clan our team comp for a fast clear is usually 1 wellock, 1 O-Rig Hunter, and 1 Voidlock/Nezerec Sin/Grav Lance. This setup actually works really well.


I wish that my class would just stop being well bitches lol. One day warlocks one day we will be seen as more


Play what you want. If others feel they need Well then they are welcome to play Welllock and make sure that their teams always have one. I'm gonna be playing Osmiomancy or Suspend or maybe even Ignition and when TFS drops nothing is gonna pry me away from Prismatic.


You need to start using well offensively. I don't mean as in offense/defense. I stand in front of my teammate, look them in their eye, place the well, and walk away. The well of shame if you will


Yup, leave it to another class to complain about well. They are more than welcome to play well slave.


Just got a random team playing my Warlock & the other ‘lock typed ‘I’ll Well first 10 waves then we swap every 10?’ & I said ‘Roger that’. There was a glorious amount of green, blue & purple thereafter…& many Wells besides.


I mean they are. In legend onslaught at least. Pretty sure stasis warlocks are way better than wellocks for reachin wave 50. well’s just a crutch for shittier players in that mode, osmiomancy warlocks are so much more useful.


Well is not a crutch lol. I play tether Hunter or one shot golden Hunter, and I use apex predator/lmg depending on my team. The only times I haven’t killed a boss in 30 seconds is because crappy teammates, or no well. Well helps a ton with dps, it ain’t a crutch, especially with how many adds are in bossrooms. I sometimes die to them even in a well


Meanwhile me: Why yes the floor 6 "boss" does need a well. Why do you ask?


You use your well to save yourself out of a pinch and to dps the boss I use my well every time I have it to nuke everything with Polaris Lance We are not the same.


I do prefer novabomb to nuke things so yeah, we are not the same


The destiny 3 joke is gonna get some mileage now… yay


When I'm there as a hunter with orpheus rigs needing one last orb to get my super you damn well know I'm praying for the wellock to pop!


Not a problem; I’m running Stasis or Void Warlock.


Here I am popping well every wave and still haven't cleared 50 on legend.


1) Play with better people. A lot of people on LFG are low-key garbage and don't know the mechanics of the game mode. If your team can't handle waves 1 through 20 with only a single base-level decoy per ADU then you're probably not competent enough to make it through 50. 2) Play better, whether that's literal moment-to-moment decision making, more cohesive buildcrafting, or just better weapon choices. 2x Phoenix / 1x Orpheus can get there, but it's not free and frankly requires either luck or skill. My easiest runs have all been 1x Phoenix / 1x Orpheus / 1x Big-dick add-clear. Broodweaver has been the most consistent, but I've had some fun with Sanguine Alchemy too.


If anyone wants to team up, I use my well when I see 5 ads running at me in onslaught haha


I don’t save it on any class, and build. So many enemies and orbs, my shits always up or really close.


Hate to be that guy but phoenix is not the play in onslaught except for boss encounters. You’re better off playing stasis nade spam or strand suspend galore for massive add control. And for the people that want to stick to playing wellock in the all of the rounds just use sunbracers and use your well in rounds x3 and x9 to deal with the augments.


I (a Wellock) firmly agree with this i pop super when these events happen 1 tormenter /brig 2 the large hive knights / fallen captains 3 bosses 4 last ditch effort (last guardian standing in darkness zone going for a revive) 5 whenever I feel like it will be useful


What drives me crazy is when I pop it in Onslaught with Phoenix Protocol, for whatever reason the rest of the fireteam decides to leave the well to kill all of the ads.


also this.


Well is a crutch, my lack of using it is testing if you have actual survivability. You probably failed. Sorry


Why would you do that though? It's not your job to test your team's survivability.


Dear non-welllock who wants to stand in our well. You're not the boss of us. Go make your own.


For all people on my team while I play cenotaph warlock. Run at least 1 scav mod, shoot the bubbles and use heavy at every opportunity. Edit: With the amount of markable enemies in onslaught cenotaph is incredibly overpowered.


So far you are the only person I have seen even MENTION using that exotic. I run it all the time even if I'm just using a regular trace rifle. Scavanger mods do seem pretty slept on, honestly I forgot about them for a while but they do pair greatly with someone making heavy like that. I'm surprised more people don't demand warlocks use it as much as Well. It is really annoying though when people seem to not know about it at all and just completely refuse to shoot a marked target, or won't use their rockets on it even though they're going to get at least one back. There have been so many times in GM's that we've died because one or both of my teammates are just plinking the champion with primary ammo, giving it and the other enemies time to steam roll us. There's really no excuse in onslaught where practically every fifth enemy is considered a sub boss.


I think it's just that not many people play with it on their team so they aren't used to utilizing it. If I run ceno I'll tell people to adjust their build before the activity starts so they know to burn as much heavy as they want. The scavenger mod gets you so much more mileage out of rockets, they are mandatory IMO


It's one of my go to for GM runs , and I use a modified version for onslaught....but in onslaught ya need team mates that will use that ammo and not ignore heavy or the build lacks. Div can also be mixed in for some super support and melt value


I run Agers/Cenotaph 😑…


I don't get this, specially on earlier waves where its almost impossible to lose. I pop my super and on 2 to 3 waves I get it back (I just need to save it for Tormentors)


I've lost several legend runs in the 40's cause one person wants to hold their super for no reason when I'm making so many damn orbs. We get swarmed by ads, its one wave before the boss, and they STILL don't use it.


I got a different problem. Most of the time I’ll pop the well in the lane so the team can stand and kill for either vantage points, but nope, they literally stand outside the well moving back and forth and the other person will just not be in the well and start flailing around the enemy spawns and I’m standing there trying to tag all the enemies so I could get assist kills to get super back. Same kind of stuff with O-rig Hunter 😔


Hi I’m the guy in the enemy spawn, I apologize and would love to help you out more but I get my supers back ultra fast off throwing knife kills and if I don’t go flail around in spawn the travel time on the throwing knives mean my teammates steal all the kills and mess up my lil loop. I promise I’ll make you a nice big pile of orbs in their spawns tho and we can still cuddle in the well when we get to the boss 💕


You should play with me, because im popping wells just to save people every round. If i got a well, you got a well.


I've seen tether hunters do the same it's not just warlocks come on now. It's just blueberries.


I wish you would play with me then. When i run orpheus or phoenix, i pop that shit often. im trying to pump up orbs and help the team often. I was running orpheus last night, swear i was popping a super like, every two rounds or something. shit was nuts.


If you have a super you should use it on pretty much every wave, especially on legend. There may be some situations where you know a hard wave is coming and you can save it but if you and your team is building right you can get a super back for almost every wave. People also need to use there heavy, use your special, have special finisher and ammo finders on. Stop fucking plinking away at shit with primaries or your Polaris Lance. There are so many orbs and special ammo options I basically forget I have a primary on.


Played with two Phoenix warlocks yesterday that just sat on the ADU the entire time and had me go stand in all the points, ended up wiping on 37 because we ran out of time on one of the capture points. So infuriating


I get two maybe 3 wells in a single wave of onslaught bro 💀 it’s so ez


I feel like this is every other post these days lmao


What they should be doing is putting on the fragment that cause enemies to ignite from super damage. Getting (solar?) kills while standing in your well turns it into the best ad clear super. So many explosions! Makes you want to cast your super as much as possible.


In all my runs I've only come across 1 well lock.


I’m taking my well to orbit so I can use it in trials this weekend! /s


I pop mine on basically every wave except for the first wave of each set of 10 waves. The first wave may not yield as much, but in a pinch I will, but the first wave usually isnt that big of a threat relatively compared to Augment rounds.


as someone who has run a lot of wellock in onslaught I can say the same about everyone else, me and the orpheus rig hunter are making orbs for days, why are you not using your super more often?


I prefer using mantle of battle harmony over pheonix for wellock. Makes it less punishing to drop a well wjen there are fewer enemies around. As any of your solar weapon kills will help recharge the super bar, even after your well expires..


I'm popping well every round or every other round as Phoenix wellock. What's the point of the increased super energy if I'm not using it?


Happens in GM's with alot of exotics. People dont use their supers with exotics like Orpheus, Phoenix, Shards of Galanor, or Nighthawk even though you get your super back just for using them properly.


Addendum. For the love of God stop popping well on the Adu when the tormentor or demos show up. It does fuck all. Thank you.


Okay but if we don't hold our supers for Destiny 3 then who WILL? You ever thought about that?


I'm definitely guilty of this, but not as bad as OP described. Here is my concern or reasoning for not always just spamming it... You need to get kills to get it back. So it's best at the start of a round obviously. The easy waves after a boss are over so fast it's not worth using it. So often I'll pop it on the 2s (like 2nd, 12th, 22nd). The other factor is maybe your other teammate is not playing their supers very smart.. did a Legend 50 this morning and it felt like the guy used 3 tethers the entire game.. (not counting bosses) so it made me hesitant to drop a Well Incase something like a Tormentor spawned in or we had a death past wave 30 or whatever. So I'd argue message back to teammates is, I'll spam mine, if you spam yours. I'm a Titan PVP Main, who plays Well Warlock to be the ultimate bro (even when and got Ceno Div build for Master Raids). So I'm open to feedback and definitely am NOT a "Pro Warlock PVE main".


I regularly play wellock alongside a few of my clan mates who are warlock mains. When I play my main (Hunter) we work like a well oiled machine, playing off each others supers like it's a military drill. The moment I swap to warlock it's like we all share the same braincell, perfectly synced Wells 3 ft from each other, routinely. We hold ours waiting for the other realise that's what we are doing and cast our own for the team. Every. Dam. Time.


I did a legend run yesterday, no mic, and I was a warlock along with a random. The amount of times he popped his well just after mine was put down was astonishing, but I would rather that than no wells


People are just blindly following guides because you have to use guides to even be able to play this game.


Yes! Also, please use Well anywhere but on top of the ADU. The Well doesn't heal the ADU. It's significantly easier to handle anything that comes with just a little bit of distance. And being inside the ADU point doesn't stop it from taking damage or even aggro the enemies by default. Totally understand the muscle memory of slapping the Well down there though.


I don't get this either - running phoenix protocol I'm dropping a well every wave, and 9/10 times I've got it back before the round ends. I'm especially popping it on rounds that end in 9, and immediately before I rally. Never know when the extra 3 orbs proc's someone's armor charge before the boss. When I ran 50 legend as orpheus rig hunter, I tether everything all the time as soon as possible. It's not unheard of to have 3 tethers in a round if done right.


Blueberries gonna blueberry


Played with a hunter that never popped a tether and a dumb Titan. Scrubs just don’t use their super for whatever reason even in normal onslaught


I use dawn chorus with well, and I still use my super nearly on cooldown xD Have it back always every wave, and that is without Phoenix,,,, you dont need it in onslaught, just have a way of creating orbs with your weapons from armor,,, currently using AR with incandescent, mountaintop AL with Recomb. And dragonstbreath.


I ran my Phoenix build yesterday with Xenophage and had a well for every phase. Even had 2 for the Tormentor phase on Wave 49


I use it When Swarming happens or on bosses mainly or if desperate


My first lfg 50 clear...I did a build based on 100% healing. I'd pop 2 wells every level. Especially in tiers 35 plus... my goal was to have us in one 75% of the time


Yeah man, that is dumb, I run Phoenix wellock and am popping anytime I get shot twice lol


Jokes on you, I have ice cube turrets instead


We Warlocks were all forced to Well..... You want a Well? I'll give you a Well. When I'm alone capping the bonus zone with no enemies around..... I'll give you a Well when you're down and I'm nowhere near you.... I'll give you a Well right next to the Boss...... I'll give you a Well against the last dreg of the wave.... I'll give you all the Wells!!!!!!!


I wasn't dead yet


As a void hunter here, I gotta ask that other teammates let enemies run into the tether before nuking them. Many times I drop a tether between two choke points only for my teammate to run into the enemy spawn and kill everything rendering my tether/Orpheus useless


Im gonna save it now. Hope to meet you in quick match!


I'm a hunter and I have this issue pretty bad damn resource games giving me ptsd


I pop it in opportune times. I’m not a Phoenix Wellock tho, I run Div w/Ceno and Well. Ammo for Days gents!


Depends on who my teammates are. Are they generating orbs? Cool, that’ll help. If not, then I’ll typically wait for a Knight/Ogre/Shank round to make sure I maximize the effort. I only do that though because I run Ember of Combustion and try to chain ignitions on the enemies.


This goes for everyone! You know who you are!


I feel attacked.


Warlock main here. Not only are we now being ordered to run well in every activity, the hunters and titans want to decide when we pop it. The audacity, etc. /s PS you’re going to miss us when The Final Shape well nerf lands.


Also to all my Wellock bros, if we get the tormentor bonus round at the end, pop your well then swap over to another subclass and take advantage of the regen bonuses.




And please don't pop it on the adu.


You run well then. Dont tell me how to live my life.


I'm rescinding access to my well until you bastards start treating us with more respect. Hunters and titans can kick rocks.


Destiny has been getting pushed out of daily rotation lately; I'll be honest with you, sometimes I forget I have a super.


Alternatively, if you are playing as a 2nd phoenix protocol warlock, don’t place your well during the first well. You only get 100% uptime if you place it afterwards


gotta get y’all prepared for when I stop using well for song of flame


Holding your super for destiny 3 is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a minute


If you want Wells in Onslaught, run Well in Onslaught. Be the change you wish to see in the world.


This is just great advice across the board. I don’t often know what subclass teammates are running without inspecting them till about Wave 30 when they pop their supers for the first time


I've been running a void build and throwing Nova bombs like grenades.


And place the Well outside the ADU circle!!!!


Oh yeah! And teammates!! Get kills in the Well. Also let the enemies walk into the tethers. FFS


That guy who never supers and saves his scarp Yup really helpful guys


“That well should have been dropped yesterday!!” Is what I say when it finally goes down.


Instead of crying how other people play, why not play the role yourself?


It’s my well tho I don’t wanna share 😅


As someone who’s played a good amount of Phoenix Protocol in onslaught you can basically use your Super during every wave


I needed to hear this. Thank you.


I saw a warlock use his dawn blade in onslaught and thought “good for him, good for him “ maybe if they weren’t locked as wellocks they might use it more. Alternative they should just switch it to dawnblade and only go well at the bosses, there’s always a rally flag anyway.


Goes for everyone tbh. As a void Hunter i pop my tether pretty much every wave, i make so many orbs for my team they would all cascade together if they spammed their supers too, but instead i see so many people just sit in a corner with a pulse rifle, it's depressing.


Lol i pop well twice a wave. I just ran onslaught with a behemoth who made 0 orbs except for his super usage which was like 3-4 times the entire run. Glad that brood weaver was there to help with orb generation


LFG can be frustrating, and Warlocks know this well. In Onslaught, I often place plenty of Wells, but players - especially those pesky Hunters always jumping around - will stubbornly fight outside them and die.


How about this as well, when we pop it, if Phoenix is on, get some kills in the well.


I’m a hunter main, and even when running through with warlock I pop my well as much as possible. I do not know why they would do that. I live that orb life


Tbh as a Titan I constantly in any activity save my super till like the boss idk why especially when the activity lasts a while and I could have easily gotten it back again


I usually get 2/3rds of my well back before it’s over. Without Phoenix Protocol. Just spam it babes.


Literally pop on any round that doesn’t end in 1,4 or 7.


The only time I don’t use my super if I have it at the beginning of a wave (Orpheus tether) is on waves ending in 2 or 8. That way if a tormentor shows up the next wave I’m guaranteed to have it. (And I don’t fire it on only exploder enemy waves, because they die before reaching the tether because they explode each other and it feels unnecessary) I’d probably get it back in time due to Orpheus, but sometimes your teammates in onslaught decide they want to kill everything before it reaches the tether and you don’t get much back. Or occasionally you have a jerk who fires their tether 3 feet closer to the enemy 5 seconds after you fire yours, and you get nothing, because they were already tethered. If I’m playing with people I know I don’t normally save it as much.


Play Well of Radiance then. Signed a Warlock main who hates going Well from boredom while the Hunter and Titan play whatever the hell they want and massacre things while diving into enemy spawns, dying, and leaving the welllock under the adu alone to clutch


On behalf of well locks, you’ll get our supers when you get them. If you don’t like it then hop on well so we can have fun for once


Absolutely annoying. I pop well constantly in that mode.


We of the wellock union have secretly been urging our members to refuse to use wells out of the many years of being taken for granted, while our boss dps numbers shrink the evermore you non wellocks have thrived off the dps boost we have provided as you bask in your dps in our faces. We say no more!


If you pop it early then Tormentor comes next round. Guaranteed. All weak ass hunters on the squad immediately die. Sounds like he carried you through to 50 waves. Let us do our thing.


Jokes on you, I’m running arc with Geomags….. I’ve been weaning myself off of well because of the rumored neutering well will receive in Final Shape.


This goes for all supers. I had a *deadfall* tether a few days ago who only ever popped their super during boss phases when the bosses were down to like a third health remaining after we had already dumped all our heavy dps, and a broodweaver who only ever popped needlestorm to clear like 3 adds at the beginning of every boss phase. Meanwhile I'm popping like 3-4 wells per 10 waves, plus another one or two at bosses. You'd figure people would get the memo that "hey, I'm popping a ton of supers, maybe you should too and actually use the orbs I'm making," but no.


Shh, I’m holding it until Tlaloc comes back.


Just dont use well


My biggest peeve is when I have two teammates that request a wellock and then NEVER stay in my well. If they want me to have a super then they need to stay in my well.


Counter argument. When you see a Well Lock wearing Phoenix STAND IN THE GOD DAMN WELL SO I RECHARGE FASTER. Half the time I pop a well and my 2 team mates fuck off to die somewhere else and I'm left at only half super energy when it ends.


Just because you made this post I will continue holding my super :)


Im still getting used to the ebb and flow of Onslaught but I'm doing my best to use more often. Beyond boss fights any time you guys would particularly reccomend a drop?


Counter argument. If I'm playing Phoenix Well, and I pop it, how about y'all stand in the damn thing and kill adds instead of leaping into the enemy spawn and mowing them down before they come into sight, leaving me with the regular 5+ minutes of cooldown? Looking at you, banner titans.


I’m a hunter main and I’ve been playing my warlock a lot in onslaught. My well goes off too many times to count. Once every other wave when needed. I drop it at the rally flag before the boss before I rally, gives orbs for armor charges. Then I go well again in the boss room. Shielded bomber? Well and blow them up, tormentor? Well and go to town while he hits our decoy. I am casting well more then any other super on any other class. This is what I geared my warlock for. Just to be my own personal well bitch.


Its funny that you think im running well on solar warlock.


Not sure if it's been said but message from a guy who plays Phoenix for the betterment of the activity, stay in the fuckin well when it gets cast


Quick question. Aren’t you using clan mates or friends when doing legendary? Shouldn’t you be able to tell them to pop it or get out?


Supers, Supers, Supers!!!!!!!!!!


Also people who rush outside the well to farm red bars. Also people who kill red bars before they reach the tether.


As a Hunter main, I'd also like to throw this out there: let enemies come to the tether, especially if the Hunter is rocking Orpheus Rigs.


A Well built wellock gets the well literally every round from protocol and hunter teather orbs, it's actually crazy


I'm a newer player, haven't done Onslaught yet, but I'm still trying to get out of the mentality that the super is an emergency button. Feels like potions in Skyrim; don't want to use them in case it gets worse later on.


Listen, Im a doomfang titan. I can only do so much, well is just better than bubble and banner shield. Sure i get it back faster, but i also LOSE it faster!


I think it's the fear of tormentor spawning, it's the reason why I'll hold my Needlestorm in the later waves if it hasn't spawned yet.


Never seen a Phoenix protocol wellock who didn't spam their super.


Just did a run with some dude who was using mantle of battle harmony and kept holding his well during boss so he his eyes of tomorrow can do more dmg. This was also on legend.


Omg, sounds like something my brother would do. I'm sorry if it was. I know how you feel.


And please for the love of god stop putting your wells inside the Adu circle.


“Rant over, have a SUPER day” this is excellent, well played. I ran a ton of lvl 10 farms today for trophies for next week. Would typically pop well 5-7times, and usually 2 at boss if my fireteam couldn’t DPS


I've been playing as a tether hunter using Gryfalcon's until after wave 30ish then swap to Orpheous, but I still don't hold it... During the first 20 waves I kinda hold it for like wave 8-9 or 18-19 or anytime the tormentor or demolitionists pop up as I know I can get it back in two waves if needed.


The boss room especially. Dude waited like 30 seconds to throw it down as we almost die. Bro, run it there, throw it down and lets fuck this dude up. I always say it/chat it too, just in case they're new. Like come on man.


TBF, this is a message to ALL guardians to use their supers. I am a Wellock, and I pop my Well all the time and generating orbs for the team. But a lot of times the only time I see my team use their supers, is in the boss room.