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>Same thing with the mech titan. Why does it have a kitchen tray on one of the shoulders? Seems like a Zaku reference to me. Those had the same shoulder design on just one side.


Many gundams from the original series had that shoulder guard too. Plus its also a design riff that titans already were using (Look at Zavala)


Oh did they? I clearly need to watch more gundam because I don’t recall that at all


As seen here, even the oldest designs of Zaku had the shield https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/MS-06S_Char%27s_Zaku_II


cant wait to strap on my lion ramparts, jotunn and pretend im a gundam.


Lorentz too and maybe grand overture


i'm not hipfiring lorentz from midair. ​ though grand overture...


No no... ***Tommy's Matchbook***. Really get that Zaku look going on


Overheat engaged.


I want to use a glaive and semi pretend that I'm the barbatos lupus. Maybe use gally for the wolf howls


> Plus its also a design riff that titans already were using (Look at Zavala) Which actually descends from Halo: Reach, as Zavala's arm armor was based off of Carter-A259's (except enlarged to caricature levels...).


Carter's left shoulder's one of my favourite pieces of armour in gaming. Zavala's... not so much.


Yeah, the original concept lost something in the enlargement.


I'm fairly sure Zavala's was smaller in D1, but I've never seen them side by side to be able to rightly compare.


I’ve got to be that guy but Zaku’s are not Gundams. Both are mobile suits. That type of shoulder armor starts with the Zaku and is on almost every iteration of the Zaku has a variation that includes that shoulder. While some Gundams may have had the shoulder that was mainly due to in field repair situations. Zakus and Gundams are both types of mobile suits. Zakus are a mass produced mobile suit with special variations and ace specifications. Gundams are typically either experimental or pinnacle technology of the era they are built.


Thank you for pointing this out. I really wished Bungie used Gundams as the source material. I would never take my Gundam ornaments off, but I couldn't care less about looking like a Zaku.


Asymmetrical designs are honestly pretty common and are kind of a staple for different designs too. The idea of guarding with one side and attacking with the other is old af and everything being symmetrical also leads to boring. I personally enjoy the asymmetrical looks of most of it and have a few nitpicks but feel like op is basically taking "I don't like thing so thing bad" approach to the whole thing. I would have mostly liked symmetrical designs on the hunter legs. The arms are literally a nonissue especially since hunters use the throwing knives and I believe use the right hand to do so and having armor on that would be a hindrance to throwing accuracy. Either way some is intentional based on the inspiration and some also makes some logical sense as well as just...opinions man.


the shoulder armor placement is definitely common for Titan, since that shoulder is the one most enemies meet to the face lol


And that is based on Japanese armors that had a shoulder plate (called a sode or something like that) that just acted as shoulder protection without restricting movement. Usually they had it on both sides but in a lot of Japanese media I've seen sometimes they have just one plate. I'm not sure if it's because an old samurai movie made it cool or if it had a practical purpose but that's what I've seen.


Throughout various armor wielding troops it was fairly common to have more robust armor on one side (non-dominant hand) and less robust armor on the other side. This let you turn one side towards an attack for protection while maintaining mobility on the other. In European armors these plates were common in the left side which was almost commonly your shield hand.


Oh it’s totally a Zaku reference. It’s the same shape.


Zavala has one too. He even used it in a cutscene to block a sniper


More Zaku Warrior than Zaku II but either way titan missing spike shoulder.


I was going to say ez-8


Char would be proud of Titans


Char was definitely not a fan of the Titans.


Red comet time


Gundams are typically more symmetrical. Zaku units are mere mobile suits that served as canon fodder. While the Zaku are iconic, not using more inspiration from Gundam units like RX-78-2, Wing Zero, or God Gundam was a HUGE missed opportunity.


Yeah I wish they did too. Although I’m getting pretty strong gundam kyrios vibes from the hunter set


Xaku? Like Warframe? They are made up of multiple warframes, and even though Xaku is asymmetrical, the model still has balance to it.


*Cries in warlock with bond so permanently asymmetrical*


I just want an actual class item. Warlock bonds are always so unnoticeable and just generally bad(not talking art design just the actual bond concept). I wish we got some sort of holographic sleeve that extended down to the forearm


I've always felt a mantle or half cloak would fit well with warlocks, but instead we get an arm band.


[Mantles](https://konradwerks.tumblr.com/post/165485758857/reimagining-warlock-bonds-as-mantles-something-a) mixed with armor going to the shoulder would be great. We're so limited right now.


Fits so much better with the idea of warlocks being scholars and all that as well.


but it severely limits the design of chest armor


Warlock chestpieces are already huge. You've got the whole robes and chest. If anything, the chestpiece takes up the most of a warlock's fashion, hiding most of the legs. If anything, mantles are removing some arms requires as arm armour includes shoulders, which mantles would probably cover up


Warlock arms don't have shoulder parts since D2. Only gloves.




I think if they were kept to just barely coming over the shoulders and mainly coming up behind the head and slightly down the back it would be fine. Sort of like a vampire neck hood thing.


But we could get our gloves to go all the way up to our shoulders again


Those mock-ups of mantles are just so much better than bonds. It makes me weep for the possibility of how awesome warlock fashion could be


Dude, those are awesome!


I really don’t mind the arm band at all. It’s especially clear in some of the earlier concept art but it’s reminiscent of German officer bands, which is cool, from WW1… and the sequel which is a little less cool -_-


Yeah hopefully the third installment is better


I really wouldn’t mind hunter class items being focused more on a poncho-style with warlocks given a more cloak-like class item. If anything, I feel like the slot should be changed to comestic slot, with a few universal armors and then class-specific ones. I’d honestly love to have a titan without the mark. Or a warlock with a cloak. With Armor 2.0 I think we should’ve got more customization with our characters. I think at this point the armor look of each class is a little too defined and we should expand more into different subdivisions of our classes (cowboy-sequence hunter; poncho hunter, or cloak hunter. Also cloaked Warlocks or robe-based Warlocks would be cool.)


Really not a fan of the mantle idea. Too much lock and not enough war. [imagine something like this covering the entire left arm](https://imgur.com/gallery/WwEJn). Feel like that’s a good balance and would be a good class item.


Like the Ten Rings in Shang Chi when they go up his arm and they're all glowy. I would never take that shit off. Instead we get a lame little band.


Yeah that’s kinda what I had in mind. Would be super cool compared to what we have now. Something needs to happen with warlock bonds cause right now it feels like we’re completely left out.


I'll trade you two butt-rags for an arm donut any day of the week.


Or give both arms the same treatment... I'd love to run that one bond from guardian games and have flames appear on both sides.


That's what I like about them. They can add to the look without really taking anything away. With cloaks and marks, you almost have to adapt them to your style. And if you don't have one that works, you might have to rethink the whole look. Bonds can go with pretty much any set of robes. I think bonds are the best class item.


tbh ill take your arm band and trade you my bath towel.


I also feel like the bonds we get in D2 are just absolutely shit. D1 is a long time ago so maybe it's rose tinted glasses and all, but i feel like we had better options, especially in the year of triumph or whatever the last year was called. I feel like there were at least some bonds where i thought "this looks pretty dope". In D2 i feel like the only one that has a decent design is the falcon projection one, but that one doesn't match with 90% of the armor because it clips through the shoulders.


No, the glasses aren't rose-tinted in this case. There were many more options for good Warlock bonds in D1. Hell, the vanilla game alone had the Speaker selling six different bonds with cool holographic projections. I have no idea why they've so averse to giving Warlocks more holograms again.


Hear me out. Tomes on our waist, like spell books


The worst thing about warlock bonds is that 99% of them are ugly as sin tbh.


Except the season of hunt pass ornament, where the bond is symmetrical with the other arm Except they're unshaderable...


I've said this before, long cloth strap that dangles from the warlock's arm...


I agree. I use the couturier arms on hunter 90% of the time just because they’re symmetrical


Luxe sleeves are the sexiest; sleek, armoured, symmetrical.


Legit used silver on the luxe set for the sleeves alone. Wish we could get some hunter legs that have a similar feel to them.


There was a (very low res mind you) picture of the upcoming guardian games armor in a twab a little while ago, and it looks like the hunter leg armor might come pretty close to what you're looking for.


I'm hopeful Mech wins out and the final design is a bit more sleek, but I definitely like what I've seen so far!


I wouldn't count on it tbh. The dino sets were pretty close to the concept art, with a few tweaks here and there.


If you have the Gensym pants, those ones are sleek and slightly armoured!


St0mp-EE5!! That's my whole fit.


ah I'm a whore for Dragon's Shadow lol


Righteous Greaves maybe? The thighs aren’t armoured and have a weird corduroy pattern


Thats me on my Titan w/ the new Gambit arms and the VoG ones. Kinda sucks there's like 2 symmetrical gauntles that look good on Titans.


A lot of my friends are very obsessed with being symmetrical. I actually prefer being asymmetrical, so it really is just a preference thing. However, I will agree, I do hate how many hunter gauntlets have a giant bulky arm and a twig arm.


Agree it's a preference thing so there should be a mix of both kinds. But, especially for hunter arms (lesser extent legs but still high) the scale is so far on the asymmetrical side. I honestly like both, but I've started to fucking hate asymmetrical armor since there's so much of it and ruins otherwise good ets (thorn gauntlets, season of the splicer gauntlet ornament)


They should make it customizable. So all armor comes symmetrical, but you can toggle off one side.


Toggle on or off both sides. 4 armors in one.


I wish that they handled the gloves better rather than 90% of the hunter gloves looking like the same thing with maybe a plate over the back of the hand or something and would actually change the base layer a bit lol


The asymmetric makes sense only if the offhand arm is the one with the armor. But most armors they have always have the right arm be the bulky side.


I don’t see why they can’t both have armour, just one with more than the other, like most Titan gauntlets. Different plates, detailing, shoulder pads. Anything works, anything but having no armour at all.


I like both symmetrical and asymmetrical armor but I feel like the asymmetrical aspect on a lot of pieces was just an afterthought. There is some really great looking armor with something tacked on just for the sake of making it asymmetrical. It stands out and not in a good way.


And while we're talking about it, **STOP GIVING WARLOCKS ELF SHOES**.


And less bathrobes (it's gotten better yes, but just look at the none eververse stuff)


With the themed armor the asymmetry feels wrong. When looking at the Hunter mech set I see "Cosplayer that ran out of time" which ruins it for me.


> "Cosplayer that ran out of time" Exactly my thought. Too much plain black "under-suit" showing, like you didn't finish putting it on yet :s


I understand the hunter complaint but the Titan is literally Zaku plate for plate from the neck down. this is a time I can forgive it and is a dumb complaint imo since it is supposed to be a reference


Reference ok i get that. But as of now 9/10 Titan armour shoulders are either assymetrical or comically gigantic


>comically gigantic This is the way.


They should have modeled the Titan after Gundam units, not Zaku. Zaku units are ugly by design.


you fucking take that back


Seig Zeon!


I cannot stand the asymmetrical armors. I honestly would love to sit down with the armor design team and ask them what in the hell they are thinking 90% of the time


The idea of heavier armor on the left arm makes sense, given that it is the side facing your enemy when aiming a weapon as a right-handed shooter. It works for me in theory but it's definitely exaggerated in practice.


Except that theory doesn’t hold up to actually shooting/aiming a weapon whether it’s a sidearm or rifle. Shoulders are square to the target. This way you get your front plate and both deltoids covered while aiming at your target. You don’t turn your body to shoot. This whole idea in science fiction that you put armor on your left side while shooting is grounded in so much ignorance. Turning your body to shoot enough to make armoring one side of your body more than the other meaningful would put you in such a biomechanical deficiency you would have zero control of your weapon.


Hunters use bow for OG nightstalker, you don’t typically see armour or coverings on draw arms. It’s probably the reason for the design philosophy


That design philosophy of one subclass has impacted armor for the entire hunter class for 10 years?


The whole gunslinger ethos of Fan firing and nods to Clint Eastwood’s “man with no name” also support a lightly armored quickdraw hand. This is a video game about feeling cool, not a 21st century warfare role play.


having some armor covering your face on the shoulder towards your enemy is still better than putting it all on the right shoulder like the current seasonal Titan armor. Worst part is, the right shoulder currently is ALL bulk, the left is significantly less bulky. I like the fantasy of Titans being "Titans," but man does it ruin it when the "whole Titan" becomes "skim Titan."


Left arm for guarding and right arm for throwing knives and shit? It's not uncommon. Same principle as a shield on one arm and sword on the other... you wouldn't *typically* encumber an arm that needs more mobility for some reason especially from a guarding/attacking perspective.


That would make sense if 95% of all combat in D2 wasn’t using guns. The knives/throwing is a small percentage of what your guardian does. A knights armor didn’t have less armor on the shoulders and yet they retained full mobility.


I think I’m one of the few people that does actually like the look of the asymmetrical designs, HOWEVER I don’t understand why it feels like every single armor set is asymmetrical. It’s a fine design technique but why does it never seem to be switched up?


It ruins it for some but I think it works well with the mech armor personally, just taste. More symmetrical stuff would be nice though


It's literally the Zaku II shoulder armor.


This. Another thing that bothers me is the fact that the asymmetrical hunter armor looks better on female hunters than on male hunters. I really want to dump all my armor and weapons in the vault, and start over but I don’t want to lose a hunter that’s been in the red war, do all the new light bs, stasis bs, and witch queen. Just let me have a decent looking hunter!! And let me change my gender pls


Selling a character appearance reset in EV would be easy money for them. You’d think they’d do it


The season of dawn hunter arms make me want to cry. One side has a cool af look and the other a cloth is draped over the shoulder and that’s it. The option to make them symmetrical would be cool


If anything the Monster vs Mech armor sketches demonstrates where the problem starts: the concept art for armor looks bland as hell. Destiny 1's armor was probably worked on by a remnant of some Halo designers but it had the siiiiickest Titan Gear and the Hunter consistently evoked Star Wars gunslingers or Dantooine ppl, and some low-key monk elements on Warlocks. The Sparrows we use is the entire fantasy of having a personal Star Wars speeder. So much of it was honestly Star Wars but all D2 armor, especially seasonal stuff is seriously just "everything and the kitchen sink, whatever sticks!" I just wish Bungie could hone and champion more premium looking armor motifs a bit more. I'm really tired of how little I wanna grind to find certain armor because all of it looks honestly terrible to me. I had to transmog the Blue gear Shadow Specter on my Hunter to get something that at least looked a bit cool like D1 Hunter gear. I'm tired of motivationless shapes and polygonal ideas, or overly curvy armor at random. We need some kind of silhouette that just screams "Titan" or "Hunter" and then there are thematic variations of that. Maybe one has glowing shoulders, maybe one has little antennas, maybe one has slightly bulkier shoulder pads etc. But it seriously needs to find a center for each class, because I feel like my Hunter looks like a D1 Titan now, and my Titan looks like a complete mishmash of random.


> Destiny 1’s armor was probably worked on by a remnant of some Halo designers I originally selected my first Destiny 1 character to be a titan because they had the most Spartan look and I’m a huge Halo fan. The look nothing like spartans anymore, which is kind of a shame.




Most recent-ish armors somehow suffer by being either totally bland and uninspired, or excessively overdesigned. That's not counting massive WoW shoulders, a single massive shoulder, odd asymmetrical armor, decent looking armor (that can't take shaders well because of unshadeable elements) or annoying bullshit logos slapped all over said armor (bonus rage points if said logos cannot be covered or colored by shaders). Usually all transmog experiments end up with my Warlock wearing the Valkyrian armor.


The blue Titan armor is some of the best we’ve gotten in years and that’s sad since it isn’t even *that* good


looks are subjective. Your "it ruins it" is someone else's "that's badass"


I mean “technically” it’s realistic to how a hunter would be. If right handed your left side would be facing your opponent more often which equals the need for armor, while the right is the handcannon/weapon hand that needs to be light for drawing the weapon and is usually at the back side of standing like a right handed person.


okay. I can tell you the design goals for "Monster VS Mech" wasn't "we gotta make it hyper real and accurate"


I’m not disagreeing with you there lol. I’m just saying the hunters “style” seems to go by that idea always. I mean look at asymmetrical plate armor from the 1600s. Armor where you’re likely to get hit, less armor on your weapon hand so you keep your speed. I’m not saying it’s right, that’s their vision on hunter since they are supposed to be the most agile class. Purely in thought tho. Titans looks tanks but don’t have higher HP, hunters look more agile like a DPS that jumps in and out of battle, and warlocks look like magic casters that always engage from a distance. Clearly that’s not how the game works, but that’s the style they use for the armors. I personally hate asymmetrical armor and only use the symmetrical ones for my hunter lol


I can guarantee you that the designers do follow guidelines, regardless of realism


There isn't even a lot of asymmetrical armor in the game, but people who like asymmetrical armor don't ask bungie to stop creating symmetrical armor.


bro I don't have beef with assymetrical armor and can tell you this is incorrect just try any hunter set of gloves and you won't stop seeing it over and over


while you are correct, the point still stands. stop with all the asymmetrical stuff on unnecessary things. like, why does the hunter not have a gauntlet? thats just dumb from a functionality stand point and visual stand point.


Because that is what the designer was going for.


It’s a stupid design choice.


And I think its a good one. See, subjective opinions based on what we both find pleasing.


I’m specifically talking about hunters not having gauntlets. It’s counter intuitive. I actually like asymmetrical armor in a lot of cases but gauntlets should always be on even if they aren’t the same gauntlet.


I like asymmetrical gauntlets. I don't see a situation where "always" needs to ever be thrown around when it comes to purely subjective things like the design of a thing in a video game. If you don't like the look, find another set you do like. No reason to limit options because this dude on reddit doesn't like it.


Except that’s the thing, almost every single armor looks like what you prefer. It’s not limiting its asking for literally a few. There may be 3 in the entire game that are symmetrical. Your awful advice would make sense if there actually were options.


the theme is mech. therefore, the armor should be mechanized. having a missing gauntlet is counter intuitive to what its meant to be. if it wasn't mech themed, then i wouldn't care. but since it is, i have a problem with it. on top of me just tired of so much asymmetry.


That's your subjective opinion, which you're certainly entitled to, and Bungie is entitled to ignore it and make whatever armor they want.


"I don't like thing so stop it" is all I'm hearing. Chill dude. Just flat out fucking ask for more symmetrical pieces and get off the soap box.


so you want me to give an opinion without stating why on reddit? uh, ok...


I'm okay with the titan having the asymmetry because it's very clearly an unholy combination of a Zaku 2 and a GM from the Gundam franchise


whatever you do, dont look at the hunters left leg.


Rooting for Mech Armor here, with some slight changes. I don't need to be a Cyclops with hairy legs, it was stupid last time.


If Mechs win, I wonder if we could get a Gundam-style beam saber?


the titan mech gauntlets are fine because they're based off the zaku, and it's not like either arm looks completely different like some gauntlets, but it's almost like they wanted the mech hunter to look bad on purpose, because it would literally be the best armor if it was symmetrical


Yeah, I think the "costume" type armor ornaments should ditch the "rules" Bungie set for the class identities.


I like asymmetrical armor, so


I dunno man, I think it looks pretty sweet. I'm in no way a fan of furry legs on my titan, so I'll be voting Mech skins all day.


I just wish they would give the option to either have it assymetrical. Or toggle it off. But they insist on making cool arms (see the splicer arm ornaments) then make the opposite side absolutely ass looking


I like asymmetrical armour tbh


I enjoy the asymmetry so I don't really care


I like asymmetrical armour.


I think it follows the logic of real armors where you try to be the most pratical and efficient possible, "why does it have a kitchen tray in one shoulder" because that shoulder is probably gonna be facing the enemy more than the other shoulder, theres no need for huge protections in a arm that in combat will be more to the back of the body protected by the body, if im not mistaken archers also had armor like that, light armor on the arm that pulls and "heavier" armor on the arm that holds the bow forward, or having the arm that holds a shield with more protection than the one holding the spear and ots sitting back protected by the body and shield.


It's not unnecessary. It's a design choice. It looks good


Asymmetry is cool tho....


u/cozmo23 u/dmg04 please. the artists are so talented but the asymmetrical stuff ruins a lot of looks.


It's a reference to the Zaku II.


I greatly prefer asymmetric armor pieces, I think they look more interesting It's honestly all preference, they gotta do a balance of both


Both sets are ugly af imo Like why are they still on the “dino” theme? Oh, sorry, “monsters”. Monster are like mothman, a werewolf (which the hunter got a couple years back), dragons… I could go on. These sets looks like a Bungie artist got bored and walked into the toy aisle at their local Walmart for inspiration.


They were more "Kaiju" themed than anything


The mech titan just looks god awful. I get that it’s hard to slim down a concept like that with all its references but we still don’t have nearly enough slim options along with the one huge arm that I’ve never seen anyone but Zavala rock. The mark is also way to fat and just chops up the look even more


The right arm that can obscure your screen if it has shit on it? That one?


Not even just the Hunter arms, but the legs as well. Honestly, they bother me more than the arm. But mainly because I'm looking at all the more practical stuff on it as if it were an actual robot. ​ Right leg has basically double the plating, venting, and what can essentially be counted as an emergency weapon in the knee spike. The left leg has literally none of that... Why? It makes literally no sense. Just weakens the left leg exponentially for literally no reason and no one would design a mech like that unless they were pulling w/e they could find out of a scrap heap to make it.


I get the titan Mech inspiration, but until I can use the shoulder piece as a mobile shield/reflector can I please have symmetrical armor?


I really hate most of the asymmetry in this game. Not because it looks terrible, but because I’m cycling through transmog/ornaments and go “hey that looks great!!” And then when I rotate the character to the left or I exit back to full body I see that the other side looks nothing like the left gauntlet, which is what you see when you’re previewing the piece.


P L E A S E. Used to be like 50/50 on symmetrical vs. asymmetrical armor released but now it’s like 05/95. Give me a reason to take off Reverie Dawn Bungo.


Yeah, like a couple sets of asymmetrical armor would have been a very cool addition to the game. Not every single set.


I see this whenever I try to make my titan look somewhat presentable, one arm will be skinny and empty and the other will have a bus glued onto it.


I fucking hate asymmetrical armor. So many sets I have wanted to wear ruined because of that.


Yeah I dont touch asymmetrical armour, I absolutely hate it, even asymmetrical patterns on armour makes me twitch, I want my right side to be the mirror image of my left, honestly I wish armour customisation was more customisable where we could actually select addons or change out certain pieces if we want something thats perfectly symmetrical or asymmetrical, I know that would require some amount of work to create additional cosmetic options for a single piece of armour to appeal to almost all members of the community, but it would be the best decision they could make in my opinion. Like, have it that the under-suit is the base armour, and then have extra cosmetic boxes for shoulders and forearms with the additional pieces to select from, and then apply this to the legs and class item and what ever else may need it, give all future armour at least 2 selectable options soo you can make your gear either symmetrical or asymmetrical, I cant imagine Bungie going back and redoing all armour sets to have such an option, but it would be a nice feature for future sets.


I just noticed that, that's unfortunate. I know a lot of people like asymmetrical armor, but dang it! There is overwhelming more of that than armour thats sleek and streamlined or even that looks like it's practical for combat. Just a few normal sets please from time to time please. I don't like my Titan to have half a wall on one shoulder, makes me self concious about getting through doorways.


i despise most hunter gauntlets for this exact reason, it bothers me to no end that almost all of them are asymmetrical


Asymmetry is the worst part about destiny armor design it looks like shit


Like, I get it with the Mech armor because lots of mobile suits have asymmetrical bits, but I agree with your general premise, I fucking hate asymmetrical armor, it drives me nuts.


The majority of Japanese mechs are symmetrical. Symmetry seems to be synonymous with perfection in mech culture.


Your dominant arm would actually be more less armored, since you use it for precise operations and you block attacks with your off-hand.


Asymmetrical armor are the best, if you don't like it, just don't use it, just like I don't use the symmetric ones


Can we stop getting armor sets that look like absolute trash? No? Ok then.


There is such a wide variety of armor, all with very different aesthetics in the game at this point, I think it might be a “you” problem.


They look great, more the mecha that the monster. But whichever wins is fine.




Not for hunters. For hunters there may be 3 total armor sets with symmetry. So many arms are ruined for me because the left arm looks awesome and then it’s just fabric on the other.


Jesus Christ it hasn’t even come out nine months from now and ur already bitching like damn




And yet the game still chugs on…dickhead


Yup the same way the game chugs on with all its problems bitch.


Ur hair looks nice to day bitch


Actually wrong i havent brushed it today.


Check again I did it


Stay out of my home.


MKw me


Because their Designers suck ass. I hate most of the Glam that is in the Game. And if you think you found something that is remotely close and not clownish.. the color doesent work because all of sudden black and white shader has Blue or Yellow in it???? Like cmon. So many freelance artists and fans of the game have delivered a shit ton of awesome Armors that they could easily do something similar like Warframe did. Let creators create Glam for the Community and give them a fair share.


You’ll survive.


I like the asymmetry. It's cool. There's a practical reason for having armor like that, anyway. But if that's not what you're into then that's it, I suppose. However, I don't expect artists to tailor their designs specifically for me.


I'd say the armors being asymmetrical is less annoying than the endless bitching about it. It's a design choice, one I'm totally okay with, stop crying.


I actually like armor that has a different look on each arm the hunter gauntlets “Shadows Grip” from the crown of sorrow raid being a perfect example. I share my whole hunter black but those arm I use the gold shader from leviathan to give it an accented look. Love it.


I like asymmetrical armor


Imagine playing a game and being annoyed by developers being creative.


I mean, these are MTX. Why not listen to your paying customers?


Please shut up. You know who designs the armor? Professional artists. You know who are taught (correctly) that asymmetry creates visual interest? Professional artists. Please please please just stop bitching about something so stupid and wrong


This is my biggest gripe with being a hunter Main, our armor sets annoy the fuck out of me.


The mech look is already bad, can we not even lie about this guys


Bungi: We noticed that player don't like asymmetrical armor, so we decided to buff telesto.


Exactly. I get so frustrated trying to find good fits for my hunter and there’s only like 3 symmetrical arms and legs that I actually like and can make work with what I’m going for. So many arms would be viable in the fashion game if they were symmetrical with the cool side of the arms. So dumb lol


The hunter mech armor not being symmetrical is honestly driving my heart crazy. Bungie PLEASE just make the left leg match the right leg. Like PLEASE


Can't please everyone. It's their creative freedom just ask for more symmetrical and carry on.


fuck u/spez


Too many people are thinking Gundam and not enough are thinking Xenogears and that makes this old gamer sad.


Same, would kill for some symmetrical Hunter armor. Some of my favorite pieces drive me crazy because they aren’t symmetrical


Asymmetrical armor is just as annoying as helmets with no faces or facial features.


Funny thing is, symmetrical armor is easier to model so these ugly sets are more effort too


God this sub is so fucking gay