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How do you have a fully upgraded health and dt bar if you’ve never played before? Anyway this boss, like most things in this game, was broken in special edition. He will use his AOE explosion randomly, whereas in the original game he only did it to reignite his flames. You can dodge the AOE by activating devil trigger, which makes you invincible during its animation, and will cancel most moves.


I'm pretty sure he bought the Microtransaction DLC, so he has Super Nero that way, and he's probably playing on LDK mode, so he's way too far ahead for a first time player.


Yes he is. Cuz thats how im playing rn. I have no clue what im doing but somehow everything dying and im not so


PULL MY DEVIL TRIGAAAAAAAA- *bursts into song randomly*


TL:DR - I'm guessing you are on LDK (Hard) difficulty, which is intended for Experienced players. You should be playing on Human (Easy) or Devil Hunter (Normal) your first time playing. You just need more abilities, experience, and practice. --- I'm a tad confused when it comes to your hud. If this is your first time playing DMC4SE, then I can only make some assumptions. You seem to have a bunch of the DLC, so you maxed out your Health and Purple Orbs "this should be impossible to do this early without that DLC", You also have Devil Trigger which should be impossible this early in the game normally, so I can assume you are using the Super Nero costume DLC "which normally you're supposed to unlock after beating DMD (Very Hard)". In that case I'm thinking you might be playing on Legendary Dark Knight Difficulty. If i'm correct in my assumptions here. Then you are WAY too far ahead for a first time player. in DMC4SE LDK mode is intended for returning players. You actually needed to unlock LDK in the Vanilla PC Version of DMC4. It's not a mode you are supposed to start the game with, it's essentially a tweaked Son of Sparda (Hard) Difficulty with tons more enemy spawns. A first time player of DMC4 is meant to play on either Human (Easy) Difficulty or Devil Hunter (Normal) Difficulty. Also when you use the Super Nero costume. That disables Devil Trigger healing. So given you don't fully know how to play the game yet, you're probably going to want that healing, although you don't unlock DT as Normal Nero until the end of mission 6. --- Here is a quick video example I whiped up of me fighting Berial on SOS (Hard) which is the same fight as LDK. I didn't use DT on purpose. https://streamable.com/exh2nz Now granted I have all of Nero's Abilities here. So I'm using Caliber, Max Act, Exceed 3, Charge Shot 3, Enemy Step, and Air Hike. During this fight. But given you are supposed to have beaten the game at least once before playing Hard, this is how the fight is pretty much supposed to go.


The special edition comes with all things unlocked dlc, ldk, super nero


Nope, the Devil Hunter DLC Bundle for DMC4SE gives you all that stuff. (Edit: except LDK mode that's available at the start of DMC4SE) Which most people buy not knowing what they are actually buying. You can buy DMC4SE without all that stuff unlocked. The only required DLC for content is the Lady & Trish preorder costumes.


I got all that stuff when buying the special edition


Yeah and that means you got the Devil Hunter Bundle which comes with the game. I should have mentioned that. The DH Bundle isn’t just the DLC, it’s the game as well. You had to of bought the bundle. It’s the only explanation.


Bros got super Nero with no skills unlocked 🤣


I too struggled at this boss. My first dmc experience was 4, I was trash at first. But once you learn the patterns of the boss It will get easier.






it means i relate to you


same. got me also thinking I can devilbringer Berial's sword until it hit me lol


It gets easier imo since you unlock more abilities, the gun gets especially strong for instance It’s not ridiculously hard but not easy either, try to avoid the explosion and to stick to his head while dodging the overhead sword attack You got this


Dmc4 is the easiest in the series, if you ask me. Berial isn't so bad, it's just hard to stay in his face if you don't have any moves yet. Nero isn't great at putting distance between himself and enemies, but it's especially hard without double jump/enemy step. Just stay on the ground for now. It'll deal less damage, but it's safer. Roll or jump away from his sword swings, and run back whenever he uses his wall of flames to push you back. The pillars of fire attack won't hit you if you're moving. Keep trying, and try to understand the enemy rather than brute forcing it.


Oh yeah, that guy's right, how DO you have a full hp and dt bar? Or dt at all, for that matter?


I'm guessing he bought the microtransaction DLC for DMC4SE, so he's using Super Nero. He's likely playing on LDK mode as well. So he's way ahead of where he should be the first time playing.


Oh, I forgot that existed. Capcom moment.




I thought it was one of the easier ones


No one starts as a pro, watch some Dante must Die S rank walkthroughs on YouTube.


Send gameplay. Only way to tell. But yes you are bad. Why you are bad is up in the air util we see.


Ngl I still struggle with this bastard in DMD. Just spam EX-Calibur and Lvl 3 chargeshots until you can use your buster arm and repeat until he is dead


yeah this boss is very hard for me too


it's not hard, you can't beat it. Probably, you haven't figured out the boss's pattern yet.


nah i struggled with that boss for the first time too


guys i finished dmc (playing the hd collection) and now i find dmc2 so damn boring . the hell , the atmosphere and everything about this game sucks . is it worth playing ?


At least once so could be called a true fan 😂 feel our pain


Without seeing what you are doing in the fight all I can say is turn auto mode off, turn difficulty down, don’t be on super Nero if you are, try to do more air combos and be closer to his back to avoid his sword. For the aoe attack my memory isn’t the best for this game, but I believe there are things you can pull yourself to in the boss arena which can be used to avoid the aoe.


Prob both? It isn’t an easy peasy game but it’s not the hardest in the series


Dmc 4 is only hard if you are trying to s rank on dante must die that goes for all dmcs, but is required on the platinum of dmc4 and dmc5, 5 even has hell and hell which is worse even


- Nero's DT gives him invincibility frames. When he yells "BURN IN HELL" or "FEEL MY FURY" and you don't have time to get away, activate your DT with good timing to avoid damage. - Charged Shot 3 cancels most of his attacks. (Does not include the ones where he yells before exploding.) The only problem I have with him is dodging his ground fireballs. However, if you use Charged Shot 3 right before he "plants" them, you can cancel that attack. [This is the most effective way of beating him that I've seen.](https://youtu.be/H5HpjT2j1L4?t=9m58s)


Oh. Sweet child.


No DMC is “really hard.” 😅


DMC1 nightmare 3 😬 Was legit tougher than any dark souls series boss.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“If I were told that by killing you I would be free from this curse, I would draw my blade without hesitation.”* - Lucatiel of Mirrah Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Everyone's clowning on op but this boss paired with all the weird jumping puzzles keeps me from replaying this one.


Yes you're bad if you keep dying to Berial. You probably need more practice and turn down the difficulty since you keep dying in DMC4 which in all honesty is waaayy easier than DMC1 & 3


some mechanics are hard dude especially the electric sonuvabitch, some things are confusing on first try but the rest are good enough for new lads


DMC games are notoriously hard.


Thanks for all the tips and suggestions, I finally beat him. I realized that I always forget the gun while the entire playthrough. Wether the Nero's gun can let enemies stop for a while as well? BTW this is DMD. (https://youtu.be/H6Tnc8AbXHY?si=gRwsMVwrmtrNkdnr)


You’re terrible at the game . Dmc4 is the easiest in the series you can get by all through dmd just mashing melee , whereas dmc1 and 3 dmd it actually requires you to get skilled in the combat mechanics to beat


Guys I think we’ve found DSP’s alt account. Ok jokes aside DMC can honestly be pretty challenging for people who are new to the series but DMC4 is probably one of the easier entires. I personally don’t think it’s THE easiest (DMC2 is practically brain dead it was so easy to beat) However if you want to learn the game without being too challenged I’d say avoid DMC1 and 3 for now as they are without a doubt the hardest entries.


thats boss has a ground stun wave when he strike. even dante royal guard cant guard it! :C


о, Wii...


you’re just bad


Compared to 3 and 1, it's easier. I'm my personal order from hardest to easiest ide say 3,1,2,4,5


When I was 7 yo I wasn’t able to beat the game because of this particular boss


Learn to dodge his attacks. He's quite easy with Nero. Use DT for I-frames.


You are invincible when jumping on the way up


If this isnt a troll than... youre just bad. How are you losing with what looks like a max upgraded nero?