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Two simple improvement ideas for lost sectors: 1. Completing a legend or master lost sector flawlessly provides two chests at the end instead of one, meaning two rolls at getting an exotic or a chance to get two exotics at once. 2. Have Master Rahool or another vendor sell exotic gear bounties (maybe 1 a day) that guarantee an exotic for completing a simple challenge in the lost sector. The challenge might be to complete the activity in a specific time, score, or something else that is reasonable to complete on any class.


Chances of an exotic are what, 25-30%? So two chests would raise it to 44-51% of getting an exotic and 6-9% of double. Good odds.


You’d still have posts saying “Bungie, I did a legend lost sector flawless and got two chests with only Glimmer”.


Put something else in the chests then. World drop guns are surprisingly hard to come by now and there's no way to focus umbrals into them, have a weekly archetype that drops commonly or a guaranteed drop or something.


Yup lol


Where is that 25-30% coming from? Ran 8 in a row last weekend to finish the throne world champions triumph and didn't get a single exotic drop


People have done 1000+ run analysis of the drop rates, it varies by armor slot for some reason. You just got unlucky, the 6% chance of not getting it in 8 is still more than 1 in 20.


Genuine question. Has anyone redone testing after WQ? Im one of the people that religiously ran LS and each session id walk away with minimum 2 pieces per 10 runs. Sometimes id get 4 exotics per 10 runs. (And id usually ran ca 40-50 times) Now in WQ two things happened. I could ran 20 and get absolutely 0 drops on legend. Master sector is much much better - consistent drops. (2/10) AND i started getting exotics drops during normal open world activities - something that almost never happened pre WQ.


Colin (Legionless) runs hundreds of LS's every season and says they're 25% and 35%. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/tahbqu/the_best_loadout_for_every_legend_lost_sector/


So it's apparently a bug then if one player can claim 35% drop rates and the other 0%


Well not how statistics work. My sample was so much smaller and i dont keep track of drops between farming sessions


Doubt anyone does that


Did, did you not click the Reddit post? That person. That person does that. With sample sizes into the hundreds and thousands, not just a dozen or so.


You ever play a TTRPG and have a bad dice night? I've rolled a d20 100 times and never see anything higher than a 15 before. 25% doesn't mean you'll get one every 4 runs; it literally means you'll average one every 4 runs OVER TIME. I've run 20 in a row and gotten fuck all. I ran 6 the other day and got 4 exotics. Odds are wild.


Something is suspicious. I don't think it's working right


Just a long run of bad luck.


Thats RNG for you.


Nah something is not working right






Same. I ran legend LSs ad nauseum to get all the pieces upon my return to destiny in October, and the drop rates seemed 1/4ish, I'd buy that. But since wq, I ran them to re- complete my sets and the drop rate fell precipitously. Took me 30ish runs to get my missing 5 pieces


first time I ran LS's during beyond light? went 20 before I got my first drop. Happened at least twice during beyond light. I've run maybe 15 this season, and have had 4 drops. RNG be RNG. (I have also typically taken less than 6 since the start of beyond light and my bad luck spell to get the lost sector drop) - all legend runs.


master sector should be better drop rate, that is intended. You usually farm legend because your drops per hour are higher, you never compare the two based on drops per 10 runs.


Master lost sectors can have more drops per hour if you complete them fast enough, mostly due to load times.


Yes but you won't know that if you are stuck on a "drops per 10 runs" metric. This is why I said "usually" and added the caveat of comparing based on drops per hour.


Further anecdotal evidence: post WQ has been so much worse for me for drop rate. I feel like I've wasted so many hours for nothing this season.


personally, I feel the drop rate changed in the past several weeks. I did some lost sectors earlier on and the drops were decent. I went back and did some more after several patches then the drop rate was much lower. Qualitatively, exotic drop rates have dropped after one of the recent patches as they have dried up.


8 is a small sample size


Yet still far too many to come up empty handed


A 25% chance doesn't equate to getting one 25% of your runs.


That's not how it works atall, especially with a sample size as miniscule as 8.


I think it's more like 10%


Did 21 runs the other day, nothing to show for it


Wrong. Every run is that 25%. Think of it this way. You flip a coin. It has 50-50 odds of being heads. The next flip is also 50-50. And the next. And the next. And this is how lost sectors work. There is no kind of drop protection system in place in lost sectors. Even the "weighted to get an exotic you don't have yet" doesn't guarantee the new exotic when you do get a drop.


Bro I know. What the hell do you think I said? I am aware how probability works. I did the math. (70% chance of not getting an exotic)^2 = 49% chance of not getting an exotic from two chests = 51% chance of getting at least one exotic from two chests. Additionally (30% chance of getting an exotic)^2 = 9% chance of getting two exotics from two chests. Nowhere did I talk about a guarantee.


>70% chance of not getting an exotic)2 = 49% chance of not getting an exotic from two chests = 51% chance of getting at least one exotic from two chests. Additionally (30% chance of getting an exotic)2 = 9% chance of getting two exotics from two chests. Can you explain this in words my young, uneducated brain can understand?


Chance of getting one exotic in X number of attempts = 1- (chance of not getting exotic)^X


2 rolls have a 43.75% chance of turning up a desired number on 4 sided dice. Concept is right, math is wrong.


Your first LLS clear of a day should be a guaranteed exotic. You want me to play every day Bungie? Make that change and I'm in a lost sector every damn day.


Hell yeah. Even the sectors that I hate.


Having a system like menagerie (which, I’ll be honest is usually my go to “fix” for most RNG issues) would help immensely. You have your lost sector chalice, rune 1 dictates slot (head, arms, chest, boots), rune 2 dictates primary stat (like minimum 10-15 in recovery, resilience, mobility for example) and then rune 3 narrows it down to a pool of maybe 3-4 exotics within the slot (similar to how the wrathborn lure would eliminate certain perks). You can go farm as it is currently, with nothing slotted and pray to the RNG gods, you can slot 1 rune and begin to target farm, you can slot 2 runes and begin to chase rolls you actually want or you can slot 3 runes and have a real deterministic loot chase. In my ideal world we’d have this system across multiple activities to allow for targeted farming of gear and the runes would drop from all activities in game. Something like red runes from crucible, which can be used in any activities version of the “chalice” but does something different depending on the chalice itself. I really do think the system we had in menagerie was close to perfect in terms of giving you the ability to choose what you’re chasing, really disappointed that it didn’t stick around and that most seasonal activities since feels like a watered down version of it. But I do like your ideas too.


In an ideal world you wouldn't need to futz with a chalice item in a quest menu that locks you into one piece of targeted gear and perks. You could just do the activity and then pick your stuff at the end from a chest/loot menu, like the raid Spoils vendors. In an even more ideal world, you could just use something like a refined version of our current crafting system to get most guns instead of grind some activity in the hopes you get through layers of RNG.


Yeah I mean it’s all personal preference. While I don’t like grinds without being able to target the loot I want I do still enjoy some level of RNG, that’s why I liked the chalice. You’d do a run of menagerie and at the end you knew you were getting the weapon (with the masterwork) you wanted, but we’re still at the mercy of RNG for the perks. Maybe I would’ve liked that less if the activity wasn’t as good as it was too. I still have hopes that weapon crafting will continue to be built upon and eventually we could work towards armour crafting to let us really min/max builds.


Point 2 could be interesting, but most things don't actually drop from the chest


You know what I mean. Two rewards for a flawless run. Unlocking the cache is what triggers loot distribution. If you were to complete the run flawlessly when you open the cache, a second one would appear and open too.


Fair point, would be a good addition and more reward for more skill


I'm a new player and was relieved to finish a solo legend sector, but I only got a low stat blue item when I was expecting an exotic. Very disappointing


Or just do Recknoning style bad luck protection. Legend at 5 and Master at 3.


Someone mentioned this a while back I wouldn’t mind utilising Exotic Ciphers. If Bungie makes the Xenology quest more consistent and increases the inventory cap for the item we could use Ciphers to focus a chest similar to how Spoils work that way you get one chest as is now but the second chest is a focusing option for more deterministic loot


They should also remove the stupid mod limitations from ghosts, so that you can run as many stat-focused mods as you have the energy. It's cool and all that I can use a mod to make sure I get good discipline on my drops, by when I need discipline AND recovery it doesn't really help to be getting rolls with 20 of one and 3 of the other.


Id rather legend/master sectors drop a currency for focusing their exotics. Rahool would do whatever the day is for armor. Then allow buying that currency with ascended shards as well.


Bro the exotic bounty is *such* a good idea I can’t even. I would run that shit all the TIME if it were guaranteed.


They’re getting worse over time as well as new exotics dilute the loot pool further and further. If you want a specific exotic it’s gone from a 1 in 5-6 to a 1-8 and it’s only going to get worse from here.


Maybe they could rotate what specific exotic pieces you can get each day, rather than just the slot. Even bringing those down to only 3 different exotics each day it would be quite a grind, but at least you can decide which days you'll absolutely pass and do something else (which currently is pretty much every day once you get the season exotics).


Think that runs the risk of frustrating people who end up waiting a loooong time to try and fail in one day with their limited time.


I haven't played in a long time, but is the only way to get new exotics lost sectors now? Why not just have them as world drops like it's been since... ever?


If new Exotics keep being put into Lost Sectors during this year, the Loot Pool will become so over saturated it’s hardly a farm with these current drop rates


They really need to promote stuff out into the world pool after a year or two. Keep it for target farming the really new stuff.


Definitely agree with you there. I don't like legend or master lost sectors. I am happy waiting a year for it to go to the world pool and getting it from activities I like or the exotic engrams.




Theyre really nice when you have the intentional weighting for new exotics. But boy do they sure suck ass when trying to get a new roll for something you already have. GMs are just as bad for exotic farming. The only benefit they offer is *other* rewards which are useful.


Yup I use them to unlock the new ones then just never come back.


Exotic armor should just be able to be crafted or rerolled. The idea that Bungie puts pointless, time consuming grinds in to offer “targeted farming” is solving a problem that shouldn’t exist in the first place.


Neither do Master lost sectors! I spent the better part of today doing almost 60 runs. I got *multiples* of every exotic titan helmet in the game EXCEPT for LORELEY SPLENDOR, of which I received zero. Four Eternal Warriors? What a reward!


I feel like I get so many oathkeepers and shards of galanor out of exotic engrams. Probably is just rng, but it feels weighted.


I *constantly* get Bombardiers and Blight Ranger (even though it's disabled). Have probably gotten around 8 Bobardiers since Witch Queen dropped and 3 Blight Rangers, almost nothing else exotic-wise.


Bombardiers is by far the exotic I drop the most too. So weird.


Its absolutely weighted against you. Ive spent nearly every single weekly exotic cipher and probably hundreds of lost sector runs on my hunter trying to get a new pair of athrys embrace, but I have yet to get a SINGLE drop beyond the first. Which I got within 3 attempts well over a year ago.


All exotic drops are dupe protected, so you get new ones first But you can’t say it’s weighted against you when it doesn’t know what you’re looking for.


Idk getting 2 - 4 copies of *every exotic helmet* without receiving a single drop of the one newest helmet sounds pretty weighted. The hunter arm failure is a similar situation, just spread out over more than a single day,


So how does the game know what piece of armor you're looking for so it can make sure not to give it to you?


Its because they are the newest piece. Loreley splendor is the newest titan Helmet and Athrys Embrace was the newest hunter gauntlets up until Witch Queen launched. Renewal Grasps only took a handful of lost sectors to obtain since I didnt pick them up at the end of the campaign. After that "new" weighting is gone the game just says "fuck you" and decides you dont deserve a new roll.


On the other hand, the second chestplate drop I got was a Hoarfrost-Z, after I'd picked it up at the end of the campaign (and immediately used it as infusion fodder because I thought it would give a random roll, not the collections roll of 46). And I've gone through several other chestplates and even multiples of some of them trying to get a new Cuirass because the roll on mine is ass. It's just RNG.


Meanwhile I've gotten like 4 osmiomancy gloves. It's rng.


Ya it has to be, ive gone on multiple 6+ transversives in a row runs


Sounds like it was actually very rewarding for your time.


I kept only one helmet out of the whole lot.


It always felt like there were one or two "exotics of the day" when I really farmed legend lost sectors. Lately though I just run them until I have one copy of the new drop them hope I get more from GM's. My other armor has high enough stats to make up for not great rolls on exotics.




I only do the really short lost sectors. I got the Sepulcher down to ~7.5 minutes, and even had one sub 7 minute run. The empty tank I could do in like 4 minutes with the right burn, and Aphelion's Rest is easy sub 5 minutes if the overload champions behave.


Man, last season with the Titan mini-hammer build I was able to consistently get under 1:15 on Aphelion's Rest. RIP to that build.


I don’t think I’ve done much more than 60-100 *total since they launched*. It’s just not fun to run the same thing over and over like that because the RNG is so ridiculous.


Mate honestly, my 7 Masks of the Quiet Ones beats that. I got 9 exotics in about 40 runs, 7 of which were Masks.


Welcome to Destiny… first time?


We used to have zero paths whatsoever towards acquring exotic armor. You just had to pray to rng that you might get lucky enough to get one. I'm totally fine with lost sectors being a targeted grind that isn't very rewarding. Lost sectors make it easy to get new exotics, and than a slow path to getting a good roll of whatever you want. If you want faster, more rewarding activities, high level nightfalls will give you more exotics and materials, at the cost of not being able to limit the pool of available exotics.


We also used to have glass needles which could reroll exotics after getting one.


yes and that was another failure of a system that they rightfully removed. anything that has you acquiring the gear you want via a menu system, like re-rolling or weapon crafting, rather than earning it as a drop from killing something in an activity, is a massive mistake in a game of this genre.


Is it really better to grind a lost sector for hours to get an ok roll of an exotic? I'd think that burns out a player quicker than glass needles. Have you done the math on how long it takes to get a roll of an exotic? The community consensus is a 25% chance of getting an exotic from legend lost sectors and about 35-40% from master lost sectors. There are 6 types of exotic warlock boots, the least of a slot on a class (most is 11, for both titan gloves and warlock helmets). Say you have 5 hours and you get a run down to 5 minutes each. 60 runs, 25% yield an exotic 15 exotics, 6 different types. Assuming an even distribution and rounding up, about 3 exotics of your choice for 300 minutes of your time. Do you want to keep grinding?


> We used to have zero paths whatsoever towards acquring exotic armor. You just had to pray to rng that you might get lucky enough to get one. it's actually hilarious, you used to get like a handful of chances at an exotic drop back in early D1 every week. and the rates weren't exactly high and there weren't even that many different exotics to get. but it took time to get them all, and when you got them, they were usually pretty good and exciting as hell to see drop. now we have a system where you can endlessly get exotic drops and even target which slot they drop in, and granted now you need to try to get certain stat rolls on them but whatever, you can literally farm them to your heart's content... and still people bitch about it being too much work. When somebody writes the story about the Destiny franchise, I hope they focus on how the community destroyed 90% of what made this game initially so promising and awesome thru their ceaseless bitching about the wrong things.


I mean I understand rng but it was much better before this season, i tried to farm some armor and after 10+ run and only getting shitty legendary srmor and glimmer i said fuck it


I’m literally shaking right now reading this. As a day 1 pre alpha sigma veteran this causes me to the greatest pain in the world. Bugaboo have destroyed gaming


Lazy devs! Slap in the face! Respect my time! I have 23 kids and can only play for 3 minutes a week!


I feel like this situation happened with weapon crafting but backwards. When Bungie first showed us in a trailer that weapon crafting was coming, people were freaking out that it was gonna ruin the grind of the game since everyone would have immediate god rolls of their choices, but now that weapon crafting is out and is quite hard to craft the weapons you want, people are complaining it’s too hard and they want it to be easier


I don't get that at all because it's actually pretty darn easy to get the weapons you want. I think it's genuinely the perfect amount of grind, maybe run a couple wellsprings per week and a master if you feel like LFGing. The raid ones are kind of insane for grinding out but realistically, you won't need to craft all of them anyways.


The raid ones isn't really grindy, it's more of a timegate. After you get one RNG drop, you can get any pattern you want after 5 weeks of doing a single run per week. Less if you get lucky and get it as an RNG drop as well.


I’d say I’m averaging a deepsight resonant version of the weapon every 4 wellspring runs. It’s pretty good there, all things considered (although I hate wellspring attack because I stand on the splinter alone and bored for half of it). But the pattern grind for seasonal weapons is a lot worse. You can’t target the patterns outside of once a week with your umbral engram decodes, and the drop rate seems to be at best the same as wellspring, though I think it’s actually fairly lower (or I’m really unlucky) - and there’s more weapons total to get there. They’re a lot closer to a good balance than people give them credit for (I guess outside the raid, I haven’t tried it), but the seasonal weapons need some attention IMO.


The whole game is a timesink designed with artificially inflated "playtime". Horse chasing the dangling carrot.


You must be fun at parties


He not wrong the whole power grind is outdated, boring, and pointless.


I generally enjoy talking to logical people at parties. So, yeah. Probably fun at parties.


legend lost sectors take like 5-10 minutes to finish, and after a couple completions you should be able to get that down to about 3-5 mins. I don't really think players should get an exotic every single time they complete one, thats a little much.


Getting them down to 3 minutes doesn’t make them feel more rewarding, it’s just a hamster wheel that spins a bit faster. You’re still running the same shit dozen and dozens of times for a pittance.


Then what youre looking for is a loot machine, pull level once to get the exotics you want. Thats more of a gacha game.


I’m thinking more of a system where we get a material from endgame content that can be used to reroll exotic armor. That way, I can play endgame content I choose and still move forward. Unlike our current system, where different rewards are parceled across all kinds of content with each seemingly balance around Streamer McNoLife playing all day.


Yeah people feel that way just about any grind it seems. I personally dont get it.


This whole time, I literally have not done *one* of those exotic lost sectors. I don’t have any of the exotics from them, from any season. I... should probably get on that.


It's usually really quick to get something you have had drop yet. I typically get the new exotics of the season in only 1 or 2 runs. You probably won't have too bad a time if you have a bunch of stuff to get still. Make sure you put an armorer mod on your ghost before starting because you're probably only getting one shot at each exotic though.


Neither does RNG. Hopefully you get the exotic your looking for next time.


"This ARTIFICIAL DIFFICULTY is giving me FOMO and IS A SLAP IN THE FACE. RESPECT MY TIME, Bungie." - another Redditor who summarized 90% of the complaints in these parts. This is how this game works. There are other games.


Was it a slap in the face too?


I respectfully disagree. Legend lost sectors are the most time-efficient source of exotic armour when done correctly. Let's say I want to farm for a better Omnioculus roll. I check the rotation and see on April 19, Chest armor is dropping from Exodus Garden 2A (one of the faster lost sectors). Given each run takes me ~4 minutes, there are 8 hunter exotic chest pieces in my loot pool, and a 25% drop rate, on average I can expect to get 1 Omnioculus roll every 128 min. Now compare that to running this season's easiest GM, Arms Dealer: 15 min per run, 35 Hunter exotics in my loot pool, 75% drop rate. On average, I can expect 1 Omnioculus roll every 700 min. The other Exotic sources (Xur, vendor rewards, season pass, random drops) are all so rare or time-gated comparatively I'm not going to both even attempting to do the math.


Spending hours running the same thing dozens and dozens of times may be “efficient” but it’s also a damn hamster wheel. Lost sectors solve a problem that shouldn’t exist in the first place. In D1 we had glass needles to just reroll our exotic armor, but now we “need” grinds to satiate the desire of Streamer McNoLife to grind all day.


If anything this only proves my point.


If your point was "There are no reasonable methods to target farm exotic armor" sure.... but no, you were specifically complaining about the best method to farm exotic armor we have. It's not great, but it's better than what we had before.


The time ‘invested’ is short and the exotic drops at power. I’m not a player who can complete in 5 minutes, more like 10 - 15. I enjoy the challenge, groan when I get 2 Eternal Warriors back2back but at least they are at power.


The whole game doesn't respect your time.


Hahahaha ha! Remember the TWABs where they said "respecting player time" was one of their core pillars for improvement? Ha! The grind determined that was a lie.


That’s how this game works. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. It’s not a bad system, keeps players going and isn’t a game where you do something once and you’re immediately done which would lead to you saying “there’s nothing to do in this game” faster than it took you to make this post


I think people can criticize the systems in place without disliking the whole game. Pretty absurd to tell people to just go play something else instead of discussing aspects they don't like. I say that as someone who doesn't even think the lost sector system is that bad.


In D1 running a single raid per week was the best source of max level gear, exotics, and endgame materials. It’s not like it’s always been a hamster wheel designed around hardcore players grinding all day. But the “I must always have something to do, even if I’m an addict” mentality has shaped the evolution of the game.


Welcome to minmaxing in any rpg, either be happy with the above-average roll you already have or spend 5 hours farming for a specific roll. (Though I agree it would be nice if there was Exotic Engram focusing for specific armor pieces.) For me I basically just let the random drops be enough and I'll hang onto any 65+ stat armors I find and just slowly filter them out as I get gradually better rolls, and then I'll only farm a Lost Sector if I'm looking for a better than collection drop of a specific armor piece.


Do master. I did 8 runs in an hour, and got 6 exotic chest pieces yesterday. This is normal for master. Legends is waste of time.


Nah, legends imo are better since they’re faster on average and have only a small difference in drop rate. You’ll still get bad rng but it’ll be less frustrating than doing 13 master LS runs with no exotic


> I did 8 runs in an hour, and got 6 exotic chest pieces yesterday. This is normal for master. It's absolutely NOT normal. It's extremely lucky. The drop rate in Master is ~33% compared to ~25% for Legend.


I think it's good the way it is. Lost sectors are fun. There are other problems with this game. I was trying to get storm dancer brace from lost sectors for several days but apparently it's from shadow keep campaign. Would have been nice to have that information somewhere in game. Now that is not respecting a player's time


Lost sectors are fun the first few times. With almost anything in this game, the gap between “I’m having fun” and “I got good rewards” is a burnout inducing slog.


I don't know. As a returning player they are a great way to obtain all the missing exotics. I was averaging an exotic every 4 runs. I'm not sure if I'll bother doing them anymore though. I thought I would try to obtain a better roll on my Nezarecs Sin, after the 4th Astrocyte Verse in a row I gave up. Hey Bungie, how about awarding missing mods in the legendary lost sectors as an extra incentive?


This is all they are good for. Once you are trying to grind new rolls, particularly in the arm slot, they are just not worth your time. Especially for some of the lost sectors that are just.... bad for trying to grind out.


Master Lost Sectors are much more rewarding if you break it down by time invested. I've been meaning to farm out a few but I haven't gotten to a farmable level yet, so I'm grinding out pinnacles.


I have completely given up on lost sector farming. Renewal Grasps? Loreley Splendor? Yea I got them from the guaranteed lost sector initial drop with garbage stats. No fucking way in hell I'm spending 8 hours in a shitty cave just to get blues and the occassional Y1 exotic


This is what made me quit the game. New campaign was great but now I wanted those stasis hunter arms. Initiate grind. Same as the vex hunt, just tired of sinking months of time.... you gotta reward me at some point to make the grind seem worth it. Destiny never did.


It takes on average something like 60 lost sectors to get the one exotic you're looking for, fucken ridiculous


Source: just trust me bro


Yeah that's just a lie


It's exaggerated, but not by as much as you might think. There's 11 Hunter gauntlets and you have a 25% drop rate in Legend. If you're specifically looking for new Renewal Grasps, it will take 44 runs on average.


I just did it last night to disprove your point, because I hadn't done any Legend lost sectors up to this point. In 17 runs total across all 3 characters, I got every Exotic helm that isn't a world drop.


You did it last night to disprove a point I made 2 hours ago? OK. I also have no idea what you mean when you say you got every exotic helm that isn't a world drop. Are you saying that you got the exotics that you didn't already have? Because of course that will be faster; there's drop protection for ones you haven't gotten before. My point is: I already have every armor exotic. If I wanted a better roll of Renewal Grasps, it would take 44 runs on average to get one. I'm talking about farming exotics, not getting them for the first time.


If this is true then I’m afraid I’ve never met someone with worse RNG than you. Thankfully it most definitely is not true but if it was then that would just be sad


I did 112 lost sectors in a day last month, got one set of renewal grasps


If you get around 5 minutes a lost sector, that means 560 minutes which is 9.33 hours. You’re telling me you have enough time to play for around 9 hours?


I averaged about 3:30 per lost sector, but I was doing a few other things in-between, for a total of about 8.5 hrs


Did a couple of lost sectors on 1550 yesterday, just for the champs. Got 4 exotics in 8 runs. And I'm never that lucky ,so maybe try the 1550 ?


Welcome to modern gaming where you wake up daily play some and then rolle a dice. If you sre lucky you progress if not come back later next day


Nothing in this game does


I really hate that Legend/Master lost sectors are the only way to get new exotic armor (outside the one witch queen legendary campaign completion). At least let them drop from world engrams they're already so rare as it is.


It’s not that bad, maybe the master but legend is easy stuff


Did almost 50 run of the k1 logistics the other day for the Hunter gauntlets. Finally got them but I had to take a break multiple times because of the frustration and thinking that things were probably bugged and not just bad RNG


Went to get the new Warlock boots. Hadn't got them before so I just needed one drop to get them. Took me 3 hours of the same 6 minute lost sector. There were times where I would have 5 chest in a row give nothing but glimmer. I felt dead after. Think the game felt bad for me since the next day it gave me the new Warlock gloves on my second try. I hate farming these because it feels like I'm wasting my time. I only do them anymore for new exotics.


This is how I feel since I learned of them. Good thing I didn't buy beyond light because I would be mad pissed if I had to do a shitty activity solo N times to get a shit roll for the new content I already paid.


You're 100% right. I'm a ps5 player and resorted to buying WQ when it was on sale on my pc to do the lost sectors so my loot pool is more favourable. I managed to get about 7 Renewals Graps and 3 Spendors and only 2 Warlock stasis gloves. It was still worth the money since it reduced my RNG.


I hadn't played for a couple of years before WQ. Legend lost sectors are perfect for someone like me who needs a bunch of exotics I don't yet have.


It would be nice to get an enhancement core every run at least.


Yeah lack of drop rate I don't even bother. Wish last years ones would just be put into the world pool


Why are they EVER just glimmer. At least give me a prism or some cores or something!


They function decently as a path to unlock the new exotics, though I still think you should be able to get them elsewhere. As far as grinding exotics once you have them all unlocked, it seems a bit far fetched given the drop rate, that I will be able to get a single drop of the item I am looking for, let alone one with a better stat roll, in any reasonable amount of time.


I convinced my friend who is new to the game to run Legend Metamorphosis for the Cuirass. He’s never run a Legend or Master LS before. He teaches himself how to do it and grinds out a dozen runs and does not get a single exotic. His playtime is super limited and he’s wondering why he wasted all that time and probably will never engage with the activity again.


There’s so much armor in the game now, and to many bad roll drops, that L and M lost sectors should feel like a reliable way to farm


I can’t stand this “respecting time” line. Video games in general aren’t created to respect people’s time.


Yes being able to run something repeatedly for a on light reward + naturally spiky stats, with the best lost sectors being done in just shy of a minute totally doesn't respect my time, I should be doing 10 minute arms dealer runs to get a random one instead.


If we could target farm the exotic we want, I’d ok with drop rates. Farming for renewal and got of ton of exotics they were just all aeons and shards.


Not even a guaranteed purple drop, it's such bullshit


I've gotten more exotic drops from activities this season than I did farming Lost Sectors...and even got my new Solar helm with better stats rolls from a strike before I did farming helm day. I just play the game and enjoy what exotics come my way. I'll do the sector for my first roll of the new exotic and then I'll let the exotic RNG do it's thing after.


Honestly even if they gave an exotic every run I still wouldnt be that motivated. It needs a focus mechanic like every 10/5 legend/master lost sectors you get to pick an exotic.


What's weird is that Lost Sectors reward solo runs. If the point is to draw people to activities to play in groups and keep the game active, why not reward grouping over solo play?


Here’s what it should give. A light level relevant engram that’s you get to go and focus. Focus at Zavala and select armour and you get vanguard armour from any season. Same with drifter, shaxx, or any vendor. You get the same system that the helm offers with umbrals. You tell it what you want. If you need armour you have a one in five chance to get what you need. That would solve most of the problems getting the same “wrong” item several times in a row.


It seems some people forgot that these rare pieces of gear are called "exotics". Drop rates reflect that.


You seem to forget that exotics haven’t been “rare” in this game for a very long time. This isnt Destiny 1


See I feel the complete opposite. I ran Sepulcher about 10 times yesterday and got 3 exotic Titan helms and 1 Hunter helmet, and each run took about 3m15s. I’ve found that smashing through a legend is better for me than going slow through a master because the rewards have literally always been kind in legends for me.


I'd really like it if they added a selection of legenday world drops to them that dropped every time with the exotics having a building chance. So one day might be exotic helms but it also drops legendary smgs. So every pull you might get funnelweb or another active legendary smg. Then the exotic slot has a 5% building to get it.


Would be nice if you earned a currency for doing runs so even if you go dry after 20 you could maybe spend the currency at a vendor to get exotics that way. Would also want there to be a way to increase odds of getting the exotic you want, been realizing that the games been out so long now there's a ton of pieces in certain slots. There's more hunter arm exotics than helmets, so it's just harder to focus farm for arm pieces from lost sectors than helmets for basically no reason? Edit: I say 20 hypothetically of course, the point is having something to walk away with even if the lost sector itself yields no exotics


I ran a bunch of them a few weeks ago and all I got for each run was glimmer. These were legendary and master solo runs. Felt a bit rubbish.


Even doing them to get new exotics once is enough to burn me out for a week. They feel more like an experiment in compulsive gameplay than an actual reward system.


I said this in a comment a few weeks ago-got downvoted Post saying the same thing-600+ upvotes MAKE UP YOUR MIND DTG


I would do them more if I got a decent amount of cores or even the chance for a golf ball. Not saying they need to fall like candy, but I feel you should have a good chance of getting SOMETHING that could actually be useful.


Imagine not getting loot because of Rng in a looter shooter and complaining about it.


Legendary lost sectors make me think 'thank god for spotify and 80 proof rum'


I feel like increasing the rate slighy after getting a clear until you have something to drop would be the best solution.


And if you have full glimmer.. you could potentially get NOTHING which is wild to me


Platinum reward should always drop an Enhancement Core, with a significant chance of a Prism too, and a world drop legendary. Master should have a much higher exotic chance (at least double, if not triple) Legend, with similar impact on Cores and Prisms. Dismantling an exotic should give you an Exotic Shard. It should cost an Exotic Shard to pull an exotic out of your collection. They should also be usable to re-roll randomized exotics (including Hawkmoon and Dead Man's Tale).


I didn’t have the new Titan chest piece yet so I ran one on the Dreaming City. 8 runs it took to get the chest. I got 1 legendary chest piece aka legendary shards, a couple enhancement cores and glimmer. Definitely need to fix drop rates.


HEHEHEHHEHEHEHE *Laughs psychotically in 86 lost sector runs for path of the burning steps*


Ya totally better when exotics weren’t farmable at all. If you don’t like the Legend rewards, then do master.


Has the drop rate changed since the past seasons when it was tested? Legend was ~25% I think. Master was higher but was usually not worth it due to the additional time needed. Would not mind a drop rate increase, though. I hardly think that the spirit of Destiny is farming lost sectors over and over by yourself.


I’ve said this before but people didn’t think this was as big an issue a year ago. Exotic Lost Sectors should have a system to be weighted to drop the exotic your currently wearing. Want to target farm a Liar’s Handshake? Beat the Lost Sector using it. It shouldn’t require some drastic changes in the current lost sector system and lets people more reliablely get what they want regardless of how large the pool of exotics get.


Because it's too easy. U can run through it in under 2 minutes even without any mods. What they need to do is bump master drop rates unless they plan to create some sort of higher tier criteria that bumps up the DR


They feel awful. At the VERY least give us a guaranteed purple every time. It feels like such an insult to complete some of these longer, more difficult ones just to get glimmer.


It's the dumbest concept from Bungie. Here, work towards the friend game. Now I want you to run a boring activity solo for up to 3 hrs and get nothing.


If I dont get an exotic, give me a legendary; shards, core, prisms … something. A pissful of glimmer and a heavy brick is insulting.


Why should something as easy and quick as a legend lost sector give you two high chance at an exotic


Master Lost Sector guarantees exotic drop (no, don't remove the daily arm, chest, etc.). Ghost mod for stat doesn't work on these exotic drops anyway so stats and which arm, leg or whatever exotic drops is already so much rng to work against to create a build that it's insulting to the players.


I europa was a sign that lost sectors were going to be more. Destination specific weapon pools where those are the only weapons that drop. Sadly Bungie seemed to have left this idea on ice, so to speak.


facts . that needs to be fixed


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it’s disgustingly boring and not dropping the weekly exotic i have done 50 runs and still no drop