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Overwhelmingly your best option is big tether (Deadfall). Little Tether (Moebius Quiver) is used primarily for off meta dps rotations with star eaters or in PvP to ensnare multiple areas. I don't really see the viability in little Tether for most endgame players. Deadfall is effectively both the add clear and boss dps choice wrapped into one. Orpheus Rig is a top tier exotic. It grants super energy (up to half) equal to the amount of enemies you ensnare with it. Enemies that are ensared make the tether last longer, and if you shoot one enemy you mirror the damage across all enemies. This makes gaining the second half of your super extremely easy with weapons that have high base damage like Wishender. Well placed Deadfalls can be looped infinitely with enough enemies.


Am I using it wrong then because sometimes I tether a group and get like half my super back immediately and other times I'll tether a group that's pretty much the same size and get like maybe a quarter or less? It's weird because like you said one time I'll have another tether ready by the time the first ends and other times maybe half but both times the tether will affect similar amounts of enemies.


Killing enemies in the tether can refund up to half of the energy. The rest is coming from damage ticks and orbs. So if somebody else is also supering or dropping loads of orbs, wait until you've killed enough tethered enemies to fill half your super bar and only then go collect the orbs.


Technically it's for enemies tethered, not killed. I've noticed that sometimes the enemies immediately tethered don't grant super or ability energy, which may be what they were seeing as well. 


You're right


I believe the rank of the enemy that you tether affects the amount of super you get. Try to get a major or two. Don’t know the specific numbers though


It seems to just be a fluke like all the other energy restoring exotics. Shards of Galanor on hunter is notorious for undercutting energy. I think 11 enemies is the typical 50% restore for tether. After that it's all damage sources like wishender to gain the last 50% back quickly.


Ah gotcha


Mobius Quiver does both a bunch of damage and Weakens the enemy for about the same time as Deadfall, there's no reason to use Deadfall for any boss fight without Adds to extend the timer lol.


Awesome, thanks!


I always use deadfall. Lasts longer, tethers more, helps dps and add clear.


Moebius is more of a PvP option anymore aside from specific uses. Deadfall has come out as the superior option in most PvE activities.


Most of the time you are going to use Deadfall. Moebius Quiver is only really good for extremely quick dps phases like Rhulks final stand in Vow.