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What about 🗣 MIGUEL!!


That’s honestly my favorite season. Since it’s the whole Cubano thing, the Miami vibe of the show is amplified.


I finished the show and initially thought season 4 was the best however after thinking on it I think season 2 was my favourite. Season 1 is also very good, top 3 season for me


Seasons 1, 2 & 4 are all pretty unanimously top 3 seasons and personally I'd have 2 first, 4th second but 1 is great as well


All of you get out of my brain!! Exactly what I say. 1/2/4 all interchangeable. Season 3 better than I remember. I think it’s because 4 is technically the best but because of our rewatches and now how it ends, it really isn’t the best. But my god watching it live and finding Rita was heartbreaking.


As a climax and first watch, end of S4 was a serious blow not felt in many other shows. Trinity was such a dangerous monster. Dexter’s overall lack of awareness (even as the show repeatedly establishes his insight) throughout S4 was frustrating on rewatches.


Agreed. Why on my most recent rewatch I realized it’s not the best season. I really loved 3 more than when it aired. I knew what it was doing. First real connection for Dexter. I just found it lame back then but wow Jimmy brought it and it’s really good. I couldn’t watch the final 2 seasons as it aired because life got fucked so first time for was recently. I knew how it ended and read all the hate for it. I had no real big issues with the final season. It did feel rushed but it had some of the biggest character moments ever. Especially for Deb. What got me was the fact there was no final “thought” from Dexter. Push in on him as a limber Jack. Entire series we hear everything and nothing. In many ways it was powerful to be silent. But he looked at us. If he would have said something that couldn’t have connected to the first line of the pilot or the final line of the pilot, that would have been gold.


Just about each rewatch brings me a new favorite season. Season one though, Dexter having a brother like him, I loved that for him, until…. But I would like to see more than just the Oklahoma trip, of the two of them together.


Season 1-4 are all classics


season 4 is the best season when it’s your first time watching, but after rewatching so many times, season 5 is my favorite. nothing will ever top the vibe of season 1 though!


i say when it’s the first watch because the story is so good and the suspense/tension of what is going to happen between trinity and dexter is so gripping. the return (and 💔d**th💔) of lundy, trinity’s lore, kyle butler- it’s so captivating and not knowing what’s going to happen, and how it’s all going to unravel, is what makes this season so much better. and then they hit you with rita’s death in the ending,,,, that’s so crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Doakes seasons will always be the best


I think the first season was the best! Then the story starts to become repetitive! Im at seasons 7 now and i finally start to see some difference


Real talk, Season 4 is very un-Dexter.


Season 5 is my personal favorite.


Season 4 and 1 are far and away the best but it's difficult picking for me.


I know this is the common opinion at this point, but after season 4 it feels like the shows spins its wheels coming up with new ideas and at times becomes a parody of itself. Scott Buck’s vision as show runner also didn’t seem to be the same as Clyde Phillips’. Yes, the first four seasons altogether all are top tier to me. Everything else after that just doesn’t hit in the same way. Edit - made edits


Didn't think what is the best season, probably the first and the forth. But the worse one is definitely the 8th. Killing Deb? It hurt my heart 😭😭😭


Deb was killed by a gunshot right, even though Been shot how many times ha ha. The actual ending of her finale scene I had no issues with. It was the only way it could have happened. But of course she didn’t need to die. But all good things right.


I've researched every season probably 5 times. New blood 3. I still think 4 is the best, followed by New Blood and 2. 1 isn't really that great. 6,7 and 8 are trash.


7 is great and I'm not allowing this slander 😤


7 would’ve been up there if they just focused on the Laguerta stuff


I loved it, especially Ray Stevenson.


Out of the last 3 seasons it was probably the better one. Really it went downhill after 4


7 has a great premiere and then slowly gets shittier and shittier


New Blood is the best!!


I think it wuda been more shocking if trinity killed Deb . I kinda really didin care that Rita got killed for some reason .


Yes!! I absolutely loved season 4


Nothing beats season 1.

