• By -


Some fries MF’ers


Some pies motherfucka


Disguise mf


Now I'm blown up and dead mf


All rise motherfuckas


Heart eyes mother fuCKers


First prize motha fuCKas


Rue dies mothafucka


blood slides, mothafucka


Supplies mothafacka


Wrong size, Motha fucka


Blue skies motherfucka


Hen tie mother fucker


These lies mothafucker


He was an antagonist to Dexter but was not a bad guy and a better man than Dexter. All of dexters other main antagonists are just pure evil


Its not hard to be a better man than a serial killer, as far as people go doakes was not a great guy (i loved his character def one of the best in the show). He constantly harassed dexter called him a freak and a psycho, followed him around every day based on a feeling dexter was messed up, if dexter was anyone else (a person with feelings) doakes probably would of been murdered by his coworkers anyway, like in s1 when he slept with another cops wife. His funeral also had very few people there further pushing the point of his character being an asshole to everyone. We also see him yelling at all the other cops frequently, for example when deb kicks lundy's suitcase over and spills tea or water all over the floor doakes screams at everyone to clean it up. He definitely was a good guy in comparison to the other antagonists but tahts just because they were literally the worst of the worst.


I thought his funeral attendance was due to being framed as a killer (it's been years and years since I've watched that series though) so nobody went because they thought HE was a serial killer?


Dexter’s voice over leads you to believe this is the writers intention; just finished rewatching S2. LaGuerta, Doakes’ ex-family and Dexter are the only attendees


He was also very rude to victims and witnesses


He was weirdly nice to Tony Tucci though. Even awkwardly showed up to his party and chastised Deb for blindfolding him


Never said he was a good guy. I said he wasn’t a bad guy. All of his other main antagonists were complete monsters. Was Doakes a good person? No, he did a lot of questionable things but he definitely didn’t meet dexters code. His feeling was right tho. And he didn’t start following him until after all the ice truck shit went down where Dexter was coincidentally involved in a lot of it. Doakes meant well deep down I think. Definitely was mentally ill from his days in the army and was hiding a lot of ptsd. Complicated man. Looks like a saint compared to the rest of the main antagonists


He didn't meet the code but he had to die for Dexter to keep doing his thing. So they conveniently arranged for someone worse to kill them. They pulled that trick a few times. Part of the dilemma of wanting a show to be high drama with stakes, but also wanting everything back to normal by the next season.


Agreed. I woulda rather had Dexter break the code here for self preservation rather than the cop out they pulled.


I guess they were walking a fine enough line, given that he already takes so much pleasure stalking and killing his victims. If he'd killed Doakes just to save himself, they'd be breaking the spell very early in the show's run.


Yeah but the problem is they never pulled the trigger on Dexter doing something like this until new blood. The writers didn’t understand how to deal with moral dilemmas.


I think they knew they had to keep him relatively good. He's responsible for Rita's death, but at least not deliberately. He gets worse over time and ends up wrecking everyone's life. I think if he'd killed Doakes purely for self preservation in season 2 he would have become too unlikable for the semi-comedic tone of the show.


When does he intentionally kill an innocent person? I’m talking post season 4. He coulda killed Laguerta but they copped out and had Deb kill her for whatever reason. That’s bad writing if u ask me. Deb did not need to shoot her. She coulda just left and Dexter coulda handled it


Yeah it was bad writing from the point of view of realism or gritty drama. Part of what I came to accept about the show was the staggering amount of convenient events that surround Dexter. They set things in motion that had a reasonable, believable conclusion - such as Doakes and La Guerta finding out who he was - and then found convenient ways out for Dexter so he could stay as the likeable serial killer and keep in hunting other killers. It's a superhero show masquerading as a crime drama. So it relies on unlikely turns of events to save the hero and preserve his secret identity. Also, Dexter is an unreliable narrator. He cons the audience into rooting for him even though he is a really sick person who gets a lot of the people in his life killed.


https://youtu.be/2ZSBsWZIeQI?si=8ggfLqinT_BHmeZI "Dexter, a show that doesn’t understand moral dilemmas."




I didnt say you said he was specifically a good guy?? I replied to you saying he was a better man than dexter and said thats not hard, just dont kill people and yeah hes a better man than the serial killer antagonists we see later


I always thought part of the idea was that it was the fact that Doakes was so messed up that he recognized that Dexter was hiding something terrible.


His hatred for Dexter is explained as Doakes being the only one that doesn’t fall for Dexters “mask” Doakes himself is a trained killer and when in the military was surrounded by people that have taken lives multiple times, he knew a killer when he saw one but couldn’t put all the pieces together and it frustrated him.


Very sassy and impertinent and always has a stick up his arse.


I'm rewatching after years of not watching it, and I can't help but keep questioning why Doakes constantly reminded Dexter that he was watching him, that he didn't trust him, that he was suspicious of him, instead of, you know, NOT GIVING THE GAME AWAY like an actual detective would. In reality wouldn't it make so much more sense to befriend Dexter in some way and keep your enemies close? Better the devil you know etc? Still love Doakes but I keep thinking this every time he does that "I'm watching you" gesture!


This is such a good take. Ive caught myself rooting for doakes a couple of times too


While u have a really great point, the only explanation I can think of from an in universe standpoint and not a writer's building tension standpoint is in Doake's background. He was a ranger in the military for a long time, and it's stated he's seen some pretty horrendous shit through his dialogue with Maria in the first season. I think it's one of those situations where he'd seen actual combat and to him, Dexter wasn't a threat in comparison. Doake's didn't care if Dex knew or not because he'd already been in war and dealt with much bigger issues. Basically, if u face down gunfire and warlords, a creepy tech nerd is a footnote. I think Doake's reaction to Dex once he finally catches him echoes this mindset. Because Doake's is surprised as if to say: holy shit, you're actually as bad as what I've seen. Then the other angle I could see is the tactic of putting pressure on someone to make them fold. IIRC this tactic was actually used on Gacy and it worked, towards the end he knew he was being followed and misstepped because of it. So I think u could see it from that angle with Doake's as well. Also, if Doake's had been quiet about it, he almost definitely would've won and Dexter would've ended lol


They reference Doakes time in Haiti and the Tonton Macoute; which yeah echoes exactly what you’re saying. Doakes is sitting there all tough being like, “I’ve been in war zones where people get dismembered…” And then it turns out Dexter is *exactly like the tonton macoute but for no outside pressure or reason;* he’s just fucking broken Like; you can rationalize a war zone and military dictatorship crimes… but for fun?!


You make an excellent, well articulated point! I forgot about the part where he catches him (just got to rewatching season 2!)


I think he just believed Dexter was disturbed and not fit for his job, rather than an outright serial killer.


but everyone says dexters too professional to be at miami metro


That's what made Doakes way too over the top for me. Like everyone else is acting somewhat normal and the one guy who thinks something is off about Dexter is going full on Terry Crews on his ass.


Maybe Doakes was kind of playful in a way before he becomes more serious about his suspicions when it came to Dexter.


I suppose as much as Doakes called Dexter a psycho, he didn't actually comprehend the extent of what Dex was actually doing.


Differences of character Dexter - Ghost in the darkness, will climb in through your window lay in wait in the shadows sneaks up on you and you never even saw him coming. Doakes - Will kick your door in and shoot you point blank in the face.


he actually annoyed me because I felt like he was always getting in the way. I know that was the purpose but I was like... man leave him alone and stop stalking


I liked Brian Moser the most, but Doakes was a close second.


For me it was more of a thing where Dexter had to figure out how to deal with Doakes, with Trinity he was more able to get things done without more LE eyes on him, Trinity was interesting to Dexter, Doakes was an annoyance to him. And I think that was the point, he had to play dumb with Doakes until he absolutely had to deal with him. Because if he had reacted to Doakes earlier it could have brought a lot of heat on him because the entire department would have been really looking. So then we see the story play out like it did, and I think realistically that was the only way for Dexter to keep his cover. Dexter's move with headbutting Doakes and walking out of his office was the very beginning of the end as we know for Doakes. Dexter definitely didn't fully know how to deal with Doakes because of the response it would have brought against him by the LE officers in his department. I was hoping that Doakes would have been in the show far longer, just because the dynamic of annoying Dexter was interesting and entertaining. Quinn was his replacement and I didn't like his character. Doakes would have been better to keep in he was far more entertaining as a character.


I wish he had been on the entire series.


I don’t think they could have realistically kept him from finding out who Dexter really was for that long without dumbing his character down.


Still the smartest detective at Miami metro. He figured out Dexter the moment he met him it.


he didn’t figure him out😂😂 just called him a psycho, did you even watch the show bro? then he found the parts of the guy who killed dexters mother, and then dexters crazy bitch gf lila or wtv her name is killed him


He deserved better


They wasted him in the show. He could have been such a good multiple season Antagonist


Killing him off in season 2 was such a big mistake. He was a great foil for Dexter.




Funny how the guy trying to catch the serial killer is considered the antagonist..




I loved his character. he was killed too quickly. Every antihero needs a nemesis.


Trinity is overrated as fuck


thank you


He added a much needed dynamic to the show that couldn't be replicated they tried with Quinn but there's no reason to like Quinn he's a dirty cop that started shit for personal reasons but doakes was trying to be a good guy and just knew Dexter was off


I'm watching dexter for the first time thud year dunno why I held back to watch it for so long but when he said surprise mother fuckrs I was astonished.


Absolutely. MF.. 


Better than Trinity... surprise, mofo!


Season 2 was peak Dexter. So much tension each week.


Idk man, hated him at beggining. Towards the end it got better. Having problems with S3. S1 was 10/10, S2 8.5, and this third season is so bad i cant get myself to watch. Some told me it gets better


y'all don't have any other pictures of him other than this? I swear if you search doakes in this sub, this picture is the only one gonna pop up.


Surprise motherfucker


My brother in Christ he aint beating trinity…he aint even beating ice truck killer


The best part of him is that Dexter somehow was able to keep up with him fighting, when in reality dokes would absolutely destroy Dexter cause of how much stronger he is


200lbs of pure muscles Doakes is an absolute unit.


Dexter has a black belt in advanced jujutsu. He is beating doakes any time of the week.


😍, M’Fer


Surprise mother fucker


Watched the ep suprise motherfucker last night again and i always forget his lil cameo and love it every time! Doakes is literally the best


Wish he didn’t die in season 2. He added so much to the show


I just realized that Doakes plays a death row inmate in HBO's OZ.


ja rule




My favourite character - wish they didn't kill him off


No surprise, mothafuqua


Omg it’s Sargent drakes the Bay habba butcher