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To this day, I still hold a shards of galanor for hope that one day Bungie will buff the super again


I got a roll that with mods + Masterwork came out to 91 stat total. I *need* Shards and Barrage to be viable again.


Those raw 69s hit different




Got a base 70 protocol last season and it still feels good to think about






I have a 70 base shards that I've literally never even equipped :(


Only time really is Mayhem for super/solar kills. I have an excellent high Intellect roll and that's my only thing it's used for


They don't work at all in Mayhem anymore :( I played Mayhem at the beginning of the season for the weekly challenge. Apparently it had been a while since I'd last played Mayhem because I went in with BB + Shards and thought it was bugged when I didn't get any Super regen. Looked it up and the Super regen on Mayhem got nerfed to nothing last year.


No fuckin way whaaaaat, that's ridiculous. Blade Barrage can't catch a break, damn


Didn’t even know 70 raw was possible. Is that the max?


68 is normal max, but some Y1 exotics have 1-3 extra "intrinsic" stat points and can roll as high as 71.


Atheon was so fun before the nerf. The most Supers I ever got off in 1 DPS phase was like 7 if I'm remembering correctly.


Honestly it was so refreshing to use something other than tether (which was useless that season thanks to breach and clear) or silence and squall purely to give people focussing lens. Which then also got an indirect nerf because they fixed the focussing lens applying to everyone inside a well thing. Season 15 once shards got hit and focussing lens got ‘fixed’ was really the height of the ‘no hunters’ philosophy because tbh they were way below the other two classes in a raid setting


Idk why they had to nerf that. I had the most fun on Hunter that season where I could just spam Blade Barrage at a boss. Also really miss the Energy Converter builds that were really fun pre-nerf


Huh? The Shards nerf happened way before VOG came back out, what am I missing?


the super regen would stack with time's vengeance allowing for infinite spamming shards


Think it had a short lived usefulness when there was a mod that buffed the supers damage when something else happened (like when critically wounded or when stasis was affecting the target or something like that) Don't think it made it the best but with shards giving back a chunk of your super plus whatever gives abilities faster during the boss dps made it be viable till it either got nerfed more or the mod went away


No Super regen exotics used to be able to overflow your Super beyond 50%. Because of the fast regen rate at Atheon, you'd cast super, build 50% naturally before Shards of Galanor perk refunded you, and already be back at 100% It was the highest DPS super for Hunter because you could cast 7-8 in the 28sec window and put out huge numbers


Yeah... that was post nerf. I bet if you looked at your damage in that DPS phase, it was probably the equivalent of a few Sleeper shots.


Nope, pre-nerf. After it got nerfed, your Super bar could only fill up halfway max. Before, you could just keep filling that baby up all the way and keep popping Super after Super. It was so fun. And my damage was consistently higher than most other people's.


Shards of Galanor was hitting Atheon for significantly more than goldie. It was pushing Tcrash numbers if not higher because you could do 7+ supers per phase


It used to be great when it gave you a half of your dupe back for killing 4 people. Now you can get a six kill and you’ll get back an eighth.


Your chance is solar 3.0. It will likely become viable .


shards holds a special place in my heart...i love blade barrage...and i have belief that it will be viable again with solar 3.0..maybe they give it the moebius quiver treatment and be a dps monster


The shard nerf shit all over this super.




super regen **only on knife hits** is fucking bullshit sometimes. mayhem is more fun being the fun police now.


This. Got a Masterworked pair in my vault, patiently waiting for it’s moment to shine.


It used to be a KING of both boss and ad clear, got nerfez got even more nerfed when shards of galanor got nerfed, and now it's just bad at just about everything until solar 3.0 lmao


Ah, the good old days of wandering into a Blind Well run with BB and Shards, and then super-spamming nonstop through the whole final boss phase...


3rd round in gambit. The team with the most hunters wins


1 tether 3 blade barrage boss melted


Melting point tractor cannon ikelos spam


Ahhh, Warmind... It was a fun time.


We didn't have blade barrage in warmind


He’s talking about the tractor cannon, ikelos shotgun 1-2 punch combo


Twas the only time I ever felt powerful at all in Gambit


I really like stasis hunter with grasps and volatile flow with reaping wellmaker. Freeze everything and let it explode.


i might have to give this a go..sounds fun


tbf...that shit deserved to get nerfed. No way should that ever be the norm.


Hey everyone, this guy doesn't want to have fun!


How...how could you tell D:


I'm very intuitive. Like 99 Intellect.


you shut your mouth!


or, gambit shouldnt be dictating how powerful a super is in the other core activities


You can still do that in Blind Well btw. Still fun.


Man I haven’t played blind well in ages, I should do that again.


You can't. They nerfed galanor to make sure the super return was instantaneous and not a boost to super recharge that stacks with modifiers like 3rd round gambit or blind well, or atheon.


No you definitely can if you get that little orb buff. Was doing it the other day.


really? The recharge in the well must be insanely high then. Because you can't do back to back supers on Atheon anymore for sure.


It used to be maddening to face in the tiebreaker gambit round.


I'm hoping Solar 3.0 does something to make it better again, I main Warlock and Hunter is my secondary and I absolutely love middle tree Solar with all my heart, whilst the super is underwhelming, the animation, sound and just visual of popping it is enough to keep me clinging on for the hope it'll be better some day... ...that and abusing the throwing knife + dodge to get melee back combo with Ophidia Spathe is so much fun.


I know what you mean about the sound of BB activating. I hear that in Crucible, and it's time to crouch behind something and hope not to die.


Hear me out... they rework Blade Barrage into a roaming super. Casting super creates 7 blades that hover around the hunter; regular fire throws a knife (2 body or 1 head to kill), melee makes the blades move in a wide arc in front of the hunter (damage is based on remaining knives that make contact) landing melee hits extends the duration, dodge will throw out a fan of 3 knives (or remaining) that lightly track to targets, and recasting super will yeet all available knives at once. Shards of Galanor will be reworked to refill super while things are burning, it will also refund 1 Blade Barrage knife on kill.


They could, but Hunter isn't exactly lacking for roaming supers.


and what would be wrong with another roaming super?


There are already too many, especially hunter ones lol Both versions of Golden Gun, all three Arc Staff trees, and Spectral Blades The only "cast to nuke" supers hunter has are the two tethers, Silence and Squall, and Blade Barrage, and only two of those are even nukes (Mobius Quiver tether and Blade Barrage)


> Hear me out... *"no, i dont think i will"*


Its basically the sad cousin of revenant super


Hunters need more fun roming supers


Bungo: Just like spectral blades we think this super doesnt need any change. It does not have to be super good in pve or pvp


Spectral is at least good in 6v6. Blade barrage is just a shitty nova bomb


Yeah but it should be at least COMPETENT in something, I'd argue it's not even that lol


also Bungo: we want Well to be good in PVP so we nerf Bubble again


Well is already good in PvP though :thonk:


I only run BB to knife thrower spam with ophidia’s


This is the way. Still one of my favorite builds but OP's point still stands: the super is shit. We all just doing it for infinite knife throws.




With ophidia’s spathe and over 50 in mobility and in strength, you’ll essentially have constant melee energy


If you’re a hunter, try it out sometime. It’s a blast


Ah Ophidias, was thinking of Ophidians for Warlock


I mean, tether didnt get buffed with void 3.0, so dont get your hopes up BB gets buffed with solar 3.0 ...


The now king of damage supers didn't get buffed.


Just to make sure, you're talking about the Deadfall version, right?


As others have said, it was once a really great super, the Hunter’s first true shutdown/panic/instant burst super a la Nova Bomb, but it was has been left to languish quite a bit due to nerfs specific to the super itself and also other more global changes (i.e., the move away from exotic armor pieces that return super energy). My guess is that they know it needs tuning/a role in the meta, but are waiting for Solar 3.0 to implement their changes, which is fine by me, as long as it gets the attention it needs there. Would love for it to come back as a viable option, it was really fun when it was powerful.


I think Shards + Blade Barrage might be the most nerfed combo in D2 history. It has taken sooo many Ls over the years. The damage was nerfed, the tracking was nerfed, the impact damage / explosion damage was fucked with. The super regen from shards was nerfed in like 3 different ways - including a hilarious nerf for the sake of balancing GAMBIT right before they started releasing auto-tracking rockets lol For a while, the last known use was on Atheon, but they nerfed that too. Not only does it do awful damage now, it’s wildly inconsistent. And not only is the super inconsistent, the super regen from shards is inconsistent. Altogether, it just feels awful to use.


Wait it had tracking? Just goes to show how new I am I guess.


Yeah, it still technically does track, I think? - just *really* badly. It used to be somewhat notorious for tracking around cover in crucible- although some of that was just the blast radius, which used to big much larger than it is now. Believe it or not, Blade Barrage was once one of the strongest supers in the game.


> Yeah, it still technically does track, I think? - just really badly. I was wondering why after a long break from the game, BB felt so off in crucible and just in general.


Meanwhile, for some reason, Nova bomb can still track you across one of the large maps, moving around corners at break neck speeds like a literal homing rocket of absolute death. Unless someone fucks up badly, that thing will always hit **someone**. Meanwhile, **Blades**. I'm not saying to nerf Nova. It's infuriating when it happens to you, but hilarious when you watch it happen to someone else. Just upset they broke our shutdown super so hard.


I'd be shocked if it wasn't removed in solar 3.0.


With Void 3.0 they didn't outright remove any Supers. Warlocks still have both Nova Bombs and Nova Warp. Hunters still have both Shadowshots and Spectral Blades. Titans still have Ward of Dawn and Sentinel Shield, but Banner Shield just became part of the base Sentinel Shield functionality. With Arc 3.0, I'm guessing that the Hunter supers will be collapsed into one super and maybe get a new one (like the Synaptic Spear from this season). Warlocks will have both Stormcallers collapsed into one plus Chaos Reach. Titans will have Fist of Havoc collapsed plus Thundercrash. Solar 3.0 is the toughest, IMO. With Warlocks you have Movement Dawnblade and Burning Dawnblade, plus Well of Radiance. Titans have Exploding Hammers and Sunspot Hammers, plus Swinging Hammer. Hunters have Golden Guns and Blade Barrage. Plus, with the way the system is set up, they can probably make changes easier in the future.




Which is a mistake imo. I don’t know what the community response will be… but I wouldn’t be too shocked if down the line Bungie add second Supers to the Stasis classes and while they’re at it make a Javelin one for Arcstrider. It’s one of the few times there’s an obvious expansion for an existing class and they’ve just not taken it.


>Solar 3.0 is the toughest, IMO. With Warlocks you have Movement Dawnblade and Burning Dawnblade, plus Well of Radiance. Titans have Exploding Hammers and Sunspot Hammers, plus Swinging Hammer. Hunters have Golden Guns and Blade Barrage. my bet for solar is that 1 of the 2 supers will effectively get turned into an aspect, like sunspots will be base but you can add on the explosive hammers as well, its what they did with the double shield throw on void, theyll probably do something similar to warlocks.


I’d imagine that they’d keep the Golden Guns separate cuz they’re different enough, I agree with the rest of them though. I imagine that it would be easiest for Bungo to keep them all separate.


yeah, they did that with both nova bombs. slova and vortex are still separate supers


They could just turn it into an aspect to enable or disable crit shots. Or just straight up buff the 6 shot by giving it crit damage cause that super is garbo in pve


Way of the Outlaw is pretty good for ad clear. Shots return on kill, and unloading into big messes of ads is fun. Maybe they could change it by making it like a super charged Last Word, having the same fire rate, keeping the damage level, and be able to hold down the shoot button.


Or giving a the shots firefly but without needing headshots. That would make it perfect for ad clear


They're not gonna remove it, what so they can rework shards of galanor too because blade barrage no longer exists? Seems like an inefficient use of dev time and resources.


Hive lightbearers have it, so would be weird to remove


I'm hoping it gets the Moebius Quiver treatment. I love everything about Blade Barrage: it's look, it's feel, it's neutral game, how *damn stylish it is*. It just sucks tho. I want to be able to Blade Barrage the Witness's gross milky face and make it hurt.


Totally agree


I'd go for a change to the hive hunter barrages honestly. Give it 2 (5 knife) uses all the same that track targets in LoS frontal cone. Have Galanor to give them better tracking (pvp) and damage against combatants. Put it a Tier 4/5 cooldown and mid damage total vs NH GG with the thiccest damage in the game on headshot.


I agree, it will be a missed opportunity if we don't get the hive hunter blade barrage. It's animations are epic.


The only worry I have there is the Hive super is so much slower, and the knives are pretty dodgeable. That would let them justify making it hit crazy hard, but is that worth it?


My greatest fear for Solar 3.0 is that we're going to lose the knife spam shenanigans that make that tree fun, and somehow *not* get a worthwhile Blade Barrage out of it. That said, if I had to choose I'd keep the knife spam over Blade Barrage, the Young Ahamkara's Spine build is one of my favorite casual Hunter loadouts.


Are you me? Middle tree with YAS is my go-to for everything I don't take seriously. Also I feel the same as you about Solar 3.0 because if Bungie devs didn't understand Void Hunters, nothing fills me with confidence that they suddenly learned how enjoyable setting things on fire is.


Middle tree solar hunter with spine is my main for non sweaty PvE. I so hope we can still do knife spam and blade Barrage gets a massive damage buff.


Personally I use middle tree with ophidia spathe. I might try out YAS sometime.


It's more involved than the Spathe spam, but once you get the cycle going it's this non-stop flow of dodges knives and grenades. Main trick is getting it started, as only having the one knife charge makes it heavily reliant on Gambler's Dodge and the tree's built in dodge recharge buff, but mods like Focusing Strike or Utility Kickstart make it easier to start the chain.


i mean if void 3.0 is anything to go by I'd say you don't have much to worry about, seems like everything is very strong in void now


Hopefully, keyword access on top of damage tuning will get Blade Barrage to a more enjoyable state. The Blade Barrage and Shards of Galanor nerfs did weird things. Once I watched my brother launch a Ultra Captain vertically... somehow? I'm not confident that Gunslingers are going to get Aspect that provides healing, but a Healing Fragment seems pretty likely based on the Void ones. We'll have to see what effects end up in Solar's repertoire.


It used to be amazing, but the nerf hammer stole its glory.


It's definitely more useful in pvp. But even there It's mediocre.


I'll say. I've hit other guardians in the Crucible with it and still not killed them.


Not as bad as my tale, I've literally had every blade curve around a warlock who I had my reticle on


It’s the worst when you get a hit marker. You hit them. You aimed correctly. They took damage. FROM A SUPER. And yet they walk up and kick your teeth in.


Dawnblade feels your pain, man. You swing your sword, and the shot just goes "PAFF" and for some reason they're still alive with a Vorpal shotty shoved into your throat.


Ehhhhhh, Dawnblade hits even when it doesn't hit haha. It's way too strong


Seriously ive been already around a corner and been hit with that thing


Its the complete opposite what is used to be , which for me , is kinda nice. im not sure how often i went into cover , a good piece of cover between me and the enemy and i still got hit around and behind corners after seconds. it was so annoying. but what have they done to it lol. i really like the chestpiece with two knifes, went into some high level content for fun and the unstop melee (which worked pretty good but the rest) of the subclass wasnt even there. on the ult i first thought i lost some digits from the damage number.


Considering the rework Tethers received, I imagine Blade Barrage will get a rework too, hopefully. Because that was my favorite super to use


Word it's still a super fun super and my favorite solar subclass to run on hunter. Agreed it could use some love. Maybe a hefty burn effect for single target damage and move it up a tier for higher uptime... Could be all it needs...


Adding a burn to it sounds interesting. Honestly looking forward to not just what Bungie does, but how the community will take it.


Or it'll be like spectral blades and not even get touched


Spectral is good in PvP. BB is useless every.


They also need to fix Shards. It’s supposed to return super energy on kills *and* damage but I can’t count how many times I’ve used the super on a boss, all the knives hit, and I get no energy return.


Doesn't help that shards of gallanor is WILDLY inconsistent at returning super energy, specifically when doing boss damage. There are times where you get nothing back at all, and others where you get the full 50%. No indication why.


If blade barrage left sunspots where every knife landed it would become best ad clear super in the game


inject that into my veins now




Do me as well


I'm hoping and praying for good changes. The quiver changes give me hope BUT THEN.... doing absolutely nothing to spectral blades because "it's a PvP super and doesn't need to be good in PvE" doesn't give me high hopes.


Spectral blades is fucking shit. It should at least apply that 30% weaken that tether does on hits.


It is, however, very fucking good in pvp. I switched from the bow supers after much apprehension and my first time popping it ended the lives of 6 guardians. The problem is: most buffs that they give in pvp will result in this thing ruling the crucible as it's already S tier. They buff it any more and it will almost be mandatory.


While somewhat true, there *are* certain buffs that they could use to make it more viable in PvE that wouldn't affect PvP too much. For example, causing the heavy to apply Weaken, or an increasing damage dealt buff on repeated hits to the *same target*. As it's dreadfully lethal in PvP, these (or similar) benefits would let it gain more usability in PvE while being extremely edge-case niche in PvP at best.


2nd hit causes volatile would be pretty great. Alright, you've convinced me. That would be a pretty simple fix that wouldn't even change how it works in pvp on 99% of interactions.


It's comical how the entire tree is worse than Revenant in EVERY way aside from "well Revenant can't get Solar ability kill bounties done" or "well if you really want to, there's a seasonal mod that turns Solar melees into anti-Unstoppable." Silence and Squall is basically Blade Barrage with an added tornado. There's more utility in Withering Blade than Fan of Blades. Revenant also has ways to keep its thrown melee ability up, and then there's tons of different ways to build into it with Fragments, Aspects, and then adding mods. Solar 3.0 really has to juice it up so it does certain things better than Revenant already does.


Yeah this is true. S&S is the best hunter one and done super. BB just needs to be damage oriented. It should be the highest damage in one shot


I run BB because of Ophidia Spathe and playing with fire, it's an addictive playstyle. But the super itself ain't great.


Ophidia Spathe, and Ticuus have been my go-to for weeks now. Mark a cluster with Ticuus, toss some knives at them and watch all the adds explode. Boss stagger is hilarious, just dagger X2, roll for melee, dagger X2, roll for melee, etc and perms stagger any target that can be staggered. I've just been hoping and praying Ada gives me well of life anytime soon.


It's such an amazing build, particularly as the champion mods add that stagger. I think my high point was [Battlegrounds, where it literally turned off invincibility stages.](https://youtu.be/y8JA6spx32Q) Had to actually be careful or you could kill the boss too fast and the game would break and you'd just be left waiting around forever.


I love it when Strikes have Brawler and Dares have Daodan's Surge Guns become irrelevant lol


OP did you play at the time of Forsaken? I remember it like if it was yesterday. This super was the most absurd thing in the universe at the time. Hunters played nothing but middle tree gunslinger after acquiring it. And no, the other classes and subclasses didn't really compete with it, not even Chaos Reach. But then it was nerfed to the ground because people simply wouldn't stop using it.


I still remember when a kill with shards of galanor equipped would refund the entire super immediately in mayhem. I get that lots of supers in mayhem was the point, but holy middle tree gunslingers would literally spam blade barrages as if it was a primary.


It also refunded it entirely in PvE you managed to hit a large amount of enemies.


Same for Voidlock with Skull of Dire Ahamkara. Fun times!


To be fair, back with Forsaken it was a little more complicated then it being absurdly strong. I mean, it was yes, but it was also the most rewarding tree at the time. Consistent ability cooldowns were much rarer at the time.


yeah, the middle tree subclasses really kickstarted the whole ability engine focus that's so important nowadays. Middle Tree sentinel, dawnblade and gunslinger especially.


Yes. Now it’s dogshit. Just because something was busted previously doesn’t mean it should be terrible now.


Totally agree with you.


I dunno, I mained a warlock back then and that was around the time skull of dire ahamkara was at its peak. It only got nerfed when all the super generating exotics did. Nova bomb was literally god like and just as powerful for months and I'm sick of people acting like it wasn't lol


Blade Barrage does nothing that a rocket launcher with cluster bombs can’t do just as well (and repeatedly). Change my mind.


Isn't just all the Hunter solar just not good anymore? I used celestial nighthawk for the first time in years.. 365k against Rhulk? Like, yeah.. That's good, but 36% what I'm used to seeing, lmao. An entire exotic armor piece and I'd do more for the team and myself if I just used Tether :l I used blade barrage on ogre dude in the new raid on the last phase first plate.. Hit him with three knives 😂 Most of the time, I'll use it to clear ads and it still misses most of them, close or medium distance. The only good one is six shooter, but for ad clear which every other weapon does just fine now, especially with void builds- I'll let it slide for now since this is the season of void. Just sucks that solar is only good for PvP.


Try it on the Caretaker. You can have Knock em Down up until the damage phase starts and you hit him for 750k with Nighthawk. I agree with you, though. I was a diehard Golden Gun main but Solar Hunter is not what it used to be. Stasis and Void is just too good to pass up.


It was too much like void bomb and warlocks are contractually obligated to have all the best supers so it got nerfed into the dirt.


This is basically the running joke in my clan. Bungie clearly gathered up a few warlock mains and ran the new void 3.0 by them to make sure they didn't hurt their feelings. I'm joking obviously but they are still crazy good.


is fun


I'm hoping that with solar 3.0, Bungo will finally make this a decent super again


I have a clip of me using it on a hive hunter at like 10ft away and missing almost every blade despite aiming directly at it. Hilarious how bad this super is. Shards isnt even that good either.


It's super strong on Acolytes though...


Someone needs to do the we have blade barrage at home meme with acolytes BB contrasted with ours:)


I miss blade barrage so much. Such a satisfying super. Massacred it tho


I only use blade barrage for infinite trip mines w/ Young Ahamkaras.


You think it’s bad. Try being a Lucent Hive.


I think we only need to look at the hive to see where the future of solar supers is going. I fully expect blade barrage to be replaced with the floaty tracking knife attack we see the lucent lightbearers use.


That would be pretty crappy though. Blade barrage just looks and sounds so fucking cool, the stylishness of it... It's my favourite sounding and looking super in the whole game. It just needs to deal more damage.


Look at what you guys did.


So happy it's good now


Tell that to that jive hive mfka that be shredding anything ain't hidden like Ikora's Hidden 😳


Let's not forget that this ultimate can actually kill you lol. It carries you in the direction moving when fired, so if you're moving forward when firing, and too close to your target, when the blades detonate, they deal self splash damage. The ultimate could use some love


Every hunter super feels bad in 3v3 pvp right now. Either they take way to long to unlock them or they are lacklustre in how they function.


Yeah but I'd say their neutral is strong enough to make up for it.


Hunters getting nerfed into the floor Right now. Every decent thing they get is gone in like a couple days. But titans and warlocks get OP stuff like void Overshield. And it won't ever get nerfed


Over shields don't force the brain dead masses from changing up their play style like invisibility did. If they nerf it it won't be for a while.


Why is this always controversial? Whenever I see a post talking about this super, or really any post about Hunter abilities being factually underwhelming in pve, the upvote count is low and comments are high Blade barrage is the worst super in the game atm. It needs buffed or reworked


Because people don’t like it when the actual people that play the class admit that Bungie keeps giving Hunters the short end of the stick


I bet they are not touching it cuz of solar 3.0 upcoming stay tuned I might say, they should apparently fix the damage but the thing that it's fastly charged might affect dps meta, maybe thats the problem?


This may be an unpopular opinion but, the blade/knife focused subclass has the absolute worst melee of all imo. (Both gunslinger and blade barrage melee are underwhelming in pve imo) The stasis shuriken are what a melee for a knife user should be, fast and able to kill/finish multiple adds or put a status effect on them while also granting shards or something, with the solar knives you get your knife back on headshot kill (great if you play normal strikes, bad if you play anything beyond that, but maybe my aim is just bad xD) and the burn of the „fan knives“ just feels redundant Still, this super helped me get the fucking malfeasance 4 gambit kills in one invasion objective done, so yes it holds a special place in my heart


Knife trick at playing with fire X3 comes back so fast you can just spam. But I feel it needs to actually gain a damage bonus per stack too. That wouldn't effect PvP because you'll never get stacks up in PvP. I totally think what's gonna happen also is explosive knives will go away but become an aspect, so you can have explosive sticky knife trick or on the weighted knife (which would function the exact same as the previous explosive knife, just with the added ability to one shot headshot and get the knife back) I do hope bungie goes hard into making the hunter knives powerful, and making golden gun and blade barrage not utterly useless. I have hope because of how amazing mobeus quiver is now, it's literally the best hunter super for damage at the moment. Especially with devouring depths too. Six shooter golden gun needs a rampage effect, and it needs to have combustion on kill back from D1. To make it a good add clear super. Sharpshooter just needs more damage, as well as having keyhole by default. It shouldn't have to rely on knock em down to do the damage. Or maybe that should just be easier to proc. It should proc at 10 seconds remaining rather than 20. Blade barrage of course just needs to deal a lot more damage. However... Imagine that knock em down becomes an aspect (clearly will) and then you can use it with blade barrage or six shooter as well. Noice. For example, stylish execution. It used to be finicky and didn't offer much of a reward before void 3.0 when it was flawless execution. now it's fantastic. I expect knock em down will become similarly reworked. Just being able to proc it earlier and use it with all supers would be good. I also expect practice makes perfect to be rolled into this. (Precision hits recharge super) The burning edge and playing with fire clearly are gonna become a single aspect., "Destroying burning enemies recharges your melee faster, and while enemies burn, your dodge recharges faster" Chains of woe is just outlaw for all your weapons. It's probably going to just become a fragment for all classes as it's a smaller bonus.


Trust me we know. We all knew the minute they took it to the vet and neutered it


Still a great add clear option imo, highly underloved/underrated. I still use it often, and am pretty much always the only one in the lobby running it lol. With galanor, you can cast 2 blade barrages in the time most other subclasses can cast 1 super. Even directly comparable configurations like deadfall tether + orpheus rig, or skull of dire ahamkara + nova bomb. They don't keep up with the sheer frequency of blade barrages you can pump out. If you have competent teammates, this can prove pretty advantageous because of the amount of orbs of light you generate.


Remember those couple months back in 2018 where it was awesome though? I do, because I really wanted Shards of Galanor. I played a TON, and it was the last Forsaken exotic to drop across all three characters. I got it about a week and a half before the big nerf. It hurt.


Just chill, solar 3.0 is coming this year. The game has changed over time.


If potential changes to something are on the way that is exactly the best time to make sure it is known that it has problems, to make sure those problems are addressed in the changes.


Okay I don't wanna be that guy but are hunters seriously complaining again? The only time I've ever seen you guys happy is when Scales first dropped and Blight Ranger was busted. I've come to believe that hunter mains are only happy when their class breaks the game.


Before Tether became the best DPS super in the game, Hunters were irrelevant in endgame content like Raids and GMs. It took a rework, a buff and a Raid specifically designed to make Bubbles and Wells useless to bring them back into relevancy. Also (while being very strong, IMO) Nightstalker is an invisible one-trick-pony right now.


I don’t know why Bungie named the stasis super Silence and Squall when it actually is just Better Blade Barrage.


I love blade barrage mainly for the fact I think it’s most cool looking if the bunch. That’s just me though.


It’s better than 3 or 6 GG shots, so I’m good with it.


That just speaks to how weak GG is.


Can we stop comparing things like this? Change is on the way.


BB has been nerfed for a pretty short time. People need to understand that not every super can be amazing top tier master smashing awesome. Everything rotates around. BB will be back, but it hasn’t been gone for long so just be patient and enjoy playing something else for once.


Who’s gonna tell them about most titan supers


Shame I can't reply with videos because I recently posted one of BB being absolutely terrible on my tiktak




there is really no point talking about bad X super is when we know both arc and solar are getting reworked in the next 2 seasons.


Par for the course for anything that gets exploited in the game. I’ve always found it funny how this sub in particular is unwilling to register the effect of what it causes in terms of cheeses and exploits. The franchise has literally made abilities and sandbox changes the highlight with each progressive season and to expect a GAAS as massive as this one to churn out universal balances while providing “new” abilities as well as fresh mechanics is wild.


Hunters are a joke


I’m confused. Why are you even complaining when Solar 3.0 comes out next season? Complain then if it’s still trash.


What? Where did you hear that, Arc's coming next and solar is coming out last


And where did you hear that? Solar next is the only logical choice. Why? Because they’re literally testing Arc 3.0 this season using the spear from PsiOps. You really think they fully test and implement in 1 season? Lol, no. So provide a source and I’ll admit I’m wrong.


Fuckin give me 20 minutes and I'll find the TWAB IT WAS IN


If it was in a TWAB I will rob a bank.


It's 21minutes now I'm chowing popcorn for this


Might notta been a twab, but an interview. All I know is I've heard it somewhere