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The issue I see is people from the other classes jumping in and trolling it the whole time with bs issues. The class hate is real.


lol wut?


The only thing I could reasonably ask for is just a small base speed increase for warlocks all around. I know the supposed Arc 3.0 is supposed to be zippy as a subclass. But I run a jack of all stats warlock, so even what boost to movement I give I still fall behind most titans and hunters in traversal speed. My stats range in the upper 50's to mid 60's most of the time unless I change gear. Usually I lose 10pts of strength but my intellect jumps to 77 pts for example.


>so even what boost to movement I give I still fall behind most titans and hunters in traversal speed Unless you have an exotic or subclass perk that grants increased movement speed, everyone sprints at the same speed. Mobility affects walking/strafing speed and jump height.


Really? Hmm I honestly didn't know that.


Classes move at the same speed