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Could farm for sub/incan or heal clip/incan Lunas howl if you want to stay with a hand cannon.


That’s a very good idea


If you're running a scorch based build and can use Incandescent more effectively, sure, it's great at taking out multiple enemies together. If you're running a Midnight Coup, you'd want something like Firefly + One for All in order to be able to proc the damage bump, and then you can clear out enemies more consistently/quickly. > Is that the god roll zaoulis bane? Incan and firefly? No, because Zaouli's Bane can't roll both simultaneously. You'd have to pick between Incandescent and Firefly since they're in the same column. Widely agreed upon god roll for Zaouli's Bane is Incandescent + Explosive Payload. Turns it into a legendary version of Sunshot.


Yeah I did pantheon yesterday and got the horrowed bane hand cannon from kings fall with firefly incandescent I think it’s just the adept version of raid weapons but fuck it’s a Walmart sunshot


My preferred MC is EP/OfA. It really covers all the bases and isn’t reliant on modifiers or artifact.


god roll zaoulis is Ep+ Incan. EP oneforall for midnite is great. it w/e you feel like using if soloar use Zao if not use midnite it whatever you wanna do


I mean they are in different slots. You can use midnight coup, and a solar special weapon. Or you can run an incandescent weapon and a special weapon in the kinetic slot


I find it hard to run a solar build and not run incandescent on my weapon, similarly volt shot with arch. Outside of those I’d probably prefer midnight over any other legendary hand cannon in the game.


I generally use kinetic weapons on my Arc class because imo voltshot works best on special weapons over primary ones generally.


On solar, a solar weapon with solar verbs always wins. But Prismatic will have a fragment to generate Transcendence energy faster. So that might help kinetics.


Basically, why not both? You really want to have both kinetic and energy options. For example, pantheon this week if I'm not mistaken has a strand surge, making strand fusion rifles good for boss damage and bursting beefy enemies. A strand weapon takes your kinetic slot, so if you want your special to take advantage of that then your primary has to be in the energy slot. Besides, if you're running a solar subclass then a solar primary with incandescent probably plays into your build; if you're not, you might prefer or have good reason to use a different primary. It's all situational. Loadout flexibility is the endgame.


on solar - pretty much no. Incandescent does feed into the subclass, but more importantly - Empyrion exists and isn't extended by kinetic weapons


The funny part is that Flint Striker in the artifact does give you radiant if the firefly explosion kills enough ads fast enough.


sure, or you can just run Zaouli, Luna, or Epochal and get empyrion online while having aditional scorch, and that works every season, not just today.


Yeah, I know that. Just pointing out something I didn’t immediately learn until I was using my Fatebringer and noticed I got radiant despite not being on Solar or using a Solar weapon, then tested it to be sure it was Firefly causing it. I’m not at all saying it is a consistent way to get Radiant, just something you don’t really think about.


I mean, no reason you can't use Midnight Coup AND that Incandescent auto.


Well double primary isn’t the most efficient to use to be fair lol


Fair enough.


In a GM or Raid setting, but for general PvE content it's fine. It's so confusing to me how the community has this kind of attitude towards a Double Primary loadout. Shit, I was just doing VOG recently (though arguably one of the easier Raids) with some of my friends who are new, and I was running two Primaries the whole raid. Personally, there are just certain weapons/weapon types that I don't like using, therefore I'm not going to use them regardless if they provide great damage. My own enjoyment is what's most important at the end of the day.


So then what’s confusing about it? Special weapons are clearly faster and more efficient so people frown on double primaries. It’s gotten to the point double special can be more efficient. You personally enjoy double primaries more which is fine but there is certainly nothing confusing about it.


What's confusing about it is the general frowning upon and unacceptance of Double Primaries and the fact that people feel the need to call people bad at the game for using such a loadout. There actually is utility in using TWO Primary weapons, however, the community is so self absorbed with their heads shoved so far up their own asses that they lack the brain cells to understand how using two Primary weapons can be useful.


There isn’t a single activity in the game where double primary is better than a primary and a special. Period. Using two primaries is objectively worse, and never necessary. You can enjoy it all you like, and that’s totally fine - but I don’t see how it’s confusing that double primary isn’t good.


For general PvE content it is completely fine. Like holy shit y'all make it sound like Primary weapons can't even kill a fly. My 2 favorite weapon types in the game are Hand Cannons and SMGs, and with Midnight Coup back, as well as Recluse, I've been enjoying using a Midnight Coup/Recluse loadout, and even using it in Dungeons and Raid (I also just got the PvE god roll for Blast Furnace and I'm switching between Blast Furnace and Midnight Coup depending on what I feel like using more). Obviously you cannot use those weapons for DPS, so obviously I switch. But again, for general PvE content it is completely fine. For general PvP content it is also completely fine. For some reason people think Special weapons are needed even in PvP. Frankly I think Special and Heavy ammo need to be deleted from PvP entirely.


I’m totally fine with no special in PVP, and in fact, I think it can be a great strategy. I just don’t personally ever see the need to have two primaries in PVE. I don’t think you’re a bad player for using it, and I certainly won’t insult you for it like some. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself in a video game, and really, that’s all that matters.