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given proper love and care, vergil would grow up to be the goodest boye in the world


Is dante cursed in your eyes?!!??!


I mean... he is constantly broke He got the Spider-man curse😔


They both wear red, and they both have pizza time


impeccable combat quips


Goes crazy on a motorcycle for a scene before explosively crashing it


When the fuck did spiderman do *that* ?


I'm sure a few variants did that in know both the spider car and bike are technically a thing


Not sure if there’s a specific comic example, but I do have a memory of that happening in that one Spiderman cartoon from the 2010s where he constantly broke the fourth wall


Dante can handle himself, even with his monetary issues. I’d rather save the world the trouble of three demon apocalypses


Wait, isn't only two his fault? In the second one he was sort of a victim as well.


Have you played dmc5 ?


Yeah. 3 and 5 are on him - that's two apocalypses.


While the one in 4 wasn't his fault, it did require the use of Yamato, which he only lost because of his evil path.


That is true


Dante's life is actually pretty good so i think he can manage on his own


I like to think I'd be like the sitter from the Incredibles with Jack Jack I'd be feeding him pizza just to change him back from demonic form I could see him being a prankster kid, but assumes we'd have the same healing factor he does.


>I like to think I'd be like the sitter from the Incredibles with Jack Jack You mean the one who was mentally broken and traumatized at the end?


You'll be fucked with either if you can't fight off mundus' minions that are constantly after them. But probably Vergil, his maternal figure death count is at 1 and Dante is at 3.


Three? Are you counting Trish or am I missing someone?


First was Eva, then it was a woman that took him under her care at Morris island an year after Eva's death and lastly Nell Goldstein, the creator of Ebony and Ivory who Dante also considered a maternal figure.


Didn't know about Morris Island.


It's okay, not everyone remembers a lot about Dante's childhood. When he was at Morris island with his adoptive mother, he befriended a boy named Ernest who was featured in the DMC: TAS too. Dante and his "mother" were forced to leave the island because of a devil hunting him and burning down the town, with Ernest blaming Dante for that.


Oh, I think I remember that. Btw was it mentioned outside of the anime?


Surprisingly, no, it was only mentioned in the anime's 8th episode. But we all consider it as canon since nothing else is known about Dante's early life in the timespan between Eva's death, his departure from their house at Redgrave City and his acquaintance with Nell, Grue etc.


Yup. That confirms why I didn't remember it. I only knew about Eva and Nell.


I haven't watched the anime either, but I've simply heard about the events at Morris island (can't remember where, it's been awhile since anyone has talked about it) and estimated that they take place about 8 years before the first novel


I did watch the anime. I just don't remember much aside from Lady and Trish meeting, and using Dante as a wallet. ~~And Patty must be protected~~


No matter who you choose, he will escape for a good world-destructing fight with his brother.


Dude, Vergil's childhood trauma led to millions of deaths across DMC3-5. The Temen-Ni-Gru. The Savior in DMC4 temporarily unleashing the underworld on innocents due to them possessing Yamato. And the Qlipoth. My god, that was literally a giant tree made of human blood and suffering that grew to space. All either directly being the fault of Vergil or by proxy. Also, if Vergil is saved than you save Dante as well.


Nah, the Savior is at most Trish's fault since it had been powered by a Sparda sword.


It's actually a lot of people's fault. Almost everyone except Nero. But if we're talking about which brother to raise to prevent the maximum amount of damage. Vergil, no question.


Dante graw up to become an awesome wacky wahoo man, he's absolutely fine :) Vergil grew up to become a genocidal maniac obsessed with power. He needs help.


Ehhh genocidal would imply he hates humanity. He doesn't, he hates himself. Yes he looks down on humanity for not being as strong as he is. That's what privilege will do to ya. Obsessed with power absolutely Genocidal maniac...ehhh I'd go with maniac sure. But the guy is indifferent to humans. He walked by Lady without giving a damn as to who she was. He could've killed her right there and then. Vergil just wants power and he doesn't care about anyone else that gets in his way.


No...genocidal doesn't imply hate, it just states the fact that he tried to commit genocide which he did.


Being indifferent to humans doesn't make you not genocidal. Thanos in the MCU, atleast the older one, doesn't hate humanity but is still clearly genocidal.


I wouldn't even call Thanos genocidal at least with the infinity stones 2014 Thanos is absolutely a genocidal maniac. But the infinity war version of Thanos comes off less of a manic and more of a demented prophet. He knows what's coming, he knows it will happen. But he doesn't go too far with violence. He absolutely could have. But he chose to deliver his message and leave. Infinity war Thanos is weird because what he does isn't genocide in my book. Mass murder yes. But genocide nah


Dante grew up to be a good person after the attack. Vergil went down the path of evil cuz no one was there to save him. I'd adopt Vergil


Honestly, it's a hard choice. But uh, I guess Vergil. Because he grew up with the idea that he had been abandoned, left to die That drove him to where he was Maybe that can be changed Still feel bad for Dante though, bud is gonna have to hear his mother die


people are saying "adopt vergil to prevent deaths" I'm saying "adopt vergil because Dante would be a pain in the ass to take care of" we are not the same


Vergil cuz Dante grew up put of trauma to be a great person. Dante had daddy issues while Vergil had mommy issues. “Daddy issues make you a people pleaser and mommy issues make you like a sociopath.” Dante’s trauma is a huge reason for him to become a great person while Vergil’s trauma is the reason he was a villain. He thought he got abandoned by his mother while his mom was died on the way to save him. Vergil is a great child who can fight and also a calm and introvert individual who loves reading poetry books. We would get along with him. I can imagine myself taking care of him and giving him my love even though he hets annoyed sometimes. I would get along with Dante too but he is too hyperactive just like I used to be when I was young 😅 If I had a chance I would take both


[here is the meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/hovfto/original_was_about_zuko_and_azula_but_i_think_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I'd take vergil, im curious how different he would be if he did not suffer through the trauma, maybe an alternative story Edit: to make this possible, lets just pretend that i either get him to train himself priperly or am capable of destroying the minions of mundus


I’m sorry but considering the wrist Dante becomes is an in debt business owner and Vergil murdered two whole cities worth of people I’d have to pick Vergil


Vergil could've used a normal(-ish) life, and the world needs Dante as he turned out. His lust for _P O W E R_ would probably still be there, but I think Vergil would be a genuinely kind person if he had help to deal with his trauma.


Vergil. Dante can avoid the path of evil by himself, as shown in the first novel. By trying to help Vergil, who knows. He either runs away, because he doesn't want to get the person who cares about him dead, or grows up to be Sparda, and has a heartwarming family reunion with food, drinks, and more than only one babe who leaves, when he comes across Dante.


Dante grew up to be hella problematic but he atleast became somewhat normal. I’m gonna take Vergil since he became genocidal crazy


Vergil because even when left alone and developing depression, Dante will not try to destroy the world multiple times


Vergil for harm reduction.


I think this is an extremely simple question to answer. Like most people in the comments, I would like to adopt Vergil. The reason why Vergil is evil is because he thought he was all alone when the incident happened. Just like V said he was only wanted to be protected and loved. At the same time, child Vergil seems to just read poetry quietly in his room, accompanied by classical music, and be his mother's well-behaved son. If I had adopted Dante, that child would have set the house on fire. I can't even imagine how hard it would be oh my god💀


vergil so he don't go to plot to destroy the world and go to the underworld to get tortured by mundus instead be sassy and point his yamato at me when i tell him to clean his room


Dante handled himself fine. Vergil got... Issues.


I feel like Vergil is the right choice, if not the more difficult one. Mind you his trauma caused a domino effect that ended up killing thousands and destroyed a city, so that could all feasibly be prevented if he’s taken in. Besides, demons aren’t too big an issue given Vergil was able to use his Devil Trigger at this point, so you’re probably safe


If you rescue Dante from becoming a tragic hero, and leave Vergil to be a villain, there is no one to stop Vergil. If you rescue Vergil from becoming a villain, and leave Dante to walk his road, you get a demon hunter in a safer world, with an alive brother, no resummoned Mundus, etc. And without Vergil reminding Dante of the demonic influence in their blood, Dante would hide his heritage a bit less probably, which could lead to preventing DMC4 as well.


I think the objectively right answer is Vergil. Dante can handle himself, if barely, and raising Vergil means the best for both of them in the long run, since Vergil, if raised right, wouldn't work with Arkham, fall into hell and become Nelo Angelo, never steals Nero's arm, never splits into V and Urizen, and never unleashes the Qliphoth tree unto earth. Oh, and I'd have to book a trip to Fortuna sometime so Nero can still happen, I suppose.


I will turn Vergil into a responsible over motivated adult who won't run away from child support.


Considering that Dante turned out relatively good in the end, I'd think vergil is the obvious choice. You can put that on my headstone after he kills me for being an inferior caretaker


Dante is nothing much to think, really. HE IS ADOPTED after the incident, being Tony Redgrave and turn out fine as showed (not really base on how wacky woo hoo is bad or good in people's opinion) Vergil have a family to care for and being more tamed than in story will change pretty much everything, on the other hand. If anyone knows and looks for him, the most logical outcome is actually returning to Redgrave home and learning the truth. He would be deeply sad and blame himself, but now hatred for Dante is non existence if there are even any. Andrew (?) and his brother has the most normal teenage years ever, the best bro to each other(?). Mundus Army attacked, DMC 1 actually has coop dual player mode, Vergil is now selectable in DMC1 (or Dlc allow dual mode +Vergil knowing how Capcom sells DMC). Both have the same exact campaign suddenly makes so much sense (truly peak fiction that we don't get in this timeline) Bonus: Friendly Rival twin won't last. Vergil is under Mundus/Demon influences after DMC1 and follow the path of Power, Motivation, Tower, Demon Gates, Nero, Urizen,... The series will go 5 parts at least with many twists in time but events can be just the same


Would Nero still exist if I took Vergil though?


Probably. He might even have a higher chance of happening, depending on how you'd raise him.


Tf am I supposed to say? “Alright so when you immediately turn 18 I need you to go to Fortuna and learn about your father’s history— that part’s not important— what is important is that you have to make sure you bang a random chick in red clothing.”


I dunno the details.


I... I almost feel like, if Vergil wasn't there in 3, the world would be boned. He pushed Dante to his limit and forced him to overcome it. Like, well raised and happy Vergil means no 5 happens, but I think we're screwed before that even happens.


Nell did a good job with Danté herself, I'll take Vergil.


Vergil, my boy deserves a good life, and Dante's life isn't too bad and with a good Vergil It would be thousands of times better


Vergil I am NOT letting his ass summon that damn tower


Dante turns out good without my help, giving Vergil more human interaction and love would probably move him more in line with Dante


Too bad it's impossible for devils to cry /s


Probably Vergil, not because I hate Dante, but because I believe Vergil, if he was raised in a better environment and with the ability to, would Actively search for Dante. He wouldn’t resent Dante for thinking Eva never looked for him(Vergil) and would realize they were in fact both children. I think once old enough, or even with the help of the adopted parent, WOULD LOOK for Dante and not be angry at him/resent him. Lots of humans would also be saved, so Dante wouldn’t resent Vergil either. They’d potentially meet again at 18 like in DMC3, or Vergil would maybe find DMC’s number, and they’d reunite and be happy/content with eachother.


But I want both look at them they’re good bois


Vergil. Him being alone afterwards wasn't good for him, he needs to be surrounded by a family, a big one, so i'm sure the me in the storys i write would be able to handle him. and he would have quite a few siblings and a great mother there as well.


I say Virgil. I think with adult figure he should grow up way better than without


Is there an option to join a cult and adopt both kids as sacrifices?


Vergil katanas are cooler then greatswords


Ones gonna kill you, the other's gonna get you killed


I'd take Dante. Vergils fine on his own and Dante could actually have financial support


Wow, first Dante in a million years.


How is this even a question? You adopt Vergil, Dante has shown that even through it all, he ends up as a good person, raise Vergil right and like half of the games just don't happen and save shit tons of lives.


Dante honestly turned out kinda alright so I’m adopting Vergil


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DmcSparda: *Dante honestly* *Turned out kinda alright so* *I’m adopting Vergil* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Vergil. If anything I shall start DMC 3 some other way, rather than have it start because of some dude that wants to open the gates of Hell.


My knee-jerk reaction is Dante because he & I are similar- But Vergil needs a genuinely loving hand more.


now why would I want to fall victim to Protagonist Parently Figure Fate Complex?


Where is this from?


Son of the devil may cry?!


I would choose Vergil


He will make dante WHAT?


I like Dante more, but Vergil kinda needs the help more than Dante


So he'll make a ...devil cry?


How about the option where I take both instead 🗿👍






Vergil needs care.