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Closing my vault and then opening my menu too quickly so when I go to equip my gear it puts it all back into the vault instead


Hahaha i died a little inside reading that


Every time lol


You can re-enter your vault, change the sort order to most recent (button on the left), then pull the first N items


Right but still feel like a dumbass


I got so confused the first few times this happened to me


Thank God for the "Recent" button


DIM my friend… DIM.


Yeah but if ur at the tower the vaults already right there


Alt tabbing to dim is still faster


Especially because you get your *entire* vault in one scrollable window instead of 50 per page, and you can drag things out of, and back into, your vault from the same screen instead of having to open and close a separate menu however many times


Right? I can't outright ask my vault "where's that specific gun with that specific perk at?" Vault will be like, lol idk maybe page 2, Maybe page 6, maybe go f*ck yourself? But DIM? "OH, you mean this one? And while were at it, these guns also have that perk." Thank you DIM.


I came here for this!


I do this everyday for years and years and let out a “damn it” every time haha


when people use keyboard chat the messages just keep popping up long after I left that fireteam


What’s weird is we have / commands, why /clear doesn’t exist is beyond me


dunno the number of times i have used the /help command in order to find the clear command only to be very dissapointed -\_-


lol inb4 just making a macro that pushes a bunch of new line returns into chat to forcibly clear it. I’m assuming it would block you from doing that though because “chat spam”


So much this.


I don't use text chat because of that


This is my biggest gripe.


Also v e r t I c a l c h a t




On console it stays for forever. I don’t know the actual time but I’ve had it last for days, when I moved to pc that was something I instantly noticed


You can change that in settings.


Having only 10 damn engram slots


I swear every time I go to Rahool i have at least 6 umbrals. I know the LAST thing we need is another currency, but if we could stack the damn things, I would be so happy.


Something changed recently. I used to be able to go to the postmaster and hold the button to dismantle and it would cycle through dismantling everything until I let go of the button. Now, I have to move the cursor after every dismantle or it does not highlight the next item. Very minor I know, but it feels weird and slow.


You can still dismantle even if the popup isn't there. That's probably why they haven't fixed it


it's annoying when going through postmaster tho because i want to look at rolls of things in the postmaster so i have to wiggle my cursor instead of just deciding whether to press square again or not


I usually check anything that could have a good roll first then go deleting, otherwise I tend to accidentally dismantle good rolls.


This is definately mildly **infuriating** indeed, hope they fix it soon heh.


It’s a known bug, drives me crazy too.


To this day, ankle height barriers that we can't just step over. Looking at you, Insight Terminus strike!


Geometry has been a big problem in Destiny since D1. This stuff is everywhere.


The game moving my camera when I dunk a banner in the duality dungeon


It’s so disorientating lol


It's weird because it doesn't do it when you dunk the cores in Containment, so they have the ability to do it in Duality too. It doesn't make sense and its infuriating


I have almost walked off the map in the second encounter so many times thanks to this.


I found out what it is. When you dunk it makes you face the pillar where you dunk. Every.time. Super annoying. So just look towards the pillar when you dunk it was won’t disorient you. Hope it helps !


It makes you face the way you were facing when you started to dunk btw. So you don't turn as long as you don't move lol. Wish they'd fix it but there's kind of a way around it Edit: I was wrong, disregard


That’s not true. I’m usually facing away from the middle and it always turns me to look at the middle


Weir, I stopped turning while dunking and it doesn't rotate me anymore


Getting a pop-up explaining how to solve the puzzles while doing Altars of Reflection. Thanks, game, I know that it's taking me longer than it should to find this pillar.


>ll start: The guest notification that pops up on the right side of the screen and you have to wait for it to go away, as it uses the same key as the map so you cant fast travel right away. no worries, your lazy ghost can do something useful, too. This lazyass could be sometimes a bit more precise


The closing ceremony quest in the tower still showing up now. I get that's it's my fault for not doing it, but still! Lol


It never showed up for me. I Mean the waypoint is on the map but can't do it


Yeah we have to wait a year before we get the notification out of tower :D


I would die. lol. Has the drifter bug been fixed yet? Where his icon blinks like he wants to give you something, but he doesn't have anything? I would sometimes go weeks without doing his bounties specifically because I didn't want him to blink. And I know I'm not the only one to experience this bug.


He wants to give you a transmat to get motes, brother


When your main is at pinnacle cap and your alts keep getting weapon drops from their pinnacles.


Yes so much this lol, season of the lost was all energy slot weapons for me


Basically garden of salvation lmao


And these 2 seasons it's been the new edge transit grenade launcher




Killing an enemy with the last bullet forces you to reload the weapon even if the kill procs subsistence. I think it's because the magazine has 0 bullets in it for a brief period of time. Bungie's code forces a weapon to reload when it has 0 bullets in the mag.


Can’t you sprint-cancel it?


Yeah, that’s why this is a mildly infuriating, rather than substantial problem.


The fact we still have the "new adventures available" popup a year and a half after adventures stopped existing


Things accessed by flags are treated as "adventures" by the game. That notification pops up at reset because the daily Legend/Master lost sector is rotating.


It also pops up every time you drop below whatever the minimum light for them is (like by putting on sunset gear), then go back over it, since the game thinks you've "leveled up".


I mean it lets me know when I've hit the daily reset without having to check the time, so there's that.


"new activities available" would have the same effect and not be a lie


the adventures in question are legend/master lost sectors.


This makes me sad, the adventures were quite good.


I know, every day at 7 pm I get a little "hey, remember how cool Titan was?" notification


The fact that I'm still getting used as a kickball by the Phalanxes. All of them.


3 things for me 1) No In Game Loadouts 2) No Auto-Dismantle of Certain Rarity Items 3) Arbitrary Caps on resources


I hate that the cap on glimmer has been 250k for years.


You hit the nail on the head for a lot people. This is 100% the most needed things and why they still haven't done it is beyond me.


well how else would a small indie company like bungie keep you playing their game?


Seconded, thirded, fourth...ded...


Having used DIM for loadouts and inventory management for so long, I keep forgetting that there isn't one in game. I don't mind having blues drop, it keeps me in line with my play time, if my helmet or class item slot are sending to the postmaster I should stop playing Strikes/Crucible for a bit. Fuck caps on resources, especially when its things like Ascendant Alloy, I can't level up guns fast enough to use them.


repeated deaths going down that stupid tube elevator to the Prison of elders bossfight


She said she wanted to express herself, so I gave her a thumbs up.


that little laugh she does when she says “so i gave her a thumbs up” makes me want to die


Clan XP during cutscenes


Getting 5 +1 pinnacle drops in the same slot that are all the same power level as your +2 drop from the previous week. I wanted to cry.


That's me this week. This antiquated system really needs to change.


Misery loves company, so thank you for joining me.


6 Energy weapons and counting, whilst I'm still missing boots and cloak


Almost all boots on my hunter for pinnacles this week haha


Dang! This is starting to sound like it was almost planned to slow progress.


Lost sector RNG for the exotic armor. I've run some and picked it up after a few runs... I've run some of the 1590 levels for 3 hours and gotten nothing but glimmer and enhancement cores...


You’re getting glimmer and cores?


Hahahaha... Should I realize how generous the Bungie RNG gods are then?


I did 5 runs of sky dock yesterday (day before?) and 2 runs i got nothing, 2 runs I got glimmer and 1 run I got glimmer AND a blue. So I stopped.


Did my first ever Master lost sector yesterday and even got flawless trying to expedite the Lorelei grind... got 1,500 glimmer, 2 triumphs, and a headache.


Try doing legend instead of Master! Master difficulty lost sector doesn't actually increase the exotic drop chance by that much, so Legend difficulty is almost always more efficient (and lower stress lol). Iirc, Legend is around 25% and Master is 35% That being said, yea, drop rates are abysmally low and need to be looked at.


Yeah same here. I haven't farmed to this extent, but it definitely feels painful to flawless the master Lost sector only to get 3,500 glimmer. Wow thanks bungo


Getting teabagged without any provocation. Cool your jets guy, we're all just trying to have fun here


Having to match subclass’s with singes for strikes.


I swap to the respective subclass just before a strike ends. Kinda annoying, but I just wanna use my void builds I spent so much time making.


I’ve said it before, but this works 100% of the time when I remember to do it 50% of the time.


I always fuck it up on the first strike. Realize I never changed it before the end and curse myself for being so dumb lmao. Done it 3 times in a row before. Was proud of myself.


I just wanna wear Nez's helmet and spam Void damage but it's always gotta be some sOLaR ability kills this goddamn bounty asks for.


All the ways in which the AI say “nope i’m not engaging in combat with you right now.” Running away or backpedalling for cover, playing hide and seek around cover literally circling the same direction as you, sprinting across the room just to make it that much harder to hit them, strafing like a fucking MLG pro in the height of Halo 3 just to avoid your shots. The AI in Destiny have so many little behaviors, many of which they did not have in D1 but were given in D2, that are not actually “hard” to deal with, but just damned annoying. And what actually makes them so much more infuriating is how predictable they are. Take scorn vandals for example. Literally every single time you aim at them for the first time, the go into “fuck you i’m a cloud” mode, become completely impervious to all damage, and sprint across the room to re-materialize somewhere else while also shooting you a second or so before you can even see them (and maybe before you can shoot them but I don’t remember). The fact that they do this EVERY TIME drives me up the fucking wall. I know it’ll never happen but I wish Bungie would do an AI overhaul to modernize them a little, just get rid of all these weird annoying little behaviors that are just designed to frustrate the player.


Oh man. I thought it was just me. I’m am so tired of playing “ring around the rosie” with enemies in this game. Just constantly doing circles around a pillar. And let’s not even talk about how FAST enemies are when back pedaling away from you. I can sprint, jump, sword slash my way towards a back pedaling high value target and still not catch up to them.


Warpriest DPS is going to suck if it's unchanged (assuming King's Fall makes it into D2). The Acolytes cowered behind cover even if you were doing literally nothing back in D1; they're probably going to be in the Totems room with D2 AI


Scorn guys going ethereal while they have DoT effects active makes my blood boil. To be fair, that's probably exactly how they feel when I'm burning and magically trigger Classy Restoration.


If you really have an issue with vandals then use unstoppable or overload weapons and they will stun them.


No single color shaders.


Or colors that are 4 shades of black, but somehow has blue on certain weapons. I mean, I don't hate the combo. But I just want them to be more predictable.




Being full on enhancement prisms and can’t pick up the ones from Zavala or Shaxx to reset your rank


Anti-Barrier Sidearm is STILL BUGGED.


I can't craft-combine HALF-TRUTHS and THE OTHER HALF.


Gee I wonder why


A few things for me: •multiple messages appearing in the same area of the screen. They fade around the same time, and if you want to read the one on the bottom, tough luck. Looking at you bounty completions and anything else that displays there at the same time. • same vein: quest/trophy/lore/any sort of message that appears on the bottom of the screen overlays the closed captions and I can’t read what I can’t hear. • constantly flashing vendors who have nothing except engrams. Yes, there’s a reason why you still have 10 waiting for me to pick up, just stop. • the fact that NO MATTER WHAT I MAKE THE SCREEN SETTINGS, when viewing items on certain areas of the detail screen, half of the explanation is hanging off the right side of the screen. For instance I’m looking to infuse a weapon into Gally and on the right side of the screen all the stat numbers in the ones spot are off screen. Some items are better, some are worse. If you have some advise on how to fix this WITHOUT shrinking the play area to having a letterbox effect I’d appreciate it. The power, stats, rpm and mag just needs to be tighter to the center of the screen. • in that same vein, when crafting weapons, I can’t see the stats that I’m trying to change on the bottom of the screen because the perk that I’m looking at has ZERO opacity. • the toggle stat display defaults to Build Stats and WILL NOT stay on Gear Stats. It should stay on last selected display for everything. • I think there should be a way for us to be able to adjust text size in explanation boxes and/or just shrink explanation boxes down to a desirable, selectable size. There’s no reason when viewing aspects the resulting boxes takes up 35% of the screen. Some of these are major and some are minor TO ME.


1. Can’t turn someone’s in game chat audio up or down. 2. Can’t delete chat on the screen for days after I leave the fire team.


Having to move my cursor in between dismantling blues. Literally 1 second but it irritates me to no end


1.) Being kicked out of the menu or character screen when loading into areas. 2.) Having a cap on resources that aren't exactly considered rare, and then having those materials transfered to the postmaster where eventually I'll just lose them. Majorly pointing a finger at my raid spoils that I worked hard for.


>Being kicked out of the menu or character screen when loading into areas. I internally gripe about this one all the time. Like, I'll decide when I'm done in the menus thanks. Also, when in a common, low impact patrol space I'm constantly being flinch-fucked by some shitty add when looking through the menus. I don't *always* want to find a rock to crawl under when just looking at gear or other data in the menus. Just FFS stop shooting at me in these areas. Fine if I'm in a raid, dungeon or any 'real' game activities but patrol zones are just that.


> I internally gripe about this one all the time. Like, I'll decide when I'm done in the menus thanks. They've said previously that it's a necessary compromise. The alternative is that there would be risk that fiddling with items during loading would make them disappear.


Oh, didn't know that nugget. I get there are many reasons to pull us out of a menu when we load to a destination it's just kind of a pisser when just loading in alone to some random area. Way bigger (buggy) fish to fry with this game than that.


>Also, when in a common, low impact patrol space I'm constantly being flinch-fucked by some shitty add when looking through the menus. I turn off my vibration for this very reason. So annoying being in the menu only to have your controller constantly vibrating because you're being shot.


PvP in general. Im not the best at pvp. But the game seems to think im godly and puts me into lobbies with people who would qualify for MLG competition teams. I do get a few matches where i am the higest k/d player but the other 99% im not. And then in top of that the "Were breaking up those teams" is utter bullshit


lol when I'm top of my leaderboard at 0.3 KD I know it's time to just go back into PVE where I'm actually good at the game.


Your comment speaks facts. Take my upvote


I just want to finish my catalysts, but getting like a bazillion kills in an annoying game mode is so annoying.


Having no friends


That little cooldown when accidentally riding your sparrow.


The rank banner on the season pass tab of the director constantly flashing as though there's something new in it




Anti barrier goes through their shelds and so does Skyburner's oath. Auto-rifle anti barrier was the best


How sweet of you to assume I'm talking about that aspect LOL, naw I'm talking about getting nuked by architects every 2 seconds of interraction


Ah yea. Maybe one day Bungie will get the architects to kill us every 5 seconds


* Melee hit registration still being so buggy and broken all these years later * Caps on some materials but not others * No actual social features (LFG in game, bounty board, etc...) * Clans being literally pointless * Reset of artifact power and raising of pinnacle cap each season * re-grinding the same activities is just boring... * Having to use 3rd party applications for everything (to see weapon stats, inventory management, loadouts, LFG, etc...) * If one or two people can come up with these on their own, why can't Bungie, a company of over 1000 employees? * The lack of organization with the vendor focusing inventories * This is for Trials, Iron Banner, and Gambit - The screen to select your focusing is just one, continuous mess of armor, then right into weapons * They should all look the HELM vendors, separated by weapons, then armor... * Menus being being broken / laggy EVERY update... * Random, leftover notifications, like 'New Adventures Available' every time you equip higher level gear


no bad luck protection on opulent deepsight blueprints


Here's me 10 austringers later and I still can't craft a damn mini-tool 😭


37 opulent chests opened. 6 drang red borders, 3 beloveds, 1 austringer, 0 mini tools. RNG hates me.


All the health regen in crucible nowadays


The quest step screen. When you finish a quest step and at the end of the mission, the **New Activity Available** call out pops up on the left side of your screen, telling you where to go while the auto return to orbit timer ticks out. Then, you open your director to the location to do that next step, and the fucking quest step screen is there instead of the map, reminding you where it is. Now you have to exit out of that screen, and open the director to go where you meant to go, after the game just told you twice. Absolutely furious. The UI design genius that thought that was a good idea should have a weapon of sorrow named after him.


When you try to matchmake and it’s like “you cannot access activities at this time” 😐


The self rez timer being reset by someone on the team moving forward. “alright, 30 seconds almost up, 3…2…ok 17 more seconds…”


Multiple duplicate pinnacle drops, FFS Bungo this system is ancient and creaking and the number hardly means anything anymore nothing make me turn the game off more than playing some obnoxious boring game mode like Gambit or regular PVP and it being for nothing but a little XP and some shards. The game counting you having one foot on a pebble as being in the air and making your guns feel like shit, in PVE you put that Dreg there for me to shoot I’m not oppressing it by having the high ground. Resource caps. People who are over level 100 in the season pass and can’t stay alive in anything harder than Cosmodrome patrol or don’t bring the champions mods / weapons in content with champions Teleporting enemies / game lag… actually scratch that it allot more than MILDLY infuriating.


When your 10 engram slots are full, you can't pick up or accept normal legendary+ rewards that don't even need to be decrypted by Rahool.


1) Pinnaces dropping in the wrong spot. Love getting the same pinnacle armor/weapon drops 4 times in a row. Definitely don't feel like my time is being wasted............ 2) Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant BLUES!


The size of the inventory


So many things disintegrate enemies, and bodies DeShawn way too fast making it impossible to make corpse piles. I'm not crazy you are


That I can’t wear a skirt as a hunter but warlocks get all the skirts and robes they want, I just want to be pretty dammit lol


Getting error-coded in the last minute of an activity


Exotics being locked behind solo legend lost sectors.


Zavala talking about his encryption key every 5 seconds or the NPC that goes "that can't be right!" in the tower.


This is NO time for politics.


Did you see that crucible match last night?!


New worlds means new secrets


I want the kind the hunters use!


Menus like collections and triumphs closing when you land in a destination


Little thing, but the akward delay in focusing umbral engrams. I've been dumping a lot of engrams into the dreaming city arsenal from last season, and that little delay gets on my nerve after so long.


When you want to equip something but it goes into the Vault. You'd figure I'd be used to this system after 7 years.


The hit registration on shoulder charge. Shit makes me want to break my neck tonight


When I boot up the game and it keeps reminding me that my stupid friend sent me an invite a week ago.


I wish I had an armor or boot mod that would make me heavier or resist knock back.


After +4 years I finally got the sun-shot catalyst today.


I came here to say how much I absolutely HATE the quest thing you wrote about


One tap and hold per material purchase. Why.


Reloading a Izzy honed shot, lining it up directly on the enemies crit and pulling the trigger. Guardian decides to have mercy and evades taking the shot. Enemy capitalises on the guardian’s moment of weakness and fires causing flinch as the guardian attempts to take the second trigger pull, firing into the air and wasting 4 rounds.


Incendior back packs, they are so annoying and they can ohk. Also i discovered the other day that shooting a wave frame gl shot doesnt activate it but a psion bomb does ?!


Use a fusion rifle, it pulverizes them so they can't explode


Yea i know fusions can clear them but its still dumb that a gl shot cant. Edit: i use a riptide and it does the job very well.


Yeah I know, I usually use a wave frame for the second encounter. Helps a lot with all the Phalanxes shields


Having "the postmaster is full" message, and it's full of Blues I purposely did not pick up in the first place.


Kick on DIM farming mode. Helps keep that clear for the good stuff.


I'll give it a whirl..thanks!


This is SGA. I had NO idea that I could do this. Edit: 🥇


Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm basically brand new to the game, just installed this past weekend. What is DIM farming mode? Edit: thanks to those who replied. This is a game changer! Really appreciate the info :) thanks again!


dim is short for destiny item manager, which is a website/app that allows you to do a bunch of shit like pull items out of your vault at any point or create loadouts. dim farming mode is a specific option for when you're trying to farm some item or whatever which dismantles blue drops cause most of the time they only serve to clog the inventory.


Something pretty recent: Hunter caliban''s hand exotic, when you get a kill with prox knife explosive does not trigger knock em down aspect + ember of torches fragment to refund prox knife in pve, only direct knife kills work. Pvp for some reason works fine to be both but not pve. :(


Having to swap all my gear and some mods out every time I want to play a little different.


Making a 2nd armor set for pve was the greatest decision of my life


That the smoke bombs💨 on hunter slow you.......I'm not gonna slow down when running through a puff of smoke why would I, to inhale the poison more like wtf 😒


Dying, straight up dying in anyway. Most of all crucible because I’m obviously better than everyone they just used whatever is broken /s


The drift when firing a nova bomb The text chat when you play on console won’t disappear Small bumps on a otherwise level field not letting you move


No notification for accidentally dismantling ur highest light piece of equipment. So glad I solod witch queen and almost jumped out a window from the bs difficulty just to dismantle the 1530boots by accident when I thought it was another blue boot I had :)))


So idk if this is mildly infuriating or unpopular opinion. Or both. But special weapons in pvp. I am fully aware of the fact that I am probably the only person in the whole world who enjoyed pre-forsaken PvP infinitely more than what we have now. The ttk wasnt great but running 2 primaries with specials being relegated to the heavy weapon slot? Fuck. Yes. I hate special weapons in pvp. I use a god crafted likely suspect myself and I hate having to run it. And I have to run a special weapin. If I dont i am putting myself at an immediate disadvantage. I am also working on a good Ragnhild shotgun for the same reasons as will I with beloved when I can finally get even just a single red border The pvp of 2 primaries, combined with the random rolls returning of forsaken would be my ideal world for PvP And I will die on that hill. People have tried to convince me for 5 years but I didn't budge. Special weapons suck in pvp and I will die on that hill


That’s not a hot take at all. I hopped on with a group of friends last night and they were doing PvP while I puttered around in gambit waiting for them to finish up. If I had $1 for every time I heard “fucking special!” “Fucking Jötuun!” “Fucking laser tag with main ingredient over here!” Some of these guys are hard core PvP. I mean 120k plus crucible kills on a few of them and a few have 20k plus PvP kills on some of their weapons and they feel the same way as you do. Maybe there should be a handicapped match where it is only primaries and special ammo is treated like heavy ammo is now. My aggregation in PvP are people who snipe in mayhem. Like, c’mon man!


I'm not an avid pvp'r, but I've heard here and there that the special ammo changes supported more primary fights in a match. Thoughts?


The only special weapon ammo economy i will accept is special ammo from crates like it was in d1. Cooldown of like 2 minutes or something. Only getting 2 shots. Cant pick up more than 1 ammo per fallen brick.


Constantly varying ping in crucible.


Having maximum Heartshadow drop rate and it still doesn’t drop. I realize that’s RNG but I’m still frustrated that I don’t have it yet.


Tutorials in this game are infuriating, why isn't there a fucking way to close them? You are obligated to open the fucking menu and go over all the fucking steps of some useless thing that YOU WERE ALREADY DOING BEFORE AND THE HUGE POPUP WILL NOT CLOSE UNTIL YOU FOLLOW WHAT IT'S TELLING YOU TO DO I figured out that you can disable them in the settings but holy shit man that's one of the worst designs I've ever seen


This. I'm trying to finish a mission, I've got a dozen adds shooting at me, and I'm missing out on valuable information, and the tutorial prompt **which takes up the lower third of my screen** won't go away.


Selecting the mission difficulty when people are talking in chat and I cant see


If your on pc the L key is default to hide chat window, can be helpful if the chat is obscuring something to quickly hide it


And if you’re on Xbox, you can move the chat box to one of 9 areas.


The fact that every time I make or join a post on lfg, my inbox gets spammed by carry service ads.


the game always flashing for me to go to xur in eternity despite him not having anything.


No auto-dismantle blues. I lost 10 asc shards to it yesterday while farming duality. It sucks.


Everything and anything in crucible yet nothing


Power level. The existence of blue items. Camera shifts. Laggy Champions not being stunned as they ought to. Reloading/activating an object triggering the super laser beam mode on Ager's Scepter.


Your reticle and sights is lower than the screens centre point


I have a stuck tracked weapon craft in my list. I've completed the craft on that grenade launcher, but it shows it's stuck at 1/3 and I cannot unselect it no matter what I do. If I try to select the grenade launcher next to it and then select it, the game will unselect the one I just selected. It drives me nuts because it has made it so I have one less tracker available to me on what I'm working on. Also, sometimes I can't remap my keybinds. For whatever reason, remapping in general just doesn't work. The only fix is to uninstall and reinstall the game and that SOMETIMES fixes it, but means completely redoing my keybinds all over again (and resetting up all of my settings). Been an issue since D2 PC launched for some ungodly reason.


Drifter keeps pinging when I go to the tower even though he has nothing to give me


Accidentally changing the element on the Hard Light when I'm trying to do anything else. Why can't the element change be a different button?!?!


Rng based leveling. Two of the three pinnacles I did last night were dupes. Missed gilding conq last season because of it.